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Violet Smith

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Posts posted by Violet Smith

  1. Violet's eyes grew wide as she saw the cake. She looked back up at Yukiro. Then the cake. Then Yukiro. "Ah! Thank you," she said as she took a bit of cake, eating half of it. She sighed happily. "Mmm that was really good..." Then she gave the rest over to Yukiro. "I hate to say it, but thank you," she said, glancing away as she did so. 

    "Hm, that did seem to give me some energy though..." She flexed her muscles and dashed forwards. And missed. Again. At this point, she just let the other boar come up and hit her, knocking her over. She just lay there for a solid minute, then slowly got up and dragged her feet over towards Yukiro. She plopped herself in his lap and buried her face in his shirt. Next, she took a deep breath in and screamed into his shirt and chest. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 1
    Roll ID#: 128408
    BD: 3 fail............
    MD: 2

    boar pup 3 attack
    Roll ID#: 128409
    MD: 9

    Violet: 76/80 HP |  5 + 1 - 2 = 4/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup1: 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 2: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  2. "If not I can teach you how to stand up for yourself." 

    "I don't need help," she said defiantly. "I've always learned things by myself, even if it means learning the hard way. Also, it's not completely my fault that I keep missing. The game mechanics are being weird. I... I just need to get used to them." She didn't want help. She felt as though if she accepted it, that would make her less independent somehow. 

    She attempted once more to hit the first boar pup, but to no avail. "I... I guess this game just hates me then," she said, discouraged. Lucky for her, the two boar pups seemed to have lost interest with her repetitive failed attempts at their lives, so they didn't even charge back or give a snort in her direction after she had finished her move. "I still don't want help," she sulked, sitting down in the grass and picking at a few blades next to her right leg. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 1
    Roll ID#: 128384
    BD: 1
    MD: 2 fail
    CD: 4 (no extra energy)

    boar pup 3 attack
    Roll ID#: 128385
    MD: 2 Fail

    Violet: 76/80 HP |  6 + 1 - 2 = 5/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup1: 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 2: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

  3. "Lets just.. look for materials in peace then, shall we?"

    "Hm," she thought for a moment, "as long as we can fight some more beasts afterwards." She smiled and gestured to her own armor. "As you pointed out I need better armor to be able to kill more things. So I want to get more loot to either buy or be able to identify some bomb armor. Oh that and a new weapon." She tossed about the dagger she held. "I mean, this thing is alright, but I need one with a damage enhancement or something like that." 

    "I'm Vandrin by the way. Whats your name?

    "Violet Delta Smith," she said in a lightly formal manner. Then that grin came back. "Co-leader of the Alpha gang and hitwoman for hire." She did an exaggerated bow and laughed. 

    While she was bent down bowing, she spotted a violet flower and put it in her inventory. 



    searching for T1 Materials
    Roll ID#: 128382
    LD: 11 

    +1 T1 material

  4. Violet stopped talking and looked away as soon as he asked her the question. "Er-um..." she stumbled over herself, trying to find something to say. After a moment or two, she started listing off analytical reasons, holding up her fingers for each one. "One. You have a farther reach, more damage, and more powerful sword arts available to you than I do. Two. I don't have enough health or items to be able to come out with at least a 90% chance of winning. Three-" she paused, sighing and looking down. "You helped me with the boar when I needed it. Ugh." She hated admitting that she had practically needed his help. She hated relying on other people, especially those who she should be able to kill. 

    "Stupid nuns and their stupid morals," she groaned, rubbing the back of her right knuckles with her left hand. It was a subconscious thing. She didn't even realize she was doing it. Pain really had worked to at least teach her a few lessons about helping others. But she obeyed those teachings begrudgingly most of the time -- if not all the time. 




    searching for T1 materials
    Roll ID#: 128380
    LD: 2 fail


  5. Violet opened her fingers enough to peek out and see that the man out held his hand. She carefully grabbed it, her face wearing a wary expression, and let him help her to her feet. 

    Its still early for you to change your outlook. Why would you want to murder another player anyway? Don't you realize that's literally murdering someone in the real world?"

    After she heard this question, a small smile came to her lips. "You've never had to kill one in the real world, did you?" she asked more as a statement rather than as a question. She sighed and stretched, bending backwards nearly in half. She reached out and grabbed her dagger in this position as well. All that laying down had made her stiff. 

