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Posts posted by Kityuisa

  1. Day 17: +51 Experience

    ID 122809 CD: 6 + 1 = 7 ; LD: 14
    ID 122810 CD: 2 + 1 = 3 ; LD: 16
    ID 122811 CD: 5 + 1 = 6 ; LD: 8
    ID 122812 CD: 3 + 1 = 4 ; LD: 10
    ID 122813 CD: 3 + 1 = 4 ; LD: 4
    ID 122815 CD: 7 + 1 = 8 ; LD: 6
    ID 122816 CD: 11 + 1 = 12 ; LD: 16

    -6 T1 Materials

    Successfully crafted Perfect Item (Duped it LUL)


    Name: Damage Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    Roll ID: 122816a
    Roll Result: 11 + 1 = 12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: +3 DMG
    Description: A vial of a red steamy liquid, with lights that appear to be the shape of whatever the weapon the user uses rotating in the center.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17903-f22alchemist-the-tipsy-witch-♥-pk-accessible/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-580156



    Name: Damage Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    Roll ID: 122816b
    Roll Result: 11 + 1 = 12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect 
    Enhancements: +3 DMG
    Description: A vial of a red steamy liquid, with lights that appear to be the shape of whatever the weapon the user uses rotating in the center.
    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17903-f22alchemist-the-tipsy-witch-♥-pk-accessible/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-580156

    Kityuisa waked up once more on her home on floor twenty-four. Today was the day she would craft some more potions for Mac. She headed straight to her shop, ready to craft. Kityuisa opened the door, waking Mitsuko. She went over to her cauldron and began to combine all the ingredients for him. One pinch here, one pinch there, and one pinch way over there. Kityuisa combined each pinch in the cauldron to form the springy liquid bubbling. She filled a vial, watching as she received two damage potions. Kityuisa pumped her fist into the air. She was so close, yet so far!

  2. Kityuisa simply nodded her head when Hikoru made his comment about her collecting col quickly. I've also leveled a LOT since we last saw each other. She bit her tongue, not speaking it. She wanted to surprise him when she reached level fifty. Which was still a long ways away. Up until then, she didn't want him to know her progress. I guess I really do seek his approval. Kityuisa clung to Hikoru as they made their way to this floor's teleporter. She spoke at the same time as Hikoru, "Teleport, Floor 24." She appeared on floor twenty-four, still in Hikoru's arms. He set her down gently, grasping hold of her hand. Kityuisa grinned before beginning to walk towards the bay. Floor twenty-four was always so stunning, every single time that she got here. The expansive waters bringing the scent of salt and ocean water to her nose. I love the beach. She stretched a bit, drawing Hikoru's hand along with her own up above her head. Then she let it fall back down. 

    Kityuisa continued to walk towards her home, "I love my home. Ever since I was little, I loved the beach. I never got to go very often. So when I saw this house, I instantly wanted it. The ocean waters are free from most dangerous marine life that the beaches back home have. It's all just friendly fishies if we glance under the waves." Kityuisa grinned seeing her home coming into view. (House).

    Kityuisa then brought Hikoru to the door. She opened it gently. Her black cat was waiting to the left of the door, and as soon as Tanine Willowflame saw Kityuisa's she let out a loud meow. Instantly padding over to her and rubbing her head against her leg. Kityuisa bent down, letting go of Hikoru's hand and scooped up her familiar. "This is Tanine Willowflame, but I everyone calls her Willow. She's my familiar." She grinned cheekily. Offering her cat out to Hikoru to pet or hold, whichever one he wanted to, if any. Tanine Willowflame let out a gentle purr, her beady blue eyes glancing Hikoru up and down. Her head turned to Kityuisa, and she let out a meow as if to say, He's a looker. Kityuisa swore that her cat blinked before turning her black head back to Hikoru. She held out her paw giving off a vibrating purr. 

  3. And just like that, their special moment was ending. As Hikoru pulled away, Kityuisa puffed her cheeks. Hikoru then went on to explain that he didn't want to stop, just that the two were exposed. Hikoru mentioned the hot springs, causing her to stick out her tongue and wink at him, "Oh~ So now you wanna bathe together?" She couldn't hold back her laughter as she clutched her stomach in a fit of giggles. 

