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Posts posted by Lonzo

  1. He only had one material left. "Jeez, this is bad. I can only craft one thing today. At this rate I will never get any better." he was a little worried about his shop. Sure he had food to sell but no one came in. "It's probably because I don't know enough people to get the word out about my shop, and what's worse is I'm not ranked high enough to be on anyone's radar. What a pain. I don't mind giving away stuff but it won't help me get better so I can't afford to. Well, I guess I'm going to use this one. Time to see if I can make something new with this and put it in my shop too. I'm really worried about all of this. Oh well. Here we go. He took in a deep breath and tried to handle the material he had with care as he thought about the food he actually enjoyed.
    He tried to make a snack that was a beverage. Here was hoping. 

    127938 Craft: 4
    0 Mats
    Exp 39/40
    He only ended up with a mess on the counter and was forced to clean it up.

  2. "Yukiro you can't just sleep on benches you have a nice warm forge you could sleep in your shop. I mean you are a legendary blacksmith after all." he stated. "it'd be warmer there that's for sure, though I suppose sleepin' on ore wouldn't feel too nice."

    He looked over at Nora who told him about a guild she was in and thought that was rather kind of her. Though his ears burned a bit hearing the empress talk about her place. Of course someone like her would likely have a lavish place. She deserved it. Though he couldn't see himself in a guild. What would he do to sleep in the halls or the barracks? Would it keep him up all night? He wasn't sure. "I might be interested in the guild if you're a part of it. Though it sounds like some sort of merchant's guild by the title. I'm very much into my craft at the moment so that might be a good thing. Could you tell me more about it?" he asked politely and drank his tea.

    He shook Koga's hand.
    "No worries, I'd hate to keep friends apart." he wouldn't mind if he wanted to chat with Nora even though he had so many questions for her already. He didn't want to come on too strongly and hoped that if Koga chatted with her she might be too distracted and give out more information to him. Though it was also possible he'd be a face in the crowd and ignored but he'd take that chance at the moment.

    He was happy to meet Noctua as well but she seemed rather beat from the excursion she went on with Koga. Boars must be a tough mob nearby. 
    "It must be frightening to know many have fallen to the boars just outside the town. I'm happy that you and Koga decimated their population. If you find any decent quality meat I hope you visit me at the Blind Eye Pub. It's my own restaurant and I've avoided combat thus far and haven't had a scrap of meat to use in my cooking. However, I have some simple snacks and desserts at the moment if you'd like to pay it a visit sometime." he admitted. He ordered her a refreshing ice tea. "Here rhubarb lemon ice tea, it's sweet and refreshing. Maybe you'll feel better with drinking that."

    Lonzo's hair stood on end seeing the scarab go to town on the hunk of bread. Sadly it reminded him more of a cockroach than a scarab. Likely because he had never seen a scarab before. He did his best not to scream watching the ravenous familiar. 
    "My, what an interesting friend you have there....What...Floor did you get him from?" This way Lonzo could avoid the area like the plague as he visually paled watching it. He recoiled away a little from it. "It only eats bread right?" he felt his legs twitch at the sight of it.

    Though a yell from another table caught his attention they seemed to have bothered another lady not too far away. 
    "Sorry darlin' I suppose we are a bit tactless with our table manners. I'm sure we can fathom to use our indoor voices for your delicate ears. Sorry to have disturbed your eating experience. Would you care to join us though seeing as you know Yukiro?" he asked hoping that would solve the issue.


  3. He was shocked. Yu already had eyes for someone?! That was amazing. Would he only pursue them? He wondered what the point of that would be. To be tied down for a single person in a world like this. Maybe it made sense but he didn't understand it yet. He pulled out his ax. "You'll have to tell me more about that person I'm curious who captured your attention Yu." he admitted running a thumb over his axe's edge. He ran towards him lifting up his axe then stopped. "Hey, why don't we actually try this once we get the materials we need first. Yu vs Lonzo. What do you think?" he smiled happily at him and had his ax disappear. "Come on let us check out that garden with any luck there will be an ore vein near it too and we can collect foodstuffs too. I'm not leaving till I get five for me and five for you, Got it?" he asked. "But I'll race you there!" he bolted in a flash. Hoping to learn who Yu's heart yearned for.

