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Posts posted by Katoka

  1. Katoka nervously entered the shop, announcing herself as she entered, "H-Hello? Freyd? I uh, came by to look at that trinket you were telling me about." she entered the shop and began to look around at the various odds and ends on the shelves. She was impressed with the stock and would definitely be back to purchase some must haves and she had the necessary col. "I believe it was a rabbit's foot or something like that?" she said again not really turning around to look for him as she continued to look at the crystals and bags that dotted the walls.

  2. Katoka tried not to squeal when she saw the adorable shadow creature appear. Instead she kept her composure and only made a small squeak that she was certain they had heard. She wondered if finding a familiar would be beneficial to her, it seemed they were popular and could be helpful in battle after all. She noticed her guild mates all getting into their positions and she follow suit, staying in the middle with Vie. She saw Freyd summon a weapon that looked like it was viscous in battle. As he told them to be prepared she drew her curved sword from it's sheath and held it ready in case she needed to attack at any time.

    "How far do we need to travel before we find the creature?" she asked, her tone a bit nervous. She had not researched this quest as thoroughly as she would have liked ahead of time to be prepared.

  3. Katoka was surprised at first by the compliment the Ruler had given her, "She likes my smile?" she thought, blushing as her companion readied herself before their enemy. She was surprised again when Ruler threw her spear and completely obliterated the golem in one blow. She walked up to Alicia and stood next to her as the stones rained down around them, "Um...whoopsie." she had said and blushed. This made Katsu blush as well as she turned to face the cave as another golem dropped from a nearby wall.

    "You can't tell me you like my smile and then make cute faces like that and not expect me to keep falling for you." she said while facing the golem, just loud enough for Ruler to hear before charging her new enemy. She charges her sword skill and unleashes it on the golem, cutting a hunk of stone from it's leg as it smashes she ground near her. She rolls out of the way dodging it's attack just in time.


    Katoka | HP: 120/120 | EN: 10/12 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 9 | LD: 60

    Cave Guardian: 8/20 | 5 DMG

  4. "I know you are here and will protect me, but my anxiety can be difficult for me to control sometimes." she gave her a bit of a sad smile, "The fact that we can die here is almost always in the back of my mind unless I'm distracted in some way. When I was fighting it was easy to focus on the task at hand, but now?" she laughed awkwardly.

    "I guess this will get easier with time huh?" she said, she wanted to have the mental fortitude that Alicia seemed to have. Yes she broke down earlier, but it was because Katsumi had pushed her to it. She was going to be more careful of that, she didn't want to hurt her again like that. As they got closer to her destination she turned to her blonde companion, "I'm going to be stronger," she promised, "that way you won't have to worry about me. Maybe one day I'll be as strong as you." she nodded as if she was confirming that this non negotiable.

  5. Katoka followed alongside her blonde companion as they made their way to the cave. She was both excited and nervous, she felt like she was progressing quickly in terms of level and gaining proficiency with her weapon but there was also the constant threat of death that his game posses, always there in the back of her mind. She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself. She knew that Alicia was there to help, and that their margin of safety was well within range, but the nagging voice in her head was feeding her anxiety. Once she was on the battlefield she was certain that her mind would be focused enough to distract her, but for the time being her stomach was tied in knots. She looked to Alicia, her demeanor was always so calm and collected, how did she do it?

    "Alicia-chan? How do you always stay so together? I always feel like I'm going to throw up on the way to fight or to a place I'm not familiar with." she held her stomach with her hand in response.

  6. Katoka flushed at the thought of getting closer to Ruler but pushed it to the back of her mind, now was not the time to get worked up. She waited while Alicia spoke to the woman to initialize the next part of the quest, her interactions were still very human despite being an ai in the game. "I guess we're making a trip to a cave next huh?" Katsu checked her map data on the area while they walked. "Looks like it's not that far of a walk, I really hope it's not some haunted cave or anything. I don't do we'll with ghosts." she shivered and closed her UI. "Do you have any idea what we can expect from it? I mean I feel like we may have to go a fare way underground to find gems, but then again this a game so who knows?" Katoka inquired as they made their way out of town.

  7. Katoka was happy to see some familiar faces joining on their hunt. "I look forward to having more adventures with you Vie, I can't wait to what kind if fun we can have." she smiled at the red head and turned towards her fellow, "It's nice to see you again Ruler." she bows, feeling the need to be formal with her as she has a very regal aura to her. Back to Freyd she takes careful note of his instructions, since this is a monster that could probably deal them more damage than she would normally see on floor one, she was beginning to feel very anxious of the coming fight. She bowed, "I'll be in your care Freyd-senpai." She began to nervously play with her hair and fiddle with her gear. While she waited she opened the UI and began to look through her sword arts so she was ready for the coming fight.