    Her body received a massive amount of chills as Hikoru kissed her neck. Her lips parted, and she let out a little "squeal". My neck is so sensitive.. She was then scooped up bridal style, in which Kityuisa gleefully wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well.. I have an idea. I recently obtained a house on floor twenty-four. It's on a private beach in Raitoburū Bay. If you want to go, we can go swimming and chill at my place. It's only fair since I got to see your house! I can even give you a private tour."

  4. Kityuisa ran forward, towards the first gorilla. The one she had attacked prior. Kityuisa slashed again, grinning at the damage she dealt. She dashed backwards, ready for the two of them to finish off these gorillas. Kityuisa grinned at Alec, giving him a thumbs up. "Are you having a lot of fun? I am!" She shifted her feet, ready to continue to fight. Tanine Willowflame was sitting casually nearby. Her tail swishing back and forth. Kityuisa chuckled at her familiar. "Willow makes me laugh. Just look at her, how chill she is." She rolled her eyes before watching for Alec's next attack. His first attack had been successful. Kityuisa couldn't wait to see what else he was doing. Kityuisa grinned. Rooting Alec on. Tanine Willowflame was doing the same, purring and meowing as her eyes watched Alec. All in all, the attitude in the clearing was purely positivism and optimism. Kityuisa continued to give a thumbs up. 


    Cross Edge

    BD: 9


         ♥[3|0|0|0] Kityuisa | 300/300 HP | 30/30 EN | 8 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
         ♥[4|3|4|4]  Alec | 785/785 HP | 57/68 EN | 11 DMG | 131 MIT | 0 ACC | -1 (SW) EVA | 7 BH | 56 THN | - 25% DoT Stonewall | OOC 40 Healing | LD: +3 | Prosperity: +2 | +10% Col from Mobs / +15% Col from TreasureChests

     Humphrey: Ready


         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 178/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 317/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 311/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 314/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

  5. The kiss that the two shared was deep and connected them in more ways that one. Kityuisa felt closer to the very man she was sharing this experience with as the world around her fell away. Her mind filling with thoughts of him. The way he tasted, the way he felt, the way he kissed her back. It was all lighting a fire across her entire body. As they continued their kiss, moments passed before Kityuisa had to draw away for a breath. This kiss, lasting much longer than the first. Their lips moving together as one. Mixing together like two puzzle pieces that connected perfectly to reveal a beautiful moment. Her left hand reached up, tangling in his hair. She lightly pushed him backwards. His back once again landing on the soft grass below them. Kityuisa followed him down, so they were once again laying down. Kityuisa on top of Hikoru.

    If anyone else were with the two, then none of this would have happened. 

  6. Kityuisa watched as the two battled it out, Maaldus seemed only too keen to try and attack her. Kityuisa stood to her feet, leaving Tanine Willowflame on the floor. Willow read the emotional state of her pet, her fur fluffing up as Kityuisa squared her shoulders, "Try it. I dare you." Her eyes glinted, her hand resting on her dagger. Kityuisa watched as Vigilon scooped Maaldus by his collar. Kityuisa at that moment, glanced down at Willow. Might as well try it for the first time.. Kityuisa had never tried to enter stealth before.. At that very moment, she decided to try it out. Just as she had been standing there, she melted into the shadows. Watching Vigilon and Maaldus from her domain in the world of stealth. Kityuisa watched her beady eyes and Willow entered stealth mode as well. If one found one, they would find the other. With Willow sitting next to Kityuisa, she watched what would occur. If need be she would kill Maaldus for Vigilon if he couldn't bring himself to do it.



    LD: 10 + 1 + 1 = 12 STEALTH
    *Players must roll a 12 or higher on LD to discover Kit (REEEEE)

    *Using Multipurpose to increase stealth rating.


  7. It was very unlike Kityuisa to become the leader of the group, but she wanted this fight to be done. Her eyes shining as she pretend that she had never been having a mental break down prior. I'll just get stronger! Easy! Kityuisa grinned at the group around her. "Mace has the most hate out of all of us so we can attack without the worry of being hit by these things! I was wanting us to split the minions between our group. @Kirbs! You don't have much energy left, but think you can use what little you have left to attack Rain Minion 14 with me? I don't deal much damage, so it would be nice for us to team up! @Krysta ! Can you take on Minion 22 by yourself? You have the most energy out of the rest of us. @Dazia and @Mace can you two focus on minion 25? I want all of this over as fast as possible. I understand if you don't want to listen to me, since I am weaker than each and every single one of you. But I figured it might work out..." Kityuisa narrowed her eyes on her target, rain minion 14. Her dagger glinted as she dashed forward, slicing at the minion. As usual, she dealt a mere one hit point of damage. Kityuisa dashed back, nodding to Kirbs. If they all targeted the minions she had asked them to, then this might just go by fast. She was sick of this event.


