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Posts posted by Randal

  1. 11 minutes ago, Skeleton said:

    I mean, searching carefully will make sure I don't miss anything, right?"

    “Yeap, that’s also very true, more often than not you have to be careful not to overlook anything, but the expanse of the fields outside the town of beginnings is so wide and covers such a large range of land, we could explore in any direction and possibly find something.”

    11 minutes ago, Skeleton said:

    Great, we're moving quickly. We're doing good work. Maybe this won't take a whole 3 days

    “What was the total number of materials that the person wanted you to collect? I think we should be almost half way there right? This’ll be easy as pie.” Though as a Chef/cook it is important to note that pies were not all easy to make, they had many important aspects like crust filling and appearance that all require a specific kind of finesse to execute.


    ID# 131127

    LD 7+1 (fail)

    While Randal was busy thinking about the pies and his cooking career, he barely had the mental bandwidth to pay attention to the large array of materials that was practically scattered all around him.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Skeleton said:

    So you get to try out the martial arts skill yet?

    To which Randal could only rely as he walked out of the Town of Beginnings and into the nearby fields with a solid “No”, of course being the wonderful conversationalist he was, Randal did follow up with “I just got back to town not too Long ago when I heard you calling out for me, I then came over as soon as I could, besides, at my level, nothing I can find here would drop any loot for me.”.

    Seeing Skeleton kneel down into the grass to look for some materials, Randal chuckled and asked “Is this what you were doing prior to the carnival? Smelling all grass like haha.”

    Randal decided to offer some advice to Skeleton, sometimes you could try looking up and around for other kinds of ingredients that might help you in your crafting of alchemy. For example, have considered the potential alchemic functions of fruits or other items just lying around?”

    As Randal said so, he reached out one hand to scrap of some sap from a tree into a clear glass bottle.


     ID# 131119

    LD 14+1 (success)

    1 T1 Material found

    He then reached out in his other hand and offered Skeleton some food with enhancements he managed to make. “Hopefully this will help...truth be told it’s not all that easy to gather things either.”


    Name: Crispy Gold Soy Beans
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 2
    ID: 130585
    Roll: CD 12 LD 17
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: [Perfect]
    Enhancements: Loot Die x3
    Description: These beans will either make your gas smell bad, or give you good luck, you feeling lucky punk?
    Post Link: 


    Randal: SP 7/17 // HP 160/160 // Energy 16/16 // 1 DMG 
     3 DMG (T1E3 Perfect Hand Wraps) // 1 REGEN (T1 Uncommon Pants) // 3 EVA (T1E3 Perfect Light Armour)
     1 LD (Searching Rank 1) // 1 Stealth Detection (Searching Rank 1) // 5 MIT (Light armour Mastery Rank 1)
    Battle Items:
    1. - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    2. - 1 T1 Immolation Potion (10DMG to successful non-Crit attacker)
    3. -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP
    4. - 1 T1 Snack (+1 Eva)
    5. - 1 Tier One Snack (+3LD) 
    Additional Buffs
    1. Aincrad Trading Post Guild - +2 Exp per craft made // +5 to salvage LD
    2. Aincrad Trading Post Guild - +5% Mob Kill Col // +10% Treasure Chest Col


  3. Spoiler
    Randal: SP 7/17 // HP 160/160 // Energy 16/16 // 1 DMG 
     3 DMG (T1E3 Perfect Hand Wraps) // 1 REGEN (T1 Uncommon Pants) // 3 EVA (T1E3 Perfect Light Armour)
     1 LD (Searching Rank 1) // 1 Stealth Detection (Searching Rank 1) // 5 MIT (Light armour Mastery Rank 1)
    Battle Items:
    1. - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    2. - 1 T1 Immolation Potion (10DMG to successful non-Crit attacker)
    3. -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP
    4. - 1 T1 Snack (+1 Eva)
    5. - 2 Tier One Snack (+3LD) 
    Additional Buffs
    1. Aincrad Trading Post Guild - +2 Exp per craft made // +5 to salvage LD
    2. Aincrad Trading Post Guild - +5% Mob Kill Col // +10% Treasure Chest Col

    It hadn’t been that Long since Randal had gotten his martial artist status and his whiskers removed from and by the stupid NPC at the top of a mountain at floor 2 when he heard an unfamiliar ding on his HUD. Randal being fairly decent at gaming and also having been in one for quite some time now knew what that symbolised, a notification.

