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[OP-F11] Twas the Night Before Christmas-Eve

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ArtStation - Christmas TownThrowing parties was never his forte, usually he was more of a patron that a host. The last time he had put together something like this was small scale, just for members of the guild that once was. Now, all of them had gone their separate ways, and Jomei was left on his own. However, that all seemed to go well.. so how hard would it be to open the invitation to anyone interested. Koga had done it this time last year, and the party was.. well, as one would expect any gathering in Aincrad to go- filled with joy, and fun but with enough chaos to balance that out. It was thanks to Koga's party that he was able to pull himself out of his own, lonely funk and meet with friends -and new faces. As this year came to an end, he hated that he found himself back at square one, others seemingly as well. What harm would come from trying to recreate that, and throw another holiday party. 

A combination of postings on boards in main settlements and direct messages to those on his friends list, he hoped that word would get around. The party was scheduled for the night before Christmas Eve... just out of habit from expecting others to be busy on Christmas Eve and day proper. With the message out to the digital world, he knew he needed to get ready, for if he was going to host a party all on his own, he would need to get started early. 


December 23rd Christmas Eve-Eve. Eleventh Floor - Taft

The night of the party had finally arrived, and Jomei had felt he had done enough to prepare. Leaving the party to just the two top floors of his townhouse, rather than implementing the music room on the first floor, he had decorated accordingly for the occasion. Entering the front door would lead to an open hallway, with a set of stairs leading to the second floor. The stairs continue upwards into a slight curve to a third floor, or there is an open doorway leading to the main living space. The living room is set up with a couch and loveseat, as well as a dining room set with chairs. A tree stands tall in the corner to the right, just after entering. Across the living room, a connected kitchen can be seen past a half wall, two stools set up along it. Along the kitchen island, trays of food ranging from meats, breads, and other holiday dishes sit steaming, their aromas intertwining into a delightful menagerie that escapes out the slightly cracked window. Within the kitchen itself, bottles line one counter containing various alcohols, eggnog, and a bowl of punch. The curving stairs continue upwards to a small third floor, Jomei's bedroom, office, and bathroom, with a balcony that overlooks the street below. 

"Do you mind?" Jomei asked with a smirk, holding the tiny bushel of green leaves and red berries out towards his owl familiar, Adere. Without much of a fuss, the owl shimmies closer to the ginger, allowing him to tie the batch of mistletoe around her neck. "Perfect, not only do you look festive.. but you hanging that over peoples heads should be pretty funny." he added with a chuckle, "Who knows, maybe you'll get to play matchmaker for some lucky lovers." With a tiny coo, the owl leaps from the back of the chair and gets comfortable upon her perch in the corner of the room. 

"Alright, I think thats everything." Jomei said with a pleased smile, looking over his work. Letting his hair down that he had tied into a short, spiky ponytail, he dressed himself in an olive green, hooded shirt with a charcoal grey, open cardigan over it. "Now to see if all this work pays off." 

(Open to all players) 

the emerald duelist 


  • Level: 32 | Paragon: 67 | Tier: 4(10) 

Jomei: 900/900 HP | 128/128 EN | DMG 23 | MIT 44 | EVA 3 | ACC 4 | BH 49 | HLY BLS 19 | FLN 16 | HLY 8 | AA | LD 1 | F.Sprt.


  • Fragarach 
  • Vestige of St. Patrick
  • Alatreon's Will

battle-ready inventory

  • Antidote (3/3) 



Saber R5 | TECH Spec.
Combat Mastery DMG R3

Cloth Armor R5
B Healing R5
Fighting Spirit

Concentration (x)
Survival (x)
Meditation (x)
Forgotten King's Authority
Hiding R.4

Athletics (x)
Vanish (x)

Stamina (x)
Ferocity (x)
Precision (x)
Nimble (x)




Housing Buffs: 
Bedroom: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat    
Bathroom: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down)    
Dining Room: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast.
Living Room: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.




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She'd received the message a while ago from Jomei, but had failed to ask him about it. She normally would have figured, as happened every year, it was an attempt to upstage the last event. Now, though, with how quiet it had been, Nari doubted that was the case. Recently they had all felt the quiet of solitude, and she figured this was Jomei's way of trying to overcome that solitude - to bring everyone together again in a festive celebration. To hear the laughs of everyone...and maybe, just maybe, bring our spirits up a bit. It had been dark times lately, with the silence. But Nari had tried to place that behind her, hoping that things were changing for the better.

At her feet, Yuki gave a sharp yip of displeasure. Through sheer determination on her own part, Nari had managed to trap the small fox and corral it into a Christmas outfit - a small santa hat with a red jacket that contained numerous bells that rang whenever the fox shook itself. Something that it had done numerous times on their walk over, likely in an attempt to get back at Nari for the abuse she'd put it through. "Oh, don't give me that look - you're adorable and they'll love you..."