    BD: 10

    Party 2: 
    [H:3-6-6] Mace: HP 288/300 l EN 3/30 | DMG 4 | MIT 47 | Taunt 1 |
    [H:0-3-3] Kirbs: HP: 330/330 | EN: 3/30 | 8 DMG | 14 MIT | 2 ACC | 1 EVA | 2 PAR | 1 Bleed | 2 REC 
    [H:0-0-0] Krysta: HP:430/430  EN:17/40 l DMG:  9   MIT:27   Thorns: 28  (paralyze/Bleed on crits)
    [H:0-0-1] Kityuisa: HP:116/120  EN:6/12  DMG:5   MIT:23  ACC:3   EVA:1
    [H:0-0-0] Dazia: 289/290  EN:5/26  DMG:6  MIT:24  ACC:1  EVA: 1

    Rain minion 25: [            ] 5 Damage Per Hit, MIT:10   1 EVA
    Rain minion 22: [            ] 5 Damage Per Hit, MIT:10   1 EVA 
    Rain minion 14: [            ] 5 Damage Per Hit, MIT:10   1 EVA -1 DMG

  8. Kityuisa closed her eyes as Hikoru sat up and kissed her forehead, relishing in the sweet and precious feeling. The calm words of Hikoru made Kityuisa feel very confident in herself, fair enough was what she thought as she reopened her eyes slowly. As Hikoru began to stroke her hair again she let out a small noise, happiness dawning across her body like the sun rising in the sky. Sitting on his lap, she adjusted her position so one leg was on either side. Her eyes twinkled as she wrapped her arms around Hikoru's neck. 

    Kityuisa put her face closer to Hikoru's, "I like the way your lips feel against mine." She then proceeded to continue to lean her face in, her eyes fluttering closed. Her lips pressed once more against Hikoru's. Ever since she had pulled away earlier, Kityuisa had been wanting to share another moment with Hikoru. So she took this very chance to steal another kiss, call her greedy. She had the mindset to take what she wanted. Hikoru was the one person she wanted most in the world, and she would do anything to never lose him.

  9. Kityuisa followed in pursuit of Bahr, "Here use one of these. I have too many and I don't use them." She handed Bahr two potions of healing, they would recover fifty of his health points. "I had them in my battle ready inventory. Haven't used them since day one." Kityuisa then focused on the task at hand. They were on floor thirteen now.. Kityuisa nodded her head silently. "Let's rest just a bit. My energy isn't 100% full, despite only having a little bit removed I want it at its max. Maybe we could kill one or two groups of four? That enough for yah?" She gave Bahr a peace sign, before glancing around them. Floor thirteen. The forest wasteland. Crumbled antique buildings dotting here and there. Kityuisa closed her eyes, enjoying the scent of the trees around the two of them. She smiled, "I want you to meet someone too!" Bahr had yet to meet Mitsuko, who was back at her shop.

  10. Kityuisa gripped the edge of her dagger before quickly sheathing it. She quickly opened her UI, taking out one of the many teleport crystals that she had. She materialized it in her hand.

    Her narrator was thinking of just how dumb Kityuisa was to even try to do this quest without having enough damage output to slay the beast. Either way Kityuisa had tried and failed.

    The teleport crystal began to glow as Kityuisa shouted out, "Floor one! Town of Beginnings!" She narrowed her eyes as the blue light swirled around Kityuisa, Mitsuko and Tanine Willowflame. She had fled, Call me a coward.. I shall never mention this ever again. Kityuisa watched as floor one materialized before her. She stumbled off the pad, her clothes all torn her face all dirty. She wiped blood that was trickling down her lip. Weird stares from players just stared at her as she fell to the ground. Her eyes closing as she blacked out.


  11. Kityuisa charged for the beast. Her attack landing on the great big snake. Kityuisa felt her attack falter. She hadn't even dealt half the damage she needed to. The giant water beast attacking her back. Kityuisa let out a small gasp. She had lost over half of her hit points on one attack. Kityuisa frowned, I can't do this.. She landed back next to Tanine Willowflame, "WE are retreating. I can't do this battle just yet." Kityuisa wasn't ready to die. She was not wanting to place her life on luck. Kityuisa grimaced, petting her cat and fluffing her kid's hair. Despite how cheesy and dumb it was to run away, Kityuisa knew that was what she needed to do. Kityuisa watched the giant lord of the seas from a distance. He would be readying up to attack her at any moment. Kityuisa heard Willow let out a harsh meow. Kityuisa just glared to silence her.


