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Posts posted by Lonzo

  1. 129610 8 7 2 8


    Lonzo sighed as he touched the flower. Again it shattered in front of him. He swore in Spanish under his breath. "Maybe I'm going about it wrong." he looked at his axe and then looked through his inventory. "Is there a way I can harvest the flower easier? Hm, left the cooking supplies at home." He looked at his axe and wondered if he could try to harvest it with his axe. "No it's too delicate. I'd have to just get better and be more gentle." he told himself. He went back to his tree and sat down wondering how long it would take of them all to respawn again. He felt pressed for time but closed his eyes anyway. It'd be dangerous to fall asleep here so he crossed his ankle over the other. It wasn't comfortable enough to sleep like that. He felt as if his body was refreshing itself again. The sweat was being cleaned off him it seemed. He opened his eyes and looked at his energy bar as it went up a tick. 

  2. He ran for it again to strike it dead but stumbled as it rose it's roots to hold him in place pulling his legs down Lonzo winced. He looked up and felt a sharp sting across his chest as it tried to assault him. He growled in pain but saw there was sap coming from the plant. It wouldn't survive after it attacks and sure enough it exploded in that moment after it's a strike. Lonzo sighed and stood up a little shaken from how it did seem to learn from it's past mistake. So it could use its roots to plant itself on the ground and then pull him down. A clever monster indeed. He moved closer looking for the flower and would reach out for it once more hoping this time he had more luck than last time. His hands shook slightly as they wrapped around the item that seemed to float in front of him. So much that he swore he may have destroyed it yet again. He opened his hand to look.


    129609 1 11 3 8

    Lonzo loses energy on his roll of 1 -2 energy 
    Nepent strikes for 10 - 18mit = 1 dmg
    Nepent takes 12 bleed dmg = dead

    HP 98/100 
    Energy 4/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant

    HP: 2/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  3. The area seemed to have a slight red flash that Lonzo just noticed down. The irritating sound of the field boss warning broke above in the skies warning players of its arrival. Lonzo looked down to see it once more. He moved his axe to point it at the creature and ran forwards knowing to only use normal attacks from here on out on the beast. 
    I have to get lucky and bleed it again which seems to be the best course of action in this situation. Still, will it seem me coming this time?
    He wasn't sure if not doing fancy footwork would be the best or not just yet but he'd have to try it anyway. He managed to jump past the variant's root system and cut it down but as he smiled he felt a whip smack him on the side throwing him off to the side.

    "Tch, doesn't matter my aim was true you worthless piece of rotten veg."

    129608 8 5 8 6

    basic attack 4 - 10mit= 1dmg with 12bleed
    Nepent normal attack = 10 - 18 mit = 1dmg against Lonzo 
    Nepent bleeds for 12unmitigated dmg 14 -12 = 2hp left

    HP 99/100 
    Energy 6/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant

    HP: 2/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  4. He was focused and ran forwards activating his smash sword art. He felt as if they both had a target on their heads and it was his job to take them both out. As he reached the first one it didn't even have time to raise it's vines in defense as Lonzo struck it on the forehead. He threw his body against it. His feet landing on the Nepents body. After he slashed he looked to the next one and gripped his axe as it lunched itself and him towards the next one cutting along it's head. He heard a loud bang behind him as the first one exploded and then the second soon followed in a brilliant blue cacophony of shattered glass. he rested his axe over both his shoulders and heard the noise there it was being summoned already. 

    "That certainly didn't take very long. Its it's own fault for not rewarding me the first time. A typical flower I suppose." he shrugged and smiled looking up at it.

    129605      7   9  9  3
    Sash vs Nepent 1 - (4)2 = 8dmg - 8 hp dead
    129607      6   3  8  8
    Smash vs Nepent 2 - (4)2 = 8dmg - 8hp = dead

    HP 100/100 
    Energy 10/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Mit 0
    Dmg 3

    Mit 0
    Dmg 3
  5. His heart raced once he spotted the other nepent getting closer to the other one. It was then he heard his energy bar fill up. Feeling refreshed he slowly stood up and tried to make as little sound as he possibly could. He took another deep breath as he gauged the distance between the two mobs that he knew he'd have to get in between. This time he'd take them both down as quickly as possible and fight the flower again. Was it a queen? As he thought about it flowers usually had both parts so it was both perhaps. Did it even understand how a flower worked? He cracked his neck as he waited for his opening. Lonzo was always an opportunist when it came to these things and he wanted to make sure he had enough time to reach them without them noticing him. If he could manage that he'd be able to vanquish them quickly. "Okay, here goes nothing again."