She shivered slightly, realising for the first time the cool draft that seemed to surround her. At this time of year, it almost felt like she'd never left her home - the air cold with the small amount of snowfall that the system brought with it. Glancing up at the house, she paused in her steps. The place was nice, and very fitting for Jomei. A small smile crossed her face as she considered the ginger. Yeah...this is definitely his style.

Three steps up, and she was at the door to Jomei's place, her hand gently knocking on the entryway before waiting patiently. In her hand, a box - wrapped and overly sized - bounced ever so slightly in her hands as she tried not to bounce on the spot impatiently. The moment the door opened, Nari beamed a smile, before calling out in a loud voice. "MERRY CHRISTMAS! Or, well, early Christmas! It's so good to see you again! I'm excited to see what chaos we can cause this year! Just kidding, but seriously...Merry Christmas."

Nari's Christmas Outfit Reference


Nari Christmas.jpg


Nari-Lanreth Slim Banner.png


  • --

Nari-Lanreth | Lv. 32 | P. 39 | HP: 820/820 | EN: 117/117 | ACC: 4 | DMG: 20 | EVA: 2 | MIT: 30 | B.Healing [+44] | L.Momentum: 1 | LD: 3 | Bld: 48
Tier 4 | Tier 8


  • Solitude's Sorrow
    [Scythe; Tier 4 Perfect]
    Enhancement: Accuracy [2 Slots]
    Enhancement: Bleed [1 Slots] 
  • Reaper's Defence 
    [Light Armour; Tier 4 Perfect]
    Enhancement: Evasion [2 Slots]
    Enhancement: Light Momentum [1 Slots]
  • Music Box
    Trinket; Tier 1 Perfect]
    Enhancement: Loot Die [3 Slots]

battle-ready inventory

  • Teleport Crystal {3}
  • Starter Healing Potions {4} | Heals 50 HP
  • Divinity's Wait {5} | Tier 2; Perfect Potion | Mitigation III
  • Divinity's Protection {5} | Tier 3; Perfect Potion | Overhealth III
  • Cold Brew Coffee {4} | Tier 1; Perfect Potion | HP Recovery III
  • Percephonius Pyratius {11} | Tier 4; Perfect Potion | Damage III
  • Ketchup Chips {3} | Tier 4; Perfect Snacks| Probiotics III
  • Siúil a Rún {2} | Tier 3; Perfect; Masterpiece Support Song | HP Recovery III [Mass]



Utility Skills
Extended Weight Limit [Active: Passive. Effect: +2 additional Battle-Ready inventory slots.

Combat Skills
Battle Healing [Rank: 3. Active: Passive. Effect: While in combat, recover 1% per rank of your maximum HP (rounded down) at the beginning of your turn.]
Fighting Spirit [Active: Passive. Effect: Attacking and using Howl or Focused Howl generates +1 additional Hate. (Ex. Generate 1/2/3 Hate on a Miss/Hit/Critical attack. Generate 5 Hate when using Focused Howl.)]

Weapon Skills
Polearm [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: +7 DMG]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Stamina [Active: Passive. Effect: Reduces EN of all attacks by 2.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] Precision [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 ACC.]
[Rank 5 Weapon Addon] <<Weapon Type>> Focus [Active: Passive. Effect: Decreases minor critical threshold by 1. Also reduces DoT thresholds by 1. Players cannot use Focus and Ferocity at the same time for the same Weapon Type.]
[Rank 5 Shift] TECH Specialist [Active: Passive. Effect: For TECH Sword Arts, +4 to multipliers, +3 to EN cost. No other Shifts may be taken.]

Armour Skills

Light Armour [Rank: 5. Active: Passive. Effect: 30 MIT. Mitigation is capped at 2 slots.]
[Light Armour Mod] Meticulous [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 base Damage.]
[Light Armour Add-on] Resolve [Active: Passive. Effect: Gain +1 Accuracy and +10 * Tier HP.]

Active Extra Skills
Concentration [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 5 turns. Effect: As a free action, gain Absolute Accuracy on your next attack. In the case Absolute Accuracy is already present, increase your Accuracy by 1 instead. Effect lasts until the start of next turn.]

Meditation [Active: Post Action. Cooldown: 3 turns. Effect: Recover an additional (4 * Tier) energy.]

Parry [Active: Post action. Energy cost: 9 EN Cooldown: 3 Turns. Effect: Apply the energy cost upon proc, not activation. Reduces the final damage of the next successful attack against you by 50% (rounded down) and negates stun/paralysis effects of that attack. If hit by multiple attacks, only apply parry to the first attack against you. Parry lasts for three turns. Cooldown starts when the player activates the Skill. If the player is hit when using Parry, the cooldown is reset to 3 turns.]

[Parry Mod] Vengeful Riposte [Active: Passive. Cooldown: 4 Turns. Effect: A successful Parry also returns 50% (rounded down) of the raw damage that would be dealt to you back to your opponent. The reflected damage can be mitigated by the opponent.]

Survival [Active: Passive. Effect: Increases Healing effects received from all sources by 10%. Grants immunity to all damage dealing environmental attacks/effects.]

