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Everything posted by Koga

  1. The adversary made no attempt to dodge or defend against any of the player's attacks. Each blow against him was quickly repaired, swallowed and made whole by the same blue flames they'd seen before. His decided indifference towards the players' blows could only mean he was seeking out his next target. The boss released his weapons, only to summon another. A great earthen lance. He launched himself high into the air before plummeting downwards, striking the floor with a great explosion that dust high into the air to mingle with the gathering mist, and spiderweb-like cracks through the earth. Ko
  2. Much to Koga's surprise, following his kick, the cannon-lightbulb thing started to fade out, and Koga couldn't help but stare at the results for a second. "Huh...didn't think that would work..." he muttered, as two of his party members rushed past, erecting barriers between them and King. Only a mere moment later, the sound of steel clashing against steel echoed in the room. The man would've stolen a glance at the combat, had he not suddenly found himself tumbling across the ground, head over heels and heels over head. The impact with the ground sent a clattering sound through the air as Koga'
  3. "Freyd," Koga greeted back, as Hirru joined them, a nod of acknowledgement from Koga again. "Heh, yeah," the man chuckled when asked about his mentioned adventure. "Not so much a 'daredevil' as I am deathly curious and perilously stupid," he replied, sitting up a little more. "Eh- don't worry though, Party 1 won't have to worry about any of my shenanigans. I'm not in the business of putting others in danger." A quick look over the green-haired man's new choice of apparel had raised some questions in Koga's mind but, he was not one to judge others based on appearance. Hell, he'd been weari
  4. The story was starting to get more complicated now. A queen's bones on walls, NPCs manipulating other NPCs, Hirru giving an NPC a TP crystal. The man's head was starting to hurt trying to keep track of what was going on and when. However, before the man could ask if NPCs could even use teleportation crystals, the sound of the earth cracking and splitting drew his attention. As he watched, the boss respawned, sprouting from the earth like a giant treeman. "Looks like the big guy's back," Koga said, stating the obvious. "Finish telling me after we take care of him?" Not bothering to wa
  5. Koga stopped picking at the grass as Hirru began to draw his diagram, and leaned over to peer at it as the man spoke. Five bosses, two down. So far, to Koga at least, things seemed to be going alright for the raiders. Although the mention of these bosses responding, talking, conversing intelligently with the players made his heart leap into his throat once more, even his face didn't indicate it. More evidence that not all NPCs in this game were less than sentient. Koga shook the thought from his head as Hirru went on, explaining the apparent relationship between the Council's leader and their
  6. k o g a the elder wolf Koga paced back and forth as he awaited for the appointed time. He wasn't necessarily the kind of person to show his nervousness vocally, he'd always been a physically restless person. He could remember countless times his father had told him to stop shaking his leg or tapping his foot. And he hadn't even been the slightest bit anxious those time. Now though, one might've guessed that the man had walked in back and forth enough times, he might as well have walked all around the Town of Beginnings three or four times over.
  7. Koga nodded and removed his katana from his belt, placing it beside him as he sat down next to the Hunter. A light breeze drifted by, the light sound of rustling trees peacefully contrasting to the battle that had occurred here just moments ago. Already the battle's damage to the environment had healed. When all of this was over, what would be left to signify that any of them had ever been here? For that matter, when they died, what was left. Nothing but a crossed out name on a marble slab. "So, what's the story?" Koga inquired, crossing his legs and picking at the grass beneath them, the
  8. "Wait, do you mean to tell me that hair dye is a thing we have in here? Why the fuck has no one ever told me that before?" Koga said staring at the now black-haired player in astonishment. "Damn, and all this time I could've been changing the look up..." Having the same hair for the last four years had gotten pretty boring. "Who's Tiger, and who's Bunny?" Koga asked, the implication that he was joining Cro on this strange quest apparent. "If I'm gonna be bunny, I better get a full bunny maid outfit, tail and all." Koga threw back the rest of his drink, made sure to pay, and then turned ba
  9. Koga chuckled at Lessa's reply. He didn't know her all that well, to be honest, but what little he did know had always lent him to believe she knew how to turn a light-hearted joke or too. He was glad to see his expectations were not without reason. "Same here. I don't remember this place existing before all the-" Koga gestured with his hands vaguely, unsure of how to indicate all of Aincrad drowning in black sludge in equal magnitude to the Great Flood, "that...I guess when Cardinal decided to update, it decided to leave us a few new goodies to find too." Koga looked back behind him, where he
  10. The doors to the great room swung open slowly, leaking out a chromatic, effervescent mist. On cue, the players all began to turn and enter the room. Koga, for his part, drew his weapon, forgoing his usual flourish, and followed his party into the boss room. His eyes were drawn to the glowing orange orbs, each churning with the colored mist. "Leave quickly! It isn't safe here! Evacuate the area as quickly as possible!" He heard the boss before he saw him. And the words only served to confirm what the swordsman feared. Whatever those cannons were, they weren't there to help them.