    HP 100/100 
    Energy 10/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

  6. He closed his eyes listening to his surroundings. He took a deep breath through his nose and held it for a moment then exhaled quietly through his mouth. He felt a little refreshed as he took it easy under the tree. He opened his eyes and had hoped that after all of this he'd pick up his thorns armor and show these plants just how ruthless he could be. Yet he knew he didn't have time to go pick that up and run all the way back. He'd be leaving the quest area and that'd likely stop everything right there. He wasn't about to lose unless it got too dangerous for him in this area. So far so good. As he relaxed he glanced at his health that went up along with his energy. That was a good sign. A nepent bounced past him not noticing him. His eyes were locked with it but he didn't move just yet. He needed the other one closer to it. He'd wait for his prime time to strike. Lonzo licked his lips. Combat took a lot out of him but he'd keep going he had to. He needed to prove to himself he could survive this world.

    HP 100/100 
    Energy 4/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

  7. 129597 8 5 6



    As Lonzo touched the flower it shattered and his eyes narrowed. All that work. Wasted. He looked at his hand. He could cook and he could kill, bother required a steady calm hand and he failed to get what he needed for that child. He walked deeper into the forest hearing noises of monsters spawning in. He punched a nearby tree in frustration. He'd have to do this all again and he hated it. He sighed and tried to steel himself. He was still on a time limit and knew he would have to kill the smaller ones quickly.

    I need to rest for now and then go after two at a time and spawn this thing faster. There aren't enough Nepents here needed to spawn the big guy in so it should be all right. As long as I don't miss and keep this up I'll be able to kill the boss again quickly. At least I hope so.

    He felt more confident because he had done it once already and wondered would the game learn and get smart on how it would deal with him. He wasn't a fan to testing these sorts of things on his own but he had little choice in the matter. He sat under a tree and tried to collect his thoughts.

    HP 99/100 
    Energy 3/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

  8. Lonzo ran forwards. He was too tired to strike it again with whirlwind, and by his calculations, it would haven't mattered any, somehow the enemy didn't take the damage. So the boss must have had some sort of mitigation. Like a thick skin similar to an aloe plant. Raised his axe and struck where it's roots connected loosening it so the monster toppled over. It flailed its vines at him and Lonzo stepped aside.

    "That child is suffering and you are the cure. Sorry about this but I'll wait for you to pass on, at least you won't be alone when you die. Sorry for murdering your brothers and sister too, but know that you've helped sustain a life." Lonzo stated as he glared at the fallen plant. It let out an agonizing scream as it died from bleeding to death in front of him. He sighed as he watched it explode into a blue light the flower still visible. He took in a deep breath and reached for it. If he failed at procuring this he'd likely have to hunt them all down again. At least now he knew he could do it but he didn't feel like doing it again.


    129595 6 1 12 3

    Basic attack 4 - 10 mit = 1dmg
    Nepent Variant misses
    Bleed goes over final time 2 - 12 = dead

    HP 99/100 
    Energy 2/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant

    HP: 2/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  9. The vines crashed down upon Lonzo and he rolled out of the way. He stood up and jumped onto one of the vines and ran up towards the flower.

    There's no way I can kill this thing from the ground. So let's see if I can behead it and take that flower this way.

    He jumped off the vine, his axe glowing blue ready to do another sword art. He spun around in a circle like a helicopter and struck the Nepent variant in the forehead just under the flower. It let out a whine and Lonzo saw a deep red gash on it. The Nepent sent out its vines at him and Lonzo quickly used them as a stepping tool to descend to the ground without a scratch. His axe now coated red. He looked over his shoulder at the monstrosity and turned to face it.

    "That did it. You shouldn't have hit me like that. I don't mind people's kinks but you didn't even give me a safe word. That's a bit rude of you darling." he winked at the Nepent feeling the tides had turned in his favor. He swung his axe and readied himself for another go.

