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Posts posted by Megitsune

  1. Not really expecting chicken for breakfast, the fox gives him something of a questioning look, but even still this was Gaius we're talking about. The man would probably eat just about anything if you gave him a deep fryer big enough. Biting into the perfectly cooked bird, the Megitsune is continually impressed with his genuine skill in cooking. It confirmed her idea of him being passionate with literally anything he does. If he's going to do something, he'll always put 110% into it and succeed. He almost made it seem to easy.

    "This is pretty good, not going to lie." She had moved her mask to the side enough to keep her face partially covered while she ate, hiding it from any other patrons. when he mentioned that he was looking for something to do, she didn't have much of an idea herself, but she didn't want to sit around anymore. "Let's just go kill something. I need to let off some steam and Amaterasu needs to stop almost accidentally setting my shrine on fire."

  2. In comes Megitsune. Ever since they had gotten her familiar, she had been coming in daily to get food for Amaterasu and to eat breakfast. Dressed in a black-silken kimono, the fox takes a seat at the counter while her familiar shuffles around to the side, trying to find the food behind the counter. Megitsune's muffled, masked voice came through the porcelain cover.

    "Morning. Can I get something hearty today. I'm pretty starving. This familiar eats more food at my place than it's worth." The white fox blows a small blue flame from it's nose as it looks up at Gaius, expecting something to eat as soon as possible. "You got any plans today by the way? Ever since we got ahold of my familiar, someone walked into my store with nearly 300 items wanting me to junk sell them. It took a long a** time to do and I'm wore out. I need to kill something or just get away from my shop."


    Level: 19 | HP:  380/380 | Energy: 38/38


    DMG: 1 |  LD: +3 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 1 | REC: 2

    THBA Rank IV

    Housing Buff
    Relaxed, Filling(LD)

    Equipment(In use)
    Kitsu-mono: EVA I; Rec: II
    Kitsune Mask: ACC III
    Fox Totem: LD III

    Obsidian Scythe: DMG III

    (3x)Starter Potions


  3. Junk Sale:

    EXP Gained: 263 | Total: 572
    Col Gained: 54,200
    Shop Link: [Here]


    Junk-selling the following:

    Tier 1 Consumables | Uncommons (62) / Rares (97)

    Tier 3 Consumables | Uncommons (36) / Rares (68)


  4. Junk Sale for  @Bistro (Send all col to her, she can tip me for doing it if she wants)

    EXP Gained: 263 | Total EXP: 509
    Col gained: 54,200 to send to Bistro
    Shop Link: [Here]


    Junk-selling the following:

    Tier 1 Consumables | Uncommons (62) / Rares (97)

    Tier 3 Consumables | Uncommons (36) / Rares (68)

  5. The Fox grinned, glad that they wouldn't make this epic escape scene for the players anything more than a trumpet call. It wasn't meant to be an easy victory, nor did she expect. Hell, she didn't even expect anyone to make it out of the game if  they did finish this boss off. Well, if they were going to do it for real, they needed to balance their damage out between every enemy and try to lower them all to zero at once. If they could do that perfectly, they might actually stand a chance at getting out of this video game with a early release.

    Obsidian Scythe lit up in its usual white hot flame before the girl turned into a tornado of white light and death. Wishing she could do more damage, even though the attacks that she landed were critical hits, she would complain too much. She wasn't alone in this fight, after all.


    HP: 160/160 80/80 | EN: 6/32 | DMG: 15 | ACC: 5 | EVA: 3 | THNS: 10 | REC: 2 | Antidote: 3/3 | Antioxidant

    Swine Jesus: Miss
    Gob-Gob: Critical! -(16*8) = -128
    Rain Minion 12: Major Critical! -(17*8) = -136

  6. 18 hours ago, Kasumi said:
    Name: Familiar Lure
    Profession: Artisan
    Rank: 10
    Roll ID: 152569
    Roll Result: 7+1
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: Expertise (Searching)
    Post Link: Here
    A small golden bell that rings when worn, the sound it produces is not audible to human ear. When used by someone with a trained eye it helps locate objects with a slight golden trail like mist.