Familiar Skills
Protector Familiar [Active: Free Action. Cooldown: 3 Posts; Effect: The next time you would take damage, your familiar rushes to your aid, reducing the final damage by 10%.]

 sword arts


[x12] ST-I (12 10 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x15] ST-II (15 13 EN) | A powerful single-target sword art. Only available for use when ST-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if ST-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x20] ST-B (20 18 EN) | A devastating single-target sword art. Can only be used if the sword art used the previous turn is not ST-B and had rolled a natural CD9+. When performing an AoE attack, use only the first roll.
[x11] AOE-I (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x14] AOE-II (14 12 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE | A powerful sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. Only available for use when AOE-I was used and successfully struck an enemy the previous turn or if AOE-II had been used and had missed the previous turn.
[x16] TECH-A (16 14 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.
[x16] TECH-B (15 13 EN) | DELAY | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Delay] on the enemy. [Delay] is a status condition that reduces the enemy’s ACC by 1 for one turn.
[x16] TECH-C (15 13 EN) | COUNTER | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, places [Counter] around the player. [Counter] reduces the final damage taken by its user by 25% (rounded down) for one turn.
[x16] TECH-D (15 13 EN) | SHATTER | A single-target sword art that applies [Shatter] to an enemy for 3 turns. [Shatter] is a debuff that can stack up to a cap of 3. Each stack of [Shatter] removes -20 MIT from an enemy, down to 0, if it has MIT.
[x12] TECH-F (11 9 + 2 * targets EN) | AOE STUN | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once. All struck targets are stunned for one turn.
[x16] TECH-G (15 13 EN) | BURN | A single-target sword art that, on a successful strike, applies [Burn] on the enemy. [Burn] is a DoT ailment that deals [14 * Player Tier] unmitigated Burn damage for 2 turns.
RAW-A (10 8 EN) | THORNS | A single-target sword art that utilizes the [Thorns] of the individual against the enemy. Other types of enhancements that apply damage upon contact with the individual are also considered in improving the damage of this sword art (eg. Immolation Potion, Flame/Frost Aura, etc). Outgoing damage is considered mitigatable.  Must have a weapon equipped to activate this sword art.



Estate Buffs

Master Bedroom [-1 energy cost for the first three expenditures of each combat.]
Master Bathroom [The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down).]
Dining Room [Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast. A Lesser Feast contains 4 portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created this way cannot be used outside of the thread they are created. Limit 1 item created per thread.]
Basic Kitchen [Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30.]
Living Room [Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.]
Attic (Storage) [+5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests]
Storage Closet [+1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot]




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This was Fae's first time on the 11th floor, and normally she would have no reason to be up here, but she had found a flyer of sorts posted outside of The Wayward inviting any and all players in Aincrad to the home of Jomei on the eleventh floor. Fae didn't know much about the frontlines, but she had heard mention of the Emerald Duelist once or twice and figured that there wouldn't be a better opportunity to make acquaintances than at the likes of a Christmas party. 

Hefting the big box she was carrying up higher in her grasp Fae walked along the streets, coming on the location that the flyer had mentioned. Fae heard a loud "MERRY CHRISTMAS" echo out from the house, in a voice that sounded familiar but, Fae couldn't place from where. Coming Closer Fae watched as a ginger man, presumably Jomei let a purple haired woman into the building, the door closing behind her rather quickly to stave off the winter air.

Shifting her box again Fae came to the front door of the building, trying to find a way to knock with the box in her hand before simply putting the box on the ground and knocking, bending back over to pick it up. Fae waited at the door patiently, with the fact that another guest had arrived, Fae figured it might be a moment before the door opened for her, though that was fine, as it let her battle her nerves before having to go inside of a strangers house, presumably full of people she didn't know. Fae was about to knock again, the holding the box up with her leg when it opened, a ginger man in a sweater smiling from the other side.

Fae's Christmas Outfit


Except, you know, it looks like her



Level: 2
Paragon Level: 0
HP: 40/40
EN: 22/22

Damage: 7
Mitigation: 5
Loot Dice: 3

Consumables Used:

Sword Arts:
[x4] ST-I (4 EN) | A single-target sword art.
[x3] AOE-I (1 + [2 * targets] EN) | AOE | A sword art that strikes multiple targets at once.
[x4] TECH-A (5 EN) | STUN | A single-target sword art that stuns an enemy.

