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Posts posted by Lonzo

  1. He pulled up a handfull of rocks but within them was the almond he needed! He smiled brightly "Lets see I have the egg, sugar, nut, bean, and flour." he counted on his hand twice to make sure he had everything. "All right that's everything then! Fancy, and finally." he sighed and got up dusting off. "Man I look awful, but whatever." he ran past the guards. 
    "nothing to r-"
    "Sorry I'd stay and chat but I"m rather busy right now I'll talk to you handsome gents later!"  he ran into the Town of beginings and did his best to dodge the various people along the way. He was actually excited to see what he'd make in the kitchen now. He mostly lived off breads and anything is given out for free by cooks or the church. So he looked forward to something sweet and yet he was worried he'd need it to sell off later. 

  2. The creature ate the rotton nut and then quickly turned and ran away in an instant.  Lonzo pursed his lips and glared. He wasn't sure what he expected from a rodent of sorts. He grumbled and walked back over to the grain field he spotted and tried to see if any other mobs hid some nuts in there. "So The Blind Eye Pub, I like it. It's not classy and it's not dismal sounding either. Maybe I should make a card or something to hand out to people. I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself though. I wonder if it will have a bedroom someplace in it. Like an inn too? I shouldn't charge too much for that, also I wouldn't want to be held responsible for other people. No, it'll just be a pub and I'll have to figure out a way to survive elsewhere even if that's a pain." He kept digging around the area.

    127378Loot: 19

  3. He fell on his back for a moment. How long was he out here? This was taking him way too long. There was still more of the quest to do. He looked up at his exp bar and saw that it was filling more than before though. At least he'd be likely to gain a level from being here. Maybe at least. He slowly sat up and got up slowly. He looked off to where that mob ran off too, perhaps it liked nuts. He looked the tree over and picked up the acorn that had struck him, the rotton one, and went to find the mob that had knocked it down accidentally on his head. Approaching the creature it seemed willing to flee. "Hey stupid, here's your nut back now if you don't mind give me one of the teardrop looking ones would you." He threw it near the mob and it ran over to it to check it out. "Stupid rabbit squirrel thing." Lonzo crossed his arms not realizing he was looking at a rare spawn.

    127376Loot: 7

  4. His hands pulled at the grass and he chucked it behind himself. He was starting to get a little desperate at this point and tugged at his own hair. 
    "Come on I just want to find this stupid thing and go back inside." he slowly looked at the NPCs that watched him. ".....Oh just shut up." he hissed venomously. They didn't even laugh but he was so frustrated at this point that he took it out on them for just doing their job. He sighed to calm down and swore again. He got up and tapped the toe of his boots out of habit and walked forwards to the bushes again. "Hello, my bushy friend....Might you have a treat for me so I can go see my precious lady who is still waiting for me?" he asked no one and knelt down to try looking by them again. He did have some luck here before maybe he'd be able to finally get back inside. He'd actually run through town just to do that at this point.

    127375Loot: 6

  5. He started to space out and put something in his mouth. It tasted pretty good. He crunched it between his teeth and then froze realizing what he had done. He had eaten the very almond he was, in fact, looking for! He swallowed and bowed his head in frustration. He was just so hungry he didn't think about it, and it wasn't bitter tasting at all so he failed to stop himself from chewing more on the nut. "Why'd it have to actually taste decent. I haven't had nuts in a while that I forgot what it was like." he sighed annoyed with himself. "Wait." he realized at that moment if he, in fact, found one that meant he was in the right place at least and quickly looked down to see if there were more laying around near where he plucked it from! His hands worked quickly and his eyes started to dart around in a glimmer of newfound hope. He could go back to the warmth of the stove in that restaurant!

    127374 Loot: 7

  6. As he looked around an acorn struck him on the head from the tree. "Ow." he looked up at it seeing aa mob up there. He glared and watched the mob jump to another tree and flee the area. Lonzo swore again under his breath and did his best to fix his auburn hair. He hmphed to no one but himself and continued to look around. He picked up the acorn wondering if it would do because it was a nut like material but it said it was rottan so he tossed it over his shoulder and promptly forgot about it. It simply wasn't worth his tome when now all he wanted was to get back to that lovely busty woman who had somehow convinced him to become a cook and actually like it.
    As he looked around he knelt down again to see if there was anything at the base of the tree. Often tasting things and spitting them out because they were far too bitter.

    127366 Loot: 1

  7. What would be a good name for a restaurant though? Maybe the loading bar. Nah I don't want to remind myself this is a game even if it's a decent name. Still, I could take it that it means to load up on food that would be fine too. I might stick with this name after all. There are also PVP characters I have to think about that rarely get to have a good time too. Maybe I'll call it The Blind Eye Pub. That sounds better actually and less like a reference to something. Also that way I can listen in on what people have to say too. Maybe I can figure out what would sell better or hire on some staff. That's thinking ahead a bit but well worth it.

