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Hey all, Beatbox here.

Now if you are a friend to me you know that I live a pretty bad life, as I am depressed beyond all hell and I have a stressful house and surroundings, and don't get me wrong this site has had me look over and feel relevant in some way shape or form in my life. However as becoming a PST and with 3.0 coming out very soon, I had noticed that I had been becoming so stressed that I have began to twitch below my lower eye and another location, now this does not mean I am quitting SAO and staff, this means I will be taking a break to focus on a tabletop board game I have had ideas over but never fully got to design or work on because of the site, and to work on getting myself calm once more.

This being said I will be finishing up all current threads I have active with many, and doing just a tad bit more that I have promised many or what players have asked me. But from then on I will be taking a break from SAO and will return to continue my PST duties then. How long will I be gone? Well, to be blunt I have no idea it could take me a couple of days to a couple of weeks to even a whole month. I have to set my priorities and if a RP site where I am supposed to have fun and forget the BS thats in my life is stressing me out and is affecting my health, then you know something is wrong.

I love ya all!

- Beatbox

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