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Posts posted by Lonzo

  1. " I'll use it after we get rid of this thing. No point in using it now, it's not hitting nearly as hard you know. Though who knows it might do it again. Lets hope not or it was nice knowing all of you." He was pretty positive at this point he wouldn't be able to hit the cave monster at all. Part of him hated knowing that because he couldn't afford to let the others die on his watch. He went out and bought things to make it so he'd be the one taking the hits and yet it wasn't working. Maybe if he closed his eyes instead. He sighed and closed his eyes to try and listen for the cave guardian. He got ready to do a sword art. He hoped he'd get lucky and be able to actually hit the thing. He concentrated his attack and his axe began to glow with his sword art as he rushed forwards and struck the cave guardian 3 times.
    I got it! "It's weak now finish it off!" Lonzo shouted.

    129908 9 11 12 8

    I lost the crit due to darkness but bleed still hits on even an 8 <3
    17-12 =5hp left

    Lonzo uses 

    Ultimate Breaker (4) 3 = 12 dmg (Bleed for 2 turns for 12 damage)
    Lonzo HP: 69/120    Lonzo Energy 6/12
    Cave guardian:
     HP: 5/20 | DMG: 50/5 (on first attack only); Hate Yukiro 0; Nora 1; Lonzo 0; NIGHT 0





  2. 129845 6 5 16 10

    I wonder where I would find coconuts. Is there a beach area? I suppose there would have to be someplace right? A nice sunny resort area where it was safe from monsters. Everyone in their bikinis and swim trunks. I wonder if I could make shaved ice or something for people to enjoy. Everyone would be so happy finally. Who knew fighting like this would take so much out of a person.
    Is that an acorn?  Maybe a mushroom?

    He picked up a leaf and opened up his inventory to look it over. It was called a Nepent Leaf. This wasn't the Ovule he was looking for clearly and he read it could turn bitter if it was overcooked. It reminded him of spinach at first but he settled on it more likely being a substitute for kale. He smiled to himself and relaxed while he could before he he shifted and tried to find some more.


  3. 129844 1 4 3 1


    After he had killed the beast he fell forwards where it had died. He heard something similar to glass breaking. "finally I can just rest a dang second." he wheezed. He closed his eyes. He felt like he was forgetting something. Something very important. Yet he didn't care the fight was over. He had finally won. He wasn't being whipped anymore, it was fantastic. He felt so elated and then his eyes shot open. He sat up pawing at the ground in front of himself.
    "No it has to be here! IT HAS TO BE HERE!" he shouted. His shoulders dropped and he looked around the area. "It's not here. Tonto forgot to drop the thing I needed! What a waste of time!" he couldn't believe that stupid nepent got the last laugh in the end. 
    Lonzo sighed and moved back to his tree and sat down feeling pretty tired still.
    "I wonder if any nuts dropped around here then." he looked around for materials while he rested.

  4. "you know I bet you'd make a great Buddha bowl. I just need to find a place that has something that tastes like coconuts.I'll chop you up like a sweet potato, don't worry if you're not sweet enough I'll add some sugar to you baby. As for you lovely vines I'll chop them right up nice and fine. Make them the size tiny broccoli because they're so nice and green. Oh your thorns, don't worry darling I will make sure to peel those off don't you worry they'll love you. Some rock salt and kale and that's what you'll be for my lovely guests. Oh your teeth? I'll grind them into a paste and add some hot powder or something like garlic to them for you don't you worry about that. Oh the lips? You know chickens have gibbets no one eats I might just toss that out or use it in a gravy or stock later. You're oh so lucky." His last sentence was dripping with a murderous undertone.

    129843 8 1 10 2


    Lonzo basic attack 1 - 11 = 10 bleed is on
    Nepent misses
    Nepent bleeds to death

    HP 79/100

    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 0/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  5. As he shouted and charged the Nepent jumped. Lonzo knitted his brows. he wasn't about to get jumped on again so quickly. He dodged but was unable to swing. There was rustling near him and as he turned to face the field boss he was hit by vines yet again. He winced and shook his head from it. He knew his armor could hold up to a small attack like that but it was getting rather tedious and stressful. How did he win last time? That's right he wanted to cook something. He looked at the creature. What could he possible make from that eyesore? As he thought about it he relaxed a bit more getting ready to attack again. It'd have to be something he could cook for a long while in a crackpot or something because it was already a tough skinned monster. He wasn't even sure if he could use a vegetable peeler on it.


    129837 4 9 3 6

    HP 79/100

    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 11/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  6. The nepent variant laughed at Lonzo's taunts and threw himself at Lonzo again but landed on him. He felt so crushed with his armor. After the oversized plant jumped off of him it whipped him a few times. This one had thorns on some of it's whips which seemed to hurt a lot more than the other two.