  4. Lonzo saw who had accepted the party invite and tossed out invites to all of them. He was happy to see Nora when she arrived. "It seems Koga and Noctua will be on their way. Thank you for helping me out." once the whole group was there he smiled to himself. "Seems we're all seeing a lot of each other. That's fine by me actually." 

    He was starting to like this group a lot. He moved his arms behind his head and listened to the comments and concerns of the party. He understood Koga on a spiritual level.

    "Don't worry about that. I too seem to have developed some sort of illness towards fetch quests. In truth, this is a fetch quest but with a bit of a twist. It seems the town Horunka just northwest of here is looking for some medicine. I figured we could all head there and help out. We'll learn more once we're there but I did go to an information broker before heading over there. Before we accept this quest I'll let you all know we'll likely be fighting Nepents. They're not too strong but we should be careful if they come in swarms." he warned the party. "If someone isn't ready you should get ready with potions or even teleport crystal just in case. I don't have a teleport crystal on me so I won't abandon anyone. However, I'd feel more at ease if others carried one in case it gets too hairy. Once we're in Horunka we'll have to look around for the right building to get this quest started off. I think I know where it is but I've never been there so if someone knows the proper way I don't mind following the leader if you catch my drift." he realized his tone had changed to more tactical instead of his flirtatious tone. "Though with all of you around I'll follow any of you regardless." he quickly added that so it wouldn't seem so ominous. He had yet to discover the variant and all the information from the actual quest because he hadn't gone to talk to the NPC yet. He just took the quest via the quest board. Which was the second way to obtain the quest the other was to find the NPC before finding the post asking for aid with medication? "I'm actually worried about the NPCs can they get hurt? What would happen if we lost them? Would it corrupt the world? I don't like the idea which is why I'm taking part of it."

  5. Lonzo thought it was strange that he didn't need anything as well. What was the point of the quest marker? Did they need to say something specific or was there some sort of prerequisite? He leaned against the wall that had a window next to it and crossed his leg over listening. He realized it was yet again another fetch quest, how reassuring. He was running into a lot of these lately. He preferred getting armor from a shop so he was fine with NIGHT taking the reins on the prize if it was just armor, that didn't bother him at all. 

    "Go for it songbird, I've got armor already as it stands. Why don't you take him up on this once in a lifetime offer? I'll take along for support at the very least." He knew better than to add because it was dangerous. Some people would get angry and try to go it alone, and on this floor that might be a bad idea.

    He pushed off the wall and went around to see the lack of materials in the place and saw the back room in disorder. He walked over and pushed open the ajar door to the back room. It was a sewing room. Likely the one Hana used. She seemed startled seeing Lonzo.

    "What's going on?" Lonzo asked with his eyebrows knit. "What happened here?"
    "Oh, it's nothing to worry about, sorry for the mess Hana stated."

    He looked over at the blacksmith and walked back into the foyer which was also the forge. He tapped the glass and looked around for anything strange. There was no broken glass and no sign of a break-in but the sewing room seemed to be a scene of a robbery. He went to the door and knelt down by it checking it over. He could see missing pins and the door was tampered with.

    "Pretty bold of a thief to enter through the front door. Pitty you're not a locksmith or they likely wouldn't have gotten in." he slowly stood up. "I take it you're not usually out of materials. Can you give us any information on the thief or thieves that might have done this? That way he can just take back what they stole. How's that?" Lonzo asked. "Would that be all right with you songbird?"

  6. He looked at the two cakes he made and set them out on the table. He then sent Yukiro a mail. He'd let the man choose his dish. "I wonder which would please him more. I hope it pleases his tastebuds."  He said quietly to himself.

    He covered them both up and would reveal them both to him. To pick the one he would like the most. He stood there for a moment and placed his hand over the dish as if practicing how to open it as ostentatious as possible. "I hope he tells me a review of it's taste whenever he eats it." there was a part of him that rolled his eyes. 'Do I hate this.....Or do I......Like this?" he asked himself unsure. Part of him thought it was such a waste of time and energy to create such things."We'll see after he tells me how it was.

    Please pick one
     Invigorating Sweet Strawberry Shortcake : Vitality 2 Regain (2 per slot * Tier) energy.

     Regality Chocolate Cake : Prosperity 2 +(1 per slot) to the base multiplier when receiving col from killing an enemy. The effect lasts for one thread.

