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[PP-F1] A Nice Picnic (Shaya)

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He blinked, returning from his dazed state and looked over at her. He smiled, already knowing the answer to her question. "When the moment called for it. When everything was perfect and nothing could go wrong. That's when I planned to do it." He wasn't very good at planning ahead, but he could work with a moment when it came. That was his specialty in a way, his ability to adapt and make due with whatever what put in front of him. He blinked again and then looked over at Shaya. He smiled as he gazed into her bright blue eyes. He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently. Then he returned her hand to his chest and closed his eyes. He smiled. "Don't you wish that this moment would never end?" He asked, the same smile on his lips, his eyes still closed.

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Shaya rested her head close to his neck, If only it would never end. She thought to herself about the wedding, who would come and what they would do. She slowly found herself starting to fall asleep up there on the mountain with Angel, the sun acted as a blanket and Angel her pillow. Her breathing started to slow as she fell asleep, she was worn out from the excitement of the day, climbing the mountain,learning new things about Angel and the proposal.

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As she drifted to sleep, a battle raged inside Angel. The conflict; whether or not to fall asleep. He knew that they were out of a safe zone and that they could die if things went wrong. But he also wanted to stay here with her, to let her sleep and to join her in the comfort. His eyes fluttered, trying to stay open but at the same time attempting to shut. His breathing was slow, his body still. Finally, he made the decision and closed his eyes. He slowly drifted off to sleep, the worries and dangers of the world disappearing from his mind.

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She was asleep for nearly an hour before she woke up. She woke up to the sound of rocks below. When she heard it she quickly snapped herself up off of Angel ready to protect him. The noise began to die down, she looked over the edge to see nothing. Doing that started to make her nauseous she laid back down with Angel hoping she could stay in control by holing him tightly. Her breaths quickened and she began to panic she decided that it wasn't working as she curled herself up in a ball next to him not wanting to interrupt his sleep. She couldn't hold it in any longer as she said his name very quietly Angel... She barely let the voice slip away from her lips in such a panick, feeling her heart beat quicker and quicker. He didn't wake, Angel. She said a little louder hoping to wake him.

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Angel snapped awake, hearing distress in her voice. He quickly sat up and scanned the area for danger and then looked at Shaya. "What's wrong?" Then he groaned as he stretched his back out. "Ugh, how long have we been here?" He asked as he woke his body back up. He'd been sleeping on a rock for god knows how long. Then he heard the sound of rocks moving. He squinted at the noise and slowly stood up, drawing his sword as he did so. He equipped his shield and stood close to Shaya. "Stay close," was all he could say.

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Shaya shivered a lot as she began to stand up, she drew her sword and walked close behind him. She crossed her arms and looked at herself, she felt sick and didn't want to stay up there without comfort for very much longer. I-I'm scared. She said as they neared the edge more and more, she inhaled and exhaled quicker and quicker beginning to feel lightheaded. She began to black out from a lack of air, Ang- Ange-l. She held her chest as she went down to her knees. She absolutely didn't feel safe, she felt she was going to fall as she closed her eyes clenching her sword with it being the only thing within reach.

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Angel saw what was happening but he was powerless to stop it. The only thing that came to mind was a crazy plan that would more than likely damage his chances at a happy honeymoon. He quickly sheathed his sword and shield and knelt down next to Shaya. "Love, I need to close your eyes. No matter what, don't open your eyes ok?" He said as he picked her up and held her in his arms. He looked straight into her beautiful blue eyes, talking her through it. "Everything's going to be ok, I just need you to keep your eyes closed." He needed to get her down off this mountain, now. Climbing wasn't going to happen because he was afraid she'd pass out from fear and fall. So he cut out the middle man. His Fallen Angel Armor was equipped already, and Angel sighed as he put the plan into action. Taking a deep breath, he brings his lips close to Shaya's and engages in a long, especially passionate kiss. Then, he jumps off the side of the mountain.

The wind rushed past him as his focus was split between keeping Shaya distracted and controlling the armor that kept them alive. He willed them to fall at a delayed rate, as if time was slowing down. But because he was still focused on Shaya, they fell faster than he would have liked. By this point they were almost half way down.

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She kissed him as she began to cry, she knew what was happening, she felt it only yesterday. with her eyes closed she let him take control of the situation. She knew this was the best option, she probably wouldn't have made it down alive, she held him tightly feeling the wind push against them. "this is so much higher than last time... How much longer? She thought to herself. She couldn't stand waiting she had to know how much further she had to go down, she opened her eyes knowing it was a mistake. Her eyes widened as the ground got closer and closer. She struggled a little in panic not able to successfully get away from Angel. She closed her eyes waiting... before they hit the ground she wasn't conscious, she fainted from her fear.