    This one found a flaw in my armor? I won't be able to handle another assult like that. Do I run?

    He heard the nepent laughing at him and stood up shaking the dirt off himself. Lonzo glanced up at his health bar and tried to remember his other fights with the other Variants. They didn't last too much longer after a fight like this. He could keep going. He had to. Running from something like this would crush him later. He wasn't out of options just yet. He narrowed his eyes and ran full force at the nepent. "I've had ENOUGH OF YOU!"



    HP 80/100

    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 11/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  7. As he went to swing again the nepent variant belly checked Lonzo sending him backwards. Lonzo huffed unable to move. His body ached and that's when he felt it. A loud thwack against his stomach as a vine came down on him like a guillotine. He wanted to be sick, and he wanted to just rest. As the vines went up Lonzo gathered his remaining strength and rolled over. as it crashed down against the ground. He used his axe to get up and held onto it for support. He huffed through his nose and pulled his axe from the ground and marched with purpose towards the nepent variant. "This has to end sometime, you're just delaying your death you know." he huffed."You might think I'm foolish, doing this for someone without real emotion. You seem to not understand that I need to do these things to remind myself that I have emotion." he glared as he spoke in a more formal tone that he didn't often use in this world.

    129835   1  7  16  7

    HP 93/100

    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 11/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  8. Spoiler


    129834 9 7 9 2

    Lonzo uses basic attack on zombie 1 = 4 + 1crit dmg  = 5dmg (12dmg on it's turn for bleed) 



    Zombie |  HP: 50 MIT: 10 DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.

    Yukiro: HP 240/240 | EN 18/24 (-3)
    Lonzo: HP 80/140 
    Zombie 1: HP 43/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 1] (Bleeding)
    Zombie 2: HP 25/50 (-12) [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 2] (bleed turn 2)
    Zombie 3: HP 48/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 1]

    Zombie 4: HP 49/50 [Hate: Yukiro 2 // Lonzo 0]

    129834 9 7 9 2


    He heard Yuki warn him and flinched when there was a zombie pressed against him and chewing on his neck. "OI! CONSENT YOU WEIRDO!"he aimed at the first one again and stuck it hard and heavy with his axe. This time causing it to bleed as well. "Well that was lucky. That's what you get for biting me." he smiled happily and rubbed his neck. He was expecting to feel a giant hole where he was bitten but he was fine. He relaxed a bit more after rubbing his neck. "If this were a zombie game I'd want you to kill me very quickly Yuki." the idea of turning on a friend made his stomach turn. "these things don't just pop back up from the ground do they?" he asked. "I mean if we kill them they just blow up into blue shards of light like normal, right?" he asked as he looked over at Yuki with a worried expression. "You know what after this I might just make a pie or do something to unwind. what a hassle this has become."

  9. Lonzo kept close to the nepent variant and it crashed it's arms down around him, but couldn't reach him. "You're just too fat I'm afraid. You won't be able to to strike me from this range. To bad for you." he spun the handle of the axe and swung it with as much as he could muster. he was still tired but had to keep going. He had to feel this beast. His hands started to tingle with how tired he felt. He could only hope that this would be the last one he needed to kill for the boys sake and his own. "I have to keep going. No rest for you or me Nepent." he felt sweat rolling down his temple and down his cheek. He was sure his hair was plastered to his face. A chill ran through him, he felt cold even in his armor. He hated this, but kept fighting.



    7 8 9 5

    HP 93/100

    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 11/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  10. As the Nepent Variant rose it's vines to whip Lonzo he quickly cut them down before he could be touched he ran towards the Nepent hoping to sneak another hit in but of course it was wishful thinking as the Nepent's roots took hold into the ground so it could not be pushed back from Lonzo's assult it used one of it's roots to strike him in the shoulder forcing the axe wielder to spin on the balls of his feet. Lonzo's arms went out to balance himself. The lawyer pivoted around and crouched in a low squat to stop himself from spinning out of control. His gaze fixed on the nepent. The field boss cackled at Lonzo for his display and waved it's arms as if to say come at me. Lonzo huffed out through his nose some steam from how angry he was. He was happy to find a decent opponent but he was angry that he hadn't won yet.


