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Everything posted by Koga

  1. The rain, if that's what this was, came down hard. Koga's face was streaked with black marks, parting gifts from the dark, coal black drops. Okami ran along beside the swordsman, his white fur stained ebony. The drops pelted Koga's hood rhythmically, filling his ears with the repetitive beat that sounded all too much like war drums, their rolling ensemble occasionally punctuated by a flash of lightning, followed soon after by the crash of thunder. Koga wasn't quite sure where he was running to. His legs seemed to move on their own, twisting down alleys, rounding obscure corners he didn't
  2. Food. Koga had lost track of time out there. He'd spent far too long at the Temple of the Three. Koga wasn't really a follower of Shinto, he and Tala had both been raised in a Christian household, but the Temple was something he'd wanted to see. Tala would've probably just scoffed at it and walked away. He'd spent a long time staring at the two remaining statues of the deities, and wondered if anything like them even really existed. Or, if he pulled back the veil, would they crumble into dust like their third companion. Once upon a time he'd believed in God. Nowadays, he wasn't so su
  3. And there it was, the Blue Poison, just as requested. Koga lifted the weapon, and looked down the length of the blade, ensuring it was straight. A faint smile ghosted across his lips. Yeah, this was perfect. The next morning, when the customer would walk in, she'd find the blacksmith passed out behind the counter, sitting in a chair, leaning against the wall. It wasn't until he heard the door open that he awoke startled. "Ah! Oh, it's just you." He mumbled. The man yawned and rubbed his eyes, while pointing at weapon on the counter. "There she is. All yours." @Blueberry >>
  4. Item Name: Blue Poison Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 6 Roll ID: 173381 Roll Result: 12 (11 +1) Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword Tier: T1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Bleed / Bleed / Paralyze Description: A sharp short-sword designed to cut and immobilize its foes instead of dealing raw damage. The blade itself is a light-blue hue. Post Link:
  5. Koga swung the door to the forge open and immediately grabbed his hammer. He had the materials, he'd spent col on them, if he didn't get this god forsaken sword done today, he was officially quitting blacksmithing and becoming a performer. He wasn't doing this crap anymore. The first few crafts went about as poorly as he expected. Uncommon, rare, fail, fail. The universe must've thought this was real funny. The man swore as he realized he was on his very last material. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to whatever gods existed out there. Let this be it...
  6. Koga couldn't remember the last time he'd stepped back into this shop. To be fair he hadn't really stepped anywhere outside his shop for the past few months, but still. He wondered if the same shopkeep was still the one running this place. She had always seemed nice, if a little flustered and in over her head. But nice. The man walked up to the counter and was pleased to see it was indeed the same girl. "Hey, uhm I was wondering if I could buy eight Tier One Materials please. I could...really use them at this point..." Honestly, with the luck Koga had had lately...he'd probably be by tomo
  7. Another day, another...five attempts. Koga had five more materials left. Which meant he only had five more shots at getting this work order done. Time to give it ago. The bellows were fired up, the hammer's strike echoed off the walls of the forge. Each ingot glowed blue, and either exploded into oblivion, or became a weapon. But none were what he needed. As the last craft failed Koga let out a frustrated groan and threw the hammer at the opposing wall, causing a loud banging noise. Okami shot to his feet at the noise, and then realizing it was just yet another failed attempt from his master,
  8. Koga stood off to the side whilst Oscar whipped up the hot dogs Koga ordered. Koga wasn't even that big of a fan of hot dogs to begin with, but for some reason, Oscar's were actually really good. He usually had to stop himself from getting them outside of needing the buffs, otherwise he'd be broke already. Okay, well Koga was broke anyways, but he'd be even more broke...come to think of it, he probably needed to advertise his store better...and make some kind of virgin sacrifice to the RNG gods or something so he stopped getting uncommons 99.9% of the time...Oh look the hot dogs are ready.
  9. Koga looked at the brightly colored girl as she walked in. Well wasn't she just a bundle of sunshine? The man took the slip of paper from her hand, and looked at it. "Yeah, I should be able to handle this. Might take a day or two. I'll go ahead and message you when it's ready," he said with a nod. "In the mean time, stay safe." This almost reminded the man of the weapons he used to make for Noctua. They almost always had bleed back then. The man gave the slip of paper a sad smile as he moved back to the forge and got to work.
  10. As soon as Koga entered the shop, he felt comfy. The smell of coffee reminded him of home, and the part-time job he'd taken as a barista. The old book scent was nostalgic, reminding him of the times he used to drag Tala around to old bookstores before they ever stumbled into this damned game. They'd never share another one of those moments now. Koga did his best to shake that melancholic feeling off and walked towards the vendor. "Hey," he greeted the shopkeep, "I was wondering if I could get one of those Liquors of Light?" In that moment, Koga wished he could actually get drunk in this game.
