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Posts posted by Megitsune

  1. Familiar Eval

    Name: Amaterasu
    Type: Mythical Fox(Floor 4 boss-level)/Fighter Familiar
    Description: Amaterasu is a powerful, almost one of a kind monster that spawns on floor four with maximum stats. It's home is a crystaline, mirror-cave that it uses to lure and trick people into getting completely lost, then attacking them when they're weak. However, it won't be doing that any longer traveling with Megitsune. The Fox's beautiful for is well kept and shines a beautiful white, except for the tips of it's tail, which illuminate with a light blue glow. It's eyes are fully red with no pupils. The last notable thing about this familiar is that it literally breathes blue fire that is comparable to the heat of floor 9.
     Dimensions: 4ft long(not including tails) 2.5 feet tall. 90lbs
    Training link: [Here]


  2. Megitsune smiled underneath her mask. He was glad that he was able to take a little criticism where it mattered. Boris could be just as dangerous as Amaterasu with the right training, and like she mentioned earlier, Gaius would be one of the best people in Aincrad for whipping the ball of fluff into a demon of a bear. With that said, she picked up her weapon once more and offered it to Amai. The white fox cocked it's head and without a command spit it's blue fire onto the weapon in the perfect amount. Already she was getting the feed back she wanted.

    "Great. We've got this down pat by now. I can trade out my weapon soon once we've gotten you to full strength. Then we'll be able to do much, much more damage. Nothing will stop us, Amai." She gave the familiar another pat for it's obedience, received with a soft coo.


    Training Familiar: Success[3/3]

  3. With a slight bow, the Black Cat walks off. Megitsune observes her departure long enough until she goes out of her field of view. The girl rights her posture and looks down at her familiar. The white fox looked a bit upset that it hadn't gotten any attention from them. Her owner reached down and corrected that. "It looks like he's growing a little more attached to you now at least. Soon he'll be biting the head off wolves and tearing down mobs in your way with ease. He might not be fierce like Amaterasu, but even if he stays as he is, the benefit of the familiar is similar no matter how different the familiars are from one another."

    She felt a little bad that Gaius may not have gotten exactly what he wanted, but at the same time, she knew that it wouldn't change much. As long as he kept the familiar with him, it would do the same thing that hers did.

  4. "Greetings, Black Cat. Looks like you're busy today Simmone." The Megitsune clears the flames from her weapon and setting it down for a moment to talk again. She looked over to the girl NPCs that worked for Simmone, wondering how she could stand having someone else take charge in her shop. If someone was working in her shop other than her, she felt as though she would lose track of everything. The Fox's mask covered her face, but her voice still came clear enough to be heard. "The help must be nice. Still I prefer my own shop to be run by just me. Gaius is trying to train his fluff into a deadly grizzly bear. Its rather adorable for his taste don't you think?" She chuckled, being joined by her familiar who cooed at the new arrival wanting their attention. "Careful, she breathes fire, but she won't bit or anything."

  5. Megitsune waved off the other. She was faster than Megitsune expected. If they were to spar, she might actually give her a run for her money. Glad she was on her side, as long it wasn't the bad one. Looking over at Gaius, he still seemed a bit distracted with getting his familiar to actually look ferocious. There wasn't much of a way for her to help him. The two would have to figure out their own fighting style just as she and Amai had.

    Looking over at the pet to address her again, Fox was actually surprised to see her scythe lit a bright with blue fire again. She hadn't expected it try again so quickly, but first she had to test if it was good enough. Lifting the scythe from the dirt, she gives it a few swings and grins. "There you go. One more try and I think you'll have it down. Keep up the good work." She gives the familiar a quick pet again and watches Gaius.


    Training Familiar: Success [2/3]

  6. "A thick skull at least protects the brain enough to ensure no damage. He can't get any stupider than he is now... Uh, at least I hope." She wasn't too sure in what she said. Gaius could always be more of an idiot, but at least he was effective of an idiot when it wasn't important.

    The familiar was pleased with the cold touch of Setsuna's hand against her head. It reminded her of her previous home. It cooed quietly, taking in the head pat. "Amaterasu. Another try please. We can't rely on screwing this up in battle, okay? Let's get a few more times so you have the hang of it." The familiar jumped up to position, readying the fire in its body to transfer to its master's weapon. When she held out the massive obsidian weapon, she made sure that it was extended far enough where the familiar wouldn't catch her with the flames, but this time, they were too weak to stay long enough. "Too weak. Catch your breath and lets try again in a moment."