    Name: Invigorating Sweet Strawberry Shortcake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 127696
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Vitality 2  Regain (2 per slot * Tier) energy
    Description: A sweet and light slice of cake that gives a slight sugar rush that gives the eater energy
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Regality Chocolate Cake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 127697
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Prosperity 2
    Description: Also called the Queen's Choice Chocolate Cake. This cake features a checker pattern similar to a chessboard and a mouse flower on top. It's so delectable you feel richer.
    Post Link: Link

  7. He wondered around and saw a lot of various shops but they were all specialty shops or player shops. He felt a bit bummed out and took a light jog around the area he was supposed to search. He didn't find anything. He sighed and then heard a chirp. At first, he assumed it was a bird but then paused and looked around at the wildlife around him. He didn't see too many songbirds whistling away and quickly opened up his mail.

    "Oh form the nightingale, how nice." he smiled a bit." he looked at the location and jogged the rest of the way there. He eventually caught up with his new party member and waved to her. He slowed to a stop and looked over at the sign.

    "Well done songbird." he was pretty happy one of them found the quest. He walked away and went to open the door for her. "After you of course," he said holding the door open for her.

    How he hated blacksmith shops. The smell of steel, sweat, and coal made his eyes almost water once he held the door open. Why couldn't they be more like Yukiro's shop? Then again he supposed there could be only one legendary blacksmith around.

    "I wonder what the whole quest entails I haven't done this one. How about you Night?" he asked holding the door open and looking in with bewilderment.

  8. "Hey Yu, ooh you know these people." that was good that meant he didn't have to hype man his shop then. He was happy to see him but suddenly his quest for finding a place to crash started to become less likely. He had to come up with another way to go about it. 
    He followed the group into the tavern and looked over at the new male after Koga and literally crashed at the bar. He sighed a bit with a knowing smile. He felt oddly nostalgic seeing that and moved his arm and shifted his body so he rested on his own (Koga's) arm. "That's going to hurt your neck."
    He looked over to empress Nora finding that interesting. "I see, I'll have to visit your theater later. You just keep becoming more interesting Empress. What do you perform?" he asked curiously.
    "Oh hello there Noctua." he wasn't sure what nickname to give her yet she wasn't too chatty but she didn't seem shy to him for some reason, even if he was dead wrong about it. "I"m Lonzo nice to meet you."

    He looked over at the salt colored haired male. To be fair he was very confused at his gender for a moment but realized shortly after he was male. So no Snow White title for him, would Snow be insensitive? He seemed to have trouble with nicknames for Noctua and Abalasster.
    He ordered himself some piping hot tea and enjoyed partaking in it. He opened up his menu and sent out friend requests to everyone there. 

    "You don't have to accept but I figured we could all check-in with each other. Now that I know all of you I wouldn't mind seeing you all again. I was also wondering if everyone had a place to sleep. It's getting cooler out. It's a bit worry some don't you think?" he asked still drinking.

  9. He sighed hearing him say alive in such a tone. 
    "That's not what I meant. I meant you're also a Legendary-" he looked at his hand. He took his hand and got up with his help. "And handsome too. Ha, I'd date you too if you were interested." he smiled a bit "Wait you want to fight?" he moved his hand back a little surprised. "Why would you want to do that?" he thought it was a little strange then opened up his HUD with a quick wink having set a macro to open it that way. "Okay, I guess I'll get to see that sword of yours in action then huh? All right go easy on me then, this will be my first duel all right." he figured it wouldn't be his last. Maybe He and Yukiro would test each other's metal like this more often. He sent him a dueling request. "All right then, let's see what we both can do."

  10. He turned to see Koga. Where the two related or dating he wondered. Then saw that Koga came with a stunning friend as well. At this point Lonzo just started to accept the fact that everyone he meets is going to be downright succubi or incubi material. He shook Koga's hand. 

    "The name's Lonzo nice to meet you, um...Are you going to fall asleep shaking my hand though." he didn't bother shaking as firmly as he normally would worried Koga was just fall asleep. 

    He then turned his attention to the woman who simply said hiya. Though cheery, she seemed tired to him. 

    "Oh, you interrupt too much." He told Koga. "The NPCs usually give out tea, rice, and bread for free should we perhaps go get something to eat and sit down?" he asked them all wondering if that would better suit everyone. 

