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Violet Smith

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Posts posted by Violet Smith

  1. "Are you alright? Here, lay down and let me look at it,"

    "I'm okay, I promise," she said, her voice still sounding weird. 

    "I'll take care of this last one. Then, we are going to stop and rest until you are recovered."

    She quickly (and foolishly) leaped in front of his sword before he could strike. Still covering her nose with one hand, she said, "Hey! Stop! I still need to get two more boar pup tusks! This guy might drop some loot." She looked down at the little beast, glaring at it. "It better have some loot for what it did to me." She turned back to Yukiro and held up her free hand. "Trust me. I'm okay. I've had several a broken nose before. Just uh, turn around while I fix this." She turned around quickly. A cracking and popping noise could be heard as she popped her nose back into place. "[censored]!!!" she screamed as she did so, yelling so loud that the birds nearby flew away from up in the trees. Then she turned back to Yukiro, her nose just a little red and swollen, a smile on her lips. "See, I told you I was fine! And luckily, the game mitigates most of the pain for me, so it wasn't as bad as usual." 

    She turned back towards the little piglet. "And now it's time for payback." She aimed straight for its nose. However, the boar pup moved before her dagger could reach it, scurrying off towards the other side of the field. She walked over and picked up the dagger from where it had buried itself in the ground. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 7
    Roll ID#: 129081
    BD: 2 fail
    CD: 3 fail
    MD: 2 fail 

    Violet: 65/80 HP | 2 - 2 + 1 = 1/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 1 - 4 - 12 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 1/5 HP | 3 DMG

  2. Violet turned towards a strange noise she had heard coming from Yukiro's direction. Was that scraping that she had heard? Finally her eyes focused in on Yukiro dragged his sword very depressed-like through the dirt. Ah, I see this quest is tiring him out as much as it is for meShe decided she would try to kill off this last boar pup as soon as she could so that they could relax for a little while. However, as she turned to look back at the boar pup, it was suddenly in her face. It had managed to use all of its energy to jump and hit her straight in the face. She stumbled and clutched at her nose. "I think it broke my nose!" she yelled, her voice nasally and blocked by her hand. Out of pure fury, she used her sword art and cut one of the boar's legs off. It hobbled away on its now stump leg. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 7
    Roll ID#: 129071
    BD: 8 success
    CD: 5 fail
    MD: 9 success

    Violet: 66 - 1 = 65/80 HP | 3 - 2 + 1 = 2/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 1 - 4 - 12 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5 - (2*2) = 1/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target


  3. Violet glanced over, watching Yukiro slowly walk towards his prey. Awe, no fun, she thought as she continued to chase her boar around. At this rate, she had a higher chance of giving it a heart attack than at actually hitting it with her blade. As she stopped and made it dodge again, she attempted to throw her dagger at it, but the quick beast managed to duck under right where she had thrown it. The blade took a few hair off of the pig's hide, but that was about it. She cursed as she picked up the dagger, standing back up and watching her prey run around in circles -- even though she wasn't chasing it still. After a couple more seconds of running around, the boar pup realized that it was no longer in eminent danger and decided to stop running. It turned towards Violet and decided to give a last ditch effort of bravery, running straight at her shin. Violet didn't even have to move out of the way. She just lifted her leg and let it run under her. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 7
    Roll ID#: 129062
    BD: 2 fail
    CD: 3 fail
    MD: 5 - 1 = 4 fail

    Violet: 66/80 HP | 4 - 2 + 1 = 3/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 1 - 4 - 12 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target


  4. Violet charged towards the boar pup, stabbing it right in its rear end, which only pissed the beast off. Instead of continuing to run, it turned around and speared Violet in the gut. Luckily, her armor was thick enough to stop the blow. In anger, she kicked the boar into a tree, though it did no damage. Now, her eyes were full of rage. "That hurt," she growled under her breath. A malevolent grin spread across her lips, causing the boar to flee out of fear once more. "Come here, little piggy," she growled, dashing off quickly after it. She had murder in her eyes. It appeared as though that was the final straw for today. She had gotten hit in the gut more than once, which was one too many starting out. As she chased after the boar, she played with it. It would dash one way. She would dash in front of it, blocking it from going further, so it would run the other way. She kept repeating the process, having quite a bit of fun. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 7
    Roll ID#: 129050
    BD: 6 success
    CD: 8 success
    MD: 10 success