    When Randal opened up the notification he was happy to see that his new friend <<Skeleton>> had invited him all for his profession quest, ah Randal was well familiar with the task at hand having gone through it himself, putting down all his things that he was carrying, which was nothing actually considering it was a game, he made his way over to the career hub in the town of beginnings.

    He spotted the young man sitting and waved happily, upon reaching, Randal spoke “So today you’re the party leader, as thanks for helping me out the last time and the promise of many discounts, where shall we head to first?”.

  4. As he travelled out of town along the pathway mentioned by the satyr, Randal had a magnificent view to look at, an Ancient Greece based theme within the game and only needed to say the name of the location at a particular place in order to go there quick as lightning meant that a free vacation could be taken at Any time as Long as you were Unlucky enough ti he chosen by the death game by fate.

    However part of the spectacular view was also the horde of animals and mobs roaming around the area, to his left of the pathway, Randal was clearly able to see a pack Nimean Lionesses feasting on some unfortunate wildlife that happened into their territories, the pack of whom were now yawning wonderfully large mouths.

    To his right, was a castle full of armoured characters who looked like they were soldiers from an era of Spartans. Their buff muscles were rippling through their armour, poised to strike onlookers. 

  5. “Hestia?” Randal questioned, he wasn’t familiar with Greek mythology and didn’t really know were the main patrons of this floor. Based on what the evil NPC that had successfully ambushed Randal had said, Randal gathered that Hestia must be a goddess, in charge of something called the Hearthfire...

    ”Yes! Hestia, she wishes to bless you, she has created a trial for all who she wishes to bless as a testing grounds to examine the several facets of a Chef or cook, I hope you pass.” The Satyr said with an evil tone. He then proceeded to point me in the direction of the semi-tall mountain fairly close to mount Olympus right before dashing off to do his own thing, Randal presumed.

    Travelling towards the location was a natural response at this time because that was what Randal came up to this floor for in the first place. Before he set off however, he checked that the collusion with the satyr hadn't dislodged any important items as well as check that he had made good on all his supplies for the journey.

  6. On 11/10/2019 at 3:02 PM, Nora said:

    A classical looking alchemist shop located just a little east off the main road in the Town of the Flowers on the third floor. The place is decorated with a cold grey color theme. The building has high ceiling, full wall size window and long drapes. Strange ruins and patterns decorate the ceiling and floor; the shop is furniture with bookshelves, workshop table and a comfortable looking L shape sofa and arm chair in the lobby area.  There is a large bird stand by the main workshop table, beside the large crystal ball. The shop owner tries keep the place clean and organized as much as possible and yet maintain a comfortable homey feel at the same time. The shop always has some kind of mellow music playing at the front door to attract customers. Sometimes the song is classic musical, but most often then not, it is a mystery girl's voice singing something soft and warm. Once stepping into the shop, the young shop owner welcomes everyone in warmly. "Good day, how can I help you today?"

    Having completed his latest quest for a great big haul of items and Col to bring home, Randal was pumped to carry forward to the next floor, when he entered the town of flowers, it was exactly like how you would expect it. A strong cooling Breeze that would have otherwise given people Hay Fever blew through Randal’s hair, as he walked around and admired the view for a moment of peace, he noticed a shop selling potions and salves, remembering the cute little familiar his friend had, Randal wanted to get one too, and he knew he could get more prepared here. Walking in he made a request for the Perfect Pheromones that was in stock, he stood and waited for her reply. In his pocket, a hefty fee for the purchase awaited.