  8. "Oh, no I didn't want to just jump into things!" Katoka waved her hands about and shook her head, "I would really like to get to know you more as well! I'm sorry if I'm coming off as rushing into things, that's not my intent at all." She saw the quest giver finally come into view, "For now shall we just enjoy each other's company while we complete some quests?" She gave her a sweet smile and continued walking toward heir goal. She was a little relieved, as she had just come into realization of her feeling it was good that Ruler suggested time, Katoka wasn't sure that even she would have been fine jumping into something so soon. She was also happy to hear that Ruler thought she was cute, it made her heart beat a little faster and color fill her cheeks thinking about it.

    "Would you like to do the honors?" she asked stopping next to the young woman painting.

  9. Katsu managed to somehow turn even more red at Alicia's question, "I-I-I don't know. I've never felt affection deeply towards anyone before. I had a small crush on a boy years ago, but you make me feel so flustered Alicia that I don't know what else to call it." she looked into her eyes. "I've never met someone who's made my heart beat like you do Alicia-chan." she grabbed at the front of her clothing in a fist. "It's exhilarating and scary at the same time." she smiled a sort of sad smile with tears in the corner of her eyes, "And hearing you say that you like women made me more happy than I think I've ever felt in my life. So, yes, I think I do like women. I don't expect you to have the same feelings for me, but it feels good to get this off my chest."

  10. Turning to look her in the eyes, Katoka looked confused, "It doesn't matter what state you're in, how could I not stand you? I know we haven't know each other for long, but I know that I want to be with you." she suddenly realized what she said and turned beat red, "Questing! With you questing! A-a-a-and fighting and stuff!" she was breathing heavily. Why had to come so naturally? Almost like she. Katoka shook her head again. It's not like Ruler would like girls, could she? Hell she didn't know if she actually did yet. She was sure of one thing though, she liked this one more than she thought she could. She began to nervously play with the pommel of her sword as they continued their walk to find the person for this quest. It felt like they had been walking for hours but it reality it had been a few minutes.

  11. Katoka had her hand on her chin and had her eyes closed while Ruler talked, nodding along with a thoughtful look on her face. "That makes sense, most games have simple boring quests to teach the players the basic mechanics of the system. It only makes sense that this one would too." she tried to keep up the conversation as much as she could but she was beginning to run out of things to talk about. Talking for long periods of time wasn't her strong suit, she would much rather be lounging under the shade of a tree with her head in Alicia's lap while reading a nice book. This thought made her face flush quickly and she stumbled over her words, not really remembering what she was saying.

    "I... Um... Listen, Alicia-chan I wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to bring up something that hurt you so badly, that's the last thing I want to do." She turned away from her and was rubbing her arm.

  12. Katoka seemed happy on the way there. She followed Ruler while making jokes, laughing, and just talking about random things. However she was upset, she knew that she had opened some sort of old wound with Ruler and she felt responsible for causing her pain. Her anxiety was in high gear and she was worried she might hurt her again. So instead of talking about it she did what she always did, pushed everything down so she could deal with it later when she was alone. If she was alone she could cry and not hurt anyone, that was for the best. She did her best to guide the conversation in as many different directions as she could in an attempt to keep the topic from anything that could hurt her questing partner, though she felt her face might be giving her away.

    "So, do you have any idea what this next quest might have in store for us?" she asked walking next to Ruler.

  13. Katoka emerged from the blacksmith's shop in her new light armor. She did a few stretches and squats to test her range of motion and was pleased, "I'm glad I managed to get him to make me this yukata. Also I jumped another two levels so I've got way more HP." she said aloud to her questing partner Ruler. They had just finished their boar scavenging quest and were on their way to deliver a package to a woman in the city somewhere to being the next step of the line. It had taken them a bit longer than Katoka was comfortable with, mostly because her luck was awful in the beginning, but after a rest, as well as some emotional moments, she managed to get her materials with no issues.

    "So I'm thinking with a really good katana I can work on the build I want," she posed like she was holding a sword and slashed about, "Super fast samurai, what do you think Alicia?" pulling out her safeguard potion, she quickly drinks it down and makes a disgusted face at the flavor.



    Katoka | LVL: 6 | HP: 120 | EN: 12 | DMG: 4 | MIT: 9 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 0

    Weapon: Curved Sword | Rare (+2 Damage)
    Armor: Samurai Yukata (Light Armor) | MIT 1

    Curved Swords | Rank 1

    Battle Inventory
    (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
    (1) Safeguard potion that can only be used on Third Lessons


  14. Swinging her sword in a flourish of determination, she quickly assumed the same sword skill stance and rushed in to the next boar. She was focused now, her mind was set on one goal, finish this quest and get stronger. She wanted to keep up with Ruler, to match pace and be there for her. She wasn't sure if there relationship will become something deeper than friendship, but she wanted to make their bond stronger. With this in mind she once again cleaved this boar in twain and with it's polygons exploding around her she picked up the last tusk.

