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Posts posted by Noctua

  1. In Combat:


    Koga: HP: 540/540 // EN: 38/54// DMG: 13 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 0 // ACC: 3 // BRN: 24 // BLT: 24 // FALN: 4 // REGN: 5 // LD: 3
    Noctua: HP: 500/500 // EN: 47 (48+1-2)/50 // DMG: 8 // EVA: 1 // MIT: 18 // ACC: 3 // REGEN: 1 // BURN 24 // BLIGHT 24


    Phoenix: HP: 133/270 // DMG: 81 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 50 // ACC: 2 // Hate vs Koga: 1 // vs Noctua: 0

    ID: 133111
    Sword Art: Over Radiation
    BD: 5 (2+3) >>Fail<<
    DMG: >>Miss<<

    MD: 5 >>Fail<<
    DMG vs Koga: Stunned

    She was soon out of Koga's way so that he could attack this bird and she watched both of them. She didn't want to be here for too long, but right now, it seemed like they might be. She watched as Koga shot forward, and soon enough, a hit was finally landed. She watched as the bird fell to the ground and she looked at Koga. She nodded, her rapier already glowing a violet color. But, as she moved forward to hit the bird with Over Radiation, she instead hit her foot on a rock.

    The first thing that went through her mind was the pain from it, but she grumbled as she moved back. Once she knew that she was out of the way of the only person able to hit things again, she looked at her rapier, "Let's not be playing this game again please..." The words were muttered to herself and the rapier then, praying to who ever wanted to listen at this point that the curse from before hadn't come back.


  2. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    She missed the silence of the forest around this village already. That sounded mean, she doesn't mine helping them, but she is prone to gaining migraines from loud noises, and who knows if that isn't about to happen here right now. This lady could scream man, and it was shown when she yelled at them from her balcony. She just silently stood beside Koga as he did everything to speed up the process of accepting the quest. The moment they had it though, she had already turned and was heading out of the village.

    She beat Koga out, so she spent to minor break pinching the bridge of her nose. "Right, over." She nodded lightly before she lowered her hand and looked out at the wilds, "Hopefully she isn't screaming when we get back, or I'm going to need a lot of pain relievers after this." Okay, they might not exist in the game, but right now, she was going to make them exist if she could. Either way, she was walking beside Koga, Athena now perched on her shoulder resting her feathered head against Noct's.


  3. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 48 (50-2)/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24
    Koga: HP: 440/540 // EN: 52/54 // DMG: 13 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 0 // ACC: 3 // BRN: 24 // BLT: 24 // FALN: 4 // REGN: 5 // LD: 3

    Phoenix: HP: 270/270 // DMG: 81 // EVA: 2 // MIT: 50 // ACC: 2 // Hate vs Koga: 0 // vs Noctua: 0

    ID: 133061
    BD: 5 (4+3-2) >>Fail<<
    Sword Art: Over Radiation
    DMG: >>Miss<<

    MD: 1 >>Critical Fail<<
    DMG vs Koga: >>Miss<<

    She nodded lightly as she followed him up the climb. She was so glad that she had chosen to wear comfortable sandals today, instead of the heels that she had worn last time that they were out here. She probably would have died just from the blisters that would have formed. But as they neared the phoenix, she watched Koga grab the hilt of his katana, and she did the same with her rapier. She watched as Koga went to hit the Pheonix but missed it, this wasn't starting well already. But once Koga was out of the way, she rushed forward and went to use her skill, only the multidtude of jabs missed the bird narrowly as it moved just out of her range.

    She grumbled as she looked at the sky for a moment. Okay Fates, I'm sorry I tempted y'all earlier, but can you please work with us now and you can hate me with my crafting or something please? A silent prayer, yeah, that was going to work wonders Noct. She focused back on the fight and waited for the next set of moves as she tried to figure out what she would be able to do to get this bird to go down. She looked at Koga though as the Pheonix went to attack him, but the flaming bird's attack missed, horribly. That was good at least, perhaps the Fates forgave her?


  4. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    He kissed her cheek when he said that he loved her, but perhaps she pushed a little too far. She smiled lightly either way as she walked beside him.

