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Posts posted by Lonzo

  1. He found an NPC in a dress and a cute apron. The idea of being seen in one almost had him on his heel speedwalking in another direction. The woman spun around.

    "Doesn't anyone want to learn how to cook today? It's free I promise!" she begged with large eyes.

    Her voluptuous body seemed to be enough to convince Lonzo to stick around.  He looked around at the players who ignored her. He could hear them talking about where to farm materials or good hunting spots. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the NPC who had her hands together and close to her chest. He licked his lips and took a breath he was about to speak when she looked directly at him.

    "Oh, you look eager to learn how to cook! Is that why you're here today sir?" she cocked her head to one side smiling brightly at him.

  2. So what else is there to do that everyone needs and likes. Potions and crystals would be profitable as once they're used it's one and done. They'd need more but then I'd be trying to supply everyone at once. Also, not everyone likes the taste of those things, or they feel sick teleporting. A cup of tea. A cup of tea. I guess I don't have a choice. I won't eat out as much later on but maybe I will. Still cooking takes so much time to do too. It's an art I don't have. What's left? Singing. Suddenly making food sounds okay actually. My voice isn't meant for that nonsense I'll leave it to those with more star power. Now let's see where is the restaurant that I'm looking for? He thought to himself

    Lonza moved through the crowd and past Zak's store. A smile crossed his lips remembering the place fondly. He wondered if he'd have to cook in front of some sort of master. Would they swear at him relentlessly or would they bore him details he didn't care about?

  3. "Jeez I still can't figure out want I want. I could be an artisan and learn how to make jewelry. Women like that sort of thing but I"m missing the other percent. Not that guys don't like it. It's just not everyone's cup of tea." he mumbled to himself with his arms behind his head. "I could go for merchant, but, even if it does give me a leg up from everyone else I don't think the payout is worth it. I might as well just try another craft. You can screw blacksmith and tailor. That's far too labor-intensive and foul-smelling to me. Why does everything have to take up so much time and effort to do anyway? Besides if I picked one of them I'd be locked into my customers preference of heavy armor or light. Also, I don't think making cutsie dolls is for me. I'll leave that to another professional."

  4. Lonzo was pretty bored walking around the town of Beginnings. He was in between quests at the moment and looked at everyone on the road and street. The town had its own noise that made it difficult to hear the more quiet conversation. His mind was drifting to two things that seemed to really get on his nerves. On the one hand, he was pretty lonely and on the other, he was getting colder every night and needed a place to stay. He didn't really have the col to just throw at people presently and he worried about owing someone something. Maybe if he charmed his way into someone's home it wouldn't be so bad. The question was, could he, in fact, do it? 
    If he failed at that he might be able to find someone he could at least hang out with that'd be better than seeing an empty friends list.

    "Excuse me gorgeous, do you have a moment." he'd walk up to whoever was nearby.

  5. He walked back into the establishment and looked over at Zak. 

    "Hey, there handsome I finished your quest for you. He was pretty happy with it. He says he wants to go out for a drink later too, and thanks for the extra potions. Was that everything you needed or was there more?" Lonzo asked him.
    "No, that was it. You did well. I've been making some potions for you as well." Zak told him.
    "Oh really? Thanks maybe I'll get some use out of that. Anyway, I'm going back to Lyle, he has a quest for me too now. I guess one thing leads to another here huh?" he asked him.
    "oh, he might have you off fighting very well I'll make sure to help you out too for all your hard work," Zak told him and rewarded him the potions.
    "Oh, I'm impressed gramps, a damage potion. Nice. I'll be sure to use it when the going gets tough." he winked. "Don't have too much fun with Lyle I think he's married maybe."
    "Ha, nevermind. I'll see you later if I have the chance. Maybe I can come drinking with you two later if you're both paying huh?" he smiled happily as he walked out with his reward.


     5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
     1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

    2 Additional Skill Points
    1 for completion
    400 col for page

  6. He walked out again. It'd be nice to have a drinking buddy or someone to just hang out with. Still, he was pretty old or he felt so half the time. Maybe it'd work, or maybe it wouldn't he'd find out. Still, hearing Lyle talk about drinking with Zak, that sounded really heartwarming. 

    "What do the girls say these days? I ship it?" he chuckled to himself finding it hilarious. He then thought of those silly memes and put flowers around the idea of the two old Santa Clauses. He started laughing a little louder at how ridiculous it seemed in his head. "Oh man those lucky bastards." he was jealous of them in a way. He'd get money and friends eventually it was only a matter of time he figured. He stretched as he walked with his arm behind his back and up into the arm.

    "I wonder the prize is for running back and forth, it better be good."