    He thought to himself trying to still search around for the almond he needed. He had no idea where to look but stuck by the trees this time.  Lonzo sighed and kept looking around. He started to wonder if he'd get a kiss for delivering the goods. Either way, he now promised himself to put his feet up when this was all over.

  8. He stared at the item he found. Aincrad Sap. He quickly looked at the properties of it and saw it could be used in cooking and was considered a sugar. "Fancy this will work!" now all he needed was some almond and he was in business. "I'll even be able to produce cupcakes as well."That'll be good in the end but I want to make cocktails as well. Even if I can't get drunk here I'd like to have some booze again. So it'll be a bar eventually. I guess it'll have a bit of everything." he kept searching around for the almond that he needed. He was so close to becoming a cook he could almost taste it. He was a little surprised how happy he felt about it. At first, he thought it would be a boring chore, and yet being forced to do manual labor again, there was something about it he couldn't despise.

    127362 Loot: 7

  9. He felt it between his fingers. Carefully he plucked the small item from the grass that was close to the water. A smile was crossed his face. He looked at the item with pride and let it go into his inventory. "Now only the sugar remains. I wonder if I could find a substitute. Maybe another time. He stood up and stretched. "So that left the almond and the sugar now.
    "I'm getting closer to my goal. Soon I'll have a nice petit flour." he licked his lips. "Unless of course, I can sell it for something else hm." he opened up his inventory and looked at his col count. "Tch, I'm going to need to get more col at this rate." he went back to trying to come up with other snacks. "I could make some hard candies too, especially now when it's getting cooler maybe I'll try that out." he kept searching for the sugar.

    127355 Loot: 18

  10. "Perhaps I'm too distracted at the moment." he sighed and kept searching. 
    This time he thought about all the snacks he could make. The candy that would actually help players. He smiled a bit thinking about it. Everyone loved sweets and here there was no downside to indulging in them. No cavities, no weight gain, it was perfect. "I wonder if I could also make soda while I'm here. It might be difficult though but maybe I'll figure it out." He wondered if there were monster drops that tasted like things he was use to in the real world. Though he didn't compare the two worlds in his mind he was only curious about this world. Trying to forget the other world in the ned. "Like cream. I know there are farm animals here to get produce from but what about spider eggs or dragon eggs. What does that taste like I wonder?"

    127352 16

  11. He eyed something that looked like a bean and went for it but his foot slid and he ended up stepping on the item he saw. With a crunch, he winced and inhaled deeply through his nose. He swore in Spanish under his breath and lifted his boot to see there was now nothing there but blue shards that soon vanished.
    "I shouldn't be bumbling around like a fool." he knelt down and opted for crawling around. It wasn't faster but it would ensure he wouldn't break another resource so easily. 

    I'm willing to bet the bean is very sensitive to damage. Any little thing might shatter the bugger. He thought to himself as he crawled around.

    As he looked around he also marveled at the very still lake in front of himself. Even though it was water it looked like glass. He then looked up at the trees. Nothing was moving. The air around the place seemed to be dead. He sighed and went back to searching. To him, it was an omen to get back inside.

    127349 Loot: 4

  12. "Nothing, but I feel like I'm in the right direction. Don't sugar need water?" he asked with horrible English out loud. He sighed and went to one of the Guard NPCs.
    "Welcome back citizen Lonzo, are you doing well?" One asked.
    "Nothing to report except there's a carnival in town citizen."
    "Hm, Yeah I heard about it, I'm too busy to have fun at the moment but thanks for the info. Actually I was wondering, might you know where I can get some sugar or vanilla bean?" he asked feeling distraught."
    "Sir yes, sir! You can find that over there by that small lake." the peppier guard pointed ready to help.
    "He is correct citizen Lonzo. Please have a good day."
    "Thanks for that I"ll go check over yonder then." With that Lonzo moved towards the lake and looked around a little leery about falling in. He wasn't sure how swimming worked in the game even though he felt lighter he wasn't sure he was prepared to take that risk.


    127348Loot: 13

  13. "Where in the seven hills am I?" he turned around in a circle. "Oh no, I've inherited grand dad's short cuts after all." he looked down at his legs and sprung up and down testing his legs. "Well why not?" he sprinted forwards surprised how light he felt. "I could get use to this." he smiled as he ran back to where he could see the Town of beginings. "I'm not giving up, she'll either cry somethin' fierce or she'll turn into Gordan Ramsey and tell me I'm not good enough to be a cook and throw a clever at me...Is it still called a clever? Meat clever?" he sighed and chuckled at his own folly. Now that his body felt warmed up he went over by the bushes again. "you've never stirred me wrong before bushes. Lets see if you're hiding anything under you again." he crouched down and started moving some dead grass out of the way and looked for either sugar or vanilla.