    She straightened herself back up and began to twirl and toss the dagger in her hand casually. She took up a position beside the man, glancing over at him. "Some of us were taught to kill from a young age. Some of us had to kill," she continued on, now holding up two fingers, a third one rising up as she said, "And some of us learned to like to kill." That same smile crept over her lips. "That's where some differ from most." 

    She bent down quickly to pick up two mushrooms that she had nearly stepped on, putting them in her inventory just as quickly. 




    searching for T1 materials
    Roll ID#: 128378
    LD: 16

    +2 T1 materials

  6. Violet stay in her position in the grass. Face and belly down. "Good job," she said faintly, muffled, as she heard the boar go down. She sighed and rolled over, looking up at the sky, just staring blankly at it. At this point, she had embarrassed herself greatly, and she was in the middle of realizing it. She had missed all except one attack. This one thought caused her to cover her face with her hands. Why is this game so unfair, she thought to herself. I could have so easily killed that beast and that man in the real world. Just give me a knife any day out there and I would have gladly taken a person downShe quietly groaned. The game had deprived her of her true power, and it was getting rather annoying and depressing. 

    Still covering her face, she spoke to Vandrin. "Go ahead and stab me in the side. This world [censored] sucks. I have no power here, and I'm absolutely hating it. Just put me out of my misery." Yes, she was being dramatic, but she had also just accepted the reality -- that was completely against her own nature -- that the game had stolen from her the one thing that she held dear to herself: the power over life and death. It had weakened that power immensely. In fact, she now computed that if she had gone into battle with Vandrin, there was a high likely-hood that she would have lost. 

    Violet: 77 + 10 = 80/80 HP


  7. "Think you can finish it off? Or am I going to have to keep doing all the work?" 

    Now, this remark managed to push Violet over the edge. She had already been missing and didn't need some lower level player to point it out to her. Someone she would have gladly killed for a hit in the real world. In one swift movement she had her blade up against Valdin's neck, her body right up next to his. "Shut. Your mouth." She glared into his eyes, her expression serious. He had actually managed to piss her off. She backed away slowly, still staring him down until she turned and silently went after the boar. 

    She activated her sword art and charged towards the darn thing, but at the last second it managed to evade her once more. She dropped her blade and clenched her fists. All these misses were just ticking her off. She let out a frustrated scream and then just dropped face first into the grass, now just laying there. "[censored], that boar," her muffled voice said from the ground. 


    Side Bite vs. Boar 1
    Roll ID#: 128372
    BD: 1 (horrible failure)
    CD: 11 (+2 energy)
    MD: 4 fail

    [H: 1] Violet:  77/80 HP | 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [H: 3] Vandrin: 60/60 HP | 2/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 1: 10/40 HP | 12 DMG


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  8. "I could have just left you to deal with this pig on your own. So I'd shut it if I were you."

    "Oh so grumpy," she teased, sticking her tongue out at him and then laughing. "You know you're enjoying yourself at least a little."

    As she stood behind the man, her eyes widened as he attacked the pig. Ah. I'll have to wait a little while before I can kill this oneshe thought to herself, rubbing her side. She didn't like the thought of being impaled like that. 

    Now it was her turn to attack. She launched herself forward, jumping and doing a somersault over the boar as it charged her. She laughed and threw her dagger as the pig ran behind her, but it managed to dodge the object. She shrugged and ran over to her dagger, picking it up. 

    Then she stayed back and watched Vandrin attack closely. She was studying him. She needed to know if he had any more tricks up his sleep for her own safety now. 



    round accel vs. boar 1
    Roll ID#: 128368
    BD: 4 (fail)
    CD: 8 (+2 energy)
    MD: 3 fail


    [H: 1] Violet:  77/80 HP | 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [H: 2] Vandrin: 60/60 HP | 3/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 1: 22/40 HP | 12 DMG 

  9. Violet laughed as she saw Vandrin attack the beast -- and miss. "Ah, so I see the prey is coming out of his shell now. Good! Now we can have a bit of fun together." She was enjoying herself quite well now. Though the spear he had produced did make her nervous, she showed no hint of that nervousness in her expression or body language. She took note of what he used. Long reach. I would be at a disadvantage, she thought. It was good information to know, and exactly what she had wanted him to do: use his weapon to reveal what he used. 

