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Posts posted by Kityuisa

  1. Kityuisa heard the ding that she heard quite often, her eyes glancing down at the message. She looked back at Zak, "Fuyu here says that if there's anything you would like her to help you with, that she'd be happy to help and will do her best!" Kityuisa smiled, as Zak explained the quest to the girl after that. Kityuisa nodded her head, "Now that we know what we have to do, let's go ahead and head on out." She was oblivious to the person that Krysta had heard, due to the fact that she had been so focused on speaking with Zak for Fuyuno. Once Krysta mentioned it, her eyes scanned the area surrounding them. Her eyes narrowing as she looked. Krysta gave an item to Fuyuno and Kityuisa walked forward. She figured that Krysta was imagining things, Who would even want to spy on us. We are nobody important. She rolled her eyes, she wouldn't be cautious. They were in the city anyways.. Besides, if someone was hiding they would reveal themselves eventually. There was no need to look.



    ID: 121885
    LD: 2


  2. Kityuisa smiled roughly at Kirbs before leading the way through the canyon. Two more days and they would reach their destination. Kityuisa picked up Willow after packing up all of her stuff into her inventory once again. Kityuisa continued to pet her cat as Willow glanced at Scarfy, "Night watch was peaceful. I went for a walk while keeping you guys in eyesight. I'm not tired at all." Willow licked her paw, drawing it over her ears before adjusting her position in Kityuisa's arms. Kityuisa let out a sigh, they still had a long ways to walk. Not that it bothered her.. After they fought the beast, she could discuss with Kirbs what she had been meaning to tell her. Should I tell her my thoughts on the man as well? Kityuisa wasn't even sure how Kirbs was going to react. Would they remain friends? Would she lose her? Kirbs was already not wanting to be around Kityuisa...

  3. Kityuisa blinked with surprise as Bahr morphed until she couldn't tell where he was. She felt her arm snagged by Bahr, "I think I can see the problem here.." She was pulled a little ways away from the knight, unable to see Bahr until his disguise was lifted. His body now close to hers. He began to direct her arm that held the dagger, showing her a way to fight with it that she hadn't used before. Listening to what he said was second-nature to someone like Kityuisa despite the distraction of his breath close on her ear. A small shade of tomato spreading across her cheeks as she realized how close he was. Anyone would think that we were a couple! Now I can see why that NPC lady said what she said.. She nodded her head, trying to get the thought of the NPC lady out of her mind, But I like someone else.. If I didn't would I have feelings for Bahr? Kityuisa glanced back at Bahr, her thoughts unreadable as she spoke, "I think I got it this time!" She determinedly faced the knight. She dashed forward, doing the exact move that Bahr had just showed her. As the knight went up to block her attack, she feigned, instead going at it a different way. She landed a considerable amount of good slashes on the knight and watched as he burst into pixels. She jumped up with glee, turning back to face Bahr, "I did it! Are you proud?!"


    Roll ID: 121736
    BD: 7 + 3 = 10



    ♥ [0] Bahr: 540/540 HP | 47/54 EN | 14 DMG | 41 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA
    ♥ [0] Kityuisa: 388/400 HP | 38/40 EN | 8 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA


    Iron Knight 2: Dead
    Kityuisa attacks Knight, killing the knight.


  4. Spoiler

    Name: Churro of Luck
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 LD
    Description: A delicious churro made with the inscription of pure luck. Just like how pure sugar was, it would fill the user with luck!
    Post Link: [Leave Blank]

    Kityuisa walked on into the cooking shop, she felt like she was betraying Hikoru, buying food from another stand.. But to be fair, Hikoru hadn't even set up his shop yet! Kityuisa rolled her eyes, I ought to really help him with that eh? Non-the-less, Kityuisa stood in front of Oscar now, Tanine Willowflame letting out a cute meow as a greeting. "I'd like this to be crafted for me. Thanks~ I'll pick it up when it's done!" She placed her order, before scooping up Willow and exiting the stand. Despite the fact it was a hot dog stand, she wanted a churro.