    Violet: 67 - 1 = 66/80 HP | 4 - 2 + 2 = 4/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 1 - 4 - 12 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target


  5. "Hey! Are you alright? Need some help?"

    Violet smiled and looked over at Yukiro. "I'm fine. Don't worry. The pain is quite nice," she said as she turned back towards the boars. "It just pisses me off more and gives me more energy." The boars backed away. Something about the look on the woman's face told them to run. And run they did, Violet following close behind. "Hi, little piggy," Violet said, grinning as she plunged her blade into the spine of the boar. It burst into pieces around her, the blue glow of the pixels contrasting with the crimson of her eyes. 

    She looked down. No. Loot. This only enraged her further. She glared over at the last boar pup, which began to back away slowly. Then it turned tail and ran at full speed. "Not so fast!" she yelled as she chased after it. She wanted to get those darn materials as quick as she could. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 6
    Roll ID#: 129038
    BD: 10 (+2 crit)
    CD: 10 (+2 energy)

    basic attack vs. boar pup 7
    Roll ID#: 129039
    MD: 1 fail

    loot of boar pup 6 
    Roll ID#: 129040
    LD: 2 fail

    Violet: 67/80 HP | 3 - 1 + 2 = 4/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 1 - 4 - 12 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target


  6. "So, Delta.. whats the story behind it? If you don’t mind me asking.”

    Violet grew quiet as she heard the question. She sighed and floated on her back, taking a deep breath in. "Most I wouldn't tell this too, but... you've earned it today. At the orphanage where I was raised, each first name was active per one person alive. When they died... that name came to you." She looked up at the sky. "Alpha. Beta. Charlie," she began to list off the military names for each letter, pausing right before she got to her own. "Delta." She stay floating on her back in the river as she thought for a moment. How much would she tell him? Then, she just felt the words come streaming out of her mouth. 

    "Life at the orphanage was rough. Some didn't last through their first fear years. Either due to neglect, lack of food, or-" she paused and tried to hide her body and scars completely under the water. "Abuse." Her voice was strong and serious when she said this. "Most of the abuse came from the other kids. If they didn't like you or you appeared weak, you were a constant target for their torture." She let out a harsh laugh. "It took a killer to survive there." She paused after she said this looked over at Vandrin for a moment, a curious smile on her lips. "I was lucky enough to have someone teach me how to survive. I suffered many an injury even after, but the other party usually ended up worse off. I was taught how to fight and eventually... how to kill." 

    She looked back over at the man. "Would you like me to continue?" 


  7. "I just remembered after I forgot." 

    Violet joked around some more, saying, "That seems a little counter-intuitive, doesn't it?" She laughed and ran at the boar she had just attacked. However, this time the beast decided to stand up for itself. It met Violet's blade with its tusks. "Oh, so you think you're all tough now?" She pushed it back with brute strength only to have it come back and clash against her dagger once more. Man, this thing is really dead set on getting me, she thought to herself. The slippery tusks of the beast managed to slide off her blade and strike her in the sensitive part of her inner thigh. She went down, clutching the area. Luckily, it only stung a little bit. She checked to see if the boar pup had even broken skin. When she saw that it hadn't, she let out a sigh of relief and stood back up, stretching out the leg that had been hit. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 6
    Roll ID#: 129030
    BD: 3 fail
    CD: 12 (+2 energy)
    MD: 8 - 1= 7 success

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 129031
    MD: 2 fail

    Violet: 67/80 HP | 3/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5 - (2*2) = 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    1/3 boar pup tusks found!