  7. Megitsune thrust her weapon into the ground as she was greeted directly with Setsuna. Her hands folded just underneath her chest as the girl spoke with her. "You seem to really hate the block head," She started with a bit of a hushed tone. She could agree that her partner was something of an idiot sometimes, but it was in his character and likely irreversible. "If Kitsune works easiest for you, then use that. Megitsune is merely a variation of the the term."

    The white fox looks over to the blue-silked woman who was something of new arrival and sat in front of her. It looks like it was expecting pets from the girl. Megitsune should probably warn her beforehand. "Watch out. She's a lovable one, but she can breathe insanely hot fire. Sometimes its uncontrollable. They wouldn't kill you or anything, but they can hurt like a bitch, even with the pain suppression."

  8. Megitsune takes the offered berry and inspects it. She didn't like bitter food all that much so she didn't want to eat it if it was bitter. A new voice joined the fray. She had forgotten that they were at the guild hall for a moment. She hadn't really the chance to meet anyone other than Gaius and four-eyes. There was a moment when she met the black cat and the other merchant girl. Best she got to meet the rest of the group that she would be fighting with.

    "Kon." She moves her mask back over her face when she turns around to greet the new face. "Megitsune. I am the white fox, good to meet you. I fight with this doofus." She points to Gaius.

    "Alright, Amai, one more try! Light the weapon ablaze." In no time at all, the foxes blue fire engulfs her weapon like frosting on a cake. She swings it to ensure that the fire will stay alive while making an attack and soon it faded. "Well done." She gives her pet a headpat for praise.


    Training Familiar: Success[1/3]

  9. "This is what the training is for Gaius. He doesn't come packaged with ferocity, but you can make him into something savage with a little work. Amai is already somewhat good at it because I went through the trouble of collecting a boss tier monster. Boris is a lower tier mob that need someone to show him how strong he can be, and I think you're just the guy to do that." She did her best to encourage him. If his intentions weren't true, nothing would come out of this, and they will have wasted time on a quest they didn't really even need to do. "You're passionate with the things you do and fighting is one of those things that you really excel at. If you can teach Boris to be like that, I'm sure he'll be an asset that you can't live without in this horrible death game."

  10. "Hey, give him more of a chance. It's hardly been an hour since you guys met, I doubt he'll show off anything that cool about himself that soon. Prod him a bit more and see where it take you. He could be the most ferocious bear in all Aincrad for all you know." For the first time, her words didn't really come in taunt. Megitsune was actually kind of liking the tiny little bear. It was cute and pretty lovable at that size.

    Megitsune looked back over to Amaterasu, who from now on she would nickname Amai for short cause Amaterasu was something of a mouth full, and talked with her again. "Amai, you need to blow a little less far when we try again, alright? Too much will hurt me more and I know you're not trying to hurt me. If we can get it right just three times, I'm sure that we'll be able to take on anything without a problem!"

  11. Gaius wasn't entirely sure how he could get his familiar to work as a fighter like hers, but honestly, neither did she. Hopefully her advice would help him come up with something. Now, she had to work on getting Amaterasu battle ready. She looked over to her snow white familiar, giving her an obedient and docile look. Pulling out her scythe, she reached it out towards Amaterasu and spoke to her familiar the instructions for training.

    "Amaterasu, light my weapon ablaze so you can help me destroy anything in my path!" The white fox obliged. It blew in air, fire burning in its lungs with power that could make her weapon deal insane damage. When it blew the blue fumes onto the girl's weapon, however, it sent out too much, lighting Megistune's clothes on fire. Luckily they weren't her favorites. Quickly she pat the flames out and watched her health bar take a small hit from the damage. "No worries, mistakes are bound to happen."



    Training Familiar: Fail [0/3]


  12. She wanted to laugh, insanely bad, but just couldn't muster to be that mean to Gaius. It wasn't like it was something that he could really control anyway. The familiar shrank in to a tiny little ball of fur and food that was pretty adorable all things considered, but she wasn't sure how he could turn into a fighter in that state. After a moment of quiet contemplation, she had a bit of an idea.