    -400 Col
    -5 T1 Materials

  5. Kityuisa felt her mouth grow wide open, the shine returning to her eyes as her alter-emotional state left her entire body. Mac had cut the fish... in half?! Kityuisa closed her mouth, not wanting to catch flies, "That was awesome!" She let out a small squeal of excitement, "Good job Mac!" She sheathed her dagger then ran forward, and hugged the man out of impulse. Realizing what she had done she took a quick step backwards, "Whoops.. S-sorry." She chuckled, rubbing the nape of her neck. "Still, good job! I've never seen anything like that before!" Kityuisa grinned, "Wanna kill some monsters now? We could beat their butts and get some nice col." She made a punching mime, to show off her excitement. "That thing was a piece of cake. Glad you were around to help." Kityuisa clapped her hands together, excited. She wanted to beat up some more monsters,  get some col and hold her party! And Mac was definitely good company for her.

  6. Kityuisa grinned, "Thanks, Sol. Means a lot to hear you say that. I actually have a lot planned out. He's a cook so i'm going to give him some materials for his cooking, and I have another gift for him! I mean, I just want to give him something.. To show my appreciation for his kindness towards me in the past.." Kityuisa began gushing about her ideas, "Ahh screw it, i'll just show you!" Kityuisa opened her inventory, tapping on the small icon of the gift she was going to give Hikoru. "It's just a vanity item, but I had it made with the rest of the Star of Joy I got from my Olympus quest... It's made from an actual star, yknow.. That's why it's so starry.. When I did that quest, the Star of Joy made my memory of our first meeting enter my mind. I was so happy that day, so I wanted to give it to him. When he wears it, he's supposed to feel my own joy from the memory we made together.." Kityuisa nodded her head, "One way to get stronger is to train every day, do quests. Get more gear as you level." She put the ring away after showing it to Solei. "So what did you do in the real world?" 


    Item Name: Band of Exultation
    Item Type: Ring, Vanity
    Description: Crafted from the remainder of the "Star of Joy" obtained during the <Challenge of Olympus> quest; Kityuisa had this ring made for Hikoru as a "lucky charm". When worn it fills the user with the joyus emotions of the memory that Kityuisa experienced during the quest after grabbing hold of the star.

    ID: 121713
    LD: 7 + 3 = 10
    +0 T3 Materials

    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    Total: 9 T3 Materials

  7. Kityuisa grinned, "Good! Because I never did like snakes.. The only snake I like is Kirbs' snake-like fox- headed Scarf named Scarfy. He's a really cutie that one! Tanine Willowflame and him are actually really good friends... I think..." Kityuisa pondered for a moment, "Gorillas it is then! Let's gooo!" Kityuisa pumped her fist in the air and followed Alec down the swamp until they entered a more forest area. "I can look from above!" And without giving Alec a chance to reply she quickly jumped up and climbed up the tallest tree in their surrounding area. Once at the top, she glanced down. Alec looked so small, "YOU LOOK SO SMALL!" Kityuisa felt her body grow in a fit of giggles as she continued scanning the forest. There were small gaps in the overhead leaves, although small she saw a flash of silver skin. "I SEE ONE!" Her shout down at Alec seemed to get it's attention and a loud sound emitted from the forest, followed by the pounding of paws. Kityuisa quickly climbed back down, "They are on their way!" Kityuisa grinned, watching as a group of gorillas pounded their way into where Alec and her stood. "You attack first? Then i'll follow pursuit!"

  8. Kityuisa held up her hands, waving them around hastily. "H-How did you know who it was.." She felt her blush creeping up brighter and brighter, until she covered her face with her hands. "I m-mean.. You already know i'm talking about Hiko.." She kicked the floor with her foot, "I don't think he could ever feel the same way about me.." To herself, she looked like a child, he probably only thinks of me as a little sister... especially with a chest as flat as mine.. Kityuisa frowned into her hands, it was so frustrating! She hated this feeling.. Maybe this was why she never wanted to be with anyone in the real world. She always focused on her missions, cutting all emotional ties minus her family. What am I even doing.. Why do I like him? "What do I do Jomei..." She uncovered her face, "What if he just views me as a little sister or something.. I don't want to tell him how I feel and get rejected.. This is why I hate feelings.." She wished she could be as emotionless towards people as the very flowers they were picking in the courtyard. Why can't I just not have emotional ties...