    BD: 7
    MD: 9


         ♥ [0] Kityuisa | 239/460 HP | 40/40 EN | 11 DMG | 26 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA | 1 BLEED | RESTED (-1 EN for two actions) | Relaxed | Multipurpose +1 LD (Stealth, Stealth Detection, Prosperity to one post) | Filling

    Rested: 1/2 Turns Left
    Multipurpose: Ready


         ♥  Sea Wyvern | 157/300 HP | 300 DMG

  12. Spoiler

    ♥ Level: 23

    Health: 460 | Energy: 46
    EVA: 1 | MIT: 26 | ACC: 3
    DMG: 9


    Combat skills: 
    ♥ N/A

    Weapon skills: 
    ♥ Rank Five, Dagger +5 DMG

    ♥ Armor skills: 
    ♥ Rank Two, Light Armor +8 MIT

    Extra skills: 
    ♥ Rank One, Familiar Mastery: Fighter +1 DMG

    Utility Skills: 
    ♥ Rank One, Hiding +1 Stealth

    ♥ N/A

    ♥ [Equipped] [Perfect] Death's Edge: +3 DMG 
    ♥ [Equipped] [Perfect] Black Swan: +1 EVA, +18 MIT
    ♥ [Equipped] [Perfect] Blossoming Wind: +3 ACC

    Battle Ready:
    ♥ Starter Healing Potion (Heals 50) x3
    ♥ T1 HP Potion, Uncommon (Heals 40) x5
    ♥ Teleportation Crystal x2
    ♥ [Empty]
    ♥ [Empty]


    The Lord of the Seas. A quest that Kityuisa had picked up ages before now. Kityuisa was ready to fight it. That much was certain. So there she stood at the rainy and muddy lake. The giant monster in the water. Kityuisa watched as it swam its normal routine. She was plotting on how to hit it. Kityuisa glanced down at Willow, "You ready my friend?" Mitsuko stood behind the two, cheering them on. Kityuisa opened her inventory. She pulled out a few snacks and munched on them. After she defeated this monster she would be going hunting to gather up some more col. This was her test. Kityuisa narrowed her eyes as she ate. One after another. Her stats increasing with each movement she made. Kityuisa glanced at her boosts. Her eyes grinning at the appearance of the boost. She flipped her hair before unsheathing the dagger she had gotten during the butcher of the sands quest. Useful. Now I can use Willow's boosts while having a bleed affect on my weapon. She glanced up at the great big beast. Rumor is its health is the same amount as how hard it hits.. I have to kill it in a few hits if I want to survive. She could always use a teleport crystal if she needed to...


    +2 DMG (Rare DMG Potion Consumed)

  13. "You see Mars. He hasn't actually killed anyone. He just brings people to the brink of insanity. He brings the player killer out of everyone. Apparently, he was trying to do the same to me as he did to Pinball.. Mars is just as dangerous as any murderer out there. I hope we do not meet ever again, unless we have to." She swallowed harshly. "So I met with the certain individual.. We did a quest, and then we sat on the sand of floor five and had a conversation. Some of my questions were answered, but.. The person I met with threatened me, he said if my name was the reason behind any player's death...." 

    Kityuisa stopped talking for a single moment, "You know what.. It doesn't matter anymore the reason why.." Kityuisa felt a hard stone in her throat, now I ought to tell her the name of who I met with.. How will she react? I'm sure knowing how she is now, she'll go storming out of here... Kityuisa closed her eyes, before opening them. A slight mix of hatred burning in her eyes as she spoke the name of the very person she had spoken to after her encounter with Mars, "I met with Pinball."

  14. As soon as Hikoru began to run his fingers through her hair, she felt chills run down her spine. Her arms once again got goosebumps. Kityuisa felt so much peace in this very moment. The sound of the birds chirping, the scent of the flowers on the slight breeze.. As Kityuisa was nuzzled into Hikoru's neck she could catch a whiff of the way that he smelled. The smell had replaced her previous favorite smell... 