  7. Lyle pulled on his own beard fixing it. He looked over the potions and nodded a few times seeing them. He started to separate them and put them away. Lonzo watched him and sat down at the counter waiting for the man to finish. He glanced around the forge and realized he wouldn't be cold in such a place like this but the smell just wasn't worth it to him. Though the players' shops he visited didn't seem to smell this bad. Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him.

    "So what do you think Lyle does that help you out or did you need me to tell him you need some more?" Lonzo asked him curiously.
    "This should do fine actually. Why don't you tell him I said that you and that I'll have a flagon of ale with him tomorrow."
    "Really you two drink?"
    "Of course we do, we need our strength just like anyone haha."
    "Yeah...I guess so."

  8. Lyle finished his creation and doused it in the water. Lonzo was surprised at the attention to detail he had with it. He relaxed and wondered if going through all the motions made things better instead of relying on the HUD system. He would try to remember that for later if he ever got a job. 

    "What is it Lonzo?" Lyle asked him. "Come to buy something or did you see my quest on a billboard?"
    "Quest? Hm, I'll ask you about that in a minute I came by to deliver something actually. Are you still busy I can come back in a few minutes if you'd rather Ly."
    "That's quite all right Lonzo. What is it you have for me anyway?"

    Lonzo opened up his inventory and made a few swipes with his index and middle finger looking for the potion he made.

    "I made this with Zak's instruction and he told me to deliver it to you, seem he also put a few other potions into my inventory to deliver. Here you go Lyle." he let them all fall into his hands and put them on the counter carefully.

  9. The little bell rang when he opened the door. He coughed as the stench of metal offended his noise. It was so strong it was as if it was in his mouth. He moved his arm up and covered his nose and mouth in his sleeve as an attempt to block the smell of not just metal but of sweat. This is what hard work reeked of and Lonzo swore he must be allergic to it. He could appreciate it but getting this close was almost too much. 

    "Hey other old Santa your friend sent me," he called out to him in between coughs. "What do you have in here soot piles or something? I can't breath in here." it felt like his lungs were on fire from the smoke that rose around him.
    "What's that speak up, I'm busy here." he was striking a red hot piece of metal with his hammer.

    Lonzo narrowed his eyes and went over begrudgingly. 

    "Hey I got something for you hurry it up will you?"

  10. He walked the roads of The Town of Beginnings. He bumped shoulders with another player and kept walking. The player yelled at him but he didn't pay him any mind that was until the guy got into his face screaming. 

    "Calm down I didn't even see you I"m in a hurry." He moved past him not really caring about his feelings.

    It wasn't as if he was being mean on purpose he just had a lot on his mind on how he'd survive. Maybe he'd come looking for someone to stay with. that might help him out a lot. Then again maybe he'd stop being so lazy and get a job to sleep in his own shop. That sounded terrible though. Who would want to sleep where they worked it sounded almost like slavery to him. Then again it'd be warm at least.

    "man I hate the cold." he sighed annoyed with the upcoming winter. "Looks pretty feels like hot garbage," he muttered as he walked. He looked up and saw he was coming up to Lyle's workshop.

  11. He listened to Zak's instruction and a potion did appear for him. It was the first time he saw the stats chart for it and was impressed. His eyes brightened a bit seeing it in front of him. He gained a perfect item for Zak and he was a little surprised and impressed with himself.

    "You're not a bad teacher Zak." Lonzo beamed happily at him. "Is this good enough for you?"
    "My word! A perfectly-created potion! Well done Mr. Lonzo."
    "Oh it's mister now, is it? Fancy. Well, I suppose my work here is done then. Thanks for showing me the ropes Zak."
    "Actually I have one more task if you're up for it."
    "Hm? Really, what's that? I'm not going to hunt for more of those fruits, they're easy to miss right now Zak."
    "Heavens no, could you deliver the potion you made to a friend of mine? These old bones aren't what they use to be I'm afraid."

    Lonzo looked him over a bit and nodded. He held his hand out for the potion and Zak gave it to him freely.

    "Where's it going?"
    "There's a blacksmith Lyle is his name. He's also on floor one."
    "Yeah, I've seen it. Lyle's workshop right?"
    "Yes, that's the one!"
    "Fancy, see you later." he waved and left the shop. 

  12. "Fancy!" he proclaimed and picked up the red gem of a fruit. He watched it vanish and double-checked to make sure he had five of the fruit he needed. Sure enough, there were five that were listed as 'quest item'. 

    Lonzo got up and dusted himself off from the light frost on the ground and walked back through the town gates. It seemed somehow warmer in town, the wind should be funneled through the buildings but it was very calm but still brisk. He looked up at the sign names and found Zak's shop again.