    ID: 121712
    LD: 8 + 3 = 11
    +1 T2 Materials

    ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
    Total: 19 T2 Materials

  9. Kityuisa nodded her head, as he charged at the iron knight. He killed it in one hit, I can do that too! She grinned, and followed Apollo down the path. "So tell me, Apollo. What did you do in the real world?" She watched as another Iron Knight spawned in front of them, she glanced at Apollo, nodding her head. She charged up her dagger, if her calculations were correct. If she did a certain sword skill she could kill it without being too overpowered. Use less energy, and kill it in one hit. Two birds with one stone. Kityuisa activated the sword skill, hoping her calculations were correct. She dashed forwards, her feet moving rapidly. It was fast enough to leave an afterimage. It appeared like there were two Kit's, one running after the other. She began to slash her dagger rapidly, the knight however was blocking each and every attack. By the time Kityuisa finished with her attack and made a little bit of space, she hadn't taken a single hit point from the knight's health away. "Let me attack it again! I'm determined to take this one down! I need this..." The knight then targeted her and she gracefully ducked out of the way, ready to take it down as she got some more space between her and the knight.



    Roll ID: 121711
    BD: 1
    MD: 1



    ♥ [0] Bahr: 540/540 HP | 47/54 EN | 14 DMG | 41 MIT | 3 ACC | 3 EVA
    ♥ [0] Kityuisa: 400/400 HP | 38/40 EN | 8 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA


    Iron Knight 2: 72/72 HP | 120 DMG 
    Kityuisa attacks Knight, he blocks. Knight attacks Kityuisa, she dodges.


  10. Tanine Willowflame nodded her head to the fox-snake. Her gaze now focusing on the terrain of the spot they had decided to take as their camp for the night. Willow would watch for any signs of danger. Willow was definitely more of a night cat than a day cat, but the weird thing was.. For her, she was able to go days without sleep, she could probably spend her entire life without sleep. But.. Something could be said about the pleasure of closing your eyes with the one you cared for, at to her, that very person was Kityuisa.. And little Mitsuko. She had a certain care for the child that Kityuisa had taken on as her own. Is she really an NPCThat thought was the only thought that was kept in Willow's mind.. She doesn't act like one, that's for sure.. Willow kneaded the ground further as she let her mind get lost in her own thoughts, And what of my family? Am I really from a line of cats? My pet seems to think that i'm not just a cat.. Do I really have further potential I could unlock upon leveling up? Willow blinked, I need to go for a walk.. So she did just that, she walked up and down, keeping the sleeping figure of Kityuisa, Kirbs and Scarfy in her sight at all times. The light of the moon lighting her pawsteps. It wasn't long before dawn came up, the sun barely rising in the sky she went to wake the others. She prodded Scarfy with her paw, waking him up from his slumber before letting out a meow to wake up Kirbs. Then she padded over to Kityuisa and purred, rubbing her muzzle on Kityuisa's cheek, letting out a loving meow, she licked her cheek.

    Kityuisa rose, sitting up, "Huh.. It's day already?"

  11. Kityuisa nodded her head, "I pinky promise!" She held out her pinky for Bahr to latch his own pinky to. As childish as it was, she took pinky promises very seriously. She was already feeling better as Bahr hugged her again. She sniffed again, and felt a small smile line her lips as he wiped the last of her tears away, "Thank you.." She would continue to thank him, even after all of this was over. 

    "Let's get out of here and kill us something big." Kityuisa could definitely agree with that statement, "Let's do it!" She trekked alongside Bahr.


    Kityuisa stood in silence, memories of the garden flashing through her mind as soon as the cloaked figure called them a couple. Her expression drew awkward as she shuffled her feet until Bahr and the girl were done exchanging "words". Kityuisa nodded her head and gratefully followed in pursuit. She would let Bahr take the lead, "Let's do it!" Kityuisa realized she had literally said that not that long ago, "I'm ready to kick some monster butt." She scooped up Willow, burying her face in her fur before glancing back up, "You know sometimes.. I get the feeling that Tanine Willowflame isn't just a cat.." Kityuisa spoke from her pure and honest thought, "I swear she's a demon of some kind." Willow let out a meow, flicking her tail in annoyance. "I want to unlock her true potential."

  12. Ike watched from the water as a young girl ran towards him.. A wide grin laced her face. Ike couldn't help but smile back. "Why hello there.. Ah, your name is Fae? My name is Ike. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, queen of the fairies." The figure of the small child was enough to get Ike up and out of the water. He left his body, shirtless, "What do you want to do, Mistress Fae?" He stretched a bit, his neck cracking as he stepped out of the water. His muscular abdomen being right there in the open. Ike grinned, "How old are you if you don't mind my asking?" He glanced back up at the waterfall. It truly was beautiful here that much he was certain of. The light mist that bounced at the bottom of the waterfall landed all over his bare skin. He held out his arms, happy to feel the cold spray. It was a mediocre day in Aincrad. It wasn't too hot, but it was hot enough to relish in the cold springs of the waterfall.