    "But seeing as you're into that kind of thing, I guess I won't give you a safe word either." he said under his breath with a dark undertone in his voice.

    129590 8 6 1 1


    >>Whirlwind<< (4)2 = 8, boss has 10mit takes 1dmg 14/15hp
    Boss attack misses with 99/100 hp for lonzo
    Bleed goes off for 12 unmitagated dmg 2/15hp 

    HP 99/100 
    Energy 2/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant

    HP: 2/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  10. Seeing that one die as well he looked over the shards and didn't see any loot. He sighed and looked around. Lonzo jolted hearing a loud that resembled an alarm clock. The area flagged up with a warning for the area. Lonzo looked up to the heavens wondering what in God's name it was even doing. The sky was normal but he felt a shift in the air as the wind kicked up around him. As he turned he could see it closing in on him. A field boss. His eyes widened at it. What was that doing here? Was it always on this floor? He did a quick scan of the area realizing that the other smaller mobs were gone. This is what Koga was likely worried about. His eyes darted around the creature and eyed the flower on it's head. He gripped his axe as the monster got closer to him. As he prepared whirlwind he was hit by a long vine stopping in before he could even run-up to the boss. He winced and glared at the creature. "you'll regret it you know."

    "Yeah, bet you don't want to do that again do you?" 

    129589 4 9 1 6

    HP 99/100  (Hit by vine whip for 10-18 = 1dmg taken)
    Energy 4/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant

    HP: 15/15 (Sword arts missed)
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  11. He nodded and walked with her back to the small town and then went back out again to kill more of the Nepents. There was a part of him that felt relieved that they had left. If they couldn't handle it that was important to know. Could he handle it though? He wasn't sure. Maybe he'd get himself killed here, but it didn't bother him. He'd wake up if that was the case. He wanted to believe that. He wanted to believe that when he woke up he'd get to into his office and write up a court case about this whole thing, but then what? How would he let them know he was all right? How could he possibly wake them up? Surely someone's thought of something by now.  He walked back into the forest and looked around for the nepents specifically to kill them. He was a little tired and wondered if he should just wait for more to spawn in. Yet he didn't seem to see any at the moment.

    "Hm....Well, this is strange..."

    He looked off and saw one jumping around by itself. It was likely other players hand been through here already killing most of them. Yet it didn't have a flower. What was Koga so upset about before. "Well, I won't know unless I kill it." Lonzo went forwards to attack it.

    129578 8 2 14 2



    HP 100
    Energy 6/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0


    >>Whilrwind SA<<  (4) 2 = 8

    HP 8

    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3


    Zombie |  HP: 50 MIT: 10 DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.
    ID# 129270 | BD: 9 MD: 3
    ID# 129273 | MD: 3
    ID# 129275 | MD: 3
    ID# 129276 | MD: 8 (Attacking Zombie 4)
    Yukiro: HP 240/240 | EN 21/24 (-1+1)
    Lonzo: HP 120/140 (-20) | EN 0/14
    Zombie 1: HP 48/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 1]
    Zombie 2: HP 49/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 2] 4+ 6 (bleed deals 12 unmitagated damage on it's turn for 2 turns)
    Zombie 3: HP 48/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 1]

    Zombie 4: HP 49/50 (-1) [Hate: Yukiro 2 // Lonzo 0]

    He saw the other zombies try to stampede him it was only natural for him to move out the way. It was as if he saw an oncoming mob, or an incoming bus or train. He wasn't about to just stand in one place and take it. Yet one ran up to him and grabbed onto his arm biting. He thought for a moment that his thorns would activate and then felt pain run through him. 
    "AY I'm not food, get off." he pulled his arm away and flexed glaring at the one that did actually bite him. He didn't see any wounds on his arm and sighed knowing he wouldn't turn now. Then he realized he didn't have his armor on. 
    "oh yeah, I'm pretty vulnerable right now huh? Fantastic." he huffed annoyed and tried to catch his breath. He looked over at the second zombie and felt his strength return to him. "Okay, let us try this on you then." 