  11. Koga walked to the hotdog stand after what had felt like months...probably because it had been months, but we're not talking about that right not, are we? The swordsman was hungry...and also gearing up for a raid...and he needed buffs. "Hey, I was wondering if you could do a special order for me?" the swordsman said as he approached the vendor. "I could really use a dog with double the protein." That was a weird sentence that Koga never thought he'd say..."And also one more with double accuracy." Sword Art Online never ceased to make Koga feel all kinds of weird about what he said and did ever
  12. House Name: Respite Location: Floor 11, Taft Description: While nowhere near opulent, Koga's house is, by the very least, comfortable. A mixture of brick and plaster, although it appears a bit more modern than anything you'd typically find on Floor 11, it doesn't stick out. Enclosed by brick walls, it is not unlikely to see smoke coming from the back of house, where the forge sits. The interior is similarly designed. Although it does appear more contemporary than the rest of Aincrad, it does not feel entirely out of place. The first floor contains the living room, dining room, and kitchen in
  13. When Enryu would walk into the store, he'd see Koga waiting for him. The blacksmith did not seem as defeated or spiteful as the days prior. In fact, it might have even seemed like he had a spark hiding behind his eyes. Faint, but there. When Koga saw Enryu walk in he procured a velvet wrapped item from under the counter and gently set it on the counter. "This is it. The Sword of Silver. It's my best craft yet." Koga unwrapped the silver blade. It shone brightly, almost as if it were glowing. "Promise me something. You'll use this to protect someone you love. No matter what." That was this blac
  14. Item Name: Sword of Silver Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 6 Roll ID: 172333 Roll Result: 13 (12 +1) Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword Tier: T1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: Damage // Damage // Accuracy Description: A beautiful silver blade, wrought with extreme care and precision. It's surprisingly light for the material, having a fuller engraved in the center to help reduce the weight, and increase the speed at which it's swung at. It's as elegant as it is deadly. Post Link:
  15. It was late. Koga couldn't sleep. He didn't usually have dreams. But the past year had been wrought full of nightmares that got worse by the day, if that was even possible. If you thought an insomniac couldn't feel anymore tired than they usually did, you were dead wrong. Half the time, Koga felt like he was just a walking corpse. But not tonight. His dream tonight didn't terrify him. Tonight it fueled him. The man who wanted this sword, he was desperate. There were few reasons a man looked the way he did, and whatever his reason was, it was probably a good one. The blacksmith hammer
  16. Koga leaned against the counter and watched the newcomer walked up to him. The man looked as bad as Koga felt. Maybe even worse. How had this guy survived so long? The snow-haired man dropped some col onto the counter, the golden coins clinking onto the wood. Koga looked down at the coins, disinterested. "Please." Koga looked back up at the man, staring into his eyes, as if examining him. A moment of silence passed between them before Koga let out a sigh. "Yeah, sure. I'll message you when it's ready...now get out...and don't die before you pay me in full."
  17. Koga couldn't remember the last time he'd walked into this shop. He just hadn't had the heart for it since... A thick layer of dust had gathered on all the furniture and armaments. The shelves were completely empty now, and the display cases that had housed the jewelry were devoid of any signs that anything had ever occupied them. It was like she never even existed... Koga could feel his teeth grind against each other as the muscles in his jaw tensed. He needed to pull himself together. The man moved to the back of the shop and pushed open the wooden door behind the counter. It squea
  18. Koga walked into the shop with an energetic wave, greeting the owner as he approached, "Hey, man! Thanks for making tho- woahhhh, you okay dude?" The shopowner looked like he hadn't slept in a week. Or was having a real bad hangover, which shouldn't be possible in the game. "Uh, you get any sleep lately dude? You might wanna take a few minutes shut eye..." Koga advised before seeing his items lying in wait for him on the counter. "Uh, thanks for these by the way. I'll catch you later. Get some sleep, and take some damn care of yourself. I don't wanna find a new tailor!"
  19. Changing name of weapon from <<Jack's Kuiaratame>> to <<Tsuki no Hikari>> Name: Tsuki no Hikari Item Type: Katana Tier: 2 Quality: Demonic Enhancements: Burn // Blight // Cursed // Fallen Description: A beautifully crafted katana. A midnight blue ito embraces black rayskin in a katate-maki style. 'The blade shines with the light of the moon, yet cries for repentance.' Post Link:
  20. Item Name: Axe of the Conqueror Profession: Blacksmith Rank: 6 Roll ID: 132680 Roll Result: 13 Item Type: 2H Battle Axe Tier: 1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: [Damage // Damage // Damage] Description: An axe that has fought many battles and has yet to retire. It once belong to a great conqueror and in the right hands still does. Post Link:
  21. Damn, Koga was feeling good today. The man couldn't help but glance down at the metal band that encircled the ring finger of his left hand. The Swordsman was married now. That little thought just made Koga smile. He had a good feeling about his crafts today. The man happily whistled as he worked the bellows and threw an ingot into the furnace. Once the metal was ready, Koga started hammering away. It wasn't long before the item glowed blue and morphed into the shape of a an axe. Koga carefully looked over and inspected the weapon. It was perfect. Koga quickly sent a message over to Lonzo. Tell
  22. Koga stared at his sister with a clear look of displeasure as she rambled on, knowing full well that she was upsetting her brother. "You are really, really lucky that I'm in a blessed merciful mood right now. Don't think being orange for a day or two is gonna stop me from kicking your ass up to the Hundredth Floor," the man said to his sister, clearly having heard enough. "Let's get back to town before I punt your scrawny ass back." Oh Tala. You really know how to push Koga's buttons, don't you? That, and the cold wasn't exactly helping. In fact, it was probably only making things worse.
  23. Koga walked into his shop and saw a request form on the counter. Lonzo needed a new axe? Okay, that should be doable. The man went tot he back of the shop, checking his messages as he did so? Oh...rush order. Man, Lonzo, if you knew how bad Koga's luck was, you would not have come to him. Fingers crossed for you bud. Koga immediately set to work, praying to RNGesus, but sadly, the roller did not smile upon either Koga or Lonzo today. No luck. Seven crafts and the best Koga managed to get was a rare. Damn it.
  24. Koga suddenly barged back into the shop, making quite the racket as he did so. "Crap!" he exclaimed as he scrambled back up to the counter, "I almost forgot! There's this too!" Koga pulled off another request form and quickly began to scribble his request out with sloppy, well sloppier, hand writing than usual. Apparently making a fool of himself flustered the man. Once Koga was done, he slid the request form towards the other end of the counter and sent some Col over. "Sorry, and here, you're actually getting paid this time." And with that, Koga bolted back out the door. Koga sends 2250
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