  13. Day 12: +41 Experience

    ID: 121627 CD: 1 + 1 = 1 
    ID: 121628 CD: 7 + 1 = 8 ; LD: 18
    ID: 121629 CD: 1 + 1 = 1
    ID: 121630 CD: 9 + 1 = 10 ; LD: 12
    ID: 121631 CD: 3 + 1 = 4 ; LD: 3
    ID: 121632 CD: 9 + 1 = 10 ; LD: 17


    Successfully Crafted:

    -Two Uncommon Items (Duplicate)
    -Four Rare Items (Two Duplicates)


    I will NOT be submitting for evaluation.


    -6 T1 Materials

  14. "What are the raiders like? I've never fought Gorillas before!" Kityuisa's eyes sparkled with excitement. She was super excited to go hunting, she hadn't gone for quite a while after all. Kityuisa thought for a moment, "Can do! I'm not one to back down easily, but.. I'll use it if I need to." Kityuisa firmly nodded her head, her expression now serious, "I'm not ready to die yet." She opened her inventory to make sure the crystal was still there, a small feeble smile appearing as she saw it, "You'll be okay though?" She was more concerned for Alec than she was for herself. He had already deemed himself a worthy person to call her friend. "I look forward to smacking some monsters up!" She grinned, "So you pick. Raiders or Gorillas!" She was fine with either, Lowkey I want to see how big these Gorillas are though.. But it would be fun to fight some raiders too! Kityuisa was down for both of them, "Just no more snakes >_<" 

  15. The rare white deer.. It was but a mere rumor on the breath of the info brokers. Kityuisa had been trying to track it down for weeks. This was one of her only chances to get the valuable materials for her dear friend, Hikoru. Kityuisa had searched the entirety of floor seven, when at last she had heard a rumor that it was spotted on floor eight.. Apparently, the deer had risen to a higher floor, I never even knew monsters were capable of doing that.. Kityuisa was equipped to the par with her gear. She had her dagger at her side and her black leather armor covering her body. Kityuisa was ready to track down and kill the legendary white deer. Apparently, flowers would rise from the ground as it walked... Kityuisa wanted to see it with her own eyes, which was why she had followed the rumors.


    Kityuisa being on floor eight, she had instantly gone to the village. Friben Village. The rumor of the deer was that it was last spotted in between the white river and the red river. Kityuisa knew exactly where she needed to head to, and was picking up a few light, travel snacks along the way. I have to get the rare S-class meat for Hikoru before our date.. I want to present him with the rare mushrooms and the rare deer meat! Along with the little present I had gotten made the other day.. Kityuisa shook her thoughts away, scanning the area. Players conversed here and there, trading goods and forming parties. The white river below the village of Friben was a very popular hunting spot for the powerful monsters that lurked in the bottom of the river. Appearing as players fished, trekked and simply ate near the edge of the river. Kityuisa was uninterested in such commodities at the moment, her main focus.. Find the deer, kill it, gather up its meat and then fight the monsters in the river if I have time left in the day. With all of her materials gathered she was ready to set out, and even have a nice lunch in the middle of the forest.



  16. Kityuisa chuckled, "Haha! I heard the same thing! Perhaps we should help the lady out? Let's go monster hunting and dungeon fighting!" Kityuisa held up a thumbs up, sheathing her dagger and laughed as Alec bowed, "Rise, my valuable knight." She rested her hand on his shoulder, giving him permission to rise to his feet, then she took the lead to leave the clearing, "We should go somewhere that there's not a giant pool of water for things to hide in." She waved goodbye at the water, "Goodbye my precious water. We shall see each other again soon." She blew the water a kiss, before turning back around. She wrung some left over water from her hair, watching as her skin was already beginning to dry up from her previous swim in the muddy marshy hydrogen dioxide. "What other kinds of monsters do you think we will come across?" She grinned at Alec as she lead the way out of the clearing. Her feet sinking into mud over and over again, the sound of the suctioning mush filling the quiet trees.

  17. Willow nodded her head, "That's understandable.. It's nice to know you, at the very least. You seem more approachable than Kirbs." She flicked her tail, I might even like Scarfy more than Kirbs.. More than Kityuisa.. Though that's a bit hard to beat.. Willow gazed up at the moon before turning her head back to Scarfy, her icy blue eyes blinking once and then twice, "You should get some rest." She nodded her head, "We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and I am keeping watch for the night. You could keep watch tomorrow night." She flicked her tail again, before pawing at the dirt, "You're not so bad." She then acted as if she had never said anything at all about Scarfy being tolerable. I thought he was all salty and sassy all the time, but he does have a nice side to him. Willow wrapped her tail around her hind paws, watching the terrain for any sign of movement.

