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[OP-F4] 4th Floor is fun~

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Zauis placed his hand on his chest clenching it a bit as his eyes widen even more. He turned away from Kat and began gagging at the thought of mushroom stew and it's smell. "HECK NO! That's even worse Kat. Geez that's disgusting Kat. I'd rather stick with my bread and cream." he nodded quickly while looking as if I had nausea. He began throwing up his hands shaking them as he did the same with his head.

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Zauis ignored her comment while sighing a bit. He already knew he was a picky eater, even his mom didn't like this attribute he had. Zauis wouldn't really eat anything like soup or microwaved food and such. In the real world all he ate was stuff like burgers. Though he was fine with that. "I know I'm a picky eater..... I just can't help it. So I guess that's all I'll eat is bread and cream. I'm fine with that.., " he said while clenching his teeth.

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He smiled a bit while nodding his head. "Oh I can eat burgers! It just has to be plain. I don't really like a lot of things on it. Like tomato's are a no no. Hahah. I just like cheese maybe but nothing else. I don't really like eating pickles on sandwiches and yeah." he said happily while playing with his jacket flapping it.

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Zauis shrugged while rubbing his head "I guess you could keep the lettuce on. Though I don't really like it but yeah! Let's keep it on. So when are you making me a burger!?" he asked calmly while rubbing his stomach. "All this talking about good has made me hungry! Hahah" he said happily while walking over to Kat.

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Zauis placed his hand on the side of his face rubbing it "Oh really? I love sweet tea and I don't care what you think. Hell at least I could look more girly than you in that pink dress. Besides when I think of you acting all boyish like with rude comments I can picture you in a ripped tank top and baggy jeans with boots." he said while raising his eyebrow in disgust.

(I love sweet tea. Is it a shame? >_<...)

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"Really now? Then why not wear long jackets like me instead of weird skirts and stuff? I mean either way is cool with me since your my friend. Besides I wouldn't let anyone laugh at you." he sigh as his orange cursor came to thought. "I'd kill them. Or challenge them to a duel or something...." he said with a brute tone.

(Are you l-lying to m-me!? >\\\\<)

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Zauis shrugged at her comment about violence not being the answer which he clearly knew but didn't care. "i know that Kat.....I just didn't want anyone to make fun of my bestfriend." he said emotionally while listening to her talk about her daily outfits an what she likes to were to got out for lunch. "Well that's pretty cool Kat. Either way I think it's awesome!" he said happily.

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