    "Can't we just, like, take the castle as our home? I mean, come on, free house right there." Good joke Noct, good joke. Wait, she wasn't joking, oh god, Noctua you don't need a castle for a damn house. "But nine dragons and I have the sinking feeling of something protecting the treasure. We can do this." Yeah, she knew they could, in a few years. When she wasn't scared of getting eaten by a dragon.

    She looked ahead and tried to figure out what dragon would even want to hide on this floor. Where a dragon could even hide actually. Like, was it a baby or something to not be noticed? Wait, was she going to be killing a baby dragon? Oh that's just depressing to think on. "Any kind of ahead of time stats on this dragon? Or was the info broker unable to get that?" She wasn't trying to sound mean about the info broke, she knew that it was hard getting stats on everything. Just an honest question.


  5. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    She nodded as she smiled at the sight of Koga and Athena bonding, now she really wanted an owl in the real world when this was done and over with, but then, knowing her luck, it wouldn't act like Athena. "See, this should be a cake walk for us this time." She looked at Okami and chuckled lightly as the wolf made his way to be by her. She gently placed her hand on the wolfs head and scratched him behind the ears. "I don't know about that. They just love us both and wanna give us both affection." Yeah, you go ahead and think that Noct.

    "Yeah, I don't think I could hear that every time..." She sighed as she shook her head, picking up her pace as well to stay by Koga's side. The walk was shorter to the village, and just like last time, it was barren except for the screaming that could be heard. She really wanted that sound to stop, as did Athena who was now trying to hide her head in Koga's neck.

    "Okay, I'd say follow the screams, but watch it echo in my mind. So, I'm following you," she was gently rubbing one of her temples at this point to hopefully catch the headache before it arrive full force.


  6. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    She knew that she should probably stop attempting to jinx this entire adventure, but hey, she had a good feeling today, besides the fact that Koga had already gotten all of the materials that he needed. She beamed a happy smile though, even when he said that she was lucky.

    "See I knew that you were lucky today," Noct, please stop attempting t play with the Fates today, it will end up going horribly for you guys with the phoenix fight. "Well, at least this time you are only what, a few levels above me?" It was true, there had been some fights when he was a lot higher leveled than her, give her credit that she even managed to catch up to him.

    "But, let's do this. Let's get you whatever you need from the Phoenix so that we can finish this quest and leave this hell of a floor." She knew that he was going to be thinking the same, and right now, ice cream sounded really good to the woman. She looked at the overhand that he had pointed at before and, once more, thanked her lucky stars that she wasn't scared of heights. "After you, love."


  7. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    She nearly coughed from laughing so hard just then, he was just so adamant that he hadn't expected a door with hinges to hit him back with how hard he had kicked he door. After a few moments, she wiped a small tear from her face and she shook her head, "You know, I love you, don't be mad at me for laughing please." She took a moment to fully calm down from her laughing fit, "If it means that I won't have to worry about dying, I'll happily learn magic."

    He was explaining things as they walked and she nodded. Okay, so an info broker got him the information. She sighed though at the sounds of this being a long list of quests, "So, we are about to fight dragon one out of nine by the sounds of it. Shouldn't be too hard." She smiled then and nodded, "Yeah, we got this and whatever is in the castle should be interesting to see." She was curious now, and we all know what happens when Noct gets curious. Bad things tend to happen.


  8. Noctua walked into the back just as she heard the door open. The person didn't seem to need her attention right away, so she continued to put things up as she let the customer think. When she walked back to the front, the white haired woman was to the point, but polite about it. That was...odd, or at least the vibe she was getting was. But, she grabbed the rabbit sculpture and gave it to the woman after she was given the col. "Here you go, and if you need anything Blacksmith wise, Koga should be back shortly."

  9. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    She shook her head and chuckled, "Right, I'll make sure to keep that in mind." Let's not talk about what would really happen, that would be a good idea. So instead, she just smiled as she watched the lava slowing around them, why was this floor a thing again? She rolled her eyes at the lava before she looked back at Koga, who was grabbing yet another material.

    "What? I was right! Look, you've already got four materials. You need what, one more?" Now watch this last one be a giant pain in the ass and hide in the volcano, because you know, that would be their luck. Hiding materials in a volcano instead of just around it. Oh boy, Koga, please don't lose this new found luck.