    He looked back at Nora.

    "I actually did have a question but it can wait till after something eat if that's all right. Although I wouldn't mind a place to spend col in too if I"m honest. I'll leave it up to you." he told the rest of the group. He hoped something to eat and refreshments might living up their mood.

  11. "Nightingale?" He asked cocking his head to the side wondering if it was something he said. "Maybe her father called her nightingale. Ah, I ruined my chances, oh well." he chuckled. With that, he turned and started going in the other direction. He looked around for a blacksmith then paused to look at his HUD. She had accepted his request! He felt stunned and elated all at once. "Perhaps I remind her of some sort of shining knight. How nice." he thought pretty highly of himself. The thought of a young maiden looking up to him sent his heart ablaze and he danced in a place like a worm. 

    "Wait, wasn't I looking for something." He sighed and bowed his head completely lost. "At this rate, I"m the idiot that needs her help. Well, that certainly isn't the worst thing in the world." he told himself. Still, she was worried about floors being harder. I wonder why she left the Town of Beginnings if that's what she's afraid of." he held his chin wondering if he should ask her or if he should keep it to himself.

  12. "Sometimes things work if you just them a good smack." he laughed. "Out of things to talk about? What do you mean? There's plenty. What did you mean by hunting? Did you actually mean mobs? I'm sure you could use horns or claws in your blacksmithing right?" Lonzo asked. "Or aren't you sure?" he wasn't sure himself. "I've seen plant mobs I want to try to sautee, and boars, come on, that's just asking to one day be turned to bacon am I right?" he asked him. "The boars have tusks too, so it's likely you could make daggers or something out of it, or perhaps it'd have a special property in it to add a status or buff easier than other materials. Just a thought I suppose." He keeps looking around. "Ha, if you think that's impressive you'll be more surprised sticking around with me.
    "Besides there's thons to talk about. Have you met any dateable people around here? Ha, I've met tons. A fair Nightingale Maiden and a fair princess fit to be an Empress. Don't worry though Yu, you're still-" he paused realizing he had not given him some sort of persona in his mind. 

    He thought about it. He wasn't a silent protagonist. Not a comedian. He was almost assassin like to him. He wasn't sure what he was. As he searched he gave pause and lightly hit his own forehead with his palm. 'Legendary Blacksmith' of course. He kept looking around and listened to Yukiro hoping he chats about his adventures in the event or some other quest. He was curious to learn after all.


    127770 Loot: 3

  13. Name: Invigorating Sweet Strawberry Shortcake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 127696 
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Vitality 2  Regain (2 per slot * Tier) energy
    Description: A sweet and light slice of cake that gives a slight sugar rush that gives the eater energy
    Post Link: 

    Name: Regality Chocolate Cake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 127697
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Prosperity 2
    Description: Also called the Queen's Choice Chocolate Cake. This cake features a checker pattern similar to a chessboard and a mouse flower on top. It's so delectable you feel richer.
    Post Link: 


  14. He opened up a book getting ideas between snacks and desserts trying to figure out what would be a good idea for Yu. He said he wanted something sweet. It shouldn't that difficult now that he could actually craft sweets. He looked over at his supply it was low and he'd have to go out gathering soon. Luckily a few NPCs gave him so tips on where to look. He hoped they were right and it wouldn't be a wild goose chase. In the end, he kept cooking thinking about how to make his next treat or dessert for Yu. He got the dough ready and started to try to make a dessert and put the material in the oven. After which he opened it up to check to see if what he hoped for came out.

    127696 11
    127697 11
    127698  6 salvage LT 12
    1mat remaining

    Name: Invigorating Sweet Strawberry Shortcake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 127696
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Vitality 2  Regain (2 per slot * Tier) energy
    Description: A sweet and light slice of cake that gives a slight sugar rush that gives the eater energy
    Post Link: Link

    Name: Regality Chocolate Cake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 127697
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Prosperity 2
    Description: Also called the Queen's Choice Chocolate Cake. This cake features a checker pattern similar to a chessboard and a mouse flower on top. It's so delectable you feel richer.
    Post Link: Link

  15. "Oh well, goodnight then...Wait." he looked up and realized it was her name. "Ah NIGHT. Does it stand for something? Nightingale In Gorgeous Heavenly Trancendance." it was stuck in his mind now. She was a Nightingale Maiden. He wasn't going to change his mind about it and shook her hand. Somehow this whole moment turned around. He nodded when she mentioned the quest. 
    "All right I'll invite you to the party then." he opened up his menu and sent her a party invite and friend request. "You should join up with me, if we run around the town we'll be able to find the quest faster. I can go one way and you can go the other way. Whoever finds him first I guess wins. Kind of like a race, then we mail the other person if we find them and meet up again. "Sound good to you? Or would you rather have my company Nightingale?"