    "And that, is the last one." she smiled smugly, "Guess I just needed a rest to get my luck back up huh?" returning her sword to it's sheath at her waist she skipped back over to Alicia, "And not a scratch on me this time. I guess I'm getting a bit better?"


    Ruler | HP: 80/80 | EN:8/8 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
    Katoka | HP: 80/80 | EN: 6/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 18 | LD: 6

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG


    Tusks Collected: 3/3

  15. Katoka took her hand and stood up, "Are you sure you're ready to go back?" she she asked, concerned that she had upset her too much. She wiped the tear streaks from her face and brushed herself off. "I'm rested enough that I can use my sword arts again so I hopefully will make quick work of the remaining boars." she nodded to her companion, ready to put some kills under her belt to distract her a bit.

    She stepped back onto the battlefield and drew her sword, "Alright, time to get rid of some pork." she announced and assumed the position to charge her art again, aiming at the nearby boar. She charged forward and cut the monster down in one hit again, turning around she saw that this one dropped a tusk for her.

    "Hah! First one too!" she turned and flashed Ruler her V for victory sign.


    Ruler | HP: 80/80 | EN:8/8 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3 | LD: 3
    Katoka | HP: 80/80 | EN: 6/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 18 | LD: 6

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG


    Tusks Gathered: 2/3

  16. Katsumi didn't realize that Alicia felt this way, they had only spent a sort amount of time together and she had broken her already. She pulled the blonde woman into a tight hug, burying her face into her chest. "Alicia I'm so sorry, please, I promise you I'll be careful. I promise you that I won't tale any unnecessary risks. I won't, I won't..." she wanted to say 'won't die' but she couldn't make that promise, "I won't hurt you. Ever." She pet the back of her head in an attempt to calm her down.

    "I wan't to get to know you more, to grow closer. I need to figure out these feelings I have, I'm so confused and scare, but I know that I want to be around you more." tears were rolling down her face again as she tried to console Ruler the best she could while she attempted to hold herself together.

  17. "You... You don't want to get attached?" she asked confused. Wiping the tears from her face she placed a hand on her shoulder, "I don't understand, do you not want to be f-friends with me?" the word friends felt wrong in her mouth but she didn't know what she really wanted to say, not yet at least. "Alicia we're all in this awful place together, if you don't get close to people because you're afraid to lose them then you'll live a horribly lonely life don't you think?" she asked, hoping that she'd say something to help her in some way. "I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do, but I also don't want you to hold me or other people so far from yourself. "So please," she leaned in a bit closer, "you don't have to shoulder your burdens by yourself, I'm here if you need to talk or to cry on my shoulder."

  18. It was Katoka's turn to be surprised, she didn't expect to be pulled into a hug but she welcomed it. When Ruler said she would be a crutch it made her upset, she pushed her back and looked her dead in the face, "I would never think of using you in such a way Alicia." she dropped the honorifics to show how serious she was, "You are not something to be used and tossed away. You are amazing and kind and so strong. I want to be like you Alicia, I want to step onto the battlefield along side you and be your compliment. To fight and protect for you and others while." she was beginning to cry, "Don't tell me to use you like that, I will never."

    She didn't know why she felt so strongly but she knew she never wanted Alicia to feel like some sort of tool to be used by others and thrown away. She hoped that she could understand that, she would find some way to explain it to her.

  19. Katoka napped for a while and slowly woke back up. She turned slightly and saw her partner back to back with her and she turned back not wanting to ruin the moment. After some time she asked, "Alicia-chan, do you think I can get strong enough?" she wanted her honest opinion. She needed to hear either answer from someone, if she believed that she could then she would have something to look back on when she was feeling down on herself. She turned around and placed her forehead on her back, closing her eyes and taking a moment to feel her warmth and smell her perfume; It was the same as the armor she had lent her.

    "Can we stay like this? For just a while longer? I'm sorry if this is too embarrassing for you." she asked, knowing she was being greedy for her request, but she hadn't had much contact with anyone for the last few years that even just his was enough for the time being.

  20. Katsu was surprised to hear that, Alicia must be a natural then. She excitedly plopped down on the grass and laid back, sighing as the feel of the soft grass. She rolled over to see Alicia's knees close by and stared for a brief moment before turning back to the sky, her face was a bit pink at the thought of resting her head on her lap. So instead the took to watching the leaves move with the wind and slowly she began to get drowsy. Her mind wandered to home and how she would do the same thing in her yard on a nice day, she would read a book or just watch clouds pass by before falling asleep.