    Trades 500Col for one Pheromones.


  7. Day 9 (24 Exp)

    Randal didn’t make it very far in the renovations of his little shop/shack/food truck but he did tidy the place up quite a bit, though the chances it getting messy again were astronomically high due to past experiences with living with himself and the familiar nagging of his girlfriend from the real world.

    Regardless, before his mental voice digressed, he had been struck by inspiration for a desert, and by dessert, what he meant would be a a dessert/appetisers in the form of a salad, because salads kind of have a weird position in terms of what they are, their category made to fit the whims of the consumer.

    Randal got right back up from tidying his place and brandished an incredibly sharp jife and quickly got to chopping up salad bits from lettuce, leaves and a mixture of fruits that he had collected from his journey. In the end, he was thoroughly happy with the result of his creation.


    ID# 131099

    CD 2 LD 3+1 (fail)

    ID# 131100

    CD 8 LD 20+1 (2x Uncommon)


    Name: Egg Tart || (Unfortunately for Randal, this name's in Korean.)
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 131100
    Roll: 8
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Die
    Description: Tiny tarts with major deliciousness. Try not to scarf them down. || (It's a drawing of a tart. There's also an arrow pointing to the custard, with a drawing of a chick hatching from an egg. The egg is noted in undecipherable Korean.)
    Post Link:

    Name: Egg Tart || (Unfortunately for Randal, this name's in Korean.)
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 131100
    Roll: 8
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Die
    Description: Tiny tarts with major deliciousness. Try not to scarf them down. || (It's a drawing of a tart. There's also an arrow pointing to the custard, with a drawing of a chick hatching from an egg. The egg is noted in undecipherable Korean.)
    Post Link:

    ID# 131101

    CD 8 LD 10+1 (Uncommon)


    Name: Suspicious Rainbow Liquid
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 131101
    Roll: CD 8 LD 10
    Item Type: Dessert
    Tier: 1
    Quality: [Uncommon]
    Enhancements: LD x1
    Description: Upon Consumption May cause, hysteria, hallucinations and fits of luck.
    Post Link: 

    ID# 131102

    CD 1 LD 6+1 (fail)

    ID# 131103

    CD 10 LD 1+1 (Rare)

    -5 T1 Materials

    +2 T1E1 Snack (Sold to Basuke)

    +1 T1E1 Dessert (Used by Self)

    +1 T1E2 Dessert

  8. When Randal spawned into the teleportation gate at the entrance of floor 17, he barely had any time to breathe before in an extremely comical way, he was rammed and carried away by a Satyr.

    The Satyr was clearly a Satyr cause the NPC tag labelled it as such, but other clear indications of those were the horns on the horns on the NPC’s head, the height which towered quite high above Randal who was notable short, the furry curved legs that resembled that or a goat of four legged creature (though he only had two) and hooves for feet. So when Randal was carried away by the Satyr, he was shocked out his senses and stunned as to what to do.

    Thats when the Satyr’s high-pitched voice came through. Trying his best not to laugh at the misplaced audio, Randal heard “Welcome to flor 17, you good man have been selected by the gods for the fine crafting that you have done and they wish to test you, come to Mount Olympia to meet with the Goddess of the Hearthflame, Hestia!”.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

    "I'm not too interested in looking for my own familiar yet, but I can come along with yours."

    When Randal heard them discussing plans to get familiars, Randal internally leaped for joy, he had been contemplating looking for a familiar for quite some time now and had heard it was quite a difficult journey from finding to taming one, but now that he had some companions to do it with it was sure to go by a whole lot faster. Randal, had also heard that this Boulder quest was also supposed to be difficult, but it was going without a hitch so far.

    39 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

    two weeks tops to set up the shop and even then, it still needs lots of work."

    Randal couldn’t help but chime in, “I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m a Chef myself, if you complete your respective profession quest you too can become like us. Any ideas what you want to be @Skeleton?”


