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Posts posted by Erroneous

  1. I'm up for running for GM, I do enforce the rules (Ask Zero he's seen me do it for the chat) I am active everyday, atleast 3-4 hours, I try to get on more and i'm trying my best to, I don't mind if I get unwanted for a position that's fine, it's just an application


    If you were serious about this position, then you would have read the terms above and learned the proper method to apply. Replying to this topic showing your interests is not the proper method.

  2. It still says you can get the title from the little quest still marked in Erroneous's post. Or maybe you needed the five posts before this was actually up, to be considered for it now.

    You have to notify me, I'm not gonna go count each persons post myself :P

  3. I have no idea what MTG is but I do have quite a bit of Pokemon cards. I also have Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.

    It's one of the oldest and longest running trading card game. It preceded both Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and some might say inspired the design of the Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh! card games. As in they took MTG and slapped on Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh! references.


  4. Hey guys! I would like to known what is your favorite food? Why is it your favorite?

    I (don't have a name for it yet XD) like a food that i make. You take a piece of carved ham, from a holiday or whatever, and wrap it in a special dough. The special dough I made was a sweet mix. I was attempting to make rolls but had no yeast so I stuck ham in it. I baked it to perfection and now I love it! Though I have only had it once, I will probably make it again some time.

    Welcome Mayonaka to Sword Art Online RPG. This is a role-playing site and this section called Floors 01~10 is for role-playing purposes only. Your discussion on favorite foods is NOT an in-character adventure experience, please learn the purpose of each section properly before posting. The section this topic should have gone in is General Discussions which can be used for talking about real life things. This is your first warning, don't let it happen again. Locking topic.

    Also, shame on you Freya and Haine for not helping out the new player and contributing to an off topic discussion. You two are veterans here and you both should know better.

  5. Chris, Meg & Stewie: So long, farewell, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen

    Meg: I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne, Yes?

    Peter: No!

    Chris & Stewie: So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

    Chris: I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!

    Stewie: The sun has gone to bed and so must I

    Chris, Meg & Stewie: So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

    Peter, Lois, Brian & Mr. Weed: Goodbye

    Not sure why the sudden departure, (despite my disagreements) I actually enjoyed your company as did everyone else.

  6. http://www.random.org/lists/

    List Randomizer

    There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


    Timestamp: 2014-03-02 18:12:21 UTC

    Zauis is the winner!

    And this week's winning username to be given away is.... ASUNA!!

    Go vote for next weeks name here!


    You can revote for a new name.

  7. I was thinking that Kik would be a good idea to chat! If your account is not personal and all XD well it's like a texting messenger where you can bla bla bla, invite other members to chat along and yah. BUT, it's for any touch device I believe.. Yes, IT IS SPAMABLE >;3

    But overall, I was thinking that kik would be a good idea! What do you think? XD

    Kik limits number of people in a group conversation to 10, Skype is unlimited, on average our conversation has more than 25 people, soo.....

    That and by far I know many people who use Skype and you're one of few people I know who has and uses Kik.

  8. Hello SAO fans! Majority of you here have watched or read the SAO anime and light novels, and there are a ton of mainstream MMO's out there we all have been playing. But many of you have met each other here and know each other well enough to move to the next level, online gaming through online services. There are many of them such as Steam, Origin, PSN, and Xboxlive to note the main ones out there. But when it comes to MMO's, most of you probably think Steam and since Steam allows the use of groups, meeting up will be a whole lot easier.


    If you have a Steam account (or you can register one) and have the software installed on your PC or Mac, then we welcome you to join our group. On the group page you may introduce yourself and state who your SAO character name is, announce what games you play, see what games others play and perhaps learn of a new game, and even gather and organize/schedule in-game meetups in your favorite online games.

    I myself play Mabinogi Fantasy Life daily, it's a 3D MMORPG that lets you pick a race, discover what class you wish to play, complete the many main storylines, join guilds, fight monsters or PVP, build homesteads, and many other MMO gameplay. But there are other popular MMO's that may fulfill your Sword Art Online gameplay style like Ragnarok Online 2, Final Fantasy XIV, Neverwinter, Guild Wars, RIFT, Path of Exile, Vindictus,... and so much more!

  9. Hello Sword Art Online RPG fans! Erroneous here with your February 2014 updates!

    Sword Art Online RPG (www.sao-rpg.com) has started developing a 2D MMO platform that is currently available to play right now but VERY alpha stage. We're using the Eclipse Origin's MMO software to power our 2D MMO game. To play, just download the file on our site, extract the files from the zip file, install the Run First! file (you can delete after installation), and then run the file Sword Art Online 2D in the main folder. Once the game has loaded, create an account, create your first character, and you'll be transported to the starter town.


    In other news, this week we've started an event that allows you to win a SAO canon character name! By default we disabled all players from registering a SAO character name, meaning nobody on the site can use Kirito as their name, even if you add numbers or letters before or after, the site prevents you from having the name. We did this intentionally to prevent a hundred users with the name KiritoX. And now, we are featuring an opportunity for you to play and win the canon names over your own username. Do note however, you have the name, but not the powers and abilities of the names i.e. Kirito's dual wielding or Yui's AI powers or if you have Asuna doesn't mean your automatically a member of the Knights of Blood. These "features" you have to acquire through other events. So essentially you only have the name and how you intend to use the name is up to you and what your role-play.


    Also, you have the ability to help decide what names are available next week by voting. This week Kirito is the name up for grabs, but next week will be determined by which name is in the lead on Sunday at the time of the announcement of the winner of Kirito (through a random drawing by participants only). You are allowed to re-vote, and after Sunday begins the next name, you can go back and change your vote for the next available name.


    Sword Art Online RP is no longer in "beta", we are now playing the death game. When you die in the RP, your character can no longer RP in the SAO RP. However, we've changed the rules now and instead of deleting your account and you'll be able to keep and use your account, and you will still have access to the Log Horizon RP, the general discussion, and the eventually released Alfheim Online.


    Due to popular demand, we've created an unrestricted RP section for language and content. The main public RP sections are meant to be viewable and acceptable for all audiences and players of all ages. The unrestricted section has a set of guidelines and steps to take to enter. First, an admin must add you to the unrestricted group, and afterwards they will provide you with the password to the section found inside the Floor 01-10.


    And finally, don't forget the Local Chat is meant only for In Character discussions. What is in character you might ask? To us it means organizing your group for an RP topic, getting the attention of others to play with you in the RP, asking who is awake and available to play, discussing rules of the site, showing a new player where to go and what to do, or just general in-character RP chatting. What the local chat is NOT meant for is discussions on Attack on Titan, discussing your favorite PS/Xbox/PC game, trolling or harassing other players, having a spam competition on who can send the most messages, and things of those natures. If you wish to have out of character discussions, then once again join our Skype chatroom where you can type and talk to other users from your phone, on the web (http://imo.im), or on your Skype messenger. As of now Shark and I will be enforcing local chat rules and will be banning players from typing in local chat when we see infractions. There will be no more warnings, if you break the local chat rules, you loose that privilege to talk in local chat.


    And thank you for playing Sword Art Online RPG!


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