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[OP-F1] I'm...New.

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L noticed the conversation booming off in the distance and made his way over to the source of all the commotion. He spotted yet another newbie player and smiled overhearing her words. "You don't have to fight, theres a lot more things you can do. You should probably take a look at some of the professions to choose from. Theres a quest called <<Earning A Living>> once your done with that you can stick with it and mingle with others i guess. Oh, by the way I'm Life but people just call me L." He stretched out his arm gesturing for a handshake and smiled warmly. 

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Rose, not understanding how odd people were here, held out her hand, linking her's to his, shaking lightly, letting her hand fall back to her side, hopefully not squeezing too hard. "Uhm, thank you...L" she smiled a warm smile back to the new comer and asked: "Are you...How long have you been playing Sao?" She asked politely, as politely as she could. Her dark eyes twinkled in wait of his response.

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Rose's smiled didn't falter as he asked her name. "Yeah, that's it." She gave a sideways glance to Steel, her heart slowing in her chest just a bit. His dark hair seemed black as midnight, and she was silent. Her brown eyes flickering. "Well, me and Steel here where going to...Um..talk...For a bit." She smiled and gestured to Steel. "See, we just met and I don't know much about this death-game..." she gestured with her arms again, all around them this time. Her arms held in the air. The strap on her left forearm was visible. It was a brown leather sheath holding a small one-handed pugio dagger.

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He picked up on what she was saying and nodded  "Of course, let me know if you need anything. I'll be going out of town soon on another quest but you can message me whenever you like" He brought up the friends list panel and sent her a request. "Of course that's if you feel like it, I'm not one to force things on people. Anyway, I'll see you guys later. It was nice meeting you Rose" With that he continued to move to his previous destination, waving his hand behind him as we walked away in a steady carefree manner.



Friend Request

Name: Life

Description: We all need friends.

Do you accept: Yes/No

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Rose hit the yes button, her finger only hovered for a moment. "You too, L. I hope you have a good rest of the day." She was normally not this friendly with people she just met. But he reminded her of her cousin, always polite and kind to anyone. Her smile was warm as she watched him go, she looked back to Steel with wondering bright eyes. 

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Ryuu looked over and saw a familiar player under the name of Steel. 'I feel like I've met that guy before, but where. Am I just imagining things?' He saw him talking to a rather interesting new player with a butterfly wing in her hair. 'Oh, I bet if I walk over there and ask, I would just scare her since I kinda look a little weird. Well, it's just my eyes, but... Ah who cares!' Ryuu's curiosity got the best of him. He walked over to the players. The light glinting off his dual colored eyes. It seems as though the red was slightly brighter than the blue. (Blue and red are in both irises if you don't understand you can read my character's facts)

"Um... I realize you two are in a deep conversation and all, but I have something to ask this man and you afterwards. To me, it's rather important, and if you want compensation after I'm done, I'll give you the best kind, information on this game." Finishing that, he turned to the player Steel. "You seem extremely familiar. I am almost certain we have met. Do you feel as though we have met somewhere before as well?"

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Rose was unsure of the new player that had just approached the two, but she thought it would be fair to treat him like any other. She had not yet gotten a good sweep over her features, and as she did that, she stopped dead at his eyes. So...whoa. Different. She liked it, though she looked away as soon as she could so she wouldn't be staring. "I'm sorry" she muttered. "Hello, my name is Rose." She held out a warm hand. 

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Ryuu was surprised at this. 'This reaction... it can't be. Is this what they call embarrassment, or is she afraid like the other players? Wait, she wouldn't shake my hand if she was afraid, would she. Ah, for the first time in my life I can't read a person!! Wait... that's kind of fascinating actually.' Ryuu stuck out his hand and took hold of hers. He smiled and replied, "You don't have anything to appologize about. Most people stare when they first meet me. I'm not exactly normal if you know what I mean. *laughs* Anyways nice to meet you Rose. My name is Kazuya, but I kinda prefer to be called Ryuu, if that's alright." He realized he was still holding her hand. He blushed a little, but tried to hide it. He let go. "Uh, sorry."

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"We may have met somewhere before, who knows?" Steel said in response to the question. "My name is Steel, it's nice to meet you." Man, we're meeting a lot of people today. He thought to himself afterwards before turning to the girl next to him. "Anyway, since you don't want to go hunting, would you like to sit at a café or something Rose?"