Equipped Gear:
Weapon: Pixie's Greatsword [T1 | SS | DMG 3]
Armor: Fairy's Dance [T1 | Cloth Armor | LD 3]

Custom Skill

Straight Sword R1
Cloth Armor R1

Active Mods:

Inactive Mods:


Active Extra Skills:

Inactive Extra Skills:

Battle Ready Inventory:
Starter Health pots | Heals 50 HP x5
An Mhaighdean Mhara | Familiars Sight x1
Spyglass x3

Housing Buffs:

Guild Hall Buffs:

Scents of the Wild:

Wedding Ring:

Loot Dice Breakdown:
Gathering: 3
Looting: 3
Finding Chests: 3
Looting Chests: 0
Finding Dungeons: 3
Finding Labyrinths: 3


Word Count: 293


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Luckily the party had not started yet. It was because of the silence that Jomei was able to hear the light knocking on the wooden door downstairs. "Probably should have let people know to just come in." he said with a chuckle to Adere in the corner of the room. Leaving the living room and moving down the stairs, he would open the door to see Nari, dressed for the occasion with a wrapped gift in her hands. "Hey, early or not its still Christmas. Please come in." he said with a smile, stepping out of the way so she could enter. "As long as Hirru doesn't floor my kitchen like he did Koga's, everything should go well." With an outstretched hand, he gestured up the stairs to the open entryway to the left. "We'll be upstairs, you're the first one here so please, get comfortable, make yourself at home." 

Before Jomei could even make it up half of the stairs, there was another knocking on the door. "Right." he snapped his fingers, before turning back and heading to open the door once again. Coincidentally, it was another woman with purple hair, though it was cut much shorter than Nari's. The face wasn't very familiar to him, but he did offer the party up to any players interested. What better way to make a few new friends. Smiling warmly, he introduced himself. "Hey, welcome! I'm Jomei, its a pleasure to meet you." Gesturing in a similar way he had for Nari, he allows the woman to head up the stairs. Jomei would follow, but only after tapping on the door to create an automated message for any future party goers.

Jomei's House

No need to knock, may not hear you.
Party is up the stairs.

[Door unlocked]

@Nari-Lanreth @Faerie

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She barely made it up the steps before another knocked at the door. Jomei had already returned to the door by the time Nari had turned around, curious to see whom would arrive next. The ginger stepped back, letting in a familiar face that Nari hadn't seen in a while. It took her a few seconds to recognise the face, calling out with excitement as soon as she did.

"FaeFae! I'm so glad you could make it! How've you been? More importantly - where have you been hiding?! Or, well, I guess maybe I'm the one...anyways! Glad to see you're here! I'm hoping that @NIGHT might join us later, but who knows?" She wasn't optimistic, but Christmas miracles were known to happen, right? Glancing over at Jomei, who seemed a bit lost at the newcomer, Nari beamed him a smile. "This is FaeFa-err...Faerie, a friend of mine from days past. FaeFae, this is Jomei. He's...amazing, and that's really all that matters."

She glanced upwards again, before moving to the top of the stairs. She could already see the amount of effort Jomei had put into decorating and preparing everything, the place looking like a Christmas wonder. "Really went all out this year, eh Jomei? Trying to one up Koga for sure. As to Hirru and the kitchen, well...no promises."

Her wink towards the man was an attempt to shine the humour through her words, although she wasn't sure how she could possibly keep the green haired knight from the kitchen - wasn't that where the food was? A problem for later...hopefully...

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  • 2 weeks later...


A few sneezes would blow up from the hunter as he lay in the little bed that was afforded to him.  Was he catching something, or was it that cold outside?  He then had to remember that he was in a world that wouldn't all that.  Getting up from the mass of sheets, Hirru saw that he had a message.  Another party, it would seem.  Maybe, Nari was able to get in touch with her people?  They did say that they were going to make another gathering for people.  It was rather lonely. 

The storage basement for the dojo was a decently spaced one, and there was a minor wall hiding him away from anyone that crept down to get a bokken or bedding ready.  It was enough for the hunter and his agreement with Baldur.  Still, to go to this party, he would need some presents, or something.  Maybe, he could give away some of the unidentified items that he found?  That would be nice.  He would have to hand pick some for some people, but for anyone he didn't know, they would still get a rare or more.

"Was everyone there a tier four?"

He questioned to himself as he asked Snow if it was alright to dress as he always did.  She nearly sighed before making him go back and change into something slightly different than his sleeveless turtleneck that he always wore.  He guessed that it was time to look into something else.  Hirru didn't really have too much else in the terms of clothing.  He had sold most of his old stuff away.  There wasn't much need for fashion in the dungeon life.

So, instead of going off into market to see if there were any types of clothing that would be good for him, this season.  There were many NPC merchants selling some odd things for the holiday season.  There seemed to be little in the terms of clothing though.

That's when it caught Hirru's eyes.  Something green, something white.  It seemed like it was within the holiday spirit.  The shop was owned by a player, but they weren't getting anywhere.  The hunter would buy their work, and instruct them about some ways to get more business.  Although, the hunter didn't really get tailoring much, but advertisement should be a no brainer.


A knock on the door before coming inside, the hunter would be decked in a green robe, with white fluff ascents.  Gold embroidery would cover small parts around the chest, arms, and end of coat.  The shop keeper said it was a different take on the Santa Claus ascetic.  Hirru didn't understand too well, but figured that it was something of the season, and he liked it.  Weirdly enough, the shop keep decided to give him a long white beard to go along with the outfit.  He shrugged as he added it to his outfit.