    He used the last of his energy and cut into the second zombie. He heard it cry out from the small line cut he caused on its chest as a fountain of ooze came out of it. It unnerved Lonzo for a moment and then it turned to blue particles and floated up into the air. It was almost beautiful to look and hypnotized him in place. Lonzo looked up to the sky for a moment and then his head came back down as he saw the open wound still remain on the zombie.

    "Guess it's a bleeder


    10 3 16




  13. Lonzo felt the air around him move in a gust as he was struck back. His eyes crossed at the sudden hit to his body which knocked him back a few feet. He had zero time to defend himself and could tell thorns did not go off as if was planed. He went down on one knee not use to the waves of pain his body felt. As he rose to his feet he sighed and felt eyes on him. He knew he still had the creature's attention. "Tch, that the best you got?" He hissed. 
    He looked at his HUD and saw that that creature seemed to have used some sort of special attack and that with the energy it had it shouldn't be able to do it again. However, Lonzo wasn't sure. He wasn't very much use to anyone if he died. Still, he felt he could manage another hit or three. He then looked at his health. Pity there wasn't some sort of reward for that for the quest. Lonzo went to use a full swing on the guardian but felt his ax lodge itself into the wall instead. He pulled it out. 
    "Everything looks the same. Everything is a hunk of stupid rock." he hissed annoyed.


    129361 6 3 12 5

    6-1 due to darkness

    Lonzo HP: 69/120    Lonzo Energy 10/12
    Cave Guardian 16/20

  14. "Okay, Yuki. Just let them hit me I guess? This is all sorts of suicide. But I guess that's what it's really like in this game." he sighed and was already changed. "I'm ready for it. He brought his axe up to do the sword art lumberjack. He hadn't done this move before and ran towards the enemies and with a few quick swings, he was trying to hit all three of them at once missing a fourth because he didn't have the energy to deal with it. "Yuki, There's four in front of this NPC shop. They keep harassing them, let us not let anything happen to them okay?" he called out to him worried for the safety of the NPCs. "If they die it might affect all the players that haven't tried to venture outside." He saw a few low-level players run past him. "Just get to the tent you'll be safer there," Lonzo called out to them.
    "Jeez I barely do anything to these things but at least they've noticed me now." He huffed a bit feeling his energy totally leave him now that he had gone all out. "That was literally the best I could do. no fair."

    HP 140
    Energy 0/14 
    DMG 4
    Mit 26
    Hate 2

    129228 .

    6  4  5   4

    4 * 3 = 12 dmg - 10 mit = 2
    HP: 48/50 
    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.


    3 1 20 9

    HP: 50/50
    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

    129230 7 8 18


    4 * 3 = 12 dmg - 10 mit = 2

    HP: 48/50
    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

    129231 3 2 14 3

    HP: 50/50
    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

  15. He nodded and looked around. "Hey, we should save the apothecary next. He's pretty old and might need some backup." Lonzo ran forwards. As he did so he noticed on his HUD were some greyed out figures. It was for the quest, various achievements. "Yuki, I'll need to rely on you if I"m going to get awarded anything at this rate. I'm counting on you okay?" He asked and took off his armor. This meant he wouldn't be dealing with any damage to them, well maybe a little. "If I get low I'm drinking the cider I bought." the idea of it being called spider cider though creeped him out, would it taste like bugs? Did it move?  He hated bugs with a passion.
    As he ran over to the Apothecary shop he spotted a few. "Should we wait? Should I attack first or do you got?" he asked Yuki.

    HP 140
    Energy 9/14 
    DMG 4
    Mit 26

  16. Being told to be careful and watch Koga go another way jarred him. Was what he wanted to do impossible?" He looked at who was now in his party and it seemed only Noct remained. He checked his friends list to make sure Nora hadn't died when she ran off. She hadn't. What did that mean exactly? Did she just run away without a word on him? He looked up and realized Koga was gone but that meant Noct was all alone. He sprinted back into the forest running to a party curser. He had to weave around trees and finally managed to find Noct alone. 

    "Noctua, there you are. Koga and Nora bailed. Are you all right?" he asked worriedly. "You should probably get back to your husband." he winced after he said it like that. "Not how I meant it. What I mean is that he's likely worried about you a-" he heard rustling He turned seeing one of the large creatures step forward. Now he understood what Koga meant. "Great," he muttered. "Noct get behind me if you're not ready. I didn't realize it could get this bad." he thought he asked to make sure they were ready beforehand but maybe there was no possible way to be ready in this situation. "I didn't think it'd be this bad." He ran forwards.