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  8. Violet’s eyes lit up when she saw the water. While Vandrin knelt down and washed his face with water, she went downstream a little ways where it was a bit deeper and washed her shirt. Once it was clean enough for her, she placed it on a nice sunny patch of grass, letting it dry. 

    Then a mischievous look came to her eyes, and she looked over to where Vandrin was. Giggling, she unequipped her tank top and boots. Still in a covering grey and black sports bra with her shorts still on, she jumped into the water in front of Vandrin, splashing him with water. She laughed and dunked her head under, enjoying the coolness of the water. Now that she wasn’t wearing a tank top, one could see the scars that lined all of her body — as well as see how fit she was. 

    She laughed and turned to Vandrin. “Come on in, the water’s great!” She waded farther down stream and began to swim, doing back strokes. Here, the stream became deeper and wider. 


  9. Besides, something may come up that makes me change my question."

    She groaned. "Awe come on, that's not fair!" But she let him have his way. 

    "Hey, what are you doing after this?"

    Violet was about to respond with asking if he forgot about the ice cream when he corrected himself. She smiled and shook her head. Man, he really has some stunning memory, she joked to herself. 

    "I can't believe you forgot about the ice cream," she said casually as she raced towards the boar pup in front of her, dashing around it and stabbing it in its sides. "It's my favorite food ever!" she called before she got hit in the side by another running boar. She got up and dusted herself off, continuing to speak. "I mean one of my favorites. I have many." She smiled, in a better move now that she was landing more hits. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 6
    Roll ID#: 129026
    BD: 7 success!
    CD: 4 fail
    MD: 5 - 1 = 4 fail

    boar pup 7 attack
    roll ID#: 129027
    MD: 9 - 1 = 8 success

    Violet: 68 - 1 = 67/80 HP | 4 - 2 + 1 = 3/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5 - (2*2) = 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    1/3 boar pup tusks found!


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  10. Violet smiled and laughed. "Yeah, it is quite the experience. Though I'm glad it helped. You had quite a few knots back there." Her expression grew gentle as she said, "You need to relax more and take care of yourself. All that tension may kill you one day." She patted him on the shoulder. When he thanked her, she managed to squeeze out the words "You're welcome" with only a little bit of trouble. Jeez, I've never been so polite in one day. This is weird, she thought to herself. 

    As she took the shirt back she frowned, thinking of a way to clean it. "Hey, uh, you don't think there could be any streams or rivers around here, do you? I need to wash this darn thing. I mean, I knew it would get dirty but-" She paused trying to dust it off. "I believe the dirt actually managed to stain it." She stood up then thought for a second, stuffing the shirt back in her inventory. Suddenly, she had an idea. She ran over to the nearest tall tree and climbed up it surprisingly nimbly and quickly. After a few moments of looking around, she spotted a large stream to the east. Climbing back down, she ran back over to Vandrin. "I found a stream! Come on, let's go!" Her voice was excited, as was her expression. She did a few small hops out of excitement and energy, causing her tank top just to fall slightly, revealing a large scar that ran up along where the heart would be. When she turned to lead the way back over to the stream, she stepped into the bright sunlight, the deep, long scars across her back and arms gleaming in the sun. 


  11. "Oh, I'm done by the way."

    Violet growned. "Oh, come on. That's so unfair. It was so underleveled compared to you." She sighed and said, "Okay, shoot your question while I deal with these annoying fuzzballs." Turning back to the two boar pups that were left, she activated her sword art for the millionth time in this battle. Hopefully this time it would hit. 

    Once again she charged... and then missed. The quick nibblet had managed to evade her sharp blade once more. And then, of course, its little sibling had to come and ram her in the back of the leg when she was least expecting it.That hit had managed to make one of her legs give way, causing her to fall. She grunted as she fell onto one knee. The creator of this game just made these things to spite new playersshe thought to herself as she picked herself back up. 



    round accel vs. boar pup 6
    Roll ID#: 129021
    BD: 4 fail
    CD: 2 fail 
    MD: 2 fail

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 129022
    MD: 7 - 1 = 6

    Violet: 68/80 HP | 5 - 2 + 1 = 4/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    1/3 boar pup tusks found!