    "Hey there Zak, I'm back, check this out." he opened up his inventory and held all the fruit for him.
    "Ah, I see let us get started on making a potion with that then. Congratulations Lonzo."
    "Thanks Zak."

    Lonzo went over to the cauldron which was already bubbling. He dropped three into the boiling pot after Zak nodded to him.

    "Yes, let us see if you have what it takes to brew a potion. Now counter-clockwise Lonzo."
    Craft: 12

  13. He didn't find anything on the ground but his eyes went up to eye level and he saw the red fruit on the bush itself. He gasped and went to reach for it but hesitated. He looked it over making sure it was swollen like the last piece of fruit he had found and eventually nodded seeing it was good. He reached for it again and gently worked the small red bead-like fruit off the stem. Once it came off he smiled looking it over. Only one more to go. He watched it disappear into his inventory.

    "That means there must be more fruit on this bush, well, here goes nothing maybe I'll just try this." he grabbed onto the bush to give it a shake.  

    It did hurt a bit, the harshness of the bush. It had a sap and needle-like greens on it.

    "Ouch man this sucks." he huffed in a bit of pain as he kept shaking it.

    He saw his health bar flash quickly and let go of the bush staring up at his health meter, only to see it refill. He sighed relaxing watching it go back to full. Lonzo then looked down to see if anything had dropped from the bush.

    Loot: 15

  14. His fingers grazed the delicate fruit and it burst in his fingers. He jolted seeing the juices freeze almost immediately on the spot. He brought his fingers to his lips and tasted the now wasted material. It was sweet but sour and Lonzo stuck his tongue out. There was something about it he didn't like. Almost rotton tasting. It likely burst because it had been out there too long and had spoiled.

    "Yuck, maybe I don't want to be a cook because I'd have to try things like this all the time too." he spat a few times trying to get the foul taste from his mouth and rubbed his hand on the side of his pants to try to get the sticky feeling off of it.  He would refrain from doing it again. He sighed and got up to look elsewhere. He knewt down by the bushes around the town wall again to see if they had dropped any type of red fruit as well. He wasn't sure where it even came from.

    Loot: 15

  15. He snapped his fingers happily and picked up another red fruit. Three out of five, now we're making some headway here.

    "Seems all I have to worry about is how to make money and my palms get itchy for it." he chuckled to himself.

    Another thought was going into music. That would get him a lot of fans and dates quickly. He smiled at the idea but wasn't sure if he could produce something as they say it requires emotion to do it. He thought about it but gave up eventually. Food sounded like the best option in his mind but then he wouldn't have the pleasure of eating out. That sounded rather disheartening in a way to him. He looked around again looking for the fruit he needed. "Come on only two more."

    His hands felt cold as he brushed the frost away from the grass. It would get harder to look if he waited another day that was for certain. He rubbed his hand and blew his breath onto them, and kept up his search.
    Loot: 9

  16. He knelt down and picked up the next red fruit that was between high grass blades. He smiled a bit and nodded feeling his luck had come around for him. That was two out of the five he needed only three more to go and he could do the next part. Anything to get a little cash in the end he supposed. As he walked around the plains an idea stuck him. What would he do to gain cole after this anyway? He could become a blacksmith but he was too lazy to be in mines all day long, and there was no way he'd be able to be a tailor. He kept looking around and continued to think about that. He had seen one too many merchant shops opening up and didn't want to compete with them. Cooking might work nicely so he could feed himself in the end. That might be worth it. Still, that meant more gathering. he looked around the area he was in for that red fruit once more.
    Loot: 12

  17. He was beginning to doubt himself.

    No, I have to be better at this. It's pathetic otherwise. What kind of person would date me if I can't be a decent hunter-gatherer? Get with it, Lonzo. He told himself.

    He did find searching pretty boring and wondered if crafting was any better. He was told by others that after this quest searching got even harder which made him wonder if he'd be able to ever find anything later. Still, he had to if he wanted that blacksmith to level up with him quickly. He continued to wander around the first floor and avoided enemies very easily. It seemed a guild took out most of the mods that have been around. 

    "Seems they must be respawning though at least otherwise there wouldn't much for tailors to do in town. That's good, maybe I'll invest in a blanket or something later." he felt a shiver run through his body feeling cold. He was getting more and more worried about winter and was happy he was looking for these items now before they became scarce.
    Loot: 14

  18. That was one out of the five he needed it seemed the best thing to do was space out and be himself after all. He opened up his inventory to look over the small item. It seemed to be an herb of some sort. So it didn't use flowers or maybe it did. He then pinched the item on the screen to look it over more. It wasn't an herb but a red fruit.

    "Usually dropped by boars and N...Neph...What is that?" he wasn't sure what that was as he never really ventured out before but it was the plant mod that you could find in SAO

    Lonzo shrugged and closed up his inventory.