    With a quick spin attack, he quickly killed the Nepent that was in front of them. He sighed a little relieved it was easier to kill than he expected. He looked over at Noct.
    "Now's your chance to escape. I'm not leaving though. Not until I'm done. I'll escort you out of if you want though." at this point he just accepted the idea he'd do this alone. It was something he used to and he couldn't fault them for looking out for themselves. At least Koga told him.


    8 6 20 10

    Whirlwind (4) * 2 = 8dmg

    HP: 7  - 8
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

  17. "Yuki! You're not a zombie!" he explained happily. He stared at his vicious attack to the enemy and was a bit more than a little surprised when he witnessed it. When did he get so strong? Was he really falling that far behind him? "Wait, hang on, you've been fighting these things already?" he stared as the zombie got back up he could hear Maggie crying from inside. "Tch, you better not have harmed her, it's bad enough you made her cry." he glared. "Thanks, I appreciate the backup, I figured they'd be a pain to deal with but this is more than I think I could have handled on my own," he explained.  "I can't believe it didn't go down with your attack. Well, I'll try again with my own." he could tell he barely did any damage even with his sword art skills and yet Yukiro got it down pretty far. He readied himself and bolted forwards. "Have another for making Maggie cry!" he was a little overprotective of the NPC.

    Lonzo brought back his axe to use ultimate breaker once more. As he swung it around he felt it miss but he was sent back into the air. Lonzo looked down and pointed his axe down onto the zombie but it slowly moved out of his way. Lonzo growled and looked in the window as the cooks barricade the door to the restaurant. "Hey get the windows too!" Lonzo yelled at them. 

    Sure enough Maggie, some actually players and various other npc cooks moved tables to the windows. "There you go." he sighed relieved they'd be safe for now.

    129096 .

    5 4 10 1

    Hate: Yukiro 1 Lonzo 1

    HP 140
    Energy 8/14 
    DMG 4
    Mit 26

    HP: 18/50
    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

  18. He jumped freaked out. He spun around on his heal and saw the red on his face. Lonzo let out a blood curtailing scream. "Oh man, estas muerto, and I called you already and you're dead, and you came to me cause I rang a dinner bell and now there are two zombies. I brought Maggie another one and they're going to eat all her pies. I won't let you eat her pie you son of a-" He heard Maggie scream as she held onto her door trying not to let the zombie in. "I'm coming Maggie hang on!" he shouted with a booming voice. Even though he was freaking out he rushed the zombie in front of the door. "NO PIE FOR YOU! ULTIMATE BREAKER!" He shouted as he picked his sword art skill and hit the zombie in the chin sending him up in the air and Lonzo let his axe carry him upwards. He dislodged his axe from the zombie's jaw and swung downwards on its head. "Got...it....it's still standing....Are you kidding me right now?!"

    129066  8 10 16 2
    HP 140
    Energy 11/14 
    DMG 4
    Mit 26
    Ultimate Breaker 4 * 3 = 12 dmg - 10mt = 2dmg 

    HP: 48/50
    MIT: 10
    DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

  19. Spoiler

    SP 16
    LvL 5
    HP 140
    Energy 14
    DMG 4
    Mit 26
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Skills Slots 3
    2 handed Axes rank 2
    Heavy Armor rank 1

    Two-Handed rare Axe
          - 2 bleed Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) deal (12 * Tier) unmitigated bleed damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Bleed damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.

    Black Onyx Armor: 1thorns (9dmg on normal melee hits against me) Mit2 (18dmg mit)
    Sword Arts


    Rank 1

    • [x2] Whirlwind (2 Energy) - A single sweeping attack so powerful that it sends forth a shock wave to hit again.
    • [x2 AoE] Smash (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - An uppercut aimed at opponents head to send them reeling.

      Rank 2

    • [x3 AoE] Lumberjack (3 Energy +2 per target hit) - Three wide sweeping strokes aimed at multiple targets.
    • [x3] Ultimate Breaker (3 Energy) - A pair of uppercuts that finish with a vertical slam to the target's head.

