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[Shop-F1]The blazing Typhoon [Rank 10 Grand Master Blacksmith]

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As he finished the order from earlier, Macradon would walk up from his smithy through the backdoor into his shop. As he entered, another person arrived at his shop. Noticing this new player, Macradon would first take care of the current order and say to the man @Sentinel "Here's your breastplate, that'll be 900 Col or 4 tier 1 matierals, whatever you prefer to pay with" Macradon said with a smile and would await this to go over before he would interact with the other customer. "Hello and Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! The name's Macradon, I'll be your blacksmith for today, and what can I do for you?" he would ask the newcomer and listen. Macradon would point to a hanging basket with a lot of empty forms ready to be filled out. Macradon would reply after receiving the item "Sure, nobody really pays up front anymore, so it doesn't relaly surprise me" he said with a chuckle and would go down to work on the request.

Crafting on the 9th of November
Rank 10: 5120/5120



-2 T1 Mats

Item Crafted:


Name: The Fire of Wrath
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID:  108583
Roll: 12
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2x MIT, 1x Thorns
Description: Black armor with red spikes meant to resemble the crests of flames, made of dark red. The helmet has two slots that reveal his fiery eyes and a dark red cape hangs from the back. 
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&comment=562245


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The man walks into the shop with a tilt of the spiky helmet which covered his face. "Thanks for the help sir, I bet you run a profitable business." His mind begins to wander towards robbing the man blind and running as fast as he can. I shouldn't rob him, not after he helped me. His loyalty to the people who helped him carried over from the real world and he knew it. He equipped the armor and turned to walk out, transferring the col as he left. I might need these materials later. Besides, why not use what I have more of to spare? He knocks on the helmet of his new armor and nods. Sturdy as the man who wears it. That's what Kouji always said. He smiles under his helmet and keeps walking.

+<<The Fire of Wrath>>

-900 col

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The man walks back into the shop with the sword he once had in his inventory. He walks over to the order forms once again and begins to think about what to write. It’s gonna be a katana, but I don’t know what I want on it. I wish I could get burn on there, but it doesn’t matter right now. He begins to fill out the order and nods as he fills it out.


Name: Katsuki’s Oathblade
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Katana
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2x DMG, 1x Bleed
Description: a long black blade with a red shine and a gold handle laced with black cloth
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

“This time I’ll pay up front. Makes it like an oath.” He says, sliding his heavily armored hands behind his back and walks outside. He sits in front of the store and awaits his new blade from the man who made his armor. A great weaponsmith makes a great sword, a great armorsmith makes a great breastplate, but a master blacksmith makes both better. He smiles under his spiky helmet.

-900 col

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Osgii walked into the shop alone, having split up with her sister to get themselves different types of gear. It seemed like a rather active place, and hopefully the blacksmith here would be able to fulfill their order quickly. As soon as they would make themselves appear, Osgii gave them the order and returned to the foyer area to wait for its completion. She didn't offer much talk, but she wasn't entirely cold, as they were making gear that she and her sister needed. No point souring a possible relationship, especially when the social class system was turned on its head.


Two copies of this item please.

Name: Jeweled dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: DMG 3
Description: A steel dagger with two gems in either side of the cross guard. One is opal and the other ruby.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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It did not take long before the player from before arrived at his shop again. “Seems like he liked my first work” Macradon thought for himself as he turned towards the player “Hello, and what can I do for you today?” Macradon asked and would await the request to be filled out and review it. Receiving his payment up front, Macradon smiled and replied “Thanks for entrusting me with this” he said with a slight gleeful tone.

Right as he was about to go into his smithy to work, another player entered his shop. Turning around to face the girl who just entered, Macradon would wave, greet and introduce as he used to “Hello and Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! The name’s Macradon, I’ll be your blacksmith for today, and how may I help you?”. Waiting for the order, Macradon was confused to why she wanted two of the same dagger, but she probably had something to do with it, maybe a spare or backup, but was still a bit weird that it would be two identical items with the same enhancements. Before doing her request, Macradon would ask just to make sure what was going on. “Uhm, excuse me as it might be intruding … but what do you need two of the same item for?” he asked @Kian.