    He was chuckling as she pulled her face from her palm though and she rubbed the palm of her hand. That might have been a bit harder than she had originally thought. Either way though, she listened to him and what he was going to name the Katana with the item, when they finally got to make it. She nodded, "It fits perfectly." She knew that the Katana's name was going to mean when he said the name, but hey, let's not ruin his thunder on explaining it.

    He probably did that just to be sure that it sounded good out loud. Now, some of you might be wondering how she felt about him naming his Katana after a chick that he loves, or loved, she was still figuring that out don't mind her. But, she wasn't going to make him change it, it was his way of honoring his friends. So, she smiled still as she held her support of the new name for the Katana, when it was made to happen.


  10. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    Well, it seems like they were both lost on where to go really, but thankfully, they had a map that was going to lead them. She was going to leave that to Koga, she knew how to read maps, but hell if she knew how to fully navigate. And she's gotten lost enough times in this game to know that she didn't want to navigate anyone ever.

    She laughed lightly, "You know, if it turns out to be like the boar pups, at least I'm not level one this time." She chuckled as Athena perched herself on Koga's shoulder lightly. There were moments Noct wondered if the owl liked the man better than herself. But, she also didn't mind it, Athena was the reason they were all truly alive after all, getting help that one day.

    Right as Koga said something, Noct heard a scream in the distance. Well, not so much distance as maybe a mile from them. "I think that just answered your question, love." She sighed as she looked from him to the village that was looming ahead. She really, really didn't want to hear the lady scream again, but there was no stopping that. Queue the heartache now.


  11. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    "I'm sorry, hun, but come on. You kicked open a door and expected it to not hit you in return?" She sighed though and shook her head, "I swear, if you get me trapped into another game, you're going to have to make sure that I don't learn magic." She looked at him and she wondered what was going on in his mind to make his geek gamer side come out. But then, they are in a video game after all.

    She pinched the bridge of her nose with his exaggeration, "Really Koga, really." She sighed as she shook her head before she looked at him and his muttered sarcasm. She chose to ignore it, probably for the right choices. Best to not see if Koga could truly get under her skin and make her mad right? The walk through the town seemed to be silent, which would probably be best for the factor of making sure that she did have everything that they were going to need.

    "Okay, so what all do you know on this dragon?" She looked at Koga, waiting to know what it was that he has figured out. Wait, how did he even figure out about this quest in the first place?


  12. Oh hey, Ceres messaged her. She read the message and smiled as she left her inn room to go and get her items. She was excited really to see what she had gotten really. The walk was short thankfully as she walked over to the the woman's shop and walked in. She walked over to Ceres and waved, "Thank you for the items Ceres!" She excitedly took the items before she thought on something. "I'll let my fiance know to come here if he finds anything to have sold and all that. Thank you again." She waved before she darted out the door to go ahead and get started on questing with the new items.


    (1) Damage Potion
    (1) Mitigation Potion


  13. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    She chuckled as he confirmed the feeling that she had after his little rating of her girlfriendness. Yes, that's not a word, and she doesn't care. She looked at the lava for a moment, wondering who she was going to kill when this was done and over with before she looked back at him.

    "Hun, if you die, there won't be anything to torment because I'll be finding a way to bring your ass back to kill you myself." Okay, so she was a little vindictive when it came to some things, but that was one that she was going to keep really. She'd find a way to revive his ass.

    She watched him grab another material as he said to not jinx them again. She rolled her eyes and laughed, "Hun, you're already almost done." And queue the luck gods no longer liking them. Hey look, Noctua might actually wanna stay in the lava land, not. So she smiled lightly, "But, I don't think we will be stuck her forever. Good feelings and all that." Wow, Noct, really convincing.

    She did facepalm though when he said that he didn't have an idea on what to use the item to rename things as. She shook her head, her forehead still in the palm of her hand. "Only you would be so gung ho about doing a quest like this with no end game."


  14. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    Walking side by side, they made their way to the town's exit once more. It almost seemed like they were out and about more than they were sitting and relaxing some days, but that was okay, possibly. She didn't know fully yet, though she would love a spa day. She looked at Koga though as he peered at the map, "I believe so yeah. Honestly, it was so long ago at this point, I don't fully recall." She smiled a bit at that, she really needed to work on remembering things better didn't she.