  18. Kityuisa cuckled, "Yeah, i'm sure they will get better. I actually have a date planned out in a few days, i'm looking forward to it.. Though.. I don't know if he thinks it's a date or not.." Kityuisa furrowed her eyebrows before plucking up another small crystal, "How have your days been? You seem optimistic enough." She smiled cheekily at Solei before continuing to walk deeper and deeper into the cave. The light source from the glowing mushrooms filling her body with joy. I do love this floor.. It's so magical.. Kityuisa had been thinking of where to put her house, I don't think i'd put it on this floor.. Probably get one by the beach or something.. It would be nice to have a beach house.. Kityuisa pressed her fingers to her chin as she let herself get lost into her very own thoughts. All of them somehow being positive.


    ID: 121603
    LD: 10 + 3 = 13
    +1 T3 Materials


    Total: 9 T3 Materials

  19. Tanine Willowflame flicked her tail as she listened to Scarfy. "I see.." She stole a glance at Kirbs, Maybe I have good feelings towards those that are going insane...? Is it because i'm a demon of a cat? Either way Willow was flicking her tail back and forth as she thought. "I wonder why i'm so attracted to the both of them then.. Maybe cause they are so similar.. I tend to like things that are breaking, broken or in the process of loosing it... I suppose I liked to watch people unravel." Does that make me a fiend? Willow glanced up at the night sky, "I'm from floor two, though valuable, i could have easily been found on a higher floor.. I have family up on the higher floors, I just chose to stay in the flower fields.. It's not often you see a black cat, lots of people say it's a symbol of bad luck." Willow glanced at Scarfy, "I take it you're from a floor like the one we are on? Your appearance and strengths suit a floor like this." 

  20. Kityuisa bit her lip, "Well, there was one.. He went by the name of Mars.. He said the frontliners are corrupted.. But so many others say otherwise!" Kityuisa held up her hands, trying to flash her memories of Mars away, "Mars was..." She felt her face grow twisted with pain, "I hate him.." Kityuisa clenched her fists as she thought of the words he had spoken to her during their duel. Such a rude and cruel way to toy with human emotions.. Kityuisa brushed the thoughts away, trying to focus on the present, she watched as Hestia made quick work with the last of the flying monkeys, "Let's see..." She pulled up the quest, "The next part is to defeat two Elite Flying Monkeys..." Kityuisa squinted her eyes, trying to figure out where they would be, "That way!" Kityuisa began to move, "Thanks for helping, by the way.. I don't think I could have done this quest alone.." Kityuisa sent a wide and cheeky grin towards Hestia. She was looking forward to finishing the quest as Hestia's friend.. The more friends, the merrier, as my sister always said! 

  21. Kityuisa felt the tears she had been shedding increase, as she reached out to take Bahr's hand. She sniffled, wiping her other hand across her eyes, trying to stop the overflowing tears, "I'm sorry i'm such a mess.." She watched as he composed her a message. Kityuisa opened it, reading it.. "Apollo Jaxon is your name?" She read his address, already starting to memorize it, along with his contact information. Kityuisa herself typed up her own contact information, leaving out her address, "My real name is.. Yui.... Yui Tsumugi.." Kityuisa felt relieved, now not wishing she had never told him.. Now she was happy that she had... I never thought anyone would stay by my side... F*ck You, Mars.. Kityuisa continued trying to wipe her tears.. "Thank you, if it's alright... At least when we are alone.. Can I call you Apollo?" Kityuisa felt her eyes plead with Bahr, hoping he would say yes. It made her feel all that more connected to him.. 

  22. Kityuisa laughed lightly, "Of course Alec! I've honestly rather enjoyed this quite a lot.. After this is dead, we ought to turn in the quest.. But that doesn't mean our adventure can't end!" Kityuisa held a thumbs up at Alec, "The day is still young, we could do a lot yet, while enjoying each other's company!" Kityuisa watched as the snake slithered up towards Alec, but he blocked it easily and she watched as it slithered back into the brush. Kityuisa scanned, this time knowing for certain she had caught sight of the beast, "Watch this~" She sent a wink in Alec's direction and charged into the bush, slicing her dagger at the eyes of the snake. It let out a cry, and launched itself out of the bush, to go back into hiding in the water. Kityuisa made her way back to Alec, "I found it this time!" Kityuisa grinned, if they kept up what they were doing, the snake would be dead in no time!