    HP 93/100

    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    129758 6 10 8 8 Lonzo

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 12/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  11. The two ran at each other again Lonzo swinging his axe striking the variant but it didn't seem to bother the creature too much, and he felt a slightly harder sting against his cheek. The open wound closed up on his face as if by magic and he watched the same for the enemy in front of him. He twirled his axe blade and cracked his neck a few times. He still couldn't believe how difficult this was this time around. He rubbed his cheek and the pain was gone. He felt his left leg seize up. His body didn't want to forget the pain. The monster seemed bigger to him. His instinct for flight was kicking in. Yet he was too stubborn to actually run. He was here this whole time if he gave up he'd just be a quieter and that was something he was not. Lonzo widened his stance and took a deep breath through his nose. "All right conejo lets try to settle this. Which one of us is better here."



    129707 6 11 12 9

    HP 94/100
    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 13/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10


    Okay lets try this. Raise the axe and now swing.
    It was as if Lonzo was trying to miss hitting only the air. There was a loud thud as a vine struck right next to him and made an imprint on the ground. Lonzo sighed and tilted his head. It was almost as if the creature didn't want to kill him.
    "I didn't even move this time. Do you want to be friends? Is that it? Want me to rub your tummy?" He was looking up at the monster with his eyebrow raised. He reached over and gave it a gentle pat on the stomach. "Look, why don't I tell you why I'm hunting you and you decide if you stand still okay? There's this quest see, and there's this kid that's dying. You know actually in pain and laying in bed. I'm a little jealous of the bed part but I digress." The monster roared at him. "Shhh sh shh, I know I know, just listen to me for a second I'm explaining why I have to kill you. Okay?"

    129705 3 5 10 5

    HP 96/100
    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 14/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10


    Lonzo went to strike and saw where the nepent was about to strike him. They both seemed to move in a dance avoiding each other while completely whiffing both their attacks. "Will you cut that out and hold still you sack of potatoes! No I take that back a sack of potatoes is more useful than you are, and probably tastes better. What do you have nothing just a stupid flower on your head to look like a diva you piece of." he quickly jumped off to the side before he got hit by an attack. "You're not even that frightening why don't you just do your job and die. That's all mobs are good for. Cooking, mashing, exp grinding, so hurry it up and just go to some sort of garbage can already." 

    Tch...Getting worked up for nothing really. Perhaps I'll try to find a weak spot. There was a calm cold voice in his mind. Eventually the Nepent would have a hope or chance.

    129702 2 6 15 4

    HP 96/100
    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 14/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  14. Lonzo raised his axe and swung. Everything felt very heavy suddenly and his ears started to ring from it. It caused him to fall to his knees which helped him avoid a chest aimed attack from the Nepent variant. Lonzo looked up at the monster. His hair pushed flat against his head as the monster's root was right above it. The monster laughed at him and Lonzo used the flat of his blade to aggressively push the root away from his hair. He then put the axe against the dirt earth and used it like a cane to get up, eyes burning in rage. "Do not touch my hair again with your grubby, dirty, miserable tenticals." The monster just laughed at him again and raised it's vines this time getting ready for another strike. Lonzo just sighed and shook his head. "You never learn." he raised his axe up ready to fight back.



    129701 2 10 4 1


    Lonzo misses
    NV misses

    HP 96/100
    Energy 0/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 14/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  15. He raised his axe seeing the roots again and he struck them as hard as he could. However he was struck back by them but he didn't waver he kept his position and also stepped forwards angrily. He knew he could do this. He had killed this creature over and over again and yet he still didn't get what he wanted from the blasted thing, but he wouldn't give up yet. He couldn't. He was determined to kill the thing in front of him, and he wasn't going to leave the area until he got what he came for.
    "Look, all I want, is to go back to the town of beginings and sleep on a stupid bench because I don't have a god forsaken house! You're luck you get to live in your home all day long and people are too scared to come see you! I'd KILL for that! TO BE LEFT ALONE AT HOME WITHOUT A CARE IN THE WORLD!" He shouted as he swung his axe. He managed to do some damage to the plant but it didn't seem like he did close to enough.

    129700 6 9 17 7

    Lonzo attacks for 4 - 5 mit = 1dmg
    NV attacks for 10 - 18mit = 1dmg

    HP 96/100
    Energy 2/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 14/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  16. "Ugh fina-" There was no warning the field boss was on top of him in an instead. Lonzo attacked quickly as soon as he saw it spawn directly in front of him. However he phased right through the nepent as it wasn't fully spawned in. He swore as he felt the roots of the large monster thrust against the front of his chest. He stumbled backwards but did not fall over. He regained his footing and sighed. What he give for armor that had a little more umph to it. Nothing against Yuki of course. "You're so lucky I don't have the armor I requested for you pile of vegetable clippings." he hissed. "Next time, there won't be any part of you left when I get done hacking you into tiny pieces!" hey yelled raising his axe again.
    The pain that he felt constantly in this audacious fight was starting to get to him. He was beginning to see red and it might not be safe for anyone to approach him at this time. However it might affect if he'd actually hit the monster.