  11. k o g a the elder wolf Nervous didn't even begin to describe how Koga felt as he met with his party members, most of whom he'd only ever briefly spoken with before, if at all. First there was the player called Shield, a name he'd never heard before, but judging by the man's appearance and the name itself, Koga figured what his role in this party was. Then there was Baldur, or the Gaijin Samurai. Koga remembered him from the raid meeting, and recalled how he had been the one of the main characters to step up and take command of the d
  12. Okay, full disclosure...Koga had no fucking clue where he was. Didn't even know the floor. All he knew was that he woke with his hands glued to Okami's fur and a mouthful of sticks and mud. Yeah, I don't know either. What I do know, however, is that after managing to detach himself from his familiar's hide (with much pain involved for both parties) and washing himself off as best he could (which was not well considering he still had fur glued to his palms) he found himself in a small clearing with a small campfire, food, and a red-haired player. "Thank god, I'm starving," Koga said, befor
  13. "Huh, interesting," Koga said as Hirru explained what the item he was holding was. He'd of course known about spyglasses, but he'd never seen one like that. To be honest, he hardly ever used items aside from his weapons and armor to begin with, so he'd never paid too close attention to anything outside of that, but his penchant for buying (mostly) useless knick-knacks meant he could see himself buying one of those tiny not-so-useless items in his near future. The conversation then took a sudden turn to the raid meeting that had occurred not long ago. Koga couldn't help but look at Hirru w
  14. That had gone about as Koga had expected. All those field boss hunts with Az had taught him what to expect from the mobs. He wondered what happened to his old friend. She was still alive, he knew that much, but he hadn't been able to get in contact with her in the past year or two. Certainly, that also had something to do with his own periodic disappearances, but it was strange nonetheless. Azhoda always seemed to live for the hunt after all. At Hirru's suggestion to catch a breather, Koga nodded in agreement. "Copy that," he said, as his posture visibly relaxed. They had some time before
  15. Koga walked into the 'store'...well, by Koga's observation, it was more of a little outdoor...stall? Flea market??? Well, whatever it was it was four walls and a door short of being a full store. In any case, Koga wasn't here to critique Freyd on his architectural design (or lack thereof). The loud Scottish? Irish? woman, however, made Koga forget exactly why he'd come. He'd forgotten that Quip had mentioned working for Freyd. After greeting the woman, and surviving her onslaught of...well her being her, Koga finally managed to leave behind three unknown items for evaluation, alongside a
  16. Koga looked at the spot where the tiny dragonling disappeared into the dark, then at the stone in his palms, then back to the same spot as before, then back to his hands. "Huh. Another...crafting material." Koga looked up at his partner blankly. "You...don't suppose this is dragon-shit, do you?" he asked before transitioning to holding it with as few fingers as reasonably possible. "Well, if it is, it's some very pretty shit," Koga said without waiting for a proper response from NIGHT. "Well...I suppose we got what we came here for...hey, Tarek! C'mon, let's go!" The sound
  17. Koga looked up as he heard his name. Was he hallucinating? The man turned to pan the room to see if he could spot who had uttered his name like Beelzebub. He didn't need to look long. Koga gave the man beside him a confused and scrutinizing look. "Uh, do I know you?" he said as his eye's traveled up and down the strange man. Dark hair, strangely familiar piercing blue eyes..."Wait...Cro?" Koga asked in even more confusion. "Dude, what happened to your hair?" Was hair dye a thing in Aincrad? Did we have another Alkor moment here? Koga wouldn't mind going blonde for a bit... "Oh, right