    But, if she heard everything correctly that Lonzo had said, this was going to be a breeze for them. At least, until Koga went and just jinxed them both. "Well, with you saying stuff like that, yeah I would say so now." She sighed and shook her head, a smile playing on her lips still as she chuckled. "I don't think so though, it should be simple enough for us, I hope." Yeah, now she was doubting things, great.


  15. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    "Only when you so stupidly deserve it my love," she smiled as she grabbed his hand to pull him to his feet. At least it didn't look like he had broken the nose or made it bleed, so there was that going for them at least. "I'm pretty sure it won't work in this game hun. And no, you are not allowed to try and find a way to get us stuck in Skyrim when we finally get out of here."

    She looked at him and shook her head, "Shouting now? Wow hun." She chuckled though and shook her head, "I'd rather not find out the hard way that a dragon will or will not eat you alive hun. So, how about we do this without you tempting fate?" She checked her inventory real fast before she nodded and walked out of the inn room, waiting for him.

    "I've got everything that I need. Let's go ahead and go kill us a dragon, and remember, no shouts." She pointed a finger at him gently, as if to say that she was watching him.


  16. Spoiler

    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50/50
    DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    » Rapier - Rank 5
       » Rapier Finesse - Rank 3
    » First Aid - Rank 1
    » Familiar Mastery: Fighter - Rank 1

    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T2 Demonic Rapier [Burn // Blight // Cursed // Burn]]
    Virtuous Ascendance [T1 Perfect Light Armor [Mitigation // Mitigation // Regen]]
    Silver Wolf Necklace [T1 Perfect Necklace [Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » Starter Healing Potions (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    Peaceful reading, that is what she was doing at the moment. She had managed to find herself a new book to be able to read, though she was even surprised that she didn't have to go to the seventeenth floor to get it. Instead, someone had brought it to her, saying that it was a wedding present from Athena. Wasn't that nice? Either way, it was just a book about Athena's travels and crafts, so it wasn't something that she was going to be able to find in the real world. She was going to take this advantage and work with it perfectly really.

    At least, until she heard the stomping. She ignored it, until it stopped in front of her door and she sighed. She closed her door as she heard her lovely fiance saying something. Wait..are those Skyrim Shouts? Oh god what is he doing? She turned to see the door kicked open with his final word, only for the force of the kick to slam the door into his face before it opened again. She shook her head as she walked over to him and looked at him.

    "Love, I love you and all, but that was hilarious," she was laughing at this point with his clutching his nose. "But yes, let's go kill a dragon. What could go wrong, just do me a favor, ad don't try to use shouts on it in battle. I don't need you making it mad and it eating you." That would be sad wouldn't it. Her fiance eaten by a dragon because he tried to be a Dargonborn warrior. Oh god, he was going to do that wasn't he?


  17. Spoiler

    Level: 25
    HP: 500/500
    EN: 50/50
    DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 5 || BURN: 24 || BLIGHT: 24

    » Rapier - Rank 5
       » Rapier Finesse - Rank 3
    » First Aid - Rank 1
    » Familiar Mastery: Fighter - Rank 1

    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T2 Demonic Rapier [Burn // Blight // Cursed // Burn]]
    Virtuous Ascendance [T1 Perfect Light Armor [Mitigation // Mitigation // Regen]]
    Silver Wolf Necklace [T1 Perfect Necklace [Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » Starter Healing Potions (3)
    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage) (1)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP) (1)

    They were really going to attempt this again. Last time they tried this quest, she was still a level one at that time. But still, they were going to go and do it themselves now. Which was probably a good idea. They had been paired with Lonzo and Nora at that time. Noctua seemed to make amends with Lonzo, but it was ultimately Nora who had upset the woman. Oh well, water under that bridge, wasn't like she ever saw Nora again anyways.

    Currently though, she was rummaging through her things in the Inn room making sure that she had everything. She used to have the room to herself, but ever since that encounter with the Gorilla, she hasn't let Koga go back to him bamboo mat. Instead, she shared the room with him now, and she didn't mind that.

