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Posts posted by Erroneous

  1. Two way tie right now for Asuna and Griselda!


    Also you can change your votes however many times you like, just whatever is in the lead on Sunday will be selected. If more than one name is in the lead on Sunday then they will be randomized just like the winners of the names are being drawn.

  2. If you have been watching the Lottery for SAO Character Names, then you'd know we planned on giving out Sword Art Online character names.

    Here are the rules to play and win.

      [*:1y0wd63v]You must have an account older than 7 days.
      [*:1y0wd63v]You can only win 1 name, you can not participate for a new name.
      [*:1y0wd63v]You must reply to this this topic to play!
      [*:1y0wd63v]New names will be announced each Sunday.
      [*:1y0wd63v]We the staff will pick which name in advance and announce here the name new name for each week.
      [*:1y0wd63v]Replying more than once will not increase your chances to win.
      [*:1y0wd63v]Each participant will have their names added to a hat and one lucky winner each week will be announced.
      [*:1y0wd63v]Names are not gender bias, males and pick females and females can pick male names.
      [*:1y0wd63v]If you go inactive 3 weeks with your SAO name, your SAO name will striped of you. (banned users get their names removed automatically)
      [*:1y0wd63v]When you loose a SAO name, you will revert back to your old account name.
      [*:1y0wd63v]Your SAO name does NOT entitle you to the canon events of SAO.

    If you have any questions, please ask them here. But also make it apparent you wish to participant for the available name, please do not spam saying you don't like this weeks name or that you won't be participating for this weeks name.

    Each Sunday a new SAO name is announced and last weeks winner will be announced.

      [*:1y0wd63v]Zauis = Kirito
      [*:1y0wd63v]Lightfiyr = Asuna
      [*:1y0wd63v]Kunagi = Rosalia
      [*:1y0wd63v]Eris = Lisbeth
      [*:1y0wd63v]Ayane = Leafa
      [*:1y0wd63v]Chihiro = Sinon
  3. I personally host a Minecraft server with the same PC I use to host Sword Art Online 2D. To join the Minecraft server click on Multiplayer, click on Add Server, type whatever you like for Server Name, however you must type the next part exactly for Server Address.

    And then click done!

    The only server rule I have is do not destroy another players structures or creations, create your own elsewhere or get permissions from the person who created something if you can build with them in their areas. The world is infinite and large so there's plenty of space to build.
  4. That's right, after much confusion, we are no longer in BETA SAO. This occurred when we renamed our Beta Development & Testing section to Support and Feedback.

    So at this time Kayaba Akihiko had made his announcement to the players, their characters saw the mirror object in their inventory, and had their real life body's appearance switched in game.

    You can still receive the BETA title status by applying to the event here.


    Welcome to the death game!

  5. If you have been following the discussions in Mature and non PG-13 Posts, you would have noticed after the debate and requests you now have a new section for unrestricted language and content. You'll see it at the top of Floor 01-10 section.

    To gain access you first need to pm Erroneous or Shark to be added to a special group, and you will be given a password. If you dare to share this password, you'll notice anyone not in the group will not be able to enter regardless.

    By requesting and accepting said password, you agree that you understand the contents of this section and that you can not hold SAO-RPG accountable for what you read or see as we do not have means to legitimately confirm your age and for you to maintain your privacy. Therefore it is purely we have your word to go by and if any troubles are encountered later, you will be removed from the group.


  6. [6] Atenea: Does anybody know if we run on SMF?

    [6] Zeke: Not sure what that is

    [6] Ren: What's SMF?

    SMF is simple machine's forum, we run PHPBB. I use to code for them.

    [6] Shark: It actually up to erron since he hosts the site

    I choose phpBB because it's free just like SMF, however SMF is newer compared to phpBB and it lacks bravado; plus I know phpBB and can do whatever the heck I want to the code to do whatever I want it to do, like the dice system

    I do own and operate site's that use licensed forum software, the kind you pay big dollars to just get a legal copy for. Like Invision Powered Board and vBulletin. Not many site owners will jump at the paid forum software because:

    #1 price

    Why pay for a software that nobody uses. Kinda like how I created a RWBY RP site and it's gone nowhere, if I spent $150 on a forum software for that, would have been a waste.

    [10] Shark: it hasn't gotten anywhere yet...\

    #2 domain names are not transferable with licenses

    If SAO-RPG.com moved to swordartroleplay.com, we wouldn't legally be able to transfer the forum software, we'd have to buy another license.

    [10] Shark: Well i dont see a need to transfer anyways.

    It happens sometimes with sites as they get older. For example you might want to shorten a name, or if the site/company name changes you want the address to change with it.

    [10] Shark: well remember back just before I joined SAO-RPG, it was pretty dead. Then after I joined then BAM! hahaha

    Yeah I need to put more attention to it but that's another subject

    [10] Shark: yea... anywho

    I ran into the site name change issue on my dothack site, one of the older names was .hack//integral, now it's Integrability. Google, other search engines, social registrations, web services, etc... do not do well with punctuation marks like . and / so I renamed it to a simple word. But the site address still has the old name, soo....

    [10] Shark: haha thats something.

    And since the word "hack" is in the site address, some web blockers block the site outright. The other reason why I changed the name.

    [10] Shark: wow. I can understand though

    And the #3rd reason why most people do not buy licensed forum software is.... is it worth the extra dollars? Most require the initial price usually of $100-$300 per license, per site, per domain.

    [10] Shark: ouch!