Crafting on the 12th of November
Rank 10: 5120/5120



-11 T1 Mats

Items Crafted


Name: Katsuki’s Oathblade
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 108728
Roll: 11
Item Type: Katana
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 2x DMG, 1x Bleed
Description: a long black blade with a red shine and a gold handle laced with black cloth
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=562458


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While waiting  for the blacksmith, Kian had been looking at a few of the other wares available. There wasn't much in the shop ready to sell, though some of the requested pieces being held were quite nice. She could definitely tell that the smith here had quite a bit of experience with making weapons. She was asked why she was ordering two of the same weapon, and she answered truthfully. There was little point hiding the fact that she was working closely with her sister, for the most part they would never be seen without the other. "One for me and one for my sister. We're both pursuing a similar style, so we figured it would be easiest to give two orders of the same weapon." 


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"Nice to see people holding together, even how cruel this place can be“ Macradon said with a smile as he accepted the request and would move towards his smithy “I’ll contact you when it’s finished, you’re also welcome to just stay put and wait here, take a seat if you wish” Macradon said as he went down the stair through the backdoor of his shop into his smithy and began working on the two daggers. Since he had been working with Zandra in the past, Lowenthall as well, and Hikoru, Macradon had become well versed in the art of the dagger, and quickly churned out two identical daggers in quick succession.

Crafting on the 13th of November
Rank 10: 5120/5120



-2 T1 Mats

Items Crafted


Name: Jeweled dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 108773
Roll: 12
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: DMG 3
Description: A steel dagger with two gems in either side of the cross guard. One is opal and the other ruby.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=562522

Name: Jeweled dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 108774
Roll: 12
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: DMG 3
Description: A steel dagger with two gems in either side of the cross guard. One is opal and the other ruby.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=562522


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Seeing my new breastplate shining and shimmering from the forge's fire light, I had to try it on and find out how well this armor protects me. I pay Macradon 4 tier 1 materials and walk out with my new armor and the urge to test how well it can take a hit. While leaving though I take one last look at the forum board and think to myself "I will have to come back here sometime, soon I may need a new weapon.". After exiting the Blazing Typhoon I decided to wonder around some more only to become even more lost in the shopping area.

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Prometheus walks back into the shop with a courtesy nod to the owner as he picks up the katana and walks to the store front. He examines the blade and looks at the shop owner. “Is it sharper than the smith who made it?” He asks, as a little joke to the man as he turns and walks out, sheathing the blade and disappearing into the crowd his head sticks high above, yet his body is lost in the sea of unfamiliar faces. I bet this sword holds up really nicely compared to my stupid curved sword. That one was a crap blade made by a crap smith. His bitter feelings towards the other smith rang through his helmet and into the air.

+ Katsuki’s Oathblade

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Lotus walks into the shop of this man he heard about, it seemed this man had a small discount to players under level 15 and Lotus was under that level so he really did want that small discount for sure. Opening the door and walking in Lotus greeted the shopkeeper with a small British accent. "How do you do Sir? I heard of your humble estate and wanted to ask if I could place down an order, so I can help my friend," he said to the shopkeeper giving the shopkeeper a small note with the things he wanted and started to look around a bit more, "Lovely place you got here, Truly magnificent , you Properly would pull a blinder trying to make things I ordered," walking back to the counter and giving the materials he needed to pay, "Here already a front check, I Will be around your shop sir," He said starting to look around again

Paid 5 materials

Name: Guardian King's Blade Shield
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Shield
Tier: 1
Quality: rare
Enhancements: Thorns 2
Description: Rectangular Targe shield being a bit longer than the user's lower arm, The bottom of the shield is rounded as a blade. With Spiked Side and one Spike in the middle. The side of the shield are black and the middle is blue and a yellow crown at the bottom.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


Name: Guardian's Shoulder plate
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation 3
Description: A big metal black shoulder plate mounted to the right shoulder at the front of the shoulder plate is a logo of a Lotus. At the top of the shoulder, plate goes up to the user's face and protect a small bit of the user's neck.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

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One after the other, people came to get their equipment made by Macradon, and it went by fast. When he finished someone’s request, someone else came to place orders, he had little time to relax, but that was fine, he liked it this way. As time went on a requests were made, another customer entered Macradon’s shop. “Hello and Welcome to the Blazing Typhoon! The name’s Macradon, I’ll be your blacksmith, and what can I do for you today?” Macradon asked and greeted the blonde newcomer. “I’m great, thanks, how ‘bout you?” he replied. “Sounds great, I’ll take care of it no problem.” Macradon replied with a smile, confident in his skills, and that confident was boosted by the customer’s comment “I thank you wholeheartedly, I may be grandmaster, but I still have much to learn” he said with a smile and went down to his smithy to work on the requests.