    She focused her attention back on the boar, stopping in her tracks and baiting it. "Come her, piggy, piggy," she called, holding her arms out for it. As it charged, she attempted to dash, but its tusks ripped at her side. She winced only a little, trying to hide any pain. The pain then turned into anger as she lashed out at the beast, missing by a mile. She cursed under her breath, then turned and looked at Vandrin. "Your turn, big guy," she said like it was a challenge. 



    round accel vs. boar 1
    Roll ID#: 128364
    BD: 1 (-2 energy)
    CD: 10 (+2 energy total)
    MD: 8 - 1 = 7 <-attacks Violet

    [H: 1] Violet: 80 - (12 - 9) = 77/80 HP | 6 - (2 - 2) = 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [H: 0] Vandrin: 60/60 HP | 4/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 1: 36/40 HP | 12 DMG 


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.
  10.  "Higher level than me? You're still wearing beginners' armor too. My guess is that you are one level higher than me at the most."

    She blushed and frowned out of both frustration and embarrassment. "Well, I suppose you wouldn't be much of a challenge anyways," she bit back. However, her mood changed once again, and she smiled as she said, "Though, you do seem like a wonderful toy to play with. Ooo I wonder how angry I can get you before you lash out?" She grinned, giggling. 

    Just then, she heard a rustle in the bushes. "Stay," she commanded the man, her voice serious. She licked her lips and readied her dagger. "Now it's time to hunt." 

    She sprang to action and stabbed into the boar that ran out from the forest twice in its side. She laughed as it attempted to attack her, nimbly dodging it. "Now this is real fun." Both she and the boar chased each other around Vandrin and his rock, dodging and weaving. To Violet, this was all just a fun game. 



    round accel vs. boar 1
    Roll ID#: 128361
    BD: 8
    CD: 2 (recovery not active)
    MD: 6 - 1 = 5 fail

    Violet: 80/80 HP | 8 - 2 = 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar 1: 40 - 4 = 36/40 HP | 12 DMG 


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  11. Violet gave him a cold, suspicious stare as he walked past her. She hadn't expected this reaction. 

    "You can join me if you want. Unless you're going to keep staring at me like I caused you any wrong. " 

    To this, she replied, "No, you just seemed..." she paused, thinking a moment, putting her hand under her chin. "How should I put this... Ah! Like a juicy piece of meat waiting to be devoured." She laughed at Vandrin's back, entertained by what she had just said, and threw her dagger at a tree just a few inches from his head. 

    As she happily went over to collect it, she said, "Lesson number 1. Never turn your back on someone a higher level than you." Now, she was beginning to enjoy herself. She looked up at the man, gauging his reaction, now smiling mischievously. 

    As she waited for his reaction, she noticed that the hole she had made in the tree was leaking some sap. She quickly collected it in a glass jar and put the jar back into her inventory. 



    searching for T1 materials
    Roll ID#: 128358
    LD: 13, 1 material found

    - Added 1 T1 material to inventory

  12. Violet sighed. "Don't apologize, it's sad," she said, tossing around her blade restlessly. She hated to ask it, but she did anyways. "What's wrong with you today? Your dog die or something?" 

    She didn't expect a full answer -- if he even gave one at all -- but she was nagged by a thought in her head that told her to check on him. It was kind of like the angel of good that sat on one shoulder was trying to tell her to act nicer. She hated it, but had obliged this single time. "Oh," she added, "that boar wouldn't have killed you anyways. I meant you need to look out for larger things that could kill the both of us." Right back to her usual condescending, snappy self.

    She turned her attention back to the first boar pup as she waited for a response. "Okay, now it's your turn to die," she said, walking slowly towards the beast. As she approached it, the beast took off. She followed hot on its tail. However, as soon as she swung, the boar pup made a sharp turn that she couldn't follow. The darn things were so small that their turns were to quick and narrow for even Violet to keep up. She made a few curses at the failure. Meanwhile, that same annoying third boar pup came back behind her and hit her in the small of her back. Again, she let out a torrent of even more colorful curses. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 1
    Roll ID#: 128352
    BD: 1 (-2 energy)
    MD: 2 fail
    CD: 9 (+2 energy instead of +1)

    boar pup 3 attack
    roll ID#: 128353
    MD: 9 attacks Violet

    Violet: 76/80 HP |  6 - (2 - 2) = 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup1: 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 2: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Sword Arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  13. A crack of branches alerted Violet that she was not alone. Not wanting to be ambushed by other players, she nimbly and quietly climbed up a nearby tree, hiding in the taller branches. This vantage point also gave her a great view of the area around her. Hm. What was that? She squinted her eyes. It seemed like another player. Unfortunately, she wasn't close enough to see his stats. After a few moments of planning, she climbed back down and made her way over behind the man without being noticed. 