    Transferring to @Gaius

  7. Familiar Eval

    Name: Amaterasu
    Type: Mythical Fox(Floor 4 boss-level)
    Description: Amaterasu is a powerful, almost one of a kind monster that spawns on floor four with maximum stats. It's home is a crystaline, mirror-cave that it uses to lure and trick people into getting completely lost, then attacking them when they're weak. However, it won't be doing that any longer traveling with Megitsune. The Fox's beautiful for is well kept and shines a beautiful white, except for the tips of it's tail, which illuminate with a light blue glow. It's eyes are fully red with no pupils. The last notable thing about this familiar is that it literally breathes blue fire that is comparable to the heat of floor 9.
     Dimensions: 4ft long(not including tails) 2.5 feet tall. 90lbs
    Thread link: [Here]

    Ninetails background.jpg

  8. The fact that she was pretty much spot on with her prediction on what he would choose for a familiar was almost uncanny. This really just showed how much the two of them had already learned about each other when they'd hardly spent more than a days time in each other's company. Ah, whatever, she wasn't going to spoil his fun or force him to find something as special as her familiar.

    "Maybe you could try something like a bear or a big cat like a lion." She offered, at least trying to get him to think about what he could obtain for a familiar." It was about then that the duo had found their way back into Snowfrost. Thankfully they would be able to get off this stupid floor and back to somewhere warmer. If she had to spend any longer in this stupid endless winter and snow, she was going to freak out.

  9. "Just do what I did." The girl said covering her face from the elements with her loaned jacket "Wrestle the damn thing until it gives in to you."

    Amaterasu's breath was still hot fire. Every once in awhile it would breath blue flame and leave a divit in the snow showing only the ground. The heat of the flames within it's body really did hold true to it's name taken from the goddess of the sun. Megitsune couldn't think of a better partner to accompany her through Aincrad than Amaterasu.

    "So, if you aren't going to get a nine-tailed fire-breathing fox as a companion, what do you think you're going to get then?" Knowing him, he'd pick the first thing that he saw that he thought looked cool and tackle it. Whatever works for him. Her specifications were a little more demanding for Gaius's taste, but that didn't mean she'd stomp on his.

  10. The fox followed the berries as Gaius moved them over to Megitsune. Taking the food in her hand, she reached down and allowed her pet to eat the berries right there. She gave it a quick pet as she finished eating.

    "Well. Let's get the f*** off this floor. Floor 22 is so much more warm than this and its hella cold out here right now." The girl called for Amaterasu to follow her, which it did. That felt pretty nice after having remember the white-furred fox bounding away from her last time. Looks like this really was in the bag for them.

    "Half the job is complete now. I need to train her to help me fight properly." She knew that Gaius was going to lose his mind when she told him that there was another quest that she had to do just to get the benefit she put into such detail the last time they were here into effect. "Want help getting a familiar for yourself? We could train them together."

  11. With their victory nearly in the bag, the Megitsune fought with the beast for awhile in attempt to quell it’s territorial nature and aggressive tactics. Fire was being blown into the girls face, but thankfully her mask was enough to keep the blaze from doing any meaningful damage. Dancing in a flurry of blue flames, the two white foxes struggled heavily until finally Amaterasu was calmed.

    It quit breathing it's insanely hot fire and sat quietly in the girls arms. Megitsune tried to calm her breathing and removed her mask to look at her new pet, then over to Gaius. "Well... That was much easier."

    The small fox looked up at Gaius curiously. It nodded its head to the side, inspecting the man. After it was let free from Megitsune's grasp it stood to its four feet and walked over to Gaius, rubbing it's white fur against his leg, then sniffing him. Smelling the food on him, she sits expectantly.


    Familiar Tamed

  12. The wind was pretty harsh in the open area’s of the field, prompting the Fox to replace her mask in front of her face to protect it from the cold. Once the cave was back in view, she let out a relieved sigh knowing that the could get out of the harsh weather. With him pushed ahead, she tried to catch up a bit but didn’t rush it. Subconsciously she would try to step in the foot prints that he left behind, his shoe size obviously dwarfing her own.

    When the duo arrived at the opening the mouth of the cave, Gaius screamed so loud that his voice echoed through the cave and reverberated back at them. Amaterasu stopped in her tracks until she realized the tiny, masked woman running after her. She was faster this time. Diving quickly onto the boss mob, she began to wrestle with it almost literally. ”We spent too goddamn long looking for you! Now you’re going to come with me and you’re going to freakin’ like it, you hear?!”