    Speaking of Koga, she looked at him and nodded, "Yeah. I think I have everything that I need." She smiled as she walked over to him and kissed his cheek, "Let's go attempt to save that village again shall we, love?" She opened the door and waited for him before she walked out of the inn room, locking it behind them both.


  18. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    She just shook her head, "I don't know if I should feel honored or insulted." There was a smile on her face though, so the answer was definitely honored. Noctua stayed in step beside Koga as he continued to look for materials.

    A feigned look of hurt crossed her face with his words. "I'd rather you stay alive," she was still smiling, so don't take her words horribly, she really needs to get better at this. But there was still the thing of the fact that they did sound like an old married couple already, and this made her laugh as she thought about it.

    A simple shake of her head came, "If I jinx you right now, then we deserve to be stuck out here forever." In her mind, this was the honest truth. "So, given that we are looking for an item that is going to change your weapons name, what exactly are you thinking of changing it into?" Why was the woman so curious?


  19. Noctua's face showed a bit of shock with how enthusiastic this woman was. The shock was soon gone though, it was nice to see someone happy even with the situation of the game being a living nightmare, sometimes literally. "I could always come back later. I know that it isn't easy making things work in your favor." She could speak from literal understanding since she was an Artisan. She nodded though with the mention of needing a payment upfront, she really knew that one for sure.

    "Oh no worries, I understand that all too well." She waited as she let Ceres tally up the things that were owed a payment for. She was getting ready to send a trade for it, only to soon hear that it was technically being cancelled out. Well, that kind of worked for her now didn't it. When Ceres extended her hand, Noctua gently took it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ceres, I'm Noctua." She paused for a moment, "And um, thank you for the compliment?" Please don't ask her to hand one back.

    She can barely do that with her Fiance, he knows all too well. "It's good to know that you are enjoying the profession though. Please, feel free to message me when the items are ready and do take your time." She smiled lightly with her response.


  20. Oh look, a new merchant. She was needing someone to sell some things to and get some things identified. Now, she just needed to figure out how to go about it. Eh, shouldn't be too hard. So, walking into the shop, she looked around and smiled before she saw the merchant. Noctua walked over to her and waved lightly, "Hiya. I got a few things I would love to have identified and some things that I was hoping you'd be able to sell for me."

    She pulled two of the unidentified consumables from her inventory and all of the things that she didn't want and placed them on the counter. "How much do I owe you for this today?" @Ceres



    Uncommon T1 Consumable (ID: 127779)
    Uncommon T1 Consumable (ID: 127831)

    Junk Selling:


    Rare T1 Weapon (ID: 127831)
    Rare T1 Weapon (ID: 127288)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129888)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129904)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129777)
    Rare T1 Trinket (ID: 129861)


  21. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    She laughed lightly, "No need to make sure love, you're stuck with me remember." She raised an eyebrow at him though when he tried reviewing her like she was a video game. She shook her head, "Did you just review me like someone would a video game?" She was smiling as she said this, but the curiosity was there on her face.

    He scarfed down the hot dog quickly though, and she knew that if his sister would have been here, there would have been a few choice phrases that the younger girl would have said. But thankfully, Tala wasn't here to say those things. "Well, then you need to start eating more, even if we can't starve to death in here, it still helps and you know it." Did she just take a mother-like tone with him, possibly, but there was still a smile on her face either way.

    She watched as he picked up a material and she laughed, "Good, perhaps things will be easier for us then." She did think for a moment though and shook her head. Nah, with all the luck that he just ate, he shouldn't have an issue.


  22. Spoiler

    Noctua: HP: 500/500 || EN: 50/50 || DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    "Hey love," she chuckled lightly at how he didn't seem to really catch on to her teasing him, for the moment at least. She shook her head though and smirked, "I don't think I need to do that, I mean, we already have planned a wedding and all that fun stuff." Kind of fun, she really didn't like the fact that the game didn't have a simple courthouse wedding. Come on, really, does everything have to be some big spectacle to make the woman uncomfortable in the spotlight? Still though, there was a smile on her face as he kissed her cheek, "Anytime hun, and I highly doubt that I'm the best."