    127298 Loot: 13

  14. He stood up and arced his back back hearing it crack a few times. He grunted and closed his eyes for a moment. 
    "Lets test it shall we. Am i going to be a great cook?" he stretched arms out and carefully shuffled his feet forwards. He just walked aimlessly. It was now did he realize it wasn't really that cold out yet. He was just being a baby for nothing and that annoyed him. He stopped when he felt an odd feeling rush over him and slowly looked down. It was grass for miles it seemed and small white flowers scattered everywhere. That's strange he hadn't noticed that before. His eyes fell to the ground and he knelt down looking at where his gut to him to go. His eyes darted around like starved bird as he searched. He heard his stomach growl as he thought about the crepes and suddenly a light cake sounded fantastic. He might have to ask the lovely npc if there was tea as well. He wondered how long it would take to learn how to make boiling water. He chuckled at the idea of that being somehow difficult, but what if it was?


    127297 Loot: 6

  15. He couldn't believe it. He felt like he was totally wrong now. yet he didn't dare move. He was chilled to this spot and he was darned if he couldn't find what he wanted.
    "Just one bean or sugar cane come on." he huffed as he pushed away more dead plants than he could count. Some gnarled around him and seemed to be too stubborn to move out of his way. he had to get a little rougher with it but hoped he didn't damage anything good if there was anything left. "I might have to tell that lovely girl that I need to buy the rest at this rate. I wonder how other people did this if there's some sort of trick to lookin' round." his accent kicked in now that he was on his own. He let out a sneeze and froze up hoping he wasn't catching some sort of virus. He didn't have to funds for medication yet and he wouldn't be able to cook if he felt sick. He didn't feel too hot though which was a good sign and kept up the search once more.


    127292 Loot: 4

  16. "Defiantly not fancy." Lonzo huffed feeling frozen in place. "Man when I understand how this all works I'm making myself a mighty fine pot of joe so hot it'll burn going down." suddenly he condemned being from the south. "And I won't get out of bed when the stupid sun comes up. Might have to make tea then." he grumbled a bit and recoiled into his purple shirt. He tugged at it and pulled it over his nose and mouth. he felt like a bandit but the warm vapor of his breath seemed to warm up his chest. Lonzo then tugged at his sleeves and pulled them over his hands but it exposed his shoulders and pulled his shirt down away from his nose and mouth. He swore under his breath and realized was one or the other. He pulled his shirt up once more and kept searching in the area he was in. He felt something should be here and he was too cold to bother moving.

    127291 Loot: 8

  17. Lonzo walked in and tried to warm up by the forge. Unlike Lyle's forge this place didn't stink. He let out an even sigh and looked over at Yukiro seeing his dissipointment on his face. He smiled a bit to try to lift his spirits. 
    "Hey don't worry about about it Yu. It'll be a bit before I go out and train in the wilds anyway, but sure I'll barrow the mitigation armor until then if you're willing to do that. Thanks for hooking me up with it. Don't worry I won't say anything either. You can do it, give it time. Eventually I'll go out and look for materials. I heard there is ore that is sweet, and another that's sour. I also have to mine out some rock salt. If you want to come with me and material gather together sometime I'll be happy to keep you company and vice versa." he figure if they're both crawling around they might be able to pass the time faster. "We might even level a little at the same time." he went over and picked up Dark Defender Armor.

  18. His fingers grazed a smooth surface, it was ice cold to the touch. He looked at the egg that seemed almost frozen. He wasn't sure it would be any good but placed it in his inventory and looked at the description. It was called egg and according to what it could all be used in cooking seemed like a top use. He nodded a little surprised his idea worked and he stood up. Lonzo crossed his arms and continued to walk around. Sugar would be harder to find as it was likely all dead but there was a chance he could find it with the almond and vanilla as well. Once he reached an area that seemed to hold delectables he started to forage around hoping to get lucky pushing the dead plants around as he walked gingerly as to not trample on anything that might be useful. He let out a light cough as the cool air tickled his throat. 

    127286  Loot: 8

  19. The next few he smelled seemed perfect again. This time no bugs as well. He sighed feeling as though he was in luck and gave the grains a light taste before realizing they were perfect! He smiled and started to wrap the ones he had found together and created a bundle of grain meant for cooking. He put that into his inventory and smiled at it. He then walked over to some trees to look around for any eggs. It was a shame he couldn't just buy some eggs or go to a farming village and check out their chickens. Either way, this should work the way he intends all she asked for was an egg after all. He knelt down by the trunk of the tree and had a good look around searching for an egg to use to make a cake of some sort. Maybe a cookie? He sighed and saw his breath. 
    Loot: 15

  20. He pulled one out and looked it over. It looked really good but it had frost on it. He remembered what the cook said. That he should taste things first. Even if it wasn't in the right state he'd give it a try. Upon tasting it a bitterness filled his mouth. Lonzo turned his head spitting a few times. Bitter was his least favorite type of flavor.