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  12. "I think I have a casual shirt in here somewhere I can throw on.." 

    Violet blushed and quickly turned away. "U-uh, I'll give you your privacy," she managed to squeak out. Jesus, has it really been that long that I've seen even a man's back? Is that why I'm having this stupid reaction? she asked herself. Then she realized that she had seen scars as well. Her nervous smile turned into a light frown. I see life hasn't given him a smooth path. Once he had put a shirt on, she turned around. "Alright, ready?" she asked. 

    After he responded, she went to push him down onto the grass and then realized that they were lying on the dirt. "Ah, jeez, give me one second," she said as she unequipped her armor. Underneath, she was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt. She put it on the ground in front of him to rest his face and body on. She was still wearing a tight-fitting gray tank top that had been under her shirt. Her lithe figure was accentuated by the outfit. 

    Next, she gently pushed Vandrin forward, having him rest stomach down on the shirt. Then she straddled the small of his back and went to work with her hands. Her attitude completely changed, becoming quiet and focused. She firmly yet carefully went up his spine, checking for any knots along it. After massaging a few of the knots out along his upper spine, she moved to his shoulders. "Relax," she said as she worked on them. Most people had a tendency to tense up when someone began to massage their shoulders. She then worked her way down, massaging along his sides and lower back. Finally, she went along his spine and the tender parts next to it with her hands balled in light fists, rocking the fists back and forth along the back. 

    Once she had finished, she moved from off his back and knelt next to him on the ground. She bent down and said, "Feel any better? If there are any problem spots that you want me to go over again, just let me know." She was smiling now. 


  13.  "Like you said, we're alright.. And it was pretty fun. But next time, lets wait until we have some better gear to take on a few monsters at once." 

    Violet sighed, a small smile forming on her lips. "Yeah, you're right." She stood up and offered him her hand, helping him back to his feet. "At least those types of wounds heal in this game." She took a moment to think and spoke again. "Oh, yeah. Didn't you say you needed a massage earlier. I can give you one now. Since you kind of deserve it," she teased. "But I still won't go too easy on you, even if you're injured." She smiled. 

    While she waited for his response, she went back over the fight in her head. It was odd. She had never jumped in and protected a player -- or even felt protective over another player -- since this game had started. Her body had moved by itself at times, not even waiting for her to think before it did so. It was... strange to her. She decided to give it more thought later. 


  14. Violet watched as the mother boar finally made her appearance, crashing into the field and charging straight towards Yukiro. 

    "What makes you think I'll be telling you anything?"

    Immediately, after he said this, the mother boar hit him. Violet pointed at the beast. "That's what makes me think so." She quickly turned and dashed away from the larger boar, not wanting to get it aggroed on her. 

    She frowned as she turned towards her enemies. She didn't want to lose this bet as she didn't like telling her secrets. She had many to keep, and some of them could be used against her if someone wanted to. She shook her head clear of these thoughts and focused on her enemies. She targeted the smaller boar pup once more. She dashed and charged towards it, making sure it couldn't tell what direction she was going next. As she plunged her blade into it, the blade began to glow a deep red, and the wound was opened once more after she pulled her blade out. The boar pup dropped to the ground, bursting into pixels. She grinned and bent down, picking up the boar pup tusk it had dropped. "Finally," she said to herself. 

    Then she turned around and checked how Yukiro was doing, saying, "You better hurry up. I only have two more to go." 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 5
    Roll ID#: 129014
    BD: 10 (+2 crit)
    CD: 9 (+2 energy)
    MD: none. beast is dead. 

    boar pup 6 attack
    Roll ID#: 129015
    MD: 9 - 1 = 8 success

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 129016
    MD: 10 - 1 = 9 success

    loot of boar pup 5
    Roll ID#: 129017
    LD: 18 success!