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Angel felt her panic and then go limp in his arms as he hit the ground. His eyes teared up as he held her closely for a moment or two. But then his protective instincts kicked in as he sprinted back to Urbus. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he charged forward, ignoring the monsters that tried to stop him. He vaulted over fallen trees, jumped across creeks, and propelled himself off of whatever he could to gain more speed. When he finally made if to town he ran to the nearest inn, nearly knocking down the door as he ran in. He ordered a room and went up the stairs. After entering the room, he laid Shaya down on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Then he procceded to pull up a chair and wait. He watched as she breathed slowly, her eyes still closed. He hung his head, his eyes still watery. What was I thinking? How could I have done something so stupid? He put his head in his hands as he beat himself up, waiting for Shaya to wake up.

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Shaya left unconscious the whole way to the inn, it took nearly half an hour before she began to pick up the pace of her breathing, as she slept falling was the only thing she remembered when she came to. Breathing faster and faster as she dreamed, she snapped her eyes open seeing only what she had before she fainted. Only this time she was alone. She couldn't do anything to stop it, her breathing getting faster and faster to the point it seemed she wasn't. And as she hit the ground she woke up and yelled, ANGEL!!! She panicked as if she bounced as she hit the ground feeling it in real life. She couldn't calm down even when she realized she was in a safe place.

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Angel looked up, his eyes red. He blinked a few times, the sudden panic startling him. He stood up and rushed to her side, wrapping her up in his arms. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" He said through tears, his mind shot from the heart attack he had just been through. He didn't realize it, but he was actually sobbing a he apologized to her. All he could do was hold her and cry all the remaining tears he had.

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Shaya held him very tightly seeming to squeeze the life out of him. Both sobbing they sat there in the bed in the inn. She couldn't slow down her breathing as she spoke, An-gel- I- don-t- want- y-y-you- to- be- s-sad. It-s oh-kay. She sat there crying in his arms hoping they would get better. She cried for what seemed like forever, while trying to get Angel to feel better by rubbing his back and trying to get her breathing back to normal.

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Angel realized that he was probably making the situation worse. He quickly attempted to calm down, regaining control of his breathing and slowing down. He stopped crying and let her go, returning to his seat. He coughed, clearing his throat as he did so. "Are you ok? I didn't mean to scare you." He said calmly, his voice still a little shaky but composed none the less. He swallowed, his eyes lowering to the floor.

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Shaya tried to follow his eyes until she couldn't, She wanted to comfort him with her motherly voice but she couldn't get her breathing down.An-gel- dont- be- sad. I- tol-d- you- I- would- love- you- no- mat-ter- what. She began to cough not breathing wasn't getting her far as much as helping him or herself. She struggled to get to her feet as she tried to get to him. When she made it to him she put a hand on his chin and brought their eyes back together, An-d- I- still- lo-ve- you. She fell to her knees and cried again, It-s- not- your- faul-t- its- mine- for- mak-ing- such- a- dumb- re-quest.

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He heard her words and looked into her eyes, his own eyes getting watery again. When she fell to her knees, he quickly scooped her back up and placed her in the bed again. He laid her down, replacing the blanket and pillow. "Don't move. Just try to calm down." He said, trying to maintain his voice. Then he returned to his seat. "It wasn't dumb. It was brave. And I love you for trying something that scares you. I'm not sure I could do something like that." He gently took her hand. "Now please, try to breath." He almost choked on the words. He wanted to do more, say more, he wanted to help her. "Do you need something to drink?" He asked, keeping his voice intact.

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She laid there sobbing and slowly regaining her breath, C-could you- get me- some- wat-er? She curled up in a ball with the blanket. He saved me. She thought to herself. I'm safe, there's no need to panick she starts to get her breathing down as Angel goes to get something for her to drink.

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Angel nods and gets up from the chair. "I'll be back in a few minutes ok?" Then he exited the room and headed downstairs to the bar area. He ordered a glass of water and returned upstairs. His hand was shaking as he returned to Shaya's side, handing her the water. He sat down again, waiting for her to finish her drink before taking her hand. "Sha- Sunsetta, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." He had trouble finding the right words. A whirlwind of feelings were raging inside of him and he didn't know what to do with them.

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She took a drink of her water and sat up staring at Angel with her eyes heavy, she was finally able to breath taking one deep breath at a time, It's not your fault, I guess I asked for it. You made it easier for me. I don't think I could have done it alone. She looked at him and attempted to smile, feeling his pain she couldn't get it out. So she tried something different to cheer him up... Y-You know, I'm really cold, do you want to lay here with me? Her heart started to pick up speed again, but she remained calm.

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His eyes widened a little at her request but he nodded, a small smile forming. "Alright. I think I can manage that." He rose from his seat and unequipped his armor, leaving only his undershirt and pants. Then he entered the bed, bringing the covers up to his shoulders. He looked over at Shaya, her eyes sparkling. His face was getting red, his heart beating rapidly. "Are you warm yet?" He asked, his voice a little shaky.

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Her heart continued to beat quickly, she didn't want him to leave but she didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. She put's a hand on his cheek, that's for you to decide. She looks at him dead in the eyes, I can't believe he can't see how nervous I am... She begins to shake a little in hopes of making him stay. She awaited his answer for whether he will stay or get out of the bed.

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