    Kityuisa smiled against his neck, before giving it a small kiss. "Tell me Hiko..." She drew her body back above his, "You really feel the same way that I do?" She made eye contact, feeling herself get lost in his beautiful, yet deep eyes. The deep crimson that had lined her face, had lessened to a simple light pink. Kityuisa glanced down from his eyes to his lips. She had indeed pulled away, not wanting to get too lost out in the middle of the forest. 

  15. Kityuisa pondered for a moment, "Weird.. She told me Tank/Support Hybrid.. Maybe she changed her mind to just be a tank." Kityuisa just shrugged, "Either way. I like Solei. I think he'd be a perfect candidate for that." Kityuisa nodded her head before glancing at Alec as he opened the chest. "Well let's hope that it does~" She watched as the chest opened, the loot taking shape before her. Kityuisa grinned, "Noice." She gave Alec a huge thumbs up, "It's a good gain. After this we should have a lot of unidentified stuff." Kityuisa simply glanced back down at Alec. "Anyways, let's fight another group of gorillas?" She watched as the chest burst into pixels, "Dang it! I really wanted it." She pouted her lips before turning, "I'll find the next group!" She then danced into the forest to find the gorillas. The gorillas appeared and Kityuisa dashed at the one closest to her, "Over here, Alec!" She grinned. Alec would be able to find her and the four gorillas that were in front of her.


    BD: 7


         ♥[1|0|0|0] Kityuisa | 300/300 HP | 30/30 EN | 8 DMG | 18 MIT | 3 ACC | 1 EVA
         ♥[0|0|0|0]  Alec | 785/785 HP | 58/68 EN | 11 DMG | 131 MIT | 0 ACC | -1 (SW) EVA | 7 BH | 56 THN | - 25% DoT Stonewall | OOC 40 Healing | LD: +3 | Prosperity: +2 | +10% Col from Mobs / +15% Col from TreasureChests

     Humphrey: Ready


         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 286/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 350/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 350/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

         ♥   Gruesome Gorilla | 350/350 HP | 102 DMG | 3 ACC | -3 EVA

  16. Kityuisa took a deep breath. She was ready to explain what had happened to Kirbs. "I wasn't exactly sure how to word it at first. But now I know. First let me tell you a bit about me. I'm not the most innocent of people, I have these thoughts. After we killed the dragon, well after Pinball killed that dragon.. I went on my way, as you very well know. Eventually, I came across the gypsy. I got Tanine Willowflame with the help of a guy named Mars. He has a way with his words..." 

    Kityuisa took another deep breath, despite the fact that she had trust issues between her and Kirbs, she wanted her to know. Who cares who she tells... Kityuisa made eye contact with Kirbs, "Mars is a monster. He knows how to get under people's skin and bring out the worst in them. Anyways, after that we had a duel. That very duel made me rethink a lot of things... After Willow was fully trained, I went out to talk to someone. Someone that has had experience with Mars before..."

  17. Kityuisa watched from a distance, their battle is between the two of them? Right? I shouldn't intervene.. I feel terrible.. Kityuisa let out a hefty sigh. She wanted to help, but it looked like the two knew each other. For a fact, if Vigilon was Kirbs and the man attacking him was Pinball...

    Kityuisa knew that if that was the case, Kirbs would snap at her, telling her that it wasn't Kityuisa's fight. Kityuisa narrowed her eyes as she continued to play with Tanine Willowflame. Willow calming down, watching as the swords clashed. Now that the danger had been relieved, Willow was less tense. Her blue, beady orbs watching each swift movement made by the party. Kityuisa clenched her fists, watching as her party mate dropped to yellow, "If you need help, just let me know!!!" Kityuisa wanted to let Vigilon know that she was here to help if the need be. 

  18. Kityuisa simply nodded her head. She watched as Mac slithered into the shadows. He would be going out to find more monsters to fight. Kityuisa would be standing here, waiting in silence until he attacked yet another monster group.

    Kityuisa and Mac's gain so far was alright. Their total was around the early 30,000's. Kityuisa gritted her teeth. Willow let out a small meow. Kityuisa had a lot more to do to prepare for the party. How much col did she even need? Kityuisa let out a hefty sigh. The party was right around the corner, and she wasn't exactly the richest girl in all of Aincrad. Kityuisa could always ask her friends for a loan, but she wanted to prove to them that she could easily get all the col she needed by herself. Kityuisa let out a soft sigh before telling Willow to be silent. She wanted everything to go by faster.

  19. Kityuisa watched as Kirbs slayed the remaining two heads. Watching as Kirbs slammed the butt of her spear into the ground. "Let's get out of here first, the heat is getting to me and I don't have the survival skill yet." Kityuisa grimaced as she felt her body being singed yet again. 