    Randal: SP 5/15 // HP 140/140 // Energy 14/14 // 1 DMG 

     3 DMG (T1E3 Perfect Hand Wraps) // 1 REGEN (T1 Uncommon Pants) // 3 EVA (T1E3 Perfect Light Armour)
     1 LD (Searching Rank 1) // 1 Stealth Detection (Searching Rank 1) // 5 MIT (Light armour Mastery Rank 1)
    Used Items:
    1. - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    2. - 1 T1 Snack (+1 Acc)


    <<The Boulder>> 

    HP: 0/50 HP // -2 EVA

    ID# 131077

    BD: 7

    As Randal stepped back to give himself a running start, hopefully with the idea that the move would generate more force from the momentum and smash the already cracked rock, within a few moment, Randal jumped into the air and landed, fist on the rock to smash it to oblivion, which it did very quickly.

  10. Spoiler

    Floor 17
    <<Challenge Of Olympus: Cook>>
    Recommended Level: Any | Party Limit: 1 (Solo Only)
    Must be Rank 2+ Cook | Non-Repeatable



    • 1 Additional SP
    • (+1) CD Tool, Hestia's Flame


    • Roleplay The Challenge:
      • Meet with the satyr on Floor 17.
      • Meet with Hestia outside of Mt. Olympia and accept her challenge.
      • Describe the details of the challenge, face-off with Hestia and roleplay out how you best the Goddess of the Hearth.

    Disclaimer:  The God(s) in this quest are NPCs for RP flavor only and cannot engage in combat nor affect the world in any way other than what’s described.

    Cooks who have reached rank 2 in their profession receive a notification stating that a rare quest is available to them on floor seventeen. Upon arriving to the floor, a satyr's sudden appearance will easily startle nearby NPCs, and he promptly inform you that you have been invited to the gates of Mt. Olympia. It seems that Hestia herself would like to challenge you to a Battle of Crafts.

    Players must RP meeting with Hestia, and they are free to describe the details of the challenge that is issued however they like as long as it pertains to cooking. They must RP the challenge out appropriately, encouraged to make the crafting battle very difficult, though not impossible. 


    • At least one [1] Page (20 or more posts)
    • All crafting done in this quest is RP only--no rolls required, and items cannot be given stats or submitted for evaluation.
    Randal: SP 7/17 // HP 160/160 // Energy 16/16 // 1 DMG 
     3 DMG (T1E3 Perfect Hand Wraps) // 1 REGEN (T1 Uncommon Pants) // 3 EVA (T1E3 Perfect Light Armour)
     1 LD (Searching Rank 1) // 1 Stealth Detection (Searching Rank 1) // 5 MIT (Light armour Mastery Rank 1)
    Battle Items:
    1. - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    2. - 1 T1 Immolation Potion (10DMG to successful non-Crit attacker)
    3. -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP
    4. - 1 T1 Snack (+1 Eva)
    5. - 2 Tier One Snack (+3LD) 
    Additional Buffs
    1. Aincrad Trading Post Guild - +2 Exp per craft made // +5 to salvage LD
    2. Aincrad Trading Post Guild - +5% Mob Kill Col // +10% Treasure Chest Col

    Following the guide that the shops were giving out, Randal learned of a quest that would elavate his cooking abilities, allowing him to create better and more extravagant dishes. Actually he had received the notification when he ranked up to a level 2 cook but had too many things to do before he could get around to it...eventually it had slipped his mind.

    But eventually he wisened up after failing some crafting attempts and decided to go and see the NPC from whom the quest had came from. He had heard that it was going to be Satyr, he creature he hadn’t seen yet. 

    And so with the information in mind, Randal made his was way to the teleportation gate and thought about what would await him, he knew to some degree that the floor would be Greek themed land because he had heard from the guide and he finally said the name of the village on the 17th floor.