    Violet: 70 - 2 = 68/80 HP | 4 - 1 + 2 = 5/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG

    1/3 boar pup tusks found!


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  15. Violet was having a little bit of fun running away from the boars. It had been a while since she had got her blood pumping so fast. She quickly leaped up into a tree, making it to the upper branches this time, high above the boars. She bowed from her position on top of one of the upper branches. "Well, I hate to run and go, but it seems like our fun here is done," she said, laughing and out of breath. Quickly and nimbly, she jumped from branch to branch, quickly losing the boars in the trees. 

    After giving chase for a short while, the boars decided to make their way back to a grassy field with plenty of sunshine and peace. 

    Once Violet had lost the annoying beasts, she slowed down her pace and made her way back over to Vandrin quietly, not wanting to attract anymore attention. She ended up stopping in the tree right above him and dropping down quietly. She bent over, a little out of breath, and then stretched. Once she had caught her breath, she straightened up and jostled Vandrin's hair with her hand. "See, I told you I would be alright," she said, smiling. However, that smile soon turned to a frown as she noticed the rip in Vandrin's armor. Her expression turned serious as she crouched down to take a look. After a few moments of examining the wound, she spoke. "You're lucky we aren't in the real world. That was a killer's shot. Straight through the kidney, ripping the intestines..." Her voice trailed off and she sighed. "I shouldn't have darted in without thinking. I-I'm sorry." The apology took a little bit to struggle out of her mouth. Man, I really need to stop doing things that make me need to apologize. 




    running away from boars
    Roll ID#: 129011
    LD: 19 + 1 + 1 = 21 successfully escaped. 

    Violet: 71/80 HP | 1 + = 2/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


  16. "And whoever loses has to tell the winner a secret. Of the winners choice."

    Violet's eyes lit up when she heard this. "Ooo, secrets! I love them." She turned back to the fight, saying, "Well, I hope you're thinking of a secret to tell me while I kick these little boars' butts." She quickly dashed back over to the little pigs. "Come to mama," she said, her dagger glowing once more. 

    She set her targets on the smallest one of the group. Quickly, she dashed from left to right, circling around it in seemingly random patterns. She stabbed the boar pup in its side twice, and leaped back to avoid its attack. At the last moment, she saw one of the other boar pups charge at her legs. She tried to use her dagger to block the tusks of the beast, but it dodged under her blade and hit Violet in the shin. "Ow." She kicked it away, sending it rolling but doing no damage to it. 

    To Yukiro, she asked, "Did you figure out what you're going to tell me yet?" She had a smug grin on her face. 



    Round accel vs. boar pup 5
    Roll ID#: 129008
    BD: 7 success
    CD: 2 fail
    MD: 6 - 1 = 5 fail

    boar pup 6 attack
    Roll ID#: 129009
    MD: 3 fail

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 129010
    MD: 7 - 1 = 6 success

    Violet: 71 - 1 = 70/80 HP | 5 - 2 + 1 =4/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 5 - (2 * 2) = 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  17. "You better be right behind me, or else I'm coming back and covering you."

    Violet sighed and muttered under her breath. "Don't be stupid. If you come back you die." Violet held the boars' attention while Vandrin made it to safety. Once she was sure he was safe, she tried to escape from the beasts. She walked back slowly, checking to see if they followed her. Unfortunately, they walked forward with her, eyeing her every movement. Hm, how to get these guys off of me without making them chase after Vandrin... She thought for a moment and then decided to try and give them the run around. She dashed between the two, getting them to chase after her into the forested opposite of where Vandrin was. She tried to climb a tree to escape them, but one of the boars caught her with its tusks and pulled her under her armor off the tree, throwing her to the ground. "Oof." Next, the second boar began stomping on her stomach and chest. She struggled to get up, but finally managed to slip away, running back through the trees. 



    running away from boars
    Roll ID#: 129007
    LD: 5 + 1 = 6, fail
    MD: 8 <- both attack Violet

    Violet: 77 - (12 - 9) - (12 - 9) = 71/80 HP | 1 + = 2/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar 2: 16/40 HP | 12 DMG 
    Boar 3: 20/40 HP | 12 DMG

  18. Violet let out the breath she had been holding in as soon as Vandrin drank the health potion. Thank god!, she thought to herself. She didn't think that he had any potions since he hadn't used them yet. Luckily, she was wrong in her assumption. Now, she could focus back on the fight at hand without much worry or fear. 