    129699 3 1 12 6

    Lonzo misses 
    Variant hits for 10 = 18 so 1dmg on Lonzo
    HP 97/100
    Energy 2/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Nepent Variant
    HP: 15/15 
    Mitigation: 5
    Damage: 10
    Nepent Variant ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

  17. Lonzo sighed. This was becoming a real pain. He narrowed his eyes and went to strike the nepent normally. He barely had any energy to himself at this point and needed to at least knock it down a few pegs. His thorns failed at killing the creature again, and this time it hurt his HP more than he had liked. They were widdling him down so the big one could have an easier time with him. He sighed a bit annoyed at that and raised his axe.

    "Look, I can't afford to take any more big hits like that." he glared. He raised his weapon and with a focused cut he sliced into the plant mob and it gave out a loud cry. As it rose it's arms in anger it succumb to it's paralysis fate falling at the axe wilder's feet. Lonzo sighed but had little time to celebrate.   

    129698 8 6 14 9


    Lonzo hits for 4 + bleed it dies before it's turn begins.

    HP 97/100
    Energy 2/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    HP 8

    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3



  18. He had missed both of them yet again! He couldn't believe how lucky these thing were. If he had this much trouble all of the sudden would the boss be any different? These insolent weeds seemed to just become more and more annoying to the lawyer. He didn't mind calling them flowers but now they were lucky if they were even a tumbleweed. He closed his eyes as he heard the vines around his raise up for another assult. He held his axe steady with one hand and opened up his HUD. He clicked Smash this time. Everything seemed to slow down for him. 
    "Lets give this another go shall we?"

    After hitting the first one and hearing it explode behind him he made a straight shot for the next one trying to slash at it but it used it's vines to hook onto a tree and lifted itself off the ground completely. Lonzo ran right past it missing and while he was in mid swing the nepent fell behind him and whipped him on the neck. Lonzo hissed and spun around on his heel.




    HP 97/100
    Energy 2/10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0


    Lonzo uses Smash (4 + 1crit) 2 = 10dmg kills Nepent 1.
    Lonzo misses second Nepent
    Nepent 3 + 2 = 5dmg - 18mit = 3dmg thorns does not activate because of crit.

    HP 0/8

    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

    HP 8

    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3


    Zombie |  HP: 50 MIT: 10 DMG: 15 on a hit, 20 on a 9 or 10.
    SPECIAL: If the Zombie would be killed by a weapon or defensive ability, and the LD is equal to or higher than 15, the Zombie is instead reduced to 1HP. This ability is ignored if the attack that reduced it 0 was a critical hit or the weapon/armor used has the holy or holy blessing enhancement.
    ID# 129591 | MD: 10
    ID# 129592 | MD: 3
    ID# 129593 | MD: 2
    ID# 129594 | BD: 5 MD: 3
    Yukiro: HP 240/240 | EN 18/24 (-3)
    Lonzo: HP 100/140 (-20)
    Zombie 1: HP 48/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 1]
    Zombie 2: HP 25/50 (-12) [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 2] (bleed turn 2)
    Zombie 3: HP 48/50 [Hate: Yukiro 0 // Lonzo 1]

    Zombie 4: HP 49/50 [Hate: Yukiro 2 // Lonzo 0]


  20. Lonzo felt blinded by the lights around him. Everything was flashing different colors and disorienting him completely. It was almost better not to attack and yet he couldn't do that. He heard Nora scream out for NIGHT. He could hear so many things. If the mob was going after NIGHT it meant he lost the monster's attention and he had to get it back. He raised his axe and it was lodged into the wall of the cave. He sighed annoyed. He'd have to close his eyes next time, maybe he'd use his other sense.

    "This is awful I can't see. Sorry guys I'm not useful in this situation." Lonzo was becoming increasingly worried about his allies. He wouldn't back out of the area though, he had no reason to do that. He was pretty stubborn when it came to these things. Which might not be in his best interest at all. "I'm changing my tactics on this thing if I have to next time," he said narrowing his eyes and trying to listen. He could almost feel his pupils widen and shrink from the constant shift in light.


