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(PP-F4)[Festival Event] Just "Friends"(Complete)

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As CobaltsDream proposed her choice, the snow churned into a heavy storm. Yon immediately started shivering, and looked at Beatha as he grabbed her hand. "Well, there's no time to lose!" He began running as fast as he could, which was, well... fast.

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The heavy snow didn’t really bother her, it made her mood brighten at the sight but giggled under her breath as he took her hand. “O-Okay!†She chuckled and ran with him, speeding just ahead of him slightly. “The snow isn’t that bad.â€

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PLEASE! PLEASE, GOD, DON'T LET ME FREEZE TO DEATH! NOT HERE, NOT NOW! He stopped under a large wooden arch between two buildings, gasping for air. They had just run to the other side of the village, which took several minutes. "Almost... there..." the lad panted out, squeezing Beatha's hand.

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Yon threw his head back and allowed the icy breeze to cool him down. He opened his green eyes slowly, peering above him and felt what he could swear to be an electrical shock running through his spine. He was shocked by what he saw above the two players.


Wh-whaaat!? Its not even Christmas anymore! Whats up with this? Garou's face turned red once more.

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Beatha watched as she observed him, seeing his reaction to what he saw above them change completely. She narrowed her eyes, “What?†soon looking up for herself to see the familiar looking red berries and leaves handing above the two. She blushed a dark red and looked away, not saying anything.

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Yon coughed into his fist, turning his back on Beatha. "Well, I guess we'd better get going..." There was some distance between the former high-schoolers now, as the male one waited for the female to respond. One could cut the air between them with a knife.

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The wolfman strode ahead of her, too warmed by his blushing to be bothered by the heavy snowfall now. He looked up at the sign:


Best Wings You Can Ever Hope For On The Fourth Floor!

He pushed into the wooden door and warmth, revealing a wide area stretching to the building's right with plenty of seats, booths, and tables. Couples were eating and hanging around, enjoying their lives together. In front of the door was the counter, where a friendly-looking NPC in his twenties with short, brown hair stood. Garou waited for Beatha, holding the door for her and looking shyly at the tables.

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She followed closer behind him as they approached the building that was named Millerwing Diner. “Thanks.†She muttered quietly as she entered, stepping past Garou. The atmosphere of the place was okay to her, the couples at the tables made her feel a bit awkward. “So where do you want to sit?â€

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Yon shrugged oddly, closing the door and keeping out the bitter weather. "I prefer a booth. Maybe one against a wall...?"A couple walked out of the building, causing The Chained Werewolf to hold the door for them. The young lovers promptly thanked him. He smiled at Beatha, trying to break their barrier.

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The polite young man took her hand and led the way to a boothed table at the furthest wall in the diner. He sat down at the corner seat so Beatha wouldn't have to see everyone else in the diner. Yon smiled brightly as he looked up at her. "Is here fine?"

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She nodded and slid inside the booth’s seat easily, facing away from the couples across the diner. “Yeah, it is.†She returned the smile with a smaller one of her’s. “I’m enjoying today.†She spoke up quietly. “It’s.. one I’ve the best that I’ve had since this game started.â€

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Garou smiled and adjusted his seat, his bum sore from all the running they were doing. "I'm glad that I could bring joy to another soul in this chamber of Purgatory..." A blonde NPC waitress stepped over to the pair after the boy was done speaking.

"Excuse me," she spoke. "What may I get you two love birds today?"

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Love birds...? The Chained Werewolf had zoned out. He looked around, trying to figure out who the waitress was referring to when he noticed she was staring indirectly at him. "Um... A cheeseburger, I guess...? Some french-fries... Oh my God, does Sword Art Online even have this modern food!? "And a strawberry milkshake..." he finished, the NPC jotting it all down.

The waitress turned to CobaltsDream. "And you?"

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The waitress left for a few seconds into a doorway, then immediately returned with their food. Yon was visibly amazed by the fact that Sword Art Online had modern fast-food built into its fantasy world. I guess it really IS a fantasy, he thought. The boy in chains started chowing down on his burgers and fries, not too fast but not too slow as the waitress left to pick up some tips.

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