  11. Randal had been looking for a performer who was willing to craft a particular crystal for him, as he walked along the many shops in the town of beginnings, he found his way to a little corner of the town where a central area of shops could be found.

    Wondering into “Tala’s Covers and Orginals”, he decided to give this place a chance, after all, the interior filled with musical instruments of all kinds could be found which inspired a certain amount of confident in the owner.

    Randal walked up to the counter and placed his order form and his contact information for any updates should she have them.

    Name: ???
    Your Profession: Performer
    Your Rank: 2
    Item Type: Support Song
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +1 Familiar Sight
    Description: An assortment of sounds that mimic random animal mating calls, it’s pretty weird to the human ear.

  12. 15 hours ago, Skeleton said:

    Hey I remember someone talking about getting a familiar? How do you go about that?"

    31 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

    "Um, you get approached by a gypsy lady in some random floor. Or you find her yourself. Then she gives you treats and you then try to find a familiar to tame them with."

    Upon hearing An’s reply Randal couldn’t help but shuffle his feet, internalising new information about the quest to get a familiar that he didn’t know before this, all he knew from wandering around and getting lost (not that anyone would ever know) was that there were items being sold in different places to help the process.

    Adding to the discussion what he knew “Alchemists have some pheromones that help with taming a familiar”.

    Performer’s also have a song that can attract familiars to whoever is playing it.”.

    Merchants also had a spyglass that could help you look for a familiar faster, but some didn’t have it so I’m not sure who you should go to.”

    ”In General, equipment that increase your luck also go a Long way to helping you on your journey, best to be as prepared as you can before a setting off on your journey, we should try it together if it’s possible

    31 minutes ago, Andromeda said:

    Sure, but I still need the profit to support my other activities. So, how about you get to pay just the identification costs with none of my added service costs for the first fifty? And when you've used all fifty up..." She tilted her head, self-editing her next words in her mind. "As a sign of gratitude for all the EXP, you'll get to pay the flat price for general stock. Only once you've used up your fifty free identifications though. Sound good?"

    What Randal had meant was that he wanted to junk sell his items for a good price but he realised that that didn’t make sense at all.

    He also appreciated An’s idea and figured that it was good deal, after all fifty items were a lot,.

    ”So where is your shop located anyway?” Randal asked An.

    Randal: SP 5/15 // HP 140/140 // Energy 14/14 // 1 DMG 
     3 DMG (T1E3 Perfect Hand Wraps) // 1 REGEN (T1 Uncommon Pants) // 3 EVA (T1E3 Perfect Light Armour)
     1 LD (Searching Rank 1) // 1 Stealth Detection (Searching Rank 1) // 5 MIT (Light armour Mastery Rank 1)
    Used Items:
    1. - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    2. - 1 T1 Snack (+1 Acc)


    <<The Boulder>> 

    HP: 10/50 HP // -2 EVA

    ID# 131038

    BD 6+1+2 (hit)


  13. Day 8 (22 Exp)

    Randal spent this day cleaning up his work space and renovating his shop, he upgraded the interior of his workspace in a bid to make the features within as comfortable as possible, he rearranged his pots and pans, created a work station for coming up and experimenting, a small table and desk for himself to do some theory crafting when it came to coming up with new ideas.

    All in all, Randal experienced a fairly average day, failing to make lots of good items but he did create dessert for the first time to a decent degree and finesse.

    The dessert he chose, contrary to what would usually do, was a deliciously bad for you chocolate cake, with delicious chocolate cream paste and chocolate sponge that was incredibly indulgent. Also he didn’t really know how make chocolate so he used a mixture of seeds that tasted like chocolate to create mixture with cream, so the cake was white but tasted like chocolate, it was very interesting to make.