Crafting on the 14th of November
Rank 10: 5120/5120



-2 T1 Mats

Items Crafted


Name: Guardian King's Blade Shield
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 108834
Roll: 12
Item Type: Shield
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Thorns 2, Paralyze 1
Description: Rectangular Targe shield being a bit longer than the user's lower arm, The bottom of the shield is rounded as a blade. With Spiked Side and one Spike in the middle. The side of the shield are black and the middle is blue and a yellow crown at the bottom.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=562677

Name: Guardian's Shoulder plate
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 108835
Roll: 12
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation 3
Description: A big metal black shoulder plate mounted to the right shoulder at the front of the shoulder plate is a logo of a Lotus. At the top of the shoulder, plate goes up to the user's face and protect a small bit of the user's neck.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=562677


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Lotus sniffed a bit around answering the shopkeeper, "I'm doing mighty fine, And sure, we all have to learn. Old, young, The Timid and the bold, we all need to learn," he says looking still quite amazed by things that were around. Then he hears the Shopkeeper again saying his items are ready for pickup and Lotus moves over to the counter. Lotus looks at the items and his shield for sure and it a bit amazed that is was a perfect item and not a rare, and the only thing Lotus this was smile at the shopkeeper, "Innit amazing, Thank you mate, I appreciate it. Must be a stroke of luck then. Well cya later farrier," he said taking the items and waving the shopkeeper goodbye before leaving the shop.

+Guardian King's Blade Shield | Guardian's Shoulder plate

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Thankfully the order didn't take too long. Osgii had been out searching for various places she and her sister could be moving before they were getting their gear. In fact, she had just returned from finishing out a quest or two and then picked up the daggers themselves. "Thank you," she said quietly. It was kind of players to be so generous with their offers. Then again, such camaraderie only came about because of the tragedy befallen all of them. If they hadn't been trapped in this game, they would probably be shrewd businessmen like all the others she had gotten to know.

Items picked up:


Two copies of this item.

Name: Jeweled dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Weapon
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: DMG 3
Description: A steel dagger with two gems in either side of the cross guard. One is opal and the other ruby.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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Enna walked around floor 1 again and was getting ready to get a new dagger the old once was good but they wanted something that could be quite hard for the enemy, Soo they made their way back to the blacksmith opening the door, "Hello best Blacksmith in Aincrad, Macradon, How is it holding up here, I was wondering if you could make an item for me," Ennakai said showing him the design from the dagger and the nake, it looked okay if you just was it, "Do something fun with it," Enna said handing the man a Giant snake fang over to the shopkeeper.

Name: Snakes Fang Dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Dagger
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Damage 1
Description: A giant Snakes Fang made to be a weapon, It is sharp at the highest tip of the fang and has a red leather strip at the and for easy grabbing
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

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Wasn’t much work to be done today, only a single new customer had arrived at his shop, someone he hasn't acquainted before, which was always nice to see new players come to his shop, but he felt bad that other blacksmiths didn’t seem to get as much traction as him, probably because of his beginner’s discount, as well as the fact that he was the highest ranked blacksmith in the entire castle of aincrad. Macradon would look at the request and smile “Aye I’ll do something about it” he said and would walk down into his smithy and work on the dagger, which was surprisingly easy to make.

