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[PP-F4] Avalanche!

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Kosan sat in the dark room.. He was sleepy , really sleepy... "Red , it was a hell of a day today eh ?" Kosan said on a low tone so he wouldn't disturb her sleep.. "I..I loved spending my time with you.. It was fun... " Kosan continued as he turned his gaze towards Red to see her sleep peacefully .. It was around 5 AM in the night and Kosan was struggeling to stay awake.. He went to the window where he opened it for a little , the coldness from outside kicking in.. "Its so beautiful.. The stars , the city at this hour.. Everything.." Kosan said as he turned his gaze for a second to Red and mumbled something that made him blush , even if she was asleep.. He then closed the window and went back to his chair where he will wait for Red to wake up.

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It wouldn't be long before she woke up from the rays of sunshine peeking through the window, becoming the second thing to rest its eyes on her today. Throughout the night, it remained peaceful and warm. The dream never became anything of torture and weary unrest, simply that blank canvas of a room painted with the natural, flickering colors of the neverending fire. Much to her own surprise, she was a little disappointed to find herself waking up, but knew that she had to. She had company waiting for her arrival to consciousness, though he was about to become unconscious himself from the lack of sleep he got from watching her. She sat up and stretched her arms upwards, letting out a faint yawn. She rubbed her eyes, sitting in the center of the bed, "G-good mor... morning, K-Kosan..." She was halfway between the stage of getting her mind cogs working and the stage of embarassment that she had a boy watch her sleep throughout the entirety of the night. Oh, no... It's even more embarassing now... She thought about all the things she might have said, walking she might have done, or movements she might have made without even thinking about it. It was too much to worry about, "T-think fast!" She tossed the cover at him and hopped off the bed, running around the curtain with her unadjusted night gown, quickly changing into her appropriate and usual attire. She would then step out, Red in clothing and her face, "You know... t-thank you. I don't know what I-I could do to... well... uhm, to repay you for the trouble."

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Kosan saw her waking up slowly.. She seemed rested , happy but still a little bit embarrassed.. As she got up she said good morning to him.. As he answered "Good Mornin-.." He got hit by a blanket in the face... "Hey .. Not playing nice.." Kosan said as he laughed a little.. Soon after he would see Red step out from behind the curtains where she changed.. "Hey...Don't worry about that.. I'll think of something" Kosan said as he got up and stretched his arms .. "Let me get changed and if you are hungry we can go take breakfast from the small restaurant this inn has.." Kosan said as he walked behind the curtain where he changed fast into his casual outfit.. He was really tired , but he didn't wanted to show it..After he changed he walked from behind the curtains and waited for Red to give an answer.

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Red extended her arms out and plopped down on the bed, staring up on the cieling. She couldn't believe it had worked, she hadn't experienced anything like it before or, at least in her memory, she never did. Kosan took his turn behind the curtain, then would come out wearing his norm, "You know... you didn't need to change." She let out a puff of invisible smoke, imagining it wisping up into the air, slowly dispersing, "It's like you want t-to... I don't know... stand out?" Red wasn't one that should talk, considering her outfit was instantly recognizable to anyone that had seen or heard about, though that was all of six people... at most. Jeans and a t-shirt would be perfectly fine to wear, which pryed at her mind, but she dismissed it without too much thought. For now, she had something else to worry about, the miniature Avalanche that was hiding in her tummy. She could her it roaring out in a muffled tone, echoing the caves within, "I t-think that's a good idea..." Almost as if on cue, another rumble came out, short and brief in its agreement with Kosan's suggestion, "Yeah, let's g-go."

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"I hate to be recognized.." Kosan said as he put on his hood.."Ok , let's go.." Kosan said as he opened the door letting Red go out first.. After that , he leaved the room locking it.. He paid for one night only.. Kosan walked down the stairs behind Red.. As soon as they got on the floor , the smell of food kicked it.."Smells so good.." Kosan said as he walked to the table where they both sit.. As soon as they sat down , a NPC came and asked "What would you like to order?".. Kosan said simply "A cup of tea and 2 toasts" .. He then motioned towards Red like as he told her to order something as well.. After she ordered and the NPC leaved to bring their orders Kosan whispered "Don't worry about it , I will pay.." As he smiled at her.