    Her blade began to glow with the same sword art from before. The boar began to charge towards her. She prepared herself for the attack, dagger out and at the ready. However, at the last second, the boar dodged past her and teamed up with its friend to charge Vandrin together. Well, there goes that health potion, she thought to herself, facepalming as she did so. "Vandrin, just leave the fight, and I'll follow right behind you as soon as you're safe!" she yelled to him as the boars charged towards the poor man. 



    round accel vs. boar 3
    Roll ID#: 128997
    BD: 5 fail
    CD: 9 (+2 energy)
    MD: 8 success <- attacks Vandrin

    boar 2 attack
    Roll ID#: 128998
    MD: 9 (+1 crit)

    [1,1] Violet: 77/80 HP | 1 + 1 - 2 + 1 = 1/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [3,2] Vandrin: 60/60 HP | 1/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 2: 16/40 HP | 12 DMG 
    Boar 3: 20/40 HP | 12 DMG


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  19. "I'm fine. I still have a bit of fight left in me." 

    Violet spoke to him without looking back. "Don't be an idiot. I've seen enough of my own men die." She turned and looked at him, frustration and anger in her eyes. "Death is painful. You don't want it." She took a deep breath and turned back to face the enemy. "Just don't be stupid. For your own sake." 

    She turned to face the boar that had just attacked Vandrin. I won't let you win, she thought to herself as she stared the beast down. It huffed, warm steam coming out of its nostrils. She was pissed now. Her eyes glowed crimson red like her sword as she ran towards the boar, dashing around it and piercing its sides. That's it. Focus on me. 

    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other boar charge up an extra powerful attack and race towards Vandrin. Her eyes grew wide with fear. Only two more hits and he would be out. "Run or heal or - or something!" she screamed in frustration. She couldn't take two on at once -- she knew this. She grimaced as she prepared for the attack to hit. 



    round accel vs. boar 3
    Roll ID#: 128995
    BD: 8 success
    CD: 10 (+2 energy)
    MD: 2 fail

    boar 2 attack
    Roll ID#: 128996
    MD: 9 (+1 crit) <- attacks Vandrin

    [1,1] Violet: 77/80 HP | 1/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [3,2] Vandrin: 36/60 HP | 0/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 2: 16/40 HP | 12 DMG 
    Boar 3: 24 - (2 * 2) = 20/40 HP | 12 DMG


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  20. "What was that just now!? What were you trying to do to me!?"

    Violet giggled and said, "I was teasing you, silly. Are you sure you want to get so attached to me?" She turned back towards the fight, letting him think over her words. 

    "Come here, you little pieces of bacon," she called to the boar pups, trying to get their attention. She succeeded in interesting two of them. Both began to charge her, one in front of the other. She decided to aim for the one in front. At the last second, she threw her dagger at the first one and leaped in the air out of the way of the charging mass. However, the other boar had already learned her tricks and was waiting for her to land. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she felt them lift off again as she was thrown into the air by the brute force of the animal. She managed to land on her butt a foot or so away. "Ouch! Jeez, at this rate, I might truly be flat if they keep dropping me down on it so hard." She rubbed her sore tush and walked back over to Yukiro for the moment that the boar pups had grown disinterested. 



    round accel vs. boar pup5
    Roll ID#: 128991
    BD: 2
    CD: 9 (+2 energy)
    MD: 1 fail

    boar pup 6 attack
    Roll ID#: 128992
    MD: 10 success

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 128993
    MD: 4 fail

    Violet: 72 - 1 = 71/80 HP | 5 - 2 + 2 = 5/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  21. Violet looked back over at Yukiro, hearing him fumble over his words about what to bet. She smiled, glad that she had caught him off guard. It was a bit fun. She decided to have a bit more fun. Slowly, she walked up to Yukiro as he muttered, "No, never mind...