      Battle Ready Slots
      10 Spider Cider 500 (total)
      1 Popcorn 150

    An eerie fog covered the town of beginnings. He heard crows cawing in the dead of night and a chill was in the air. He noticed an odd like ribbon around the town. That was strange. He just bought some supplies from Jack but he hadn't noticed all of this. He opened up his inventory and saw that all his items accept the ones he had just purchased were locked. 

    "Fanfreakintastic," he muttered annoyed. He gave a glare at the NPC who seemed to just smile happily and carry about his business. 

    Lonzo took in a deep breath and opened up his mail.


    Hey, Yuki, if you're stuck in the town of beginnings I need to meet up with you asap. I'm stuck doing some quest and I'm not sure I like my odds at the moment. Help me out.

    Best Wishes 

    He closed his menu and sent a party request to him it was up to him if he joined or not. How bad could killing the dead be? They were already dead after all, but could be the players that had died already? Lonzo winced and shook his head not wanting to think of that. No, clearly they just woke up or rerolled a character. That's what happened. Right? He'd like to pretend it was at the very least.  
    He looked at the town. It had also changed. There were more orange orbs floating around, and pumpkins were everywhere. It was nice to look at but he wondered if the NPCs were all right.


    Lonzo knew that voice it was, of course, the NPC Maggie that taught him how to be a cook. He ran over there to go help. "Hang on Maggie your pupil is on his way and if I'm lucky I've got some backup!" he ran over.

  20. "I have no idea. I'm just a luck sack?" he asked. "Maybe because even though I want to get these for people I don't care one way or the other. I'd just stay here till I'm done and maybe that grants me some secret power. It's like the universe knows it can either force me to take forever or give me what I want to see what I do with it. Though to be fair, I really need materials and I'm worried you'll be in the same boat. What would be worse is if I didn't try at all I bet. So it's a lady huh? If you ever need to take her on a date.....You might not want my pub. It's a pub for adventuring it's not pretty, I mean you've seen it. One day though I'll get really good and own something beyond fancy. How about you Yukiro? Do you plan to move your shop eventually too or are you just going to bum around floor one, nothing wrong with it if that's your plan." He admitted. "All right lets see if I can find you two more and then work for myself, shall we? Hey, Yuki, still, find out what foods she likes okay. I'll hook you up when I get even better okay. It'll give me more to practice and I'd like that. A lot." he said as he continued looking around. "So, what's her name?"

    129042   LD13
    4/5 for Yukiro 0/5 for Lonzo 

  21. buying
    1ticket 500
    10 Spider Cider 500 (total)
    1 Popcorn 150

    He wasn't getting very far just sitting around and taking in the sights. So he decided to check out the stand more closely and saw that there might be a prize or two that caught his attention. With his armor now and skills, he might be able to actually kill at least one enemy. It was a long shot but he'd try to do it. So he wasn't allowed any of his medical items and had to buy from the stand itself. Well, he'd give it a go and decided to offer up 1500 col to Jack at that moment.
    "Guess you have my interest after all. I wasn't going to try but I realize I would have to wait a year or miss my chance completely at this. Here goes nothing. Am I right amigo?" he transferred the funds over and checked his inventory for the items. Now all he had to do was go use them up to see if he could even do this correctly. Maybe if he found someone to do this with it'd be easier. "I might have to call over Yukiro for this one. He might know what to do. He walked forward to give this quest a try.


    HP 120
    EN 12
    MIT 26
    DMG 4
    ACC -1 (Because of the cave)


    Two-Handed rare Axe
          - 2 bleed Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) deal (12 * Tier) unmitigated bleed damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Bleed damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.

    Black Onyx Armor: 1thorns (9dmg on normal melee hits against me) Mit2 (18dmg mit)
    Sword Arts

    Safeguard Potion
    4 overheal potion
    3 starter healing potions
    1 Dmg +1 potion



    128905 7-1 = 6 hit


    Well, no time like the present I assume. He was following the cave with his hand and could hear the ungodly sound the creature made. It made Lonzo's skin crawl and he closed his eyes listening. If he trusted his ears he might be able to see the monster. Opening his eyes slowly he moved forwards and made a swing to damage it. Sure enough, a rumbling noise let lose and he was sure his ax had stuck something large. He peered trying to see what was in front of him and realized the cave guardian was massive in size. Could it be forged from these caves very walls to protect it? What did that mean?