It would seem that everyone was already inside, though not many.  As he walked upstairs, he would hear the sounds of chatter and would pop his jolly head out to greet everyone.  He would carry a small sack that he would "pull" gifts from.  He essentially looked like a slightly thinner, greener, santa.

"Merry Christmas, everyone!  I have presents for all!"

Hirru stats


Hirru | HP: 920/920 | EN: 104/104 | DMG: 1 | MIT: 122 | BH: 46 | HLY BLS: 36 | MENDING: 2 | REC: 8 | THRNS: 36

Hirru Lvl 32 (PL 58)

920 HP (+220 PL)
104 Energy (+22 PL)
1 Base Damage
5% Battle Healing
8 Recovery
122 Mitigation
32 Thorns
4% Holy Blessing
20% Life Mend


Paladin's Oath ..................... // +4% Holy Blessing / +20% Life Mending
Light's Embrace .................... // +8 Recovery / 32 Thorns
Bulwark ............................ // +72 Mitigation
Blades Cloak ....................... // Vanity
Lun'Rael's Insignia ................ // Unique Vanity |
Fates Armament (Shield) ............ // Unique Vanity | 
Dimensional Backpack ............... // +1 B.R.I Slot

Battle Ready Inventory

<Teleportation Crystal> x5 ......... // Teleport to a town / out of a dungeon [Uses 2 posts: 1 for use, next to teleport]
<Favor of the Golden Dragon> ....... // +3 Loot Die
<Betrayal of the Fallen Knight> .... // +12 Damage
<Mass HP Recovery Crystal> x5 ...... // +10% AOE Heal


Heavy Armor ........................ // Rank 5: +35 MIT
Battle Healing ..................... // Rank 5: +5% HP each turn
Search ............................. // Rank 5: +5 Loot Die / +5 Stealth Detection

Extra Skills (Max 4)

First Aid .......................... // Rank 5: +20% ST-H / -15 EN
Leadership ......................... // Rank 5: Command the Front w/ Buffs

Skill Mods / Addons (Max 5 Mods)

Iron Skin (Add on) ................. // +15 Mit / +60 HP
Field Medic (Add on) ............... // +25% AOE-H / -15 EN / 3 turn Cooldown
Hyperactive (Add on) ............... // +3 EN Regen for 3 turns / -5 EN / 3 turn Cooldown

Reveal (Add on)..................... // +2 to Dungeon, Labyrinth searches / Post 10 searches / 3 turn Labyrinth Cooldown

Barrier ............................ // -15% Dmg shield AOE / -15 EN / 2 turn Cooldown
Energize ........................... // +8 EN ST / -10 EN
Rally .............................. // +1 ACC AOE, -1 ACC self / -6 EN / 3 turn Cooldown
Press The Attack ................... // +(Target Tier) Dmg, -(Cumulative)Dmg / -10 En / 5 turn Cooldown

Detect ............................. // +1 to Labyrinth searches | +2 Stealth Detect

Housing Buffs

Rested ............................. // -1 EN for 2 uses
Relaxed ............................ // OOC HP regen 5*tier Rec EN after 2 turns
Filling ............................ // Increase food by +1 T1 slot
Multipurpose ....................... // +1 LD, Stealth, Dection, or Prosperity to 1 post
Practiced Angler ................... // +2 EXP & +1 LD & CD to attempts

Hirru's appearance:


Why is our Father Christmas green? - SS Great Britain


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Jomei couldn't hide the small smirk as Nari tried to recover from calling her friend some cute, pet-name version of their full name; Faerie. "Well any friend of Nari's is a friend of mine. So please, help yourself to any drinks or snacks. Hopefully more people should show up soon." As the group moved into the party proper at the top of the stairs, Nari took note of the set up Jomei had done to his apartment for the occasion. With a bashful smile, he would rub at the nape of his neck as he moved towards the kitchen island to retrieve a drink he had prepared to himself earlier. "I don't have to do much to one up @Koga" he would say with a playful wink to let Nari know he was just joking. "I always love the holidays.. so I usually try to put up some decorations, even if I am usually the only one to see them. Guess I had a bit more freedom of what to put where this year since its just myself now..." That second comment didn't need to be said.. but his lips moved before his mind could stop him, so there he was left standing awkwardly for a moment.

"A-Anyway-" Another knock on the door, 'saved by the bell' as they say. "Excuse me." Making his towards the open door way, before forgetting that he had unlocked the door for any newcomers. Standing there was a figure in a long, green robe with white fur trim and golden accoutrements. It took Jomei a second to realize that it was Hirru, dressed quite appropriately for the occasion. Speak of the devil he thought to himself before speaking, "Hirru! Glad you can make it. Nice outfit.. thought I was having a Dicken's moment and was being visited by the ghost of Christmas past." he said with a laugh. Noticing the sack of gifts that he had referred to, Jomei put up two hands defensively, "You really didn't have to bring anything.. honestly. I just wanted to give everyone a place to get together for the holidays.. but the gesture is appreciated nonetheless. You can put them over there near the tree." 