    "What if you taught it how to take on that grizzly form again to help you fight. It's like that one comic book character who gets really strong when he gets angry or something like that." That wasn't the best analogy she could have made, having no experience reading comics whatsoever, but perhaps he would be able to understand it like that. Her training with Amaterasu would be easy to figure out so she wasn't that worried.

  13. Upon making it back up to Floor 22, both the damagers had acquired their partners. Megitsune had finally gotten ahold of her desired and rare fox type mob that could breath fire and Gaius had gotten his not-so-fierce grizzly bear that had an affection for food. They couldn't be any better.

    Except, they could. Without proper training, the two familiars wouldn't do much for their masters other than provide company and moral support. If they wanted to use them as intended, they would have to train their pets to be stronger. The guild's hall would be a good place for that. With the entire guild present, they didn't have to worry about being attacked by strong monsters without back up.

    "Yo, why don't we go ahead and get these two trained while we're on the topic. It could take some time to do, but best to get it done as quickly as possible so we don't have to worry about it later down the line."


    Name: Megitsune
    Level: 19
    HP: 380/380
    EN: 38/38

    Damage: 11
    Evasion: 1
    Accuracy: 3

    Equipped Gear:
    Weapon: Obsidian Scythe: DMG III
    Armor: Kitsu-mono: EVA I; Rec: II
    Misc: Kitsune Mask: ACC III

    Two-Handed Battle Axe [Rank 5]

    Extra Skills:
    Familiar Mastery: Fighter

    Battle Ready Inventory:
    Teleportation Crystal*1
    Empty Slot
    Empty Slot
    Empty Slot
    Empty Slot
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 1
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 2
    Requires Extended Weight Limit 3
    Obtained via Item Stash (Housing)
    Obtained via Dimensional Backpack

    Housing Buffs:
    Filling: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot.
    Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.


  14. Megitsune was actually pretty surprised. He was really going to keep the bear as a pet like her own. He gave it the name Boris, something she wasn't sure was really fitting but it wasn't her familiar so she wouldn't say anything. She reached down and gave Boris a quick pet.

    "Hey, he's not that bad. I bet he'll be a real strong familiar." Her comments were still in taunt, but she was sure that it would give the same benefit as Amaterasu did. Surely not in the same exact way, but it would still be interesting to watch its development when they train them. "Welp. As these two are now, they aren't going to provide much anything past companionship for us. We'll have to get them trained so that they can help us when we're fighting. What do you say we go back up to floor 22 and do it there? It's so much better up here than it is down here."



    SP: 1 quest(Gaius); 1 page; 1 event
    Gaius obtains a familiar.


  15. Gaius's suplex cracked the ice beneath the pair. Megitsune stood from her seat, just in case she had to jump into the water and save him. Luckily, they had only cracked it, not fallen in. The pair of foxes ran over to their companion, inspecting the situation. The rabid looking grizzly bear had turned into a fluffier, and even by Chiaki's standards, cuter version of itself. She couldn't help but bust a gut as the two stared at each other.

    "Hey! He's kind of cute!" She laughed, reaching down and giving the familiar a pet. "What are you going to name him?"

    Her question was more of a taunt. She was sure Gaius wouldn't really want to keep something so adorable compared to what he was fighting. She was sure that she would tell it to screw off and try to find something else to tame. This was definitely worth coming to this desolate floor for.

  16. "Hey, that's a pretty good waltz you guys have going on right now. Play nice." The Megitsune taunted from the sidelines, hoping that it would help him wrestle the bear down and tame it. "I know you can dance better than that Gaius, come on." 

    The battle of dominance continued on. Neither of the competitors could stand to let it go one way. The bear was good at resisting dominance to Gaius, but he wasn't the one to give up easily. She was sure he'd have it listening to him in now time.

    Amaterasu kept the area around it's master from getting too cold. Every so often blowing a puff of fire into the air around her to keep the snow melted and the spot warm like sitting around a campfire. She couldn't be more happy to have the fox as a partner now that she has seen what the familiar was capable of.

  17. Watching the two struggle on the slickened surface was more than hilarious for the audience. Megitsune chuckled slightly as the both of them had an awful time keeping a hold on their balance. When they collided, Gaius seemed to take control of the situation before the bear could do anything dangerous, which was nice to see. She was worried the thing would actually out match him. He was too much of a thick-skulled idiot to let anything overtake him though.