    She took the lead, heading out of the cave. Willow would be waiting for her out there. Were Willow and Scarfy friends?


    Tanine Willowflame was sitting outside of the cavern, waiting for her pet to come outside. As soon as she saw Kityuisa walking towards her, she let out a happy meow. Kityuisa went over to Willow and picked her up, "Well you're doing better~" She squinted her eyes happy, "I'm glad.." She pet her kitty cat before turning to face Kirbs, "Let me tell you the whole story..." Kityuisa knew she ought to start with how her and Mars met, following Pinball appearing and killing the dragon.

  20. Kityuisa and Bahr had made their way back to the info broker. Bahr had been telling her that he did not have a lady, which just made Kityuisa shrug. If he does, he does, if he doesn't he doesn't. I trust him. But as soon as they got to the outskirts of the city, the info broker attacked Bahr.

    Kityuisa's eyes narrowed. Her dagger flashing as she rushed forwards. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT TO MY FRIEND!" Her eyes blazed a fiery red. Kityuisa was dashing straight towards the info broker. Her eyes seemingly possessed. The info broker was taken back by how Kityuisa was acting. Her force like that of an utter monster. Kityuisa let her dagger slice through her opponent. Monster, human.. There's no difference here. If you hurt the people I care about, then you die. Kityuisa leaped backwards. She rested on her knees next to Bahr. "Are you okay....?"


    BD: 4 + 3 = 7


    [0] Bahr: HP: 540-196=344/540 | EN: 54/54 | DMG: 14 | MIT: 5 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3 | LD: +3 | ( PARALYZED )
    [1] Kityuisa: HP: 400/400 | EN: 40/40 | DMG: 8 | MIT: 18 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1

    Bahr used [x0] No Action-0 EN

    Mysterious Broker: HP: 54/150 | DMG: 200 | ID: 122315 | BD: x | MD: 9, Crit for 201-5=196 DMG | PARALYZE INFLICTED


  21. At first, Hikoru seemed to have frozen in place. Kityuisa was instantly filled with doubt. But those very emotions were blurred and drowned into ecstasy as Hikoru began to kiss her back. In a few elegant motions, Hikoru pulled Kityuisa down onto the grass with him, her body now position above Hikoru. Their lips moving in sync as she kissed him. All of Kityuisa's thoughts melted into one. He feels the same way... Kityuisa drew her lips away from him, her body now hovering above his. The pure and utter joy filling her eyes as a few tears escaped from her eyes. She was glancing at Hikoru with so much affection, it seemed to overfill her body. She moved her hand that had found it's way entangled in his hair, to his cheek. 

    She gently rubbed her thumb her voice speaking gently, unlike how she usually talks "I'm so happy..." Her hair sprawled downwards, pooling at his chest before she pulled herself in closer to Hikoru once again. She was unable to find words to explain everything. She was never good with words when it came to her intimate emotions. Kityuisa rested her head on Hikoru's shoulder, her face turned inwards towards his cheek as the hand that had been holding his face moved to the side. If it was up to Kityuisa she wouldn't want to move, she felt safe with Hikoru. Safer than she had felt in a long time. She nuzzled her face closer to Hikoru's neck/cheek as the feelings of their kiss lingered on her slightly parted lips.

  22. Kityuisa's eyes brightened, "I know a healer/support! Though he's a rather low level.. We'd have to wait a while for him to catch up... His name is Solei.. there's also Athena.. And well--- Ike was a support..." Kityuisa trailed off, not wanting to talk about Ike. Although they weren't close, they had still fought the Avalanche together. "But ultimately, i'd be down. That would be fun! And we will all soon be relatively the same level!" Kityuisa thought for a moment, "There's always room for improvement though.. Like people need to learn that. I wouldn't be where I was today, if I didn't recognize that fact." Even in the real world, she had never stopped learning. Each mission she had done, she always evaluated. She always thought of things in that mindset. "Yeah, I become a cry baby if my actions are being completed poorly, frick. I even broke down in the middle of Star Crossed Lovers!" Kityuisa just shook her head, "You just have to keep trying and keep practicing." Kityuisa then watched as Alec brought forth a treasure chest. She held out her hand, "I can never open these things, but yes it pleases my eyes. Now please~ Open it so you can present what lays within. And i'll keep the actual chest for my room." 

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