    Soon she had done just that and was softly snoring next to her blonde companion while dreaming of home. She rolled to her side and placed her hands under her head like a pillow, curling into a ball and skootching closely to Ruler's side without realizing it.

  21. Katsu was surprised at Alicia's strength, she fought with a grace that she envied. She promised herself that one days she would dance across the battlefield in a way that made her envious too. But for now she needed to rest. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just need to rest some." she walked with Ruler off of the battlefield while returning her sword to it's sheath. "You're really good with your weapons, do you have much battle experience?" she asked, trying to break the silence. She had a feeling that she had  at least a bit more practice considering they were the same level, yet her technique was superb.

    She saw a nice shady tree not far from them that looked like it would be a nice cool place to rest, "Ooo, let's sit there! It looks perfect." she grabbed Ruler's arm and tugged her along, "Come on, lets go!"

  22. Katsu was surprised by the might that Alicia wielded. She hopped back a few steps to give her room and heard the fury in her voice, it sent a chill down her spine but she also enjoyed the feeling of someone as strong as her there for her protection. She began to wonder if she had a hero complex, that she wanted someone to scoop her up with their strong arms and muscular back... Her face flushed again and she patted her cheeks to bring herself back to reality. Rest now, weird thoughts later.

    "Woo, you can do it Alicia-chan!" she cheered her on, hoping that she wouldn't be a distraction to her. Then she realized that she was wearing Alicia's armor and that the boar would be attacking her next. "P-Please be careful!" she didn't like the thought of her getting hurt, in fact she hated it a lot.


    Ruler | HP: 80/80 | EN: 8/8 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3 | LD: 6
    Katoka | HP: 78/80 | EN: 1/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 18 | LD: 6

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  23. Alicia was right, she needed to rest a bit. Katsu could feel the fatigue in her arm from the repeated sword skill use. "Alicia-chan, could you get this one for me? I think I need a break." she hated admitting defeat this early, but this was her first real battle. Her disappointment in herself was almost immeasurable, after all that Ruler had done for her and she still had to ask for more help.

    No, it was natural for her to need to rest. She was still low level and had all her starting gear after all, how could she compare someone so cool and strong... There must be something wrong with her, why couldn't she stop thinking like this? Her mother used to refer to things like this as 'youth', but it was getting ridiculous. "It'll only be for a little bit, then I'll get these last couple tusks in no time." she said reassuringly, hoping that she didn't worry her. The boar however took this opportunity to attack her, hitting her leg and causing her to stumble.


    Ruler | HP:80/80 | EN:2/8 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3 | LD: 6
    Katoka | HP:78/80 | EN: 2/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 18 | LD: 36

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  24. Alicia seemed troubled by something, but Katsu didn't press the matter. She felt safe in her presence, like no matter what she would be there to protect her, but her determination to protect seemed to have a source to it's drive. She wanted to become strong enough that she didn't need Ruler's protection, but not because she didn't want it, because she didn't want to make her worry. She was not going to be a burden to those around her, especially to someone that she... No, not the place or the time.

    "You don't have to apologize. I'm going to get stronger, strong enough that I can protect you too." she promised, posing again to charge up her skill. She lunged again but unfortunately missed this boar in the process. She managed to side step as it made an attack on her and laughed, "But I've still got a long way to go."


    Ruler | HP:80/80 | EN:2/8 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3 | LD: 6
    Katoka | HP:79/80 | EN: 2/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 18 | LD: 36

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG

  25. It felt as though time had slowed down for a brief moment when Alicia called out to her, first in what sounded like an embarrassed voice, then in warning. Turning around she saw the boar charging at her, but also Alicia dashing in to intercept the attack. She was surprised, mostly because she knew that the boar was weak, and with her borrowed armor the damage would be almost nothing. But the sight of her golden head bobbing into view and the battle ready face she wore made her stomach do a flip, as she blocked the incoming attack she was mesmerized by her beautiful golden hair in a tight braid. Images flashed in her mind's eye, she wanted to sit with her and brush her hair out while talking the night away, she wanted to lay her head in her lap and make her laugh, she wanted to...

    Katoka shook her head, where were these thoughts coming from? Could she? Did she? No, this wasn't the place to think about that. "Alicia-san! Did you forget you gave me your armor? You didn't have to do that silly." she felt her face flush, thankfully she was out of view.


    Ruler | HP:80/80 | EN:2/8 | DMG: 6 | ACC: 3 | LD: 6
    Katoka | HP:79/80 | EN: 1/8 | DMG: 4 | ACC: 0 | MIT: 18 | LD: 36

    Boar Pup: 5/5 | 3 DMG

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