     ID# 131007

    CD 11 LD 19+1 (2x rare)

    ID# 131008

    CD 2 LD 19+1 (Fail)

    ID# 131009

    CD 9 LD 7+1 (Uncommon)


    Name: Egg Tart || (Unfortunately for Randal, this name's in Korean.)
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 131009
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Die
    Description: Tiny tarts with major deliciousness. Try not to scarf them down. || (It's a drawing of a tart. There's also an arrow pointing to the custard, with a drawing of a chick hatching from an egg. The egg is noted in undecipherable Korean.)
    Post Link:

    ID# 131010

    CD 6 LD 8+1+5 (salvage)

    ID# 131011

    CD 2 LD 3+1 (Fail)

    -4 T1 Materials

    +2 T1E2 Dessert (Sold to Night)

    +1 T1E1 Snack (Sold to Basuke)

  14. 13 hours ago, Skeleton said:

    His fist struck neatly into the crack Randal had left before him, verging the gap open wider with a cracking sound as the visible tear in the rock grew vertically.

    Randal noted the increasingly widening crack in the rock and got very excited, at first he thought that he would have to do all the work him self, but was glad to see everyone putting in their best effort, looking up at the sky, he had arrived at dawn and they had been whacking away at rock for quite sometime now, he guessed it must have been early morning to afternoon as the sun was reaching its peak.

    1 hour ago, Andromeda said:

    Identifications give the most EXP and the fun part is, it's consistent! I receive the same amount, no matter the quality of the item I'm identifying

    Randal was especially curious because he would need a personal and trustworthy merchant he could go to anytime for identifications or purchasing general goods.

    ”After we are done, and you’ve helped me get the martial arts skill, how about I visit your shop after I do a whole bunch of mobbing. Truth be told I’m also hoping we could strike a bargain, after all, you could give me a nice flat price to level up your rank faster right?” Randal offered, hoping she’d accept, though there was a chance she would not, since earning money might be important to her too.


     ID# 130959

    BD 1 Miss

    The Boulder: 23/50 HP | -2 EVA

    As Randal took a step back, he stretched his arm forward to rest against the rock for a short bit, taking out some food that he had prepared without an enhancements just for taste.

    In his box were four meals separated by a partition, all contains a portion of curry and potato with onions and carrots. It wasn’t all that spicy, but was a smell that reminded Randal of home. 

    Without saying a word, he handed @Skeletonand @Andromeda a portion each and began eating.

  15. Day 7 (23 Exp)

    After good night’s rest, Randal got up from bed to a terrible gloomy morning, the weather the village was an absolute downpour and what Randal didn’t know but will soon learn was that having a food truck themed cafe wasn’t very good without any eat-in sears for your diners to take shelter from the rain. 

    In spite of the perfectly poised to sleep in weather, Randal pulled himself up from bed and decided on some strategies for cooking, he didn’t only want meals or snacks to be sold so he decided to ensure that he made a wide variety of options for his customers assuming he had any. So he played with some Meal ideas and some snack ideas. With lots of time on his hands and the perfect weather for focusing, Randal managed to create quite an array of options for future consumers.

    However today was a day when Randal missed the music of the real world terribly, no one has recreated any studio ghilbi music in the game and it would have went well with the weather.


    ID# 130911

    CD: 9 LD: 15+1 (Uncommon x2)

     ID# 130912

    CD: 11 LD: 15 (Rare )


    Name: Strawberry Cheesecake
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: ID# 130912
    Roll: CD 11 LD 15
    Item Type: Meal
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Accuracy, Accuracy
    Description: Soft, spongy and fluffy cheesecake, with a layer of crunchy biscuit underneath. There's a spread of cut strawberries, tastefully garnished on top of it.
    Post Link: 

     ID# 130913

    CD: 9 LD: 9+1 (Uncommon)

    ID# 130914

    CD: 7 LD: 2+1 (Uncommon)


    Name: Egg Tart || (Unfortunately for Randal, this name's in Korean.)
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: 5
    ID: 130914
    Roll: 7
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Loot Die
    Description: Tiny tarts with major deliciousness. Try not to scarf them down. || (It's a drawing of a tart. There's also an arrow pointing to the custard, with a drawing of a chick hatching from an egg. The egg is noted in undecipherable Korean.)
    Post Link:

    ID# 130915

    CD: 3 LD: 7+1 (Fail)

    -5 T1 Materials

    + 1 T1E2 Meal (Sold to Night)

    + 3 T1E1 Meal

    + 1 T1E1 Snack (Sold to Basuke)

  16. The journey back was only slightly tiring, due to the fact that Randal had gotten astrayed a few more times trying to look for ingredients along the way back, however, true to his initial beliefs, he could not find a single thing worth bringing home with him, already slightly missing the paradise now far behind him.

    Randal did not go back to the town of beginners as he journeyed across some plains back to the town where his shop was, he needed to deposit these items as soon as possible.

    As he entered the village, Randal longed for someone he could tell about this location he had found and wished to get a familiar so that  journeying by himself wouldn’t stay that way, with a companion, he knew he would feel better, but there were things he had to do first.


     ID# 130889

    LD 2+1

    20 T1 Material Found (Total)

    - - -

    Thread Summary


    Quest Reward

    20 T1 Materials


    Thread rewards 

    1 SP



    December Bonus Reward

    1 SP


  17. Hidden in between some pots as inconspicuously as they could possibly manage were some amazing looking mushrooms, the plumpness of the mushroom coupled with how delicate their little caps bounced when Randal brushed over them with his fingers were almost hypnotic. These mushrooms tried their best to resist Randal grasp but being as they were not potted or specifically planted anywhere they easily entered his inventory.

    With that said and done, the unusually hypnotic mushrooms were sent straight to his backpack.

    With his backpack now brimming with tons of materials and ingredients for the next few days, Randal began to make preparations for him to leave this paradise in game, he knew that outside of this environment, he would never have been able to get this many ingredients in such a short span of time. 

    As such it was time to retreat home, he did carefully mark the location on his map for future visits to this beautiful “farmer’s market”, said farewell to his journey mates and said a quiet thank you to whoever built this place.


     ID# 130888

    LD 18+1

    20 T1 Material Found (Total)

  18. However there were some flowers that brought a certain aroma with them that would not be good to add to food stuffs, certain plants to the name Randal could not remember at the moment released an extremely pungent smell that would assault the senses and majority of the time, the smell of these plants came from the internal components of the flower which meant that even washing the plant would not work because when the consumer ate it, the smell would burst forth from within the plant cells.

    This made Randal skeptic so about all the plant he could use from the potted section because when he smelled them, he often didn’t like what he found, however he did manage to collect some roses, lavender and curry flowers to add to his backpack.


     ID# 130885

    LD 10+1

    18 T1 Material Found (Total)

  19. Located in some pots near the side of the wooden house people using for training, were an array of flowers currently in bloom. Although flowers may seem like an odd addition to food, it would not be the first feature that flowers have had in the industry. 

    As a food Nutritionist, Randal was aware that the appearance of food often played a big part in people’s appetite and desire to eat them. Flowers have been used in few facets of cooking mainly for aesthetic purposes and sometimes for a rare flavour that they bring to the dish.

    For example, flowers were greatly used as a decorative garnish to bring the appearance of a dish to new heights. In other places, flowers were broken down into their dyes and used to colour white food stuffs to make them more attractive.


     ID# 130884

    LD 8+1

    17 T1 Material Found (Total)

  20. Everything in his backpack fell into place when he found a garlic plant growing somewhere in the garden, the reason for this was simple, garlic brought a lot of gifts to ones ability to balance the flavours of a dish, similar to ginger, garlic was mostly used in addition to other ingredients to empower or cleanse certain elements in food. Garlic was especially good as a spread over some plain bread but was rarely eaten by itself due to an overpowering raw flavour and the tendency to make one’s farts smell bad.