    "What are you doing here?" she asked as she got closer. She had been able to glance at him and see his player stats. Weak enough to kill. She grinned. "You aren't the smartest when it comes to paying attention now are you?" she said. 

    Although he was weaker than her, she knew she shouldn't challenge him yet. She only had basic light armor and a one-handed weapon. Who knew what he could be hiding up his sleeve. 




    searching for T1 materials
    Roll ID#: 128351
    LD: 3 (fail)


  14. Violet screeched as he killed her boar pup. "You just took away my chance at looting that, you thoughtless worm!" she screamed as she raced over to him. She crouched down and brought his upper torso up towards her face, grabbing him by the top hem of his shirt. "You. Owe. Me," she said through gritted teeth, her eyes glowing red with an angry fire. She then dropped him back down to the ground, getting up and facing the first boar pup. 

    She charged forward, her anger driving her. However, her emotions made her movements sloppy. She missed the first boar pup by a mile, and it took the chance to ram her in her side. Then the third boar pup came over and rammed her as she was falling to the ground. "Gah! You annoying things!" 

    She turned attention back to Yukiro. "But they're not nearly as annoying as you. Laying there like a worthless worm. Get up and do something." 



    basic attack vs. boar 1
    Roll ID#: 128343
    BD: 1 (fail) - 2 energy
    CD: 11, recovery active
    MD: 9 - 1 = 8

    boar pup 3 attack
    Roll ID#: 128344
    MD: 8 - 1 =7

    Violet: 78 - 2 = 76/80 HP |  6 + (2 -2) = 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 1: 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 2: 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Sword Arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  15. Violet walked out of the Town of Beginnings and into the forested area that surrounded the town. Today, she was going to try and gather some materials and get some cool loot. She was hoping to find a piece of rare or perfect armor today in a loot drop. She was currently wearing the golden spectacles that she had purchased on a chain around her neck (a way so that she wouldn't have to wear them and look less intimidating). She was of course wearing her light brown and black armor that covered just her torso. Wearing light black shorts underneath them and black boots. She never liked to be weighed down by too much armor. 

    At her side was the new dagger she wanted to try out. It's hilt had a lovely red tinting to it, the same color as her eyes. 

    "I wonder if I'll find any player's I can kill today as well," she thought aloud to herself. 



    Level 4

    Violet: 80/80 HP | 8/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY | KEEN


    Equipped Items

    Equipped [T1 Rare Dagger] <<Slicer>> Keen, Bleed
    Description: This dagger has a nice, smooth handle that fits in the shape of the hand. It has two pointed guards above the handle with an 8 inch blade extending above it. The handle is made of oak wood with red staining. 

    Equipped [T1 Uncommon Light Armor] <<Protector>> Mitigation
    Description: This light armor is of a light brown and black color. It covers the chest lower torso of the wearer. 

    Equipped [T1 Rare Trinket] <<Golden Spectacles>> Evasion, Recovery
    Description: These are a pair of of round-rimmed spectacles. The frames are golden in color. When worn, they offer certain enhancements to the user.


    Battle-Ready Inventory

    - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)





    One-Handed, Dagger -> Novice, +1 DMG


  16. Violet glanced over. What is he doing? she thought, annoyed. She turned to face the first boar. I'll handle this first and then go teach him a lesson. She braced herself and then charged at full speed towards the first boar pup. She dodged one way and then the other, circling around the boar quickly and slashing at it twice, bringing it down to its knees. However, the third boar pup came up and hit her in her side, giving her a taste of her own medicine. She grimaced and spit at the beast. 

