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(OP-F1~F6) New Player

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Destiny looked at her nephew as he spoke.  She practically wanted to push him down and punch some sense into him.  It seemed as though he wanted others to be happy however, it seemed as he didn't seem to want be happy himself.  "Destiny then brought her attention to the others,  "Yes, don't try to pay us back because we won't take it." she said as she smiled and grabbed on to her nephews arm and linked hers with hers.  The family resemblance was sparse but it was there.  "So?" she said to everyone, waiting on their answer. 

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Tyrius had been listening, and stayed listening. He was eager to go, but didn't want to rush. Standing there, he whispered to the others, "I'm a touch surprised at how this all played out, let's go.." He laughed, and looked around, happy to be with other players.

(OOC I gtg, won't be on till tomorrow)

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Tirito continues to stare over at the group all singing away. A cute NPC girl comes up to him "Would you like another sir?" She quietly says.. Tirito looks at his Col seeing that he doesn't have much at all.. He quickly glances over at the group and looks back at the NPC "I'll just have a glass of water thanks.." Water -10 Col Tirito takes a sip and looks out the window sighing.

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Sousuke looked towards Arekkusu when he said that and shook his head in disbelief he knows that Arek doesn't believe that, after all him and Arek had been through a lot of things and unless something had changed while he had been in the mountains on the seventh floor, he knew he didn't think that he alone could save everyone. He did however know that Arek was strong in this game and that he felt it was duty to protect as many people as he could, but taking on that burden was a lot for just one person. Sousuke put his arm around his friend and shook his head. ''Arek you know as well as I that no single person can play hero in this game ... doing so will only get you killed what I can say is that we will all do our best to help the newer player to thrive here and watch over them, and in turn they don't act foolishly and get them selves killed, after all we are in this together so we have to share the ups and downs.'' Sousuke said not only to his friends but to the group as well.

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"This is my problem Sousuke I think I am wise enough to handle it on my own." Arekkusu said with a bit of annoyance in his tone. "I have a lot and can provide for myself very well without those things I'm giving, I know what I am doing. I don't want to be a hero, I'm an ordinary kid, an ordinary player. If it weren't for this game, everyone here would agree."

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I remain silent throughout the conversation and look between the 2 players talking to each other. In a way it reminded me of when my parents used to argue about silly things because the didn't want each other to get hurt. It was nice to see friendship like this. Very seldom did people see it in the real world. And for me, never.

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Sousuke shook his head and stepped back standing beside he was still yet unfamiliar with. He looked around at the group and realised that it seemed like most of the others were kind of new to the game besides him his cousin and Arekkusu. He looked up at Arek and smiled knowing full well what he meant and offered him atleast some words of comfort. ''Well Arek either way my friend if you are to take on this burden then I shall share it with you, like I said we are in this together man and ill help protect not only you Arek but everyone else here to.'' He said. He finished his little speech he turned to face the others of group smiling a warm and welcoming smile.

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I felt comfort after he spoke. His words came out soft and soothing. I couldn't help but return the warm smile. "So...are you all ready? I don't have anywhere to stop so I'm just tagging slong. I really appreciate is though." I smiled at Arekkusu.

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Sousuke smiled at the girl and nodded. ''Where ever we plan to go I suggest we get a move on we are wasting daylight here.'' he said giving a little chuckle. He looked at the sun which was currently high in the air which was an interesting sight considering he had never bothered to stop and admire the beauty of this world which had become their home. Well not since he had began the game at least but that was along time ago.

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Tyrius shrugged, getting tired of all the chatter, and said in a rather dull voice, "If we are going, I suggest we get motivated. Because standing around talking about leaving is very pointless." He took one more sip, finishing his drink, and smiled before moving to stand beside Wynter.

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"We have six floors to travel." Arekkusu said with his blade up. He then flicked through his inventory to get another weapon out. The Berserker Sword, heavy amounts of damage behind its powerful and light swings. He handed it to Wynter so she at least had something better than a starter sword to defend herself with on the 6th floor. "You will need this weapon. That is the Berserker Sword, it inflicts an extra 3 damage to your opponents when you hit them. Just make sure to be careful with who you are swinging it at. It is pretty powerful... Everyone coming with me. We will be heading up the floors to the 6th floor. On my lead."

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I take it in my hands and twirl it around. "Now, this is a sword. Thanks." I look awaw from the sword and at Arekkusu. I look over at Tyrius with a really bright smile then look away and down at the sword once more. "Ready."

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Arekkusu then whispered to himself and everyone else at the same time as he lead the group out of the restaurant and towards the teleportation gates. "Thank you." Arekkusu whispered silently as the group got closer, but were still distant from the gate. He could only hope that no one gets hurt, or he will strike at the one who hurt his group. And if anyone dared kill Sousuke out of no mercy, Arekkusu will kill them. It was bad enough to see Sousuke brother in data pieces, and he sees Sousuke as a brother. Then there was Tyrius, who reminded Arekkusu of himself, even now. But he was doing better at least, a lot better than Arekkusu, that's for sure. Then here was Wynter, new, innocent, and she has yet to see what the world of SAO will attack her with. That's why Arekkusu makes her wield a powerful blade, to avoid that. Arekkusu wanted to solve everyone's problems, even if it means creating his own.

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"Excuse me, but isn't it a bit too dangerous for us low level players?"

Aedan was a bit scared, as he never left the first floor before, and his gear was still the one he started with. He was not only new to the system of SAO, but SAO was also his first VRMMO.

"Well, there must be some loot there, am I right? I could use some new gear or weapon, so ignore what I said earlier, count me in. Plus I've been sleeping on random benches till now, so it would be nice to actually sleep in an inn for once."

Aedan got up from his seat and got ready to go, but not before putting some food in his bag while seemingly no one looked his way.

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I look around and do a head count, but someone wasn't there. "Wait..." I poke my head in and see him. I walk to Aeden, smiling. "Hey, are you ready?" I nudge him. "You're holding us up." I laugh softly showing it was a joke.

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"Teleportation gate." Arekkusu said when the group arrived. He took some dangerous shortcuts to get there, but they gt there. Hopefully the admin didn't mind the illegal pathways Arekkusu had Dan create while Dan was Still an innocent brother. They were about to go to the floor they needed to... In order to get closer. "Floor 2... Its not that long a walk to floor 3, I would teleport to 6, but on your menus you can't yet until you actually visit it first. So you have to go up one by one."

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Sousuke shrugged a followed silently behind. Arekkusu was up to something and he didn't like it. He wasn't acting his usual self and he wanted to keep a close on him, he knew he wouldn't hurt anyone it was Arek himself he was worried about. He stepped into the teleporter and felt the sensation of flight as he moved upwards.

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