  18. At Lessa's greeting, Okami barked once happily, before walking up to her and pressing his side against her as he walked past, more like a cat than a wolf, before going back to sniffing Riker's butt. "Wow, he must really like you. Don't think I've ever seen him do that before." It wasn't necessarily what was said in response, but the way it was said that was the real answer to Koga's question. He felt a little bad for the woman, since he did, in fact, know how it was, and even saying as much. "Eh, about the same," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "C'est la vie, though." A drawn out f
  19. Loud cracking echoed through the air as the boss renewed its armor, the bark growing rapidly around its softer flesh. Even as Hirru delivered a strong blow with a Sword Art that strangely seemed to resemble those of katana users, the tree continued to shore up it's defense. Still, it wasn't going to be enough. As soon as Hirru made the call, Koga sprang into the air. With his katana lifted above his head, the man let out a war-cry. The blade began to glow, not emitting light, but rather absorbing it, as if to correct Koga's previous concerns. The impact Koga felt wasn't of his weapon stri
  20. Koga doesn't have a cool image, but feel free to use him as a meat shield
  21. Just as Hirru saw, Koga could see the sentient tree dig its roots into the earth, the wet ground beneath it moving around it's probing appendages like clay. The green healing aura began to play around the mob as Hirru called out his assessment. Koga snarled in annoyance, "I fucking hate it when these things do that," he said before moving in on the rooted enemy. Careful to avoid the tree's attacks, Koga ducked beneath a flailing branch, certainly aimed for his partner as he ripped into the tree's thick bark again. As Koga skidded to a halt behind the tree, he took a quick moment to glance
  22. NIGHT's sudden screaming made Koga shoot to his feet, his sword in hand, expecting another battle with some unknown enemy. Instead, a lump of winged, scaly flesh was thrown at his feet. The little lizard rolled itself onto its feet and wiggled its body, shaking the sand and dust from it's body. "Oh, hey you," the man said, sheath his sword and leaning down to pick up the creature, his hand going beneath it's front legs. The man held the creature straight ahead of him as he examined it. "Well aren't you a cute thing." And then his eyes narrowed. Quickly, he opened up his quest log and checked t
  23. Koga's smile softened as Kasumi mused her face quickly reddening again. School, he used to hate it. He didn't exactly miss it now, but he did miss goofing off with his friends in the back of the class, avoiding their professors gaze, who really only cared because they loved the sound of their own voices. The exams though, yeah fuck those. "Yeah, I think meeting all the friends I've made in here would be nice," Koga said, oblivious to whatever connotations Kasumi had implied. "Yourself included," he added before turning his gaze to a fraying thread in Kasumi's blanket, "I don't know that t
  24. k o g a the elder wolf Annoying. That's what Koga thought of this stupid floor, as he slogged into the building, covered head to toe in mud, leaves, and god only knows what else. Another player, a younger girl took one glance at him and started screaming. "A MOB!? H-HOW DID THAT THING GET INSIDE THE SAFEZONE!?" she started panicking. "Christ on a fucking crutch, I am not in the mood for this..." Koga groaned as his mud encapsulated head swung forward. "OH MY GOD IT TALKS!" said another girl beside her. Koga turned towards the girl an
  25. Koga remained silent through the talking, quietly sipping his tea and listening. Every once in a while, when another straggler would walk in the room, he would briefly look at them, and then return his gaze to whomever was speaking. The tea was good. The wagashi, well, Koga wasn't all that much for sweets. The man was glad to see more than a few faces he recognized as the discussion continued. Between NIGHT, Lessa, Freyd and Cro, at the very least he felt less alone. But still, it didn't really seem quite his place to speak, given that he was most certainly the only new blood here. Howeve
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