  16. "Hunting? Like fighting something?" he asked curiously. He kept picking at the vein wondering if it was a dead vein and then realized both himself and he realized neither of them had their weapon drawn. What if they were attacked? His eyes rose up at his surroundings. Bird-like he turned his head in various ways. Still, he didn't see any boars or worse yet wolves. He sighed pleased to not see combat. He didn't want to embarrass himself. He needed practice that was for certain. He lowered his guard and checked it some more. "Maybe we should check out the garden, if we're lucky there might be open veins there too? Well maybe not." he's actually worried this place was a bust in general.
    He started to feel bad for wasting his time. 

    Hey, get over it. You're both here idiot. Work with what you have. You've dealt with tougher.

    His hands gave pause and he raised up a fist and slammed it down against the vein chipping it away.  His brows knit and he kept attacking the vein. He waved his hand a bit and looked through the rubble. It wasn't an immortal object so there had to be something there.

    "There has to be something here or it'd shatter in blue light. So there's something here. We just have to find it." he was focused more than he had been looking.

    127693 Loot: 19 2mats

  17. That had to be the cutest expression he had ever seen from a lady. A queen in training, a princess.
    "Well first off, why haven't I seen such a princess like yourself in my pub. I'm sure it's worthy of someone of your stunning beauty." he smiled a bit "Pleased to meet you I'm Lonzo and I was just wondering if you needed some company." he looked around to see if she was alone or if he'd have to compliment someone else too. So far he seemed in the clear which was good because it was dangerous to be like this with too many people before the illusion would break. "I don't mind lending an ear to anything you have to say." he was sure he'd even learn something from the woman in some way. "Nora, such a lovely name, I believe it means light, which by your appearance should really translate to radiance," he said leaning against a wall happily.

  18. He shivered thinking about the undead. That sounded awful dealing with something unkillable. How did he manage to survive such a feat. "Tell me the tale legendary blacksmith." he looked at his side to the sword that he patted. He smiled a bit and nodded. "Can't wait to see it in action." he wondered what was special about it. "Tell me about that too when you get the time or show it off." he stretched and watched him."I did, at first I was very insulted by the cheap food, but maybe I took it too personally. Gave me cooking ideas though." he admitted. "Say, what tickles your taste buds, sweet, salty, sour, some interesting combination?" he asked curiously digging for information on what to make him for his order.
    He beamed a bit hearing the armor fit him well.

    "Well you see there's this handsome legendary blacksmith on floor one." he bumped elbows with him and watched him check out the vein. He helped him out looking around.

    127658 Loot: 6

  19. "Yo, Yu!" he waved over to him and waited for him to catch up. He opened up his inventory and held a note. "See here? It shows that there is a garden on this floor but also where some decent ore veins are. I thought we could use them. What do you say?" he asked curiously. "Might be hogwash though who knows. Getting things easily isn't always the best way to do it but I figured we didn't have much to lose on the first floor you know what I mean?" he asked and stretched. "So far I haven't had a bit of luck but I just started. I did find this ore vein cracked in the ground here." he tapped on with his armored boot. He gave it another look and tried to see if there was a loose piece nearby. "If we're lucky we can get a chunk off this thing. Let's see if I can manage it real quick." 

    As he tried to get a piece of ore for his friend the blacksmith he decided to chit chat a bit more.

    "I"ve been seeing more and more people in town. I think that tent caused a stir, don't you? Did you go to the event Yu?" he asked curiously.

    127647 Loot: 2

  20. "Welp he said he wanted to go gathering and he said he was shy some materials. Maybe we'll head out and try to find something today." He sent Yukiro a quick mail to tell him where he was and what he was up to.