    Next, she turned to face Yukiro. He's laying down in a situation like this?! She looked around, trying to find something to throw at him. Ah! She picked up a piece of dirt and threw it so it hit him right in the adam's apple. Bingo! "Hey! Wake up, you [censored]!" she yelled. "Relaxing like that and letting your guard down is a good way to get yourself killed," she said angrily, her voice low. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 1
    Roll ID#: 128315
    BD: 8 
    CD: 10 (recovery active)
    2 * 2 = 4 DMG
    MD: 2 fail

    boar pup 2 attack
    Roll ID#: 128317
    MD: 5 fail

    boar pup 3 attack
    Roll ID#: 128318
    MD: 7 - 1 = 6 success

    Violet: 79 - 1 = 78/80 HP |  6 + 2 - 2 = 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 1: 5 - 4 = 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Sword Arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  17. "Hey. Second lesson?" 

    "Yup. You guessed it. Time for hell 2.0," she said, eyeing Yukiro curiously. "What? You wake up on the wrong side of the savanna?" she asked, making a reference to the giraffe comment from earlier. She couldn't help it, it was just too good of a jab to resist. Meanwhile she led the way over to the path leading out of the Town of Beginnings. She glared at the guards as they walked back. I'll be strong enough to kill you guys one day. 

    After a couple minutes of walking, they reached a field where there were three boars waiting to be killed. "Uh, you just wait over there or something while I kill these guys," she said, waving her hand away from the animals. "I don't want you stealing my loot." 

    Violet turned her attention to the boar pup nearest to her. It hadn't seen her yet. She readied her blade (her spectacles already on) and charged towards the tiny piece of walking bacon. However, it was quicker than she thought and dodged her attack before she could hit it. Then it ran back behind her and hit her in the back, knocking her onto her knees. "Why, you-" she seethed. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 1 (put "boar" in original role. my apologies)
    Roll ID#: 128308
    BD: 3 (-2 energy)
    MD: 10 

    boar pup 2 attack
    Roll ID#: 128309
    MD: 5 fail

    boar pup 3 attack
    Roll ID#: 128310
    MD: 6 - 5 = fail

    Violet: 80 - 1 = 79/80 HP | 8-2 = 6/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 1: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 2: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 3: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Sword Arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  18. Violet walked into the blacksmith's shop and dropped the package down onto the counter in front of an old man. The name over his head said "Lyle Tealeaf". Odd name, but okay. 

    "Okay, old man, what is it that you need me to do?" she asked, not the most polite in tone or manner. 

    "Oh, hello there, new player!" he said nicely. "Why thank you for delivering this package. Would you be able to go fetch three boar pup tusks that I need? It seems I've ran out of them, and I need them for a special project I'm working on. If you get me those items, I will also reward you quite well." He gave Violet a sweet smile. 

    "Ugh, alright. I'll be back in an hour or so," she said while walking out the door. 

    Once she was outside, she sent @Yukiro a message: 


    Get over to that weird Tealeaf guy's shop. We have a quest to do.

    -Violet Delta Smith

    No please or thank you, as usual. 

  19. Violet walked in and immediately slammed 450 col down on the table. "I'll take that rare dagger you have and those golden spectacles," she said right off the bat. Once James had handed the items over to her, she looked at them closely. "Yeah, these seem undamaged and of good quality. Welp, see ya later," she said as she left out the door of the building. Glad to have found a place that doesn't cheat me on prices, she thought to herself. She took the new dagger out and hung it on her belt in a sheathe. It looked lovely.


  20. "Wait, how much of that was a joke?"

    Violet giggled as she put the package into her inventory. "That's up for you to decide," she teased as he showed her the way to his place to eat. 

    While they were walking, she couldn't help but think back to the nightmare she had. A small frown came to her face as she remembered the man dying. I'm sorry I couldn't save you thenshe thought, her fists clenching in frustration and anger. She couldn't believe that the nightmares had followed her into the game, but she supposed such was to be expected. It wasn't like she had magically disconnected from the real world; her mind was still there, as was her body. Maybe the alchemists in this game had something to keep nightmares at bay. She'd have to look it up at a later time when she was alone. For now, she needed to go eat. 


    - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)
    -4 Total SP
    -400 col
    -1 T1 Material

    400 col, 2 SP

  21. Violet let out a large sigh and walked over to the old man. "Give it," she said, holding out her hand. Zachariah placed it in her hand and said goodbye. "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you when I see you," she said as she headed out the door. 

    If you're not sure about eating me."

    She took a moment to look him up and down, her hand held under her chin in concentration. "Yeah, you're probably right. You're a bit too tall for my liking. Would probably taste like giraffe or something." She laughed and headed outside. "Come on and show me that place. It better be good though or l may change my mind." She flashed a grin at him. 