    As they wrestled, intense flames melted the snow and ice around them instantaneously. Gaius could see glimpses of the ground as it melted around them.


    Familiar found thank god.

  13. “No wait, I’m fi-“ Her arguments were put aside instantly when he drapes his red coat over her tiny form. At first, she had a difficult time accepting his kind gesture but after a moment she was already starting to get warmer. She looked off to the side and responded with a quiet tone. “Th-Thank you.”

    The instant feeling of her warmth changing was making her feel a bit more like maybe she should start showing Gaius a bit more thanks. Then she remember that he was a blockhead and a bit of an a**hat. But to be fair, so was she in her own way.

    The cave that they needed to reach was a bit if a trek from Snowfrost. It was a higher leveled area so the location was far, far off. The location was even unmarked. “Alright. Back to hell on Aincrad.” She joked as she looked into the cave and started stepping in.

  14. "F***ing cold..." The girl complained the moment she arrived in the city of Snowfrost. Every single time she comes here, it seems to get worse and worse. Winter must be in full swing this time around. Perfect timing.

    Once Gaius appeared on the teleporter, she nodded in the direction they were going before leading the way back towards the cave they originally found Amatesrasu. Hopefully it hadn't relocated anywhere else. She didn't feel like tracking it again.

    "I had to remove most of my combat gear to get all these buffing items, so I don't think that we can afford to go into combat easily." Once they left the town and were out of the sight of any other players, she removed her mask, resting it to the side of her head before folding her arms over her chest and rubbing her shoulders. "Can't feel much pain, but f*** why can I still feel the cold?"

  15. One of the first things that Gaius realizes of Fox is that she eats insanely slow. She nibbled down the snack slowly until it's gone, taking up all the time it took him to cook and eat his own food. Trying to get her mind off the heart thing, she tried to wonder if his defense was just sincerely coincidence, or if he really was nudging her. Maybe he wanted to see her embarrassed. 

    Once she was finished, she looked over to Gaius. "Well, if you're done, let's go. Sooner we get started, the sooner we get done." With a click of the door's lock and a ring of the bell, she waits for Gaius to lock up his store again and starts heading towards the floor's main teleporter. Once they arrived to the main settlement's teleportation terminal, she looked over to her companion. "You know where to meet me. Floor 4: Snowfrost!" And in an instant, she was gone.

  16. Once the current occupants of the shop had vacated the premises, Megitsune pulled the lock closed to ensure that no other patrons would come in. She interrupted their meal, but whatever, they probably deserved it for some reason. With the both of them, it would take literal seconds to find this familiar. Once he pulled out the palmier, Fox stared at it's shape with a confused expression then looked at Gaius.

    "What the hell? You got it in for me or something?" Her question only came with a realization. "What the f***? Is that why you call me princess?!"

    She took the tart with it's plate and took a seat, a blush finally forming on her face as she looked at it alone where Gaius wasn't able to see the redness. After taking a bit of the food, however, she did actually enjoy the taste of the food he had prepared.

  17. Banging on the door of the cook as hard as possible, and still walking in without being acknowledged, the Fox comes into Gaius's shop. She removes her porcelain mask and eyes him. "Oi! Dummy." She said as she approached him with crossed arms around her chest. "I need some buffed food to find that stupid familiar. I'm coming even more prepared this time. Last time I had a 40% increased chance to locate it this time it's something like 65%. There's no way it will take as long this time."

    She looked around the shop to see what kind of foods he made since this was the first time she had ever been in here. An interesting assortment of food for someone of his taste in her opinion but it looked nice. "You can come along again if you want. I won't complain about it, but it definitely shouldn't take as long as the last attempt."