    "Cat got your tongue?" she asked, getting up on her tippy toes and pressing herself up against him, barely even reaching his chest. Man, why is he so tall? she thought to herself. 

    Suddenly, she felt something hit her from behind and push her into Yukiro. She turned around just in time to lash out with her dagger and hit another boar pup straight in the face that was charging behind the first boar pup that had hit her. Bam! She heard the sound of her blade crack against the skull. Then the boar pup disentigrated into pixels. She quickly got down on one knee to check what the boar pup had dropped. "Dang it!" she cried out. "Still nothing." She hung her head and stood back up. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 4
    Roll ID#: 128948
    BD: 10 (+2 crit)
    CD: 6 (+2 energy)

    boar pup 5 attack
    Roll ID#: 128949
    MD: 4 fail

    boar pup 6 attack
    Roll ID#: 128950
    MD: 7 - 1 = 6 success

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 128951
    MD: 4 - 1 = 3 fail

    loot of boar pup 4
    Roll ID#: 128952
    LD: 4 fail

    Violet: 72/80 HP | 4 - 1 + 2 = 5/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1 - 4 = 0/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.

    0/3 tusks found

  22. "You never know what will happen! So you don't know that things won't turn out great!"

    Violet looked at him in surprise, her eyebrows raised. Another small smile came to her lips as she walked up to Yukiro and jumped up to pat his head. She kept doing short hops to keep adding pats. This went on for about 4 to 5 more pats. 

     "I'll get as attached as I want! And whoever finishes their thing last has to... um... do... something! For the other person!"

    She stopped the head pats as he said this and giggled. She got up close to him, practically touching him. "And what is that thing, hm?" she said, her voice quiet and gentle. Then as soon as the mood changed, it changed right back. She giggled some more and turned back to face the boar pups. "While I deal with them, think of what you want me to do to you." She had a small smirk on her face as she said it. 

    Once again, she charged at the boar, her dagger gleaming in the sunlight. But -- again -- something had to interrupt her attack. This time, two of the boar pups charged her again and threw her up in the air with their two pairs of tusks combined. She went flying a few feet, but managed to tuck and roll when she landed, mitigating some of the damage. 



    basic attack vs. boar pup 4
    Roll ID#: 128936
    BD: 5 fail
    CD: 5 fail
    MD: 5 fail

    boar pup 5 attack
    Roll ID#: 128937
    MD: 2

    boar pup 6 attack
    Roll ID#: 128938
    MD: 7 - 1 = 6 success

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 128939
    MD: 9 success

    Violet: 74 - 2 = 72/80 HP | 5 - 2 + 1 = 4/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  23. "Should I take care of these for you?"

    Violet coughed into her arm, clearing her throat, and then stood up at her full height once more (though she still paled in comparison to Yukiro's height). She laughed a little at his response. "You're concerned." She smiled. It was a sad one though. "Don't go getting too attached to me now," she looked up at him, the soft smile still on her lips, a sadness in her eyes. "You never know what will happen in life or in this game." She turned back to the boars, rubbing her stomach lightly. "And don't worry. I'll beat them eventually. Just... I ask for your patience," she looked back up at him, a little embarrassed. 

    She looked back at the boar pup she had been attacking. Her eyes focused on her target. Her body relaxed and then tensed, ready to go. With one push of her back foot against the ground, she launched herself into the air and came down on the boar pup. She dashed from one side to the next, stabbing into the beast's sides twice. As she leaped back, away from the boar pup's counterattack, she was hit in the back by one of the other boar pups. Man, these things just don't give up now, do they? she thought, rather annoyed. 