    She was about to say something when Koga cut off her swiftly, "Do I need to start tying you to a chair to make sure that you eat?" Simple question, but with a lot of semblance behind it for inner person knowledge. He tied one of their friends to a chair, twice, so she could easily return the favor. Either way though, Koga was as happy as ever as he ate the hot dog and walked, with Noctua shaking her head behind him before she caught up to him and kept pace beside him. "So, feeling any luckier yet?"


  23. Spoiler

    Level: 25
    HP: 500
    EN: 50
    DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    » Rapier - Rank 5
         » Rapier Finesse - Rank 3
    » First Aid - Rank 1
    » Familiar Mastery: Fighter - Rank 1

    » Wedding Dress [Vanity]

    She was in the room that the Priest had given her to get ready. She was staring at herself in the wall length mirror as she heard shouting outside. She sighed as she rubbed her temples, slightly concerned for Koga's sanity, if there was any left at least. Noctua looked at Tala who had been helping her get ready and she pointed to the outside, "You might want to check on your brother." She heard the younger woman leave before she looked back in the mirror.

    She was wearing a long gown with a goddess kind of theme going on with it, there was a reason she wanted to get married on this floor after all. It wasn't hard for her to find something that she had liked. But now, she was stuck waiting for the moment when she could leave this room and not feel like she was just able to listen to the people outside lose their minds. Seriously, did any of them have sanity left?


  24. Spoiler

    Level: 25
    HP: 500
    EN: 50
    DMG: 8 || EVA: 1 || MIT: 18 || ACC: 3 || REGEN: 1 || BURN 24 || BLIGHT 24

    » Rapier - Rank 5
         » Rapier Finesse - Rank 3
    » First Aid - Rank 1
    » Familiar Mastery: Fighter - Rank 1

    » Jack's Graceful Repose [T2 Demonic Rapier [Burn // Blight // Cursed // Burn]]
    Virtuous Ascendance [T1 Perfect Light Armor [Mitigation // Mitigation // Regen]]
    Silver Wolf Necklace [T1 Perfect Necklace [Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy]]

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    » White Owl Necklace [T1 Perfect Necklace [Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy]]
    » Woven Bracelet [T1 Perfect Bracelet [Loot Die // Loot Die // Loot Die]]

    » Starter Healing Potions (3)

    » Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP) (5)
    » Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. 
    HP) (1)

    Okay, they were going to get this done today. Noct had a few things in her inventory that she was going to hand over to Koga, mainly because they would help him more than her at this point. Plus, one was promised the last time that they were here for this god forsaken quest. This time, instead of coming out here in a dress or her old clothing, well for the most part, she was in a purple tank top with her leather jacket on for armor reasons, black pants and a pair of strap on sandals. Let's beat this heat.

    As she got to the ninth floor, only to see Koga about to eat something. She shook her head even as she walked up to him, "Wow, even in this heat you're still stuffing your face." She smiled with her little jest, don't hate her Koga, besides, once you marry her, be prepared for more of this. Without waiting for him to say anything, she grabbed two items from her inventory. She handed the first over, the woven bracelet, "For your luck on finding things," the second was a white necklace with a white diamond owl on it, "Because you can never have enough accuracy."



    Giving Koga:
    » White Owl Necklace [T1 Perfect Necklace [Accuracy // Accuracy // Accuracy]]
    » Woven Bracelet [T1 Perfect Bracelet [Loot Die // Loot Die // Loot Die]]


  25. She chuckled, "So, you know that implies being able to find me right," another jest Koga, we all know that you'll find each other. Noctua's said as much already. She gently squeezed his hand as she looked at the Priest. So, all the Priest needed was a reference, she knew what she had in mind, family heirloom and all that fun stuff. Why not bring it into a game as well?

    "I have an idea as well," knowing the ring by heart made it easy to picture it. Little did she know that as she thought about the silver gold plated ring the Priest was writing it down. But along with the silver gold plating along the ring, there were little leaves that branches off and had a single small diamond in it, all of which lead up to the bigger diamond in the middle that could act like the flower bud before it bloomed.

    She looked at the Priest who was writing then to Koga, "Um, did he just write down what we thought of?" This wasn't creepy at all, nope.


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