    129646 3 7 5 7


    Lonzo attempts basic attack and fails 3 - 1acc
    Lonzo HP: 69/120    Lonzo Energy 9/12

  21. He activated smash again and felt so tired after he had done it. He was pushing himself for this npc and he didn't seem to care for some reason. his body felt like it was about the seize as the Nepents both bounced out of his way and started to bounce around him in a circle. His eyes grew wide as he was assaulted by the two of them and was pushed around between them. This was some sort of revenge for his actions against their brothers or sisters. "Ah, stop it." it started to sting and felt a sting of pain run through him. It wasn't so bad thanks to his armor but it still smart like he wouldn't believe. "hey when I save that little boy that mom won't cry any more so just cut it out." he was pretty angry that he was being rough housed. In truth he understood they had every right to bully him like this now and it partly freaked him out how organized they had gotten. It just proved that the AI did learn, and that they would all be in a world of hurt with how many people played the game. They'd get use to all sorts of strategies and Lonzo knew this fight with the field boss was about to get very tricky.

    29629 3 5 13 6

    Lonzo uses smash and fails -2 energy
    Nepent 1 attacks him for 3 - 18mit = 1dmg


    129630 2 7 3


    Lonzo used Smash and failed
    Nepent attacks him for 3 - 18 = 1 dmg

    HP 98/100
    Energy 6/10 
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    HP: 8/8 
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

    HP: 8/8
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

  22. He saw the two nepents again. He moved forwards activating smash once again and tried to strike them both, he just missed one and the other when he ran to attack it the first nepent that he missed quickly raised it's roots to trip him up which caused him to lose all his momentum and fall on one knee forcing his sword art to completely fail. It almost hurt him with how winded he felt after botching up the skill. The air split above him and his instincts kicked it. he tumbled to the right to avoid being whipped by the first and the second tried to strike him but Lonzo pivoted off to the side avoiding the attack completely.
    "Now now, why can't you do me favor and parish properly. I understand you did nothing wrong but you see there's a child in dire need of assistance and I'm not about to lose them on my watch. Now if you don't mind." He glared getting ready to try his attack again  

    129623 4 3 15 1

    Lonzo used smash and missed
    Nepent missed


    129624 1 2 19 4

    Lonzo critical miss with smash
    Nepent misses

    HP 100/100
    Energy 8/10 
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    HP: 8/8 
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

    HP: 8/8
    Mitigation: 0
    Damage: 3

  23. Lonzo got up. It wasn't too normal but he also was told that there were chests that could spawn in. he wondered if it was possible to be in this forest as well, hidden away. Would it look like a treasure chest or something else? As he got deeper in the forest he felt very lost. Was his sense of direction that bad or did the forest shift like it did in some of the horror films he had seen. It was then he heard a strange rustling like sound. He stopped dead in his tracks and closed his eyes. it couldn't be could it? Did they spawn already and he hadn't noticed. His eyes darted around the wooded area and he didn't see any of the spawns he was meant to be fighting. He avoided some wolves, boars, and small insects but he didn't see the large plants. He sighed and carried on not worrying about it.

    129622 3 1 11 1 Lonzo
  24. He got up and started to look around. "might as well do something productive while I wait there." he said to himself as he looked around for anything to gather in the area while he waited for the plants to spawn back in. Lonzo was patient thanks to having to deal with a lot of paperwork for the city. In truth there were many parts of his job he didn't like to the point that this game made up for everything. He was gathering around the tree he was leaning up against and felt even after he got out, and secured his job again, he'd come back here just to do something so silly as this. it was something that felt relaxing to him even if he failed or succeeded it didn't matter, he had his hands in the dirt and he loved it. He smiled thinking that he'd have a lot in common with an alchemist that was for sure. Maybe he'd find one to see if they could make him some cologne or soap. He wanted to take a bath so badly it was silly. He hummed a bit as he looked around for a material.


    129621 7 4 17 5


    +1 material <3

  25. As he stayed there he wasn't sure were Koga even went, or if he was okay. He pulled open his HUD and scrolled through it. "I'm sure she's messaged him already, but still." he sighed and started to write up a letter.
    >>To: Koga<<
    Hey I just wanted to tell you I walked your wifie to the town we got the quest at. Wasn't sure if everyone met up already or not but I wanted to just put that out there. Covering my bases. 
    So far I'm doing pretty well against these things. They're just taking awhile to drop the material. Thanks again for showing me the way.

    He sighed as he sent it. He felt pretty pissed off with the man. Even if he went to look for Nora and Noct he felt that the man ran away from his duties to protect them both. Then of course there was Nora who seemed to just run away on him. He rubbed his temples. He didn't want to get angry over the whole ordeal it'd be a silly farse if he let it eat him. If anything he could battle them in a PVP to show them his emotion and stand on everything. he sighed thinking about that. It wouldn't make anything better and he knew it. It might actually scare people if they saw his true nature. No one liked a lawyer and no one liked self righteous petty jerks either. He'd hold the grudge but he'd have to be quiet about it for now.

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