Crafting on the 20th of November
Rank 10: 5120/5120



-1 T1 Mat

Item Crafted


Name: Snakes Fang Dagger
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 109266
Roll: 12
Item Type: Dagger
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Bleed 2, Damage 1
Description: A giant Snakes Fang made to be a weapon, It is sharp at the highest tip of the fang and has a red leather strip at the and for easy grabbing
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=563259


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ennakai looked around a bit while the smith was busy making the dagger for them, it took really not as long as he seemed to get out quite fast. "Well thank you, My great blacksmith, I thank you for your hard work," Enna said with a smile taking the Dagger and taking a small swing with it, It felt so good holding it like this and Enna was happy to take the dagger with them for sure. Thank you, sir was the only thing Enna was thinking before leaving the shop and waving the guy goodbye because Enna was about to be ready to get a new armor as well and was surely almost done with their build and all.

+ Snakes Fang Dagger
- 4 Mats

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  • 1 month later...

As I walked into the Blazing Typhoon I was immediately awed by all of the items on display. This was exactly the kind of shop I wanted to have one day. Right now though, I needed better gear so I could get better materials so I could do that. So…first things first. Walking up to the counter, I began to fill out an order form, saying to the proprietor “Hi. I’m Mortambo. I really need all new gear, but,” I looked over the prices on the order form, “even with the beginner’s discount I can only really afford one thing right now. But I’ll probably be back soon with a couple more orders.” I thought about what I needed more, a weapon, some armor, or a shield. “Definitely armor first,” I said to myself and I quickly finished filling out the form. “Thank you, sir, and here’s my order form and my payment.”

Order Form:


Name: Armored Coat of the Warrior
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 MIT
Description: A heavily armored long coat which seems like it is made of just cloth but actually is made of sturdy enough stuff to protect the wearer from major harm. 
Post Link:

-4 T1 mats (If this isn't the right amount just let me know)

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Macradon would smile and greet the new customer approaching “Hello and welcome to the Blazing Typhoon!” he said, welcoming the newcomer and would continue “The name’s Macradon, and I’ll be your blacksmith for today, what can I help you with?” he would ask and listen. “Nice to meet you, Mortambo! A good piece of armor will help you survive longer, much longer than a good sword would” Macradon said with a smile as he accepted the request order and would go down into his shop to work on it. Walking through the back door down to his smithy, Macradon would begin his work.

Crafting on the 9th of January
Rank 10: 5120/5120



-3 T1 Mats

Items Crafted


Name: Spiky Plate Mail
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 111273
Roll: 10
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Thorns | Thorns
Description: A light plate mail covered in a light amount of spikes.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567175

Name: Armored Coat of the Warrior
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: 111275
Roll: 11
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 MIT
Description: A heavily armored long coat which seems like it is made of just cloth but actually is made of sturdy enough stuff to protect the wearer from major harm. 
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1065-shop-f1the-blazing-typhoon-rank-10-grand-master-blacksmith/?do=findComment&amp;comment=567175


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Not long after I placed my order I received a message that it was completed. "Wow, that was fast. I hope one day I can compete on that level of Smithing," I thought as I headed back toward the Blazing Typhoon. As I entered, I saw Macradon behind the counter again and said "Hey! Thanks for getting to my order so quickly. I know this armor will definitely come in handy. I'll definitely be back soon for a weapon and a shield though. I am looking forward to trying the armor out soon." Smiling I put the new armor in my inventory from where it was waiting to be picked up and then equipped it on the spot. Taking a moment to let it settle on my shoulders I grinned, "Yep, perfect. Thank you so much. I feel much better protected." Nodding to Macradon, I left the Blazing Typhoon a happy customer. 

Gained the Armored Coat of the Warrior

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While fighting really wasn't on her agenda of things she enjoyed doing, it would be stupid of her to walk around Aincrad without any form of weapon. It was because of that reason that she would find herself walking into the man's blacksmith shop. She stepped up to the counter where a tall man would stand. She would look up to him and say, "Could you craft this for me?" She placed a slip on the table in front of them, sliding it forward. Drawing her hand back she would smile before saying, "Thank you, see you when its finished!" 'Afterwards, she would turn and walk out of the shop. She wasn't sure if he was busy but she would stick around in case he sent her a message saying that it was done. 


Name: Zodiac Spear MK.1
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Two-Handed Assault Spear
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: 3 DMG (+3 DMG)


Image result for zodiac spear

Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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