    She then turned her attention to the item in her hands. Hm, I wonder if I can open thisshe thought, turning it around in her hands. Meh, I'll probably fail the quest or something if I try to open it. She decided to wait on opening it. 


  22. Violet watched as Yukiro mixed random ingredients and shook the bottle. He was doing very obviously what you were not supposed to do. I have a bad feeling about this. She quickly hid behind a display in the middle of the old man's shop. She heard a pop and ducked. When she arose, she saw a black mark on the wall. "What the [censored] did you do?!" she yelled in half disbelief half annoyance. "Come onnnnn. I wanna eat," she groaned, leaning against the display. 

    She brought out her dagger once more and began to toss it around while waiting for Yukiro to finish up. "Oh. And don't do that again." Her stomach began to growl. "See? You're making her hungry. And I may just decide to eat you if you don't hurry up." Her voice was filling with hunger-fueled annoyance at this point. She looked around the shop, but there was nothing to eat in here. 


  23. "Are you okay? That was a nasty fall. And an even worse dream."

    "Yep, I'm perfectly fine," she said while trying to stretch out her back. "Ow. I wish they had ice packs in this game or something." She rubbed her back and made a grimace. "Stupid dream. And no, I will not tell you about it." Her voice was empty and monotone at the end. For once, she wasn't making eye contact. To change the subject, she said, "Well, looks like you found the flower. Now we can head back to that old man."

    She led the way silently until they reached the shop of Zachariah. "Hey! Old man!" she called. The old alchemist turned around and said, "Oh, hello new player! I see you've found all the materials. Now let me show you how to make a potion."

    "Yeah, yeah," Violet muttered as she walked stiffly over to the table, her back still hurting. 

    After a quick tutorial of how to make a healing potion, Zachariah let Violet try. In just one attempt, she had successfully made the potion. 

    "My! You have great talent for this thing," Zachariah exclaimed. "A perfect on your first try. You would make a great alchemist." 

    Violet couldn't help but smile at her luck. "Thanks, old man. I guess today wasn't completely useless." She sounded happier as well. 

    Stepping back from the counter, Violet motioned that it was Yukiro's turn. "You're up." 



    crafting Healing Potion
    Roll ID#: 128222
    CD: 10

    Perfect Healing Potion Created! Good job.

    Quest Rewards: 
    - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)
    3 Total SP

  24. Violet continued to nap, at first peacefully, but then her normal nightmares started to kick in. "No...no!" she mumbled in her sleep, tossing and turning as much as she could while still staying on his shoulders. In her mind, she was back at the orphanage. She was 5 years old and trapped in the corner. The other kids were starting to bully her. They were kicking her while she was down. She tried the best that she could to guard her head, but they just kept aiming for her body, fracturing a few of her ribs. 

    Suddenly, from behind them came an older kid, around 10 years old. "Scram!" they said as they knelt down next to young Violet, her face bloodied and bruised. "You'll need to learn to stand up for yourself..." they said before disappearing into a thick black mist that enveloped her dream. 

    From the mist came a scene. The kid that had helped her was now an adult, around 22 or 23. They were being shot and stabbed, blood oozing out of their mouth as their lips silently formed the words "Run". 

    Violet woke up in a panic, falling off of Yukiro's shoulders and hitting the ground. "Oof!" She moaned and rolled over onto her stomach, her face on the trail. "Ugh." She lay there for a few moments before getting up slowly. "Found anything yet?" she asked. 


  25. "... Are you enjoying this?"

    "Mmhmm," she said while continuing to munch on the apple, still perched above him. She began to kick her feet forward lightly, enjoying herself greatly. "You make a good perch," her voice muffled by her eating. 

    "You're welcome to get down wherever you'd like,"

    "I'll get down once you finish gathering." She began humming to herself happily after she had finished the apple, throwing the core into the bushes next to the trail they were on. She leaned on her elbows on top of his head, using him as a kind of table for herself. "Hurry up and find your last material. I'm getting bored," she whined. "I want to go to that old man and get the crafting done so that I can eat and maybe take a nap and then complete more quests." 

    A yawn left her mouth. "Though, speaking of naps..." She thought for a moment and just rested her head on her arms that were folded atop his head. Luckily she was very flexible, or she would not have been able to pull this off. After a few moments, she was fast asleep. 


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