    The rabid animal was much more dangerous in its own way compared to Amaterasu. The white fox wasn't much of a feral, rabid animal as the bear was, but it sure as hell was something you didn't want to screw with. It's fire could melt just about anything in an instant. That bear would surely suit as a good fighting familiar, however. She wondered how Gaius would incorporate it into his battles.

  18. Fox removed her mask as the bear had seemingly appeared from nowhere. She began to reach for her weapon until Gaius made mention of wrestling the damn thing. Well, a grizzly bear wasn't that far from what she expected him to get as a familiar. That is, if somehow has the brain to get it to listen to him. Who knows: Maybe brawn is all he needs to get it held down.

    The girl sat back down in her clearing, making sure that Amaterasu was keeping the snow from sticking to the ground before she put her rear end into cold snow. The white fox took a seat next to its master to enjoy the show. Perhaps it would have a new friend to play with once this was all finished. That was, if she didn't accidentally set it on fire or something. Megitsune gave the little fox a quick rub on the head as it nudged closer to her.

  19. As the duo moved through the snow paved floor, Megitsune was already getting annoyed with how difficult it was to move through. Especially for someone who hasn't worn shoes for quiet some time since the game started. Of course, she was wearing them now that they were here. That was when she got a stroke of genius, remembering something from back when she wrestled with Amaterasu.

    With a sound of her tongue, her familiar jumped ahead of her and began breathing it's blue fire through her path. The large patches of snow melted instantly at her feet, making the path much easier to traverse, and a lot warmer for her legs. "Good job Amaterasu." She commented. The white fox cooed at the praise received from her master. 

    As they arrived at the lake, Megitsune stayed in the area that would be considered the shore, having her familiar heat the area where she stood so she could sit on warm ground. "Let me know if you need Amaterasu to melt the ice for the lake. She can do that for you."

  20. "Killing something is cool too. I just want something to do that isn't sit around my house waiting for Amaterasu to burn it down." As she stepped on the teleporter after Gaius, she called out her command to the random teleporter gods that somehow controlled their instant travel. "Floor 4: Snowfrost!"

    With sudden flash of lights and pixels, the cold floor surrounded the two players. Megitsune took out her coat and wrapped it around her body. Still freezing, still annoying. Looking up to Gaius she nods, adjusting the coat until the cold stopped leaking in. "You're leading this time, go wherever, I don't even give a s*** at this point."

    As they left the empty, freezing cold town of Snowfrost, Megitsune looked down at her own familiar. Were there any more copies of this enemy in the game? To her knowledge, only one existed and it was now in her possession. It would be cool to see if the game made copies of it, however.

  21. Anger was a pretty light term to describe the white fox right now. She could destroy just about anything in her path, except for a stupid fish in a crown holding a gun. What kind of bulls*** is this event?

    A strained expression took her face features as she attempted to activate her Ordinal Cleave for another attack. The white-hot color of her black scythe refused to stay lit, however. Looking at her energy reserves, she could see why. Unable to use her strongest attacks at this point, the Fox tries to activate a lower ranked sword art, and even that fails. She had to go back to using an awful art that was pretty much useless to her at this point. It still worked to do damage at least.

    The white blade finally came to full glow, it's long head rammed directly into Rain Minion's stomach. She didn't know what else to do other than attempt to kill the Minion so it stops resurrecting the other bosses.


    Megitsune: HP: 80/80 40/40 | EN: 6/32 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 3 | THNS: 10 | REC: 2 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant

    Rain Minion 12: 15*6 = 90DMG

  22. Floor four again? Ugh, cold. The Megitsune sighed and gave in. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad this time. Just in case though.

    "I'm going to run to my home and get something warm to wear then. Wait on me or go ahead I don't care." She made a beckoning sound to her familiar, who followe dher suit through the door to the Gaius's Shop. Whether or not Gaius followed her to her shrine/shop. She walked inside and grabbed a big heavy coat to wear over her kimono. It was made of some furs and dyed completely black to keep the warm in.

    Once that was all taken care of she started to make her way to the teleporter. "Wonder what we'll find on Floor Four for a familiar then." What if he actually took Amaterasu as a pet? Her familiar was supposed to be rare, if not even one-of-a-kind, but he could most certainly try if that was something her wanted.

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