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Kosan mentioned something about him hating the thought of being recognized, but she failed to see how he was preventing himself from being recognized in the first place. I mean, he was dressed like some sort of assassin that you'd read in a book, plus the tattered cloak was about as instantly recognizable as Red's hooded cape. Maybe he didn't think of it like that, hoping that the dark color scheme and torn rags would make him look less suspicous... it wasn't working. After following suit downstairs, she'd find that the Inn's cafe was pretty nice, considering that it wasn't a standalone. Kosan went ahead and ordered his, motioning for her to do the same, "I'll take some green tea and..." She thought about it for a few seconds, everything looked pretty good, "Uhm... Let's try the French Toast and Hash Brown basket." It showed a picture of a small basket filled with about six of the toasts and a handful of the fried rounds, it should be more than enough to fill her up and calm down those pesky tummy suggestions.

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As fast as the NPC went the same way she came back with what they ordered.. Kosan took a sip of his hot tea before he started eating some of the toasts he ordered.. As he was eating an idea hit him.. A way for Red to "repay" him.. "Hey so... Uh.. I said I'll think about a...umm..way for you to repay me... An idea crossed my mind.." Kosan said as he took another sip of his hot tea and another bit from his toast.. "Want to hear it ?.." Kosan asked her as he smiled and blushed as well ..

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The NPC spent no time at all running into the kitchen and exiting with all the food on a tray, but not before pouring and bringing out their drinks. She took a long sip on the green tea, it wasn't the best kind of tea, but she enjoyed a little variety every now and then. Chasing it down amongst a few bites of the French toast and some of the hash browns, her tummy would become far more pleased with her decision. It slowly died down in its angry words as it got what it asked for, but the newfound silence was interrupted by Kosan,"Oh... Y-you have?" She swallowed hard, she hadn't expected him to come up with something so quickly, "Yes... I-I mean... Well... Wh-what is it?"

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"Well.." Kosan said as he blushed a little bit more and drank the last sip from the cup.. "I ..I know this is all of a sudden.." He stopped to breathe and continued "B..But would y..you like to ... to come with me at the Valentine's day festival..?" He stopped and mumbled "I..I mean..W..would you like to.. Be my Valentine?" He asked her as he blushed really hard and took a bite from his toast.. "I know its much.. B..but .." He stopped , leaving her to give him an answer this..

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Kosan began to become extremely nervous over whatever the favor was, which kind of concerned Red, "It's fine, go ahead and say it." He took a short moment to recollect himself, though it obviously wasn't too much an improvement, before bringing the suggestion at hand. Her eyes widened as he said the words, but she would lose her own embarrassment as she processed the question without much concern, "The Valentine's Day festival? They have that here? I haven't been to one in forever!" Her friends and her had gone all the time when she was younger to celebrate her bi... Is it really that close to Valentine's Day...? That means... Her face grew a little pale as she realized just what it had meant, but she smiled and tried not to show it, "Y-yes, I would... love t-to go."

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"R..Really ?" Kosan felt happy.. For a long time he has been down about what happened with his old guild leader and everything , but now he felt..great.. "W..Well.. Thank you a lot.." Kosan said as he blushed.. Is this going to be like... a date ?.. Kosan asked himself as he blushed really bad.. "W..well .. We will meet there .. It will happen on this floor in few days.. I..I will send you the coordonates.." Kosan said as he called the waitress for the note.. "Well.. It was really fun .. To..you know..spend my days with you.." Kosan said as he paid for what they eat .. "..But right now I have to hurry somewhere.. Its going to be a boss fight soon.. And I'm attending to it.. It happens before the Valentine's Day , so there shouldn't be a problem.." Kosan said as he smiled and got up.. "Well.. Thanks for everything Red.. " Kosan said as he walked besides Red towards the door.. "..Be there .." Kosan said as he blushed one more time before opening the door letting her step out first then he after her.. After that they departed each one where they had to go..

- lost 1.000 col (600 col for room , 400 col for food)

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She wasn't sure why Kosan was more embarrassed than she was, but she tried to put him at is, "Oh, no no no. No need to th-thank me." She didn't feel as if she did anything that required gratitude, if anyone did, it was Kosan without a doubt. He helped her fight off the wolves, kept her safe in the cave, woke her up from her nightmare, went through the blizzard to keep her warm, nearly died, had the most influence on defeating Avalanche, rented a hotel room, watched over her, and even ordered breakfast for her. He was going the whole nine yards to make her feel better, though she had never asked him of that. It was of his own accord and yet he was acting as if Red was the one doing all the favors, but she wasn't. After Kosan finished his uncertain comments and confused chatter, she cut him off, "No, Kosan. I-I'm the one... that owes you. Thank you." She stood up and made her way out the building, back to the homely first floor. She had a lot to think about and to prepare for, plus a few things to craft in her down time.

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