    "Okay, so I have to look for anything that's small and red for the fruit."

    He walked around the field for a bit. It felt a little damp from the frozen dew that crunched under his boots. He sighed. It was getting too cold, and his winters in various NPC shops weren't exactly as extravagant as he had hoped for. It was time that changed he couldn't handle that kind of life anymore.
    Loot: 7

  19. He didn't find anything there either. There was a sweatdrop that formed and he looked around to make sure no one saw him struggling. He cleared his throat feeling embarrassed. Lonzo stood up and dusted himself off, he wasn't use to being humiliated but went to try by a tree that was in the fields instead. Maybe if it bore fruit other flowers would like it. Maybe he was overthinking it. 

    "Yup if I keep this up I won't space out or worse fall asleep on the ground instead of lookin' for what I need. Though a nap sounds mighty fine, so does that beer." even though he couldn't get drunk anymore he found that an interesting feature of the game. He could still enjoy the taste of things. It was one way he got to sample everything at once without adverse effects. He looked around. "Shoot I was thinking of booz instead of looking." he brushed his hand over some grass.



    Loot: 15

  20. Lonzo swore under his breath. Never in all his years was he this unlucky in his life. He used to things falling into his lap for him. He shrugged it off for now. A smirk went on his face. His eyes lit up. "I haven't had to work this hard since I was a pup. To think I'm where I was when I was younger. That's pretty nostalgic that's for sure." the thought of his past left his mind as he didn't care for the outside world anymore. This was his home, but he couldn't help but remember the feeling he had when he tried to desperately make it big. He got up and walked away from the spot and started in another spot. He knelt down this time moving dirt around and becoming a bit more vigorous with his search. "I won't give up so easily. I'll get five of these things before the night ends just you watch." he was mostly trying to psych himself up so he wouldn't get disinterested in the task. He could be drinking at a bar or something but no he was stuck working.

    o126761 : 9

  21. I wonder because it's cooler if things are growing very well.I have to find five before nightfall or it gets ugly out here. I'll just stay close to the gates that's what I'll do." he would try searching in another location this time by the walls around the town. "There's a lot of bushes over here maybe I can get lucky. He knelt down and took a look through the high grass where it meets the shrubbery. "Actually couldn't he use nettle? I bet I could find that here for the quest too." he looked around being careful not to damage anything under his hands, and careful not to get any thorns or needles in them as well.
    He started to hum to himself, it was a low soft melody that could rival one that would put a crying baby to sleep. However, that slow tempo turned into a soft light jazz-like number before going back to a low rumble of a hum.
    LT 1

  22. The axe wielder walked through the gates and to a field where he started to look around. He was thankful for the nice day and hoped it would make things easier to spot. Walking around he took in deep breaths taking in the various scents of the area. There were rosemary and lavender hints in the air. It was so relaxing. It was times like these he'd settle for becoming a cook to make teas and yet he knew his hands wouldn't be able to handle it. He'd want to really work at something. Not that tea preparation was either, that wasn't true by any means. He'd rather watch someone else perform tea ceremonies and not himself, or could he get more dates that way. He shrugged the idea off and stopped where he was to look down at his feet to check to see if there were any flowers or spices near by.

    Rolling for loot


     Loot: 8

  23. "Lonzo it's great to see you. Could you please help me out. My back is sore these days and I haven't had the time to go out and collect some herbs and flowers for my potion. I was wondering if you could help me out. Afterward, I'd be glad to show you how I go about my craft if you'd like." Zakariah asked humbly. 
    "Sure thing old timmer. Just count on me, if I'm lucky I might find some flower for a pretty lady or a guy whatever."

    Zakariah was silent.

    ".....By Lonzo what about me?..." Lonzo tried to mimic him. "If you wait for me when I get old and grey maybe baby."

    Zakariah was silent.

    "Come on, humor me a little." Lonzo sighed.
    "Did you have the five materials I needed?" Zakariah asked.
    "Pushy son of a gun....I'll be right back, try not to get into trouble. See you later Zak." off he went with his arms behind his head.

  24. "Don't worry your pretty head over it. Just get good and famous with me. Eventually, I'll need the next tier and you'll be the ace up my sleeve got it." he told him trying to fire him up over it. "I'm going to go get more materials where I can. I've learned how to get around mobs so don't worry about me for now. Also, put some sort of seal or mark that you made it, and put it out in the open for people to notice it. Anyway, I'll see you around I've got a lot of quests to cover up, aw heck, here have another one." he transferred over a 10th resource over to him. "I hate it when it ain't even. Take your time on it. No rush delivery required. Like I say, I've got a lot of quests to catch up on. I can't sit around anymore. see you around handsome." off he went to go start his quests.

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