@Nari-Lanreth @Faerie @Hirru

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Nari leaned over the banister and grinned down at Jomei as he welcomed another familiar face - the green-haired knight that Nari had recently met having taken the occasion to dress up in what she assumed was meant to be a rendition of the old Saint Nick, but one that she found far more appealing than the typical red get up that was common. She gave a quick wave to the newcomer, before calling out from above. "Love the outfit, Hirru...honestly a much better take on the typical look. Oh, and Jomei - it's Christmas time, gifts are like, required. Or so I've been told."

She glanced about the place, noticing again how much effort Jomei had put into the decorations and setup. She scoffed suddenly, before the words escaped her mouth in earnest. "Jomei, if this is you not putting an effort...I'd hate to see what you excited looks like, because...wow. The place is beautiful. Like, Oprah or whatever that woman's name was, beautiful. You sure you didn't buy this as a package from the system or something?"

She moved over to a nearby table, collecting a drink that she assumed was some sort of fruit punch, before taking a sip from it. The flavour was a lot stronger than Nari had expected, and she tried to react casually, before letting out a half snort half cough, shaking her head to try and rid the bubbling that she felt in her nostrils. Gently placing the cup down, she turned to the table covered in treats and snacks, clasping her hands together and whispering to Fae. "Okay so the drink is definitely interesting...but I'm going after those and if you touch them I'm gonna cut you."

She accented the jest with a smile, pointing at what appeared to be some sort of caramel covered dessert that had a slight shimmer to it, as if reflecting the light above it. She glanced back towards the stairs, checking to see if anyone else had come up before grabbing three of them.

@Jomei | @Faerie | @Hirru

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Fae smiled at the tall ginger who opened the door for her before following him inside her large box in tow "Its nice to meet you Jomei I'm . . ." Fae was cut short from her introduction as the only other guest called out her name, well more accurately a nickname. And with that nickname and that hair Fae knew exactly who this was, even if it had been a long time since she had seen the woman she wasn't so quickly going to forget a friend "Oh, I've just been, around, you know how it is. Its really nice to see you again Nari, and its really nice to meet you Jomei." Fae smiled at the other party goers as they made their way to the stop of the stairs. "I brought some pie, where can I drop these off at?" Fae followed Nari to a group of tables covered in snacks and other desserts before shrugging and placing the box down, quickly taking out the freshly baked apple pies she had made "everyone always has pumpkin pie, but I've always loved apple pie for Christmas" Fae looked over down the balcony at the commotion that had just started down in the entryway there was a man in a green Santa costume carrying a large sack, and Fae couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. It had been a long time since she had spent any time around anyone else, and with the decorations and snacks this was going to be an amazing Christmas party.


Word Count: 254


Edited by Faerie
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  • 4 weeks later...


Hirru wasn't sure what a 'Dickens' was, but left that to something that was from the outside world, and that he was talking about his current attire.  The hunter looked down at his robes and thought they looked pretty up to par with everything for the season.  He had seen enough people wearing the red versions to understand as much.

"Oh this?  I got it for a bargain from a tailor, at least after some business talk."

He would grin before following Jomei up the stairs, where two faces awaited him.  One was a recently familiar face, the scythe wielder, Nari-Lanreth.  It would seem that not that many people were here, which the hunter seemed to like better.  Koga's party was fun, but too rowdy for his tastes.  He would meet Nari's eyes as they greeted and complimented his getup.

"Thanks, I thought I might dress up proper for this one."

He would say before counting the people within the room.  Only three, and two he knew were high enough for Tier 4 gear, and left a present for each.  The other one would be a heavy guess, but he figured he could always ask.  He left the sack there to look towards woman that he did not know.

"I'm sorry.  I can't gauge what you would likely want."

He would say before finding a place to sit nearby.

"My name is Hirru.  Would you mind if I asked you what you wanted for Christmas?"

To @JomeiT4 Perfect Weapon UnID [203747a]
To @Nari-Lanreth = T4 Perfect Weapon UnID [203747b]
To @Faerie
 = Waiting for answer

Edited by Hirru
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  • 2 weeks later...

Jomei smiled at Fae, who told Jomei that she had brought an apple pie for the guests. "I was so concerned with putting everything else together, I had completely forgotten about a pie! Thanks Faerie. I'm happy you went with apple over pumpkin.. almost as if you knew it was my favorite." he added with a playful smirk as he pointed to an empty spot on the table next to the entrance to the kitchen. "You can set it down over there." Turning his attention to Nari again, who was still complimenting him on the decorating job, he could not help but blush slightly. "No no, I just had some decorations left from the last time we- I threw a holiday party. Didn't want to let them go to waste." He felt it would kill the mood to admit that sometimes, he just needed to make this place look entirely different than it used to.. just to escape from those memories of the home it once was every once in awhile. 