    To: Yukiro
    Hey there Yu, I'm out and about collecting materials. I was going to grab ten five for me five for you. Do you want to come with and gather some more for your shop too? I just thought I'd offer, who knows maybe if we get lucky we'll even find a chest or something. To be honest I never thought they were really worth hunting for. The possibility of traps is too for my liking. Anyway, what do you say? Do you want to go out for a bit of fun and see a sunset while we fill up your forge with materials? I'll be at the south gate hunting around just outside the town.
    If not wish me luck. I got some info from a player about an NPC telling them about a garden and cavern too. I'm going to check it out and see if these places are honestly better for gathering.

    He went it and went to the south gate to wait for him or to wait for a mail saying he was on his own. After a quick look around he walked out and went to check to see if there was any rock salt or ore around. In truth, he wanted to go into a cave so he'd have better luck but he had found ore veins outside before and now that it was cooler it was easier to spot. He thought he saw one and went over to see if it held any good materials to use from it.
    127646 8

  21. (OOC: this is on hold till we figure out who is in the group. We didn't realize we could only have 4 people and almost had 6 XD)

    Lonzo had gotten a mail from a small village requesting aid, and medicine. Could it be possible for an NPC to die? What would end up happening if they went away? It was true he could gain the help of other players but there was something nostalgic about the NPCs as well. So he went up to the bulletin board in the Town of Beginnings and left a note for other adventurers. 

    -Level 5 player Lonzo here.
    I received a quest in regards to obtaining medicine for a small village nearby. If anyone else has a letter for help lets join forces.
    I'll be waiting at the water fountain by the south gate in dark heavy armor. Please do not fear approach any assistance would be helpful.
    Let us end this plague once and for all shall we?-

    With that, he went to visit the fountain it had been a few days since he had posted it and would go visit it daily to check to see if anyone was willing to try the quest with him. He did see a few people sign on board to the mission. He then brought the names up and sent out a mass mail to them.

    Well, this is a massive hunting party! I can't wait to see you all! I'll be at the fountain now if you are all ready.

    Much appreciation and love





    SP 11
    LvL 5
    HP 100
    Energy 10
    DMG 4
    Mit 18
    Acc 0
    Eva 0
    Luck 0

    Two-Handed rare Axe
          - 2 bleed Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 (1 slot) or natural successful attack rolls of 8-10 (2 slots) deal (12 * Tier) unmitigated bleed damage each enemy turn for 2 turns. Bleed damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.

    None at the moment

    Sword Arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2] Whirlwind (2 Energy) - A single sweeping attack so powerful that it sends forth a shock wave to hit again.
    • [x2 AoE] Smash (2 Energy +2 per target hit) - An uppercut aimed at opponents head to send them reeling.

      Battle Ready Slots

      *5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
       *1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
      *1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)
      *»(3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

      2 handed axe with Bleed 2
      Dark Defender Armor.+2 mit (18 mit total) - borrowed from Yukiro will return later.

      Vanity Civilian Town Clothes


  22. Link

    Name: Burbon Lucky Candy Apple
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: 127640 
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Snack 
    Tier: 1 
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Die 3 (+3 to LD rolls for thread)
    Description: Sour, Tangy, Sweet apple with a crunch and a kick makes you feel really lucky.

  23. "Well look what the salamander dragged in. Fancy seeing you here Yu." he smiled a bit seeing a 'friend'. "Really you're shy some materials? Well, that won't do handsome. I'll go out and about and have a look around for you how's that sound? How much do you think will hold ya for a while? Also, I've been looking around for a decent pocket watchmaker and haven't had any luck. If you see a shop open up for one you let me know asap, my col is burning a hole in my pocket. So you want a little something to munch on huh? All right I'll see what I can cook up for you then." he went back to the kitchen and started to try to cook something up for him. He brought out something red and started to put another thing in the oven. He waited for barely a second and started to load it up with other things on the inside. He took one of his cooking materials and placed it inside. Then tried to make another one.

    "Well here goes nothing."

    127640 12 (AGAIN 0_0)
    127641 4
    127642  8cd 9ld failed to save
    exp 26/30




    Name: Burbon Lucky Candy Apple
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: 127619
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Snack 
    Tier: 1 
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Loot Die 3 (+3 to LD rolls for thread)
    Description: Sour, Tangy, Sweet apple with a crunch and a kick makes you feel really lucky.

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