    "Guys...This thing is really big. I mean huge big." he said a little unnerved at it.

    Lonzo moved back a few feet to make sure he'd have some footing in case this thing decided to sweep him right off his feet. Still, he'd do his best to hold is ground hoping if he was attacked that his thorns would make the monster in front of him regret it.

    Lonzo HP 120 Hate:1
    Guardian HP 16/20

  23. He laughed. "You need to loosen up Nightingal." he started putting things into a barrel and put them into his inventory. "OAF." he could tell he was full up on everything at that moment.
    "What are you doing?" The guard asked, "Are you ste-"
    "Your job, per usual. Step aside I need to return this stuff with NIGHT and call it a day," he said walking feeling oddly heavy. Was this was incumbered felt like. "I didn't know there was a weight limit in this game I think I overdid it with quest items." he huffed and kept walking. "NIIIIIIGHT wait up!" he tried to catch up to her and went back to the smith's shop. He more or less tossed the items out of his inventory as quickly as possible. "There's your stuff. By the way it was a dark elf so let the surrounding area know there might be a brigand problem in this area."
    "You mean a dark elf problem."
    "No, a BRIGAND problem. One bad apple doesn't a dead tree make. There's always good apples you know. I'm a cook, I just know these things." he wasn't about to let them get away with grouping people together like that it wasn't his style. "Hey I hope we can work together again NIGHT. I'll try to be less of a fop around you if it helps." he was pretty pleased with how well the quest had gone.
    "Not bad, I'm willing to make one of you some armor. Light or heavy. I'll make it if it's heavy or my wife will if it's light for returning all of this to us."

  24. Name: Golden Eye Ring
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 3
    Item Type: Ring
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: ACC 3
    Description: an eye from a monster encased in risen. It is only content with more hunting.

    Lonzo walked into the store almost giving up on finding an artisan he could actually afford. He called the two lovebirds had a shop going and managed to pull himself away from flirting and searching for his own materials for a second.

    "This isn't a bad place you have here." He looked at the sheet and stared at the prices. "You two need to raise these a little. How about this. Why don't I get you 2grand in col. One grand for each of you just because I feel like it and you can make me one of these at your leisure. Sound good to you two lovebirds?" he asked after filling out the sheet. "There you go, this one might be tough but who knows maybe I'll get it sooner than I think."

  25. So she uses a shield huh? I didn't expect that. He thought to himself. 

    He watched her hit the dark elf pretty hard. That's who was up to all of this. A dark elf. He hadn't seen an elf once until now. Does that mean there are other mobs that are human-like? That'd make them pretty unnerving to hit, but they are human. He clutched his axe and remembered how ransacked the place was. If there was something he couldn't tolerate it was the dark elf in front of him. He rushed forwards but arced off from the side and then sprinted towards the enemy. 

    "It's not yours and you're hurting our chances at this you doxy."

    With a whirl from his axe he heard a scream as the elf mob was shattered. He rested his axe over his shoulder and looked around at everything. He was a little surprised, perhaps they honestly did surprise the elf.

    "Well done you two!" a guard congratulated them."
    "So you've all known about this spot and didn't even do anything, or rather you let other people handle your issues. You know this makes it harder for people who want to eat you idiot." he glared at the guard. Then sighed pinching his nose. "Thank you NIGHT, without your initial attack there would have been a chance someone could have gotten harmed. " he relaxed and looked at her. He held his hand out to her to shake hands with her. "I know you know I'm Lonzo but...it's a pleasure working with someone so competent. I usually settle for just gorgeous but you certainly take the cake." 
    "Well don't you worry I'll take this stuff back for you." the guard started to pick things up to return them to the proper owners. 

    128688 9

    Dark Elf | HP: 0/12 | DMG 5   2(4) +1mini crit) 9dmg total whirlwid SA used

    NIGHT | HP: 60/60 | EN: 4/6 (-2) | DMG: 4 | MIT: 9 | ACC: 2 
    Lonzo IHP:100 I EN 6/10 I DMG 4 Mit 18 

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