Jomei laughed and shook his head, "Don't worry about it." He wasn't sure where Hirru originated from, and he could only assume he had not read or seen any iterations of A Christmas Carol. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that everyone here came from different countries and backgrounds. "I'm just happy you were able to make it." 

"I- I know gifts are part of the season but, you still didn't -.. " he stopped himself short as he looked at the gift Hirru has presented him. A soft smile grew on his lips as he looked back up to his friend. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." 

As the crew all moved to the interior of the living room, Jomei took one last look out into the hallway, down the stairs, and at the front door. He watched for a long moment, hoping that someone else would walk through the door. Looks like its just us tonight.. he thought to himself with a small frown on his face. However, turning back to the other three, he plastered a smile back on his face and joined them in the main room.

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Nari smiled softly as Jomei turned towards Hirru, watching as the ginger seemed to become flustered over the gifts being given out. For her own part, she felt touched that the green-covered individual would think so highly of her as to find her a piece that fit her styling perfectly. She nodded towards Hirru, before letting her words rolling out quietly.

"Thank you Hirru...this is wonderful, and overly considerate of you. I will admit, you beat me to the punch on this, but...if we're doing the exchange now..." She opened up her menu, before pulling forth three items - items that she had managed to colour, just so perfectly with a bow attached to them. While not wrapped in paper, the ice blue crystals seeming to shimmer against the lights that shown down from overhead. "I made these, for each of you...it's a song I rather enjoyed and felt would be appropriate..."

She placed them on the table before her, waving a hand towards them in a gesture that bespoke each one could obtain it as desired. She had recently finished the pieces, and was excited to see how everyone reacted to them. She knew that the song choice wasn't always each persons favourite, but she felt that it was a look into how she felt about each of them, and hopefully display how much they all meant to her.

Nari-Lanreth hands one (1) Perfect HP Recovery (Mass) crystal to each individual; ID210418, 210563, 210755.
Dear My Friend

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  • 4 months later...

Hirru looked to the both of them and could only smile under that rough beard.  This would be a second for him, as he had not spent this holiday with too many people before.  The gift of giving, it seemed, was something that was worth the price of what it took to get these weapons.  Both were relics of his hunting past now, to which he would no longer be a part of.  That is, without help.  He would smile and nod to the both of them as they gave thanks for their presents.  Hirru looked back to the other girl and only shook their hand.

"It is okay if you do not wish to answer now, but at any other time would be fine."

As he said so, Nari had brought a couple song crystals out for them all.  Hirru thought that was rather thoughtful of her.  He took one of the crystals and let it play.  It was a calming sound, but unfamiliar to him.  It didn't matter though, as he stopped it so the song wouldn't be fully expended.  Putting the crystal away, the festive hunter had some time to think and observe.  Some food was available, so the man took a plate of the pie and some others.  Everything was so calming, and nice.  Not at all like Koga's party, but that may have been more his fault than anything.

"I like this.  Much more peaceful than last year."

Everything turns to his fault sooner or later..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jomei looked down at the palm of his hand as Nari plopped the crystal down. The shape and feel of the object all too familiar to him, yet its contents not. A musical number, what he could only assume, created by the small woman herself. "Never realized you had taken up being a Performer.." he spoke with a smile as his eyes shifted from the recording crystal in his hand to Nari's eyes, "Always took you as the Alchemist or Blacksmith type." With a wave of his opposite hand, he would drop the item into empty space before him,, allowing it to be stored within his digital pockets for a later use. "Reminds me that I should really get back into the business. Don't even remember the last time I recorded something that actually had a mechanical purpose." he added with a lighthearted chuckle, before bowing his head gently to Nari. "I really appreciate the gift. Thank you."

Taking his own drink back into his hands, he would wander over to the empty loveseat that sat perpendicular to the longer sofa. As hhis weight shifted into the plush cushion, he would release a sigh of relief.. almost reminded him of when his father - or any other older, male family members he had met - would do the same thing when they sat down. Was he getting old? 

Luckily, Hirru speaking to no one in particular, quickly pulled him away from having a sort of quarter-life(?) crisis in the middle of a holiday party. "Yeah, it really is." Jomei would let the rest of his body sink into the back of the loveseat while taking a long sip of his drink. "Koga's party was definitely a lot of fun though. A lot of new and familiar faces. Maybe not peaceful, a lot more exciting.. But this is nice."

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"It was certainly interesting, to say the least.  First time I had been to such a.."

Jolly green Hirru grew silent for a second before continuing on with his sentence.  He didn't want to seem too lost in thought.  Though, with Hirru starting to have a reputation of odd things, it may not be to his favor about anything that he would do.  He wondered how everyone thought of him.

"..lively gathering.  Although, I guess I did have a hand in throwing things for a loop."

He didn't want to say that he may or may not have ruined it, but he knew what he did.  There was always something that he does that makes it difficult for everyone else.  Was there something that he was doing now that was doing the same thing?  Was it the presents?  The costume?  He worried a little before figuring that it was all nonsense.  He shouldn't worry about that.  Jomei had invited him, even though he was there to see Hirru's water excursion.  In fact, he thought he remembered Nari being there too?