    Randal would turn this into a healthier snack compared to garlic bread of the real world which was fairly unhealthy in the real world, he mused about making a variation that was just as delicious without the unhealthy parts or at least with more healthy parts in an attempt to pseudo compensate.


     ID# 130883

    LD 3+1

    17 T1 Material Found (Total)

  21. Making his journey onwards to the next plant in line as is it will of a gardener, Rabdal was blessed with the discovery that there were carrots growing up in bunches next to the ginger, it was a good find for Randal, as carrots were one of those food ingredients that Randal loves to eat in the real world, the fact that a vegetable could contain sweet flavours was very encouraging for a good Nutritionist like Randal and he had always recommended it to people upon them visiting him in his office.

    The carrots that were plucked were a nice orange in colour and felt very firm with no signs of decay, rot or disease, the leaves maintained an incredible green hue and was a hefty pull out of the ground. It was an incredible find.


     ID# 130880

    LD 20+1

    17 T1 Material Found (Total)

  22. Looking to his left or rather to the right of the onion plant, he spotted a plant that resembled the ginger plant very closely and Randal made the assumption that this was probably a ginger substitute that was implemented into the game to replicate the test and flavour of ginger.

    Even though Randal personally was never a fan of ginger’s flavour, he understood the fundamental flavour palate that ginger provided to fishes as well as how amazing ginger was when it came to removing smells that were undesirable from foods, incredibly, when he pulled the plant out to examine the roots, he was surprised to find that it was actually ginger.

    Doing the same thing that he did with onions in Ensure the vegetable’s ability to regrow in the garden, Randal went on to pocket the ginger into his inventory, now about 3/4 of the way to his goal before he ventured back to the town of beginners.


     ID# 130878

    LD 20+1

    15 T1 Material Found (Total)

  23. Already hanging out around the nice wooden hut like training room, Randal made his way around the house to the garden that he had seen when he first entered, the garden was filled to the brim with every square inch of the area converted in blooming flowers and plants/ vegetation of all kinds could be seen.

    In such a garden, Randal already knew what he needed to get, he had been missing some basic ingredients to pack and diversify the flavours in his dish. The first hit on his list was going to be onions. Onions were a kind of root that when cut released a pheromone that would make people cry. Randal was of the belief that this phenomenon was only applicable in the real world but he hadn’t yet proved himself right or wrong.

    Bending down and pulling a few onions from the ground, Randal made certain not to remove them from the garden entirely so that they may have the chance to repopulate. If they were like anything else in this garden, it wouldn’t take too long.


     ID# 130873

    LD: 18+1

    13 T1 Material Found (Total)

  24. Leaving the Orchard behind, Randal decided to take a look at the area he came from and see how his travel buddies were faring in the training room. 

    As he peaked into the room through a window he saw that they were having a blast collecting Col, Materials and equipment from every Monster they managed to kill. This efficiency was something Randal desired but couldn’t execute yet due to his lack of Martial Arts Skills, he would achieve it soon once he completed another quest on another floor as he heard of a tiring but rewarding quest somewhere up in the mountains.

    A wild boar that wasn’t a Monster roamed in front of Randal, the creature was designed to look as delicious as possible, and with his meat section lacking, Randal quickly added Boar Meat to his collection.


     ID# 130871

    LD 13+1

    11 T1 Material Found (Total)

  25. After collecting the spider web from the quiet place, Randal made his way back the way he came back out into the open area and followed the path towards an Orchard, although there were only a few trees within, the fruits growing from those trees never seemed to stop growing and dropped regularly to the ground, splintering into a blue flash upon hitting the ground.

    They moved pretty quickly for inanimate objects and fell at irregular intervals, standing under the tree and waiting to catch one was like a mini game one had to complete to get the fruits for themselves, after Randal finally managed to catch one or two after a series of them pelted him on the head and shoulders. Functionally throwing them into his back pack which was now half-full, Randal dodges our of the way and Into a safe no fall zone.


     ID# 130841

    LD 13+1

    10 T1 Material Found (Total)

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