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"Hey wait up. I still want to tell you some things about the remember." Ryuu caught up to them rater quickly. "You know, it's kind of impolite to ditch someone right after he introduce himself and says he can help you. Also, it's, um... never mind. Either way, I want to help you out." The light accented how pale his blonde hair was , making it almost shine white, and the red in his eyes receded, letting the blue take over. Ryuu smiled a bit which generally doesn't happen unless he somehow finds someone he believes he could be able to trust. 'Wow, that was close. I almost revealed that people stay clear of me. That might have given her the wrong idea, and Steel might have been suspicious. At some point, though, I'll have to tell them what people here call me, and why they are afraid.'

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Rose had waved him over, and didn't understand why he was getting all yappy, but she just smiled and laughed a bit. She looked at him, the light hitting his face in an odd way, though she smiled again and said "Okay" her voice soft. She glanced at Steel again, her eyes twinkling.

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Ryuu's eyebrow rose. 'Does she have a thing for that guy? Nah, that can't be, right?' Ryuu felt a little awkward following them, but he did at a distance of a few feet as not to encroach on any budding romance. He looked up at the sky. It shone a bright blue that reflected off his eyes. 'If only Chikiyo where here... I wouldn't feel so alone.' Ryuu couldn't help but feel a wave of sorrow wash over him at remembering his lost friend. He never got to admit his feelings to her, and now she was gone. He perked up though, not wanting the others to see his inner self.

((Thought I'd give some insight as to what he feels and who he really is.))

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Rose watched the feeling spill into his multi-colored eyes. Then, it was gone. She smiles at him. "I'm sorry, but are you okay?" She asked politely, her hand reaching out for his arm. She placed it lightly there. Then, it fell back to her side. She didn't know if it would make him uncomfortable.

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Argumail walked into perceptive. He was quite tired his mind lost in thought and he saw a flicking light. The light from that night when everyone he has ever loved was destroyed infront of his very eyes. First, Nick Strausberg was cut down while protecting  Louise's side. Second, Arthur Bero was finished after he tripped on the ground. Then Louise was bleed to death. He squeezed his hand harder and harder just think about. His muscle remember sliding that dagger across Terrence's throat. He could still feel it. He was about that to go deeper into memory but, then he saw Ryuu, his best friend. " Yo. Ryuu whatcha?.." He said until he saw who was standing next to him,"... Who's this?"

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Ryuu noticed that Rose had come over to his side. "Hmm? Oh, I think so. I was just, um, remembering something. I guess it must have shown through my attempts to hide it. Sorry, you shouldn't have had to see that." Suddenly Argumail appeared. "Oh hey, Arga. This is Rose. She's a bit new, so I thought I'd help her out."

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Rose glanced back at Steel, and she backed away from the two. She gestured to him. "This is Steel, I am Rose. Hello" she smiled and waved a hello. She glanced at Ryuu and then Steel and then the new player that was standing there. He had used a weird word "yo" Rose didn't want to laugh, but she had in her head. It wouldn't have been polite if she ha laughed out loud. He would think she was laughing at him.

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Argumail smiled," Ryuu... come here!" he brought Ryuu over to the side and asked,"Is she taken?" He back at her and then back at him," Do you think I have a chance with a girl like that? Let me honestly!" he whispered so that only Ryuu could hear him.

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Ryuu's heart skipped a beat for a second and his eyes widened. 'Could Arga think that we have something. Ha! I only wish that were so, but she would probably have the same fate as Chikiyo if she and I were like that. Man! I have the worst luck, don't I?' Ryuu looked at Argumail. "No, well maybe. Ugh! I don't know. Anyways, why are you so interested all of a sudden, huh?" He realized that he might have just sounded a little threatening for a second. "Sorry Argumail. I didn't mean to be rude. To be honest, I don't think either of us have a chance. I mean look at that other guy. He so normal. He has normal black hair, eyes that only hold one color, a style that people like. He's obviously got better chances than both of us combined."

Ryuu looked at the ground. For the first time since he started martial arts, he looked at the ground. 'Why does this matter so much? I shouldn't care if I have a chance. I just met her, so why am I acting like this!! Get a hold of yourself! You don't act like this normally, so what has changed?' Ryuu looked back at Argumail. "Well, do you think you have a chance?"

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