Taking another fork full of pie, the festive boi would look over to the others and ask a simple question.

"So, how have you all been?  Don't get to converse too much anymore."

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The others had fallen into an almost relaxed conversation, and Nari had found herself leaning against the wall while nibbling at a small collection of the various snacks - her eyes passing between Jomei and Hirru as they conversed. She remembered the event from Koga's place - a small blush coming to her cheeks as the scene replayed in her mind at the mention - and she had to say, she would not have called it something so...tame. Lively, definitely...but that's refusing to call it what it really was. Chaos. Absolute...chaos. She shook her head, trying to force the old images out of her mind and think of something else instead.

"I've been..." She'd almost said 'alright', before realising that was a lie. Things had been hard lately, harder than many of the months, even years, past. She was tired, wanted more than ever to escape, and yet was still here. "...around, I guess..."

She almost stopped talking there, before realising that it wouldn't be fair to the others to leave it in such a depressing, unanswered manner. "I guess...it's been hard. You know? It's like, we're all still here, but...we're not. Like you said, Hirru, don't get to conversing too much anymore...it's...a bit lonely."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"We've all been out of sorts lately.  Especially after that last floor boss fight.  Everyone has been off on their own devices."

Hirru was predominantly talking about the 26th floor boss raid and the subsequent event that had them shooting through the skys in flying ships.  He was still not comfortable about that whole mess, especially after the issues that came after the fight.  Gabrandr being spared by so many that he thought were going to kill him..  Hirru's own tribulations that spawned from the events of a previous floor's fight would pop their ugly head that day too.  There was so much that has been going through Hirru's mind as of late.  Especially certain individuals that he could not understand nor knew about, but they were comforting and familiar, for some reason.

"Honestly, I do not want to be on a flying ship helmed by Baldur again!"

He would end it off as a joke about Baldur's piloting skills.  It would hopefully lighten up the mood a bit.

"How about you, @Jomei?  How have you been?"

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Jomei sighed, "I took.. a bit of a hit right before the last boss fight." He look around the apartment, now filled with decorations, friendly people, and good moods all around. But he was still reminded of how lonely it got after sharing this space for so long. "Why I didn't participate." shoulders rose and fell with a simple shrug. What was past was passed. He shone through with a small smile, taking a sip of his drink. "Things have been getting better though.. Not really making any waves but, just seeing where life takes me."

"But really lately its just been the usual. Just going day by day, meeting new people, disconnecting with old. I can't really say I've been up to anything exciting."  It was a rather bland answer.. though his was rather bland as of late. No real excitement or adventures to talk about. He would chuckle, "For once.. I think I'm actually looking forward to the next floor boss fight.. give us something exciting.. something to draw us all together." Taking another sip of his drink, he'd set it on the coffee table before him, "That, or some interesting event that won't be a high risk for getting us killed." Jomei spoke lightheartedly, of course.. but how much could he really joke about the very real threat the floor bosses had.

"What about you, Hirru? How has life been treating you?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

"It's been off and on trying to look into some things that have popped up."

He mulled over a bit of food, moving his fork around the piece in thought before sticking the bit in his mouth.  After chewing for a little while, Hirru would look on.  There was much to be said, but Hirru couldn't let it out in this peace.  Dreary mood would sour the food and spirit of the meeting, so he didn't feel that it would be good to bring up.

"Been trying to find ways I can push through hunts without the need of another player.  It's been.. rough."

He would bring up, as the group he was with has known him a little to be an effective fighter and strategist.  After changing to a healer, his capabilities would have effectively diminished to low grade attacks, or just letting the opposition bash his thorns several times over.  The issue would become clear fast that the hunter could not heal his own wounds, though.  The necessity for him to have someone else there to help would become more and more noticeable.

"So, I've mostly just been fishing, and reflecting."

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The two others talked as though they were long time friends, which Nari realised they likely were. She felt a bit out of sorts, all things considered, when she realised how new to the group she truly was. It didn't feel as though they were purposefully ostracising her by any means, but she felt as though she were intruding on something that she shouldn't be a part of. She'd considered drifting away to the snack table again, before shaking off the idea. She was neither hungry, nor did she want to appear as though she was dismissing the two - aware of how rude that would be, especially to the host.

"You know, if you ever need to head out on a hunt, I would be more than happy to help out. With either of you, of course. I may not be the strongest player going, but...I think I still bring something of use to the field." She smiled at the other two, extending her offer to both Hirru and Jomei. She figured there were always better players out there that they could interact with - nine hells the two of them are more elite than I am myself - but she also knew that it never hurt to offer.

Almost soberly, she added a final comment as she considered their situation. Her eyes glanced around at all the work that Jomei had done, all the effort he had put into it all, and a small tinge touched her chest. "It's awfully quiet this year, isn't it...? I don't want to take that as any sort of sign, but...it's awfully quiet..."

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