    Level: 18 | HP:  360/360 | Energy: 36/36


    DMG: 10 |  LD: +12

    THBA Rank IV
    Searching Rank II+I

    Housing Buff
    Relaxed, Filling(LD)

    Equipment(In use)
    Obsidian Scythe: DMG III
    Familiar Lure: Expertise(Searching)
    Fox Totem: LD III

    Kitsune Mask: ACC III
    Kitsu-mono: EVA I; Rec: II

    (3x)Starter Potions
    Extracted Perfume - Pheromones < using
    Lemon Berry Palmiers - LD 3 < using
    Cheerful March - Allure - Familiar Song < using

    Spyglass[Charge: 2/3] < using


  18. Roll fail > Abandoning quest




    SP: 3 page, 1 event

    T1 Rare Consumable #149223a
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #151161b
    T1 Uncommon Consumable #152969b
    T1 Rare Weapon #151161a
    T1 Rare Weapon #152969a
    T1 Rare Weapon #149223b

    22xT1 Materials
    T1 Rare Trinket #149222a
    T1 Perfect Armor #150831a
    T1 Perfect Trinket #150831b


  19. "Eh, its not bad I guess." The girl said, inspecting the mirrored walls of the cave. She could see the reflections of both of them in the mirror, and her angered face. With a quick deep breath, she trained to regain her cool and fix her strained expression. Nobody wanted to see that, especially not her. "Whatever. If I reach the end goal, who cares about how the journey was... I guess. I might be getting kind of annoyed, but this isn't... entirely bad."

    They couldn't be too far from the fox. They got rid of the giant ursa pretty quickly, so maybe they would be able to catch up with it. "Whether or not it takes another hour, we'll get it done. The we'll both get some food and some f***ing sleep." Drawing her weapon once again, to make sure nothing surprises her, she could see a sharp turn in the cave.

  20. As much as she wanted to bite into his logic, he probably wouldn't get very much from it. That kind of attitude could leave you completely open to problems and failure.

    "Planning is still important when you are going on a mission. Not everything can go right, but that doesn't mean I won't get the results that I want. I'll cut down and destroy everything in my path if that's what it takes." Combining the abilities of smart planning and brash execution she could succeed in anything.

    "Of course we'll get it." She responded quickly, giving him something of a stink-eye. Her mood had dropped drastically, though, it was probably apparent that it wasn't directed at Gaius. "That stupid thing will die by my hand if I can't have it. It's not going to make a fool out of me and get away, its going to pay for it's stupidity."

  21. When she was given her weapon back, she returned it to the place it belonged. It might weigh more than her, but that was point. With all the weight centered in the head of the weapon,  it made her attacks as devastating as possible when she connected.

    "The most calm part of a tornado is in the center. With the way my weapon is designed, it favors wide swings with perfect precision. Build up momentum and destroy everything in front of me with a whirlwind of strikes that pierce deep."

    If she let this familiar slip from her again, she was actually going to be mad. Was that just her bad luck, or was the game playing stupid tricks on her? Could she not actually get the familiar that she wanted? "We'll catch the damn thing. If we don't I'm going to be pretty damn pissed. Then you're going to have to listen to the princess whine."

  22. An annoyed expression returned as she realized the entire reason she needed to kill that giant bear. The freakin' fox continued to elude them and she would be even more pissed if she found it again and it got away.

    "We continue to look for the stupid thing. If I can wrestle with it for a minute, I can make it obey me and then we can move on from this." The true annoyance could be felt in her voice alone, but she wasn't going to stand around waiting for it to come to them anymore. They were going to bum rush thing the moment they saw it. Taking point, Megitsune follows the path that Amaterasu ran down. Perhaps it might think that they wouldn't make it through that giant bear and they could still catch it by surprise.

    At his observation of her handling his weapon with ease, she turned to him and held out her weapon. "That toothpick? It weighs nothing compared to this thing." She held the scythe out for him to take hold of and feel the weight of personally.

  23. "Tch," The girl wiggled out of his arms and set her feet in the snow, looking a bit defensive as he tried to look cool in front of her, or something. "Whatever. I don't even weigh like 50kg. It's not hard to toss me around, I guess. Looks like I'll have to eat walls and ground those few times you miss." She folded her arms and walked over to her weapon to pry it free from the ground. Once it was back in her possession, she put it in it's holster where it belongs. Eyeing the javelin that belongs to Gaius, she kicked it up off the ground. The polearm flung in the air for a moment before she caught it in her hand and launched it at him.

    "Catch this!" She said with a grin, wondering if he would have the reactions to catch his own weapon. Not even worrying if it hit him and gave her an orange cursor.

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