    She looked back over to Yukiro and smiled. "See, I told you I'm alright." She chuckled a little bit. "And you still haven't given the terms of the bet." 



    round accel vs boar pup 4
    Roll ID#: 128927
    BD: 6 SUCCESS!
    CD: 3 fail
    MD: 3 fail

    boar pup 5 attack
    Roll ID#: 128928
    MD: 9 hit

    boar pup 6 attack
    Roll ID#: 128929
    MD: 5 fail

    boar pup 7 attack
    Roll ID#: 128930
    MD: 2 fail

    Violet: 77 - 3 = 74/80 HP | 5 + 2 - 2 = 5/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY


    Boar pup 4: 5 - (2 * 2) = 1/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 5: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 6: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG
    Boar pup 7: 5/5 HP | 3 DMG


    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  24. Violet heard heavy breathing and turned around, wondering who was making all the noise. She looked down and saw Vandrin on one knee. "If you need to run, just let me know. I'll follow behind you. Maybe." She was growing more concerned about him.

    Now, she moved more urgently. She tried to launch another sword art attack, just running on fumes of energy at this point. However, her attack missed once more. But instead of attempting to attack her like it had done before, the boar charged towards Vandrin. She cursed under her breath and tried to run after the beast, but it was too quick. It's target was set. All Violet could do was yell, "Run, Vandrin!", as she watched the boar charge closer towards him. Today was definitely not turning out how she expected it would. Meanwhile, she turned her attention to the other boar. It hadn't begun to charge yet. Good. Maybe I can get its attentionShe ran in front of it and waved her hands. "Come here, little piggie!" she yelled at it, beginning to run in the opposite direction. Luckily, her plan worked. The second boar was now focused on her instead of Vandrin. Now take the chance to run, she thought. Get out of here. Don't try to be the brave guy. 



    round accel vs. boar 3
    Roll ID#: 128924
    BD: 2 fail
    CD: 6 (+2 energy)
    MD: 8 success <- attacks Vandrin

    boar 2 attack
    Roll ID#: 128925
    MD: 2 fail

    [1,0] Violet: 77/80 HP | 1 + 1 - 2 + 1 = 1/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [2,2] Vandrin: 48/60 HP | 0/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 2: 22/40 HP | 12 DMG 
    Boar 3: 24/40 HP | 12 DMG


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


  25. "Don't go getting all heroic on me now, though it is a nice change of pace."

    At this, Violet smirked and said, "I could go back to being murderous if you like." Her voice was sweet, quite contradictory to what she had just said. "Though, I underestimated your armor situation. It seems I still have much better armor than you. I should have payed attention and noticed you didn't have mitigation enchantments." That was as close to an apology he would get at the moment. She cursed herself in her head. She really hadn't meant to drag him into a fight that could have been a near death situation for him. 

    Once again, she charged forward, her blade glowing. She brought it down on top of the boar, but it managed to dodge at the last moment. It tried to ram its tusks into her side, but she nimbly dodged to the side. The two enemies were evenly matched in speed. 



    round accel vs. boar 3
    Roll ID#: 128921
    BD: 2 fail
    CD: 12 (+2 energy)
    MD: 1 fail 

    boar 2 attack
    Roll ID#: 128922
    MD: 4 fail

    [1,0] Violet: 77/80 HP | 1 + 2 - 2 = 1/8 EN | 2 DMG | 9 MIT | BLEED | 1 EVA | 1 RECOVERY
    [2,2] Vandrin: 48/60 HP | 1/6 EN | 6 DMG 


    Boar 2: 22/40 HP | 12 DMG (-14 Dmg)
    Boar 3: 24/40 HP | 12 DMG


    sword arts

    Rank 1

    • [x2 Stun] Side Bite (5 Energy) - Stab your opponent in both sides, pincing nerves, stunning opponent.
    • [x2] Round Accel (2 Energy) - Dash around target at high speeds, delivering two slash/stabs into target.


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