    Roll: ID# 121597
    LD: 15
    BD: 5 + 3 = 8

    Party Passive Effects: N/A
    Enemy Passive Effects: DAMAGEABLE NOW!!!
    must roll LD 10+ to h-10 on BD, adds Paralyse or Toxic Venom. On CD, if the dice is 1-6, its Toxic Venom.
    If 7-12, its Paralyze , along with the +1 or +2 Damage from the roll


         ♥[10] Kityuisa | 300/300 HP | 22/30 EN | 8 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
         ♥[22]  Alec | 768/785 HP | 57/68 EN | 11 DMG | 131 MIT | 0 ACC | -1 (SW) EVA | 7 BH | 56 THN | - 25% DoT Stonewall | OOC 40 Healing | LD: +3 | Prosperity: +2 | +10% Mobs / +15% TreasureChests

     Humphrey: 2/5


         ♥   Hebishinu | 40/600 HP | 140 DMG | 100 MIT | 2 ACC

  23. Kityuisa grinned at the praise that Mac gave to Kityuisa after her well-put attack. It added a little bit of shine back into her eyes, but once facing the great king of the lakes once more, that shine left. Even with someone as strong as Mac acting as my shield.. I'm terrified.. Kityuisa closed her eyes for a brief moment, willing her dagger to support her emotions and diminish her fear. Kityuisa reopened her eyes, dashing forward and spinning swiftly at her target. Her dagger slicing more and more wounds into the beast. Kityuisa landed, glancing back at Mac, "Looks like you get to finish it off this time." She backed a little ways away, allowing Mac to finish of the beast. If he missed however, she would be prepared to make her attack to burst the king into pixels. Her dull eyes watched as the beast lunged at Mac, only to miss before retreating a little ways away. It knew it was on low health and it seemed scared.

    ID: 121596
    BD: 6 + 3 = 9
    MD: 6 - 2 = 4


         ♥   [3]Kityuisa | 400/400 HP | 14/40 EN | 9 DMG | 18 MIT | 5 ACC | 1 EVA
         ♥   [8]Macradon | 1637/1645 HP | 156/175 EN | 19 DMG | 35 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA


         ♥  The King of Lakes | 72/1200 HP | 125 DMG | 20 MIT

  24. Kityuisa felt her lip tremble, as Bahr's words stung. "Bahr..." She turned away, I wish I had never said anything... Kityuisa wrapped her arms around her upper torso, across her non-existent chest. "What would you do if someone you looked up to.. Showed you how to become one with the shadows and the kill, punishing you if you failed to meet their expectations? What if after a few months of that going on, you finally meet their expectations.. T-Then they tell you to go on a mission and you listen because you finally met their expectations..." Kityuisa felt a shudder go down her spine, "Bahr... I was told.." She turned back towards him, "If you get caught, you're your own. If you don't do it, you'll be on your own. What would you do..." Kityuisa crouched down onto the floor. "Honestly... I had no where else to go.. I was trained and given the ultimatum to do it and not get caught, or be on your own... In a country that I barely spoke the language of.."  

  25. Kityuisa felt her killer flow through her, her head tilting to the side. A creepy smile dotting her face, unaware of what Mac was saying or what he was doing. She waited a moment before she dashed forward, almost becoming invisible as she moved "faster than the speed of light". Kityuisa leaped off the ground, her speed continuing even whilst in the air. Kityuisa let her dagger slide over and over again into the monster's face, one of his eyes falling out and falling onto the ground, bursting into pixels. Kityuisa finished her attack quickly, pushing her feet off of its face and landing next to Mac. Her head tilting towards him, her crude smile still on her face, "I hit it!" She once again became childish, happy to have hit the beast. "Are you proud of me?" Her gaze fixated on the creature once more, as if she had never spoken to Mac.

    ID: 121572
    BD: 10
    MD: 8 - 2 = 6


         ♥   [2]Kityuisa | 400/400 HP | 36/40 EN | 9 DMG | 18 MIT | 5 ACC | 1 EVA
         ♥   [6]Macradon | 1555/1645 HP | 159/175 EN | 19 DMG | 35 MIT | 2 ACC | 0 EVA


         ♥  The King of Lakes | 396/1200 HP | 125 DMG | 20 MIT

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