    "Ugh, how awful, and vial. The flour would be spoiled if I use this." he looked at the description and sure enough it called the item rancid and unable to use. "How bothersome. it looks perfect too. Well all right I'll try again." he sighed and tossed the long fiber behind him annoyed with its results. He hoped the next one wouldn't be so awful tasting. Yet he was worried this quest would prove a near breaking point for him. He hated wasting his time and this was terrible. 

    127284Loot: 17

  21. When he pulled it out small gets climbed up the grain and seemed to naw away at it. Lonzo made a face and tossed it aside letting it shatter into various hues of blue. He shook his head and tried to find some grain that wasn't invested with bugs. 
    "Disgusting, how can I have someone eat my food if it's got creepy crawlers on it. Gross, I'd never eaten there again if I saw something like that. Great not only do I have to worry about it being useless due to tempature I have to worry about a plague of bugs." he hoped he wouldn't have to have a farm or something down the road just to keep up with all the possibilities of getting bad food. Could food be in low supply in this game? You didn't have to eat but it felt awful if you didn't. 

    "Are people starving in the town of beginings I wonder. Maybe I'll try to make things better for- what am I saying I won't profit from that. Stupid Lonzo." he punched himself lightly on the head and went back to searching. 
    127283 Loot: 14

  22. "Her items will be a lot harder to find than the fruit I think. Lets see if I can find a grain area for the flour. Looks like there's one off to the east I'll go inspect it. With any luck, I'll find some there that hasn't gone bad or half-frozen. Man, I'm a glutton for punishment with these quests, maybe I'm cut out to be a cook after all with how much I want to taste something half decent. Everything she told me to get too sounds like a type of cake. I wonder if I'll be good enough to make petit fours. That'll be my goal in the end." 

    He walked through the thick of the grains and almost tripped looking around. After regaining his balance he tried harvesting some of it still unsure of what he was doing. They were pretty hard to pull out at all. He knelt down and started to pull from the root since he didn't have a way to cut things properly. 

    "Sorry you won't grow back but I need some for baking."
    127281 Loot: 8

  23. "Okay then, grab the flour." She told him.
    He looked around and tried to find something marked but the bags were all blank and generic. 
    "Hey which one is your flour darlin?"
    "That'd be cheating if you're going to be a good cook you have to trust your sense of taste. Even if it means tasting everything last thing in here. Don't worry it's all very yummie so you don't have anything to worry about Lonzo."
    "What? I have to taste everything? Flour has never tasted good in its powder form."
    "But you have to know when it's good or when it's stale come on you can do it."
    "Why would you have sta-" he was about to scold her but saw her pouty face and couldn't do it. She was too adorable. "Okay, I mean what's the worst that can happen? I'll likely just find sugar or something right?" he opened up a bag and tested it hoping he found the flour.
    "You should go look for the grain you know."
    "Oh, another outside one....Okay, what else do I need for this huh?"
    "Flour, almond, vanilla, sugar, and egg. I'll provide you the salt and butter."
    "How kind of you...All right I'll be right back." He walked out of the shop to got into the wild to see if he could find such things, he was mostly worried about the egg though.

  24. He was pulled into the restaurant and into the back room.

    "Moving a bit fast? I suppose no one will see us in here if we were to-"

    She let go of his arm to test the crepes and flipped them over. 

    "Mm, these are going to turn out so good," she said in sing-song. 
    "I can't tell if she's doing that on purpose or not anymore," he stated flatly to himself. He looked at the crepe and watched her.
    "This is super important and you have to take it seriously Lonzo!" she made her hands into small fists and got really into what she was saying. "There's a lot of good cooks out there but I'm the best one! Follow all my instructions and you'll be able to make something amazing."
    "Oh, I kind of like that attitude honey. Teach away I can't take my eyes off of you anyway." he coaxed and accepted the quest to become a cook.

  25. His face burned red at how sweet she was. Why in god's name did they make the NPC's so cute?! He wondered. 
    "Well about that. I was considering it. I need a job a-"

    She grabbed onto his arm between her chest and Lonzo froze up staring at her. He was a little surprised to see how grabby she was. Normally he reserved that for himself not someone else. He'd have to learn how to counter a person who did that often. Then again this would make learning cooking a bit more fun to him at least. He smiled realizing he'd get to work with someone who was attractive and there would be no repercussions to his advances. So he assumed. 

    "I"d be happy to learn how to cook from you m'lady. Might I say you smell as sweet as a-"
    "Oh I was baking crepes you probably smell the hint of sweetness."
    "Ah...You killed it." he felt a bit awkward now that he wasn't able to finish his advancement. 

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