    And many people like myself love the features it offers (blogs, galleries, WYSIWYG editors, downloads page, portal)

    [10] Shark: good point

    Many of the free forums, you have to either manual code the stuff in yourself, or sift around like SMF for feature you want enabled (assuming they are up-to-date and compatible). But they lack some of the essential features right off the vanilla software that the paid ones give.

    [10] Shark: luckily you can code php. hehehe

    On top of that the paid ones require reoccurring fee's, f you want to keep the latest version. They only give you the current version at the time of payment. If you want to keep getting the latest of their software, you want to keep paying those annual fee's. Sometimes those fee's are the same price as the original, sometimes it's at 10-50% reduced the original price.

    [10] Shark: wow thats lame

    And in the end, does all the payments and money that went into it and kept it current really paid off? Do the people use the site as much as they use to? Or did the site die off because the content was irrelevant or the staff didn't do a good job at keeping the community around with fresh content and updates? And make newcomers welcomed?

    [10] Shark: That's one of the many reasons why i like to always make newcomers welcome. I don't like losing fans/supporters because of a bad staffing or community. If there was a way for you to get paid by site usage then it would pay off and would be worth it.

    It can for a time. But again if that last reason kicks in, then it can make it difficult as the start up was

    [10] Shark: "for a time"

    [10] Shark: Yea but again it ends up boiling down to friendliness and good staff

  7. so sorry for doing a necro on it!

    No worries, no time like the present.

    But, has this section been created?

    Before my currently reply, no it was never setup.

    How would one apply for it after it is done?

    By asking for the password to a locked section.

    I'm curious what do you have in mind.


    Well, seeing as the site could be held accountable if there was any hint of a minor in a sexual situation

    It obviously won't be accessible by guest viewers who don't have an account, and it wouldn't be accessible by those with an account who don't know what the password is.

    there should be a strict process through which a player interested in playing such content needs to go through.

    I don't think anyone has the time or resource to do this, not to mention the creepy factor of learning the privacy details of an individual such as A/S/L, demographics, personal private information like names and addresses. I think it should be lax and clear to the point. Much like a fire alarm, this is a fire alarm, you pull it when there's a fire, that is all, *walks away*. There shouldn't be a screening process such as name, age, location, experiencing using a fire alarm, list two people references, notarize this document, seal in a sealed envelope, take it and process and file it under who gives a flying!

    We all know that systems can be fool

    And they will.

    A specific site I am a member of has a strict application process for the adult forums. That could be an answer? Perhaps a bit tedious, seeing as the Admins would need to make sure that those who they are giving access are actually able to proof that they have the necessary age requirements to join such a thing?

    Pretty much I feel it will be a ask and receive basis, and by accepting this password you acknowledge our terms for allowing you said section and thereby agree you feel you are of age (no age stated or required) and that the site will not be held liable for what words, actions, or intent that goes on behind this non-public section that is only available to those who also agreed to these terms. And that you also agree to never share or public state what the password is and violations will have your password taken away and removed permanently from said section. By having and using said password is proof of your own consent to the terms.

    Or it could be made fade to black? Not necessarily descriptive, but players can try to flirt and tease, while keeping the tone light and still marking said threads as Mature or PG 13. If a thread where to break such a rule, immediately it gets close and taken down?

    Ain't nobody got time fer dat!

  8. I am currently 29 years old

    I got that matched, 29 this year as well (technically 28 until August)

    I've been on the fence when it comes to moving up to Oregon the past few years, but this year I decided to quit stalling and just move, so I will be moving later in the year.

    I live in Seattle Washington, we should meet up at some conventions.

    I've been Rp'ing for 16 years now, mostly fantasy and sci-fi/cyberpunk, which makes SAO something special as it can be a blend of both.

    Saix, Roleplaying Since 1998 est.

    Sir, all I got is one thing to say to you!


  9. And I'll hold you to that, Erron. *grins* So, with that said, I refuse to post a picture of my own bedroom until some other people do. ^^

    Hurr your funny, the context I was getting at was you post your first and I'd post mine. Anywho, I can't do anything right now since I been sick for a week, but here you will have to deal with my room before we moved into it.


    Or my bed full of PAX Prime grab bags after I came home after PAX 2013.


  10. Hello SAO-RPG role-players! Everyone once in awhile many of you will come to me with individual ideas, requests, suggestions, etc.. that you want or feel is necessary here at SAO-RPG. While your comments and suggestions don't go unnoticed, I'd like to make a proposition to make it clear we do take your requests seriously.

    Other than posting your usual feedback here in the Support and Feedback section. If you have a that you want to GM's to seriously take a look at, request in the form of a poll. When making a new topic here in Support and Feedback, below the Save Preview and Submit button below the text area that you type in you will see 3 other tabs; Options, Upload Attachment, and Poll Creation.

    Click on Poll Creation and you will have two options to fill out, Poll Question and Poll Option. For Poll Question just type in do you support this idea, and poll option type in Yes on one line and press enter and type No on the second line.

    I will assign the GM's to stay up date on the Poll topics and once they have 5 yes's, they will move to the GM section for further debate and fleshing out. When they come to an agreement to implement a GM will reply to your poll topic and say they approve or disapprove the idea and state why. Options for users left at 1, and leave 0 for run poll for. You can vote once for your own poll but you may not cast your vote on your alternate/secondary/linked accounts.

    Of recently I been told by you players; wanting features like status affects, personal avatar upload options, more BBCode options, additional profile options, etc...

  11. I'm not an RPer myself, I just love to read them! I finally made an account so I could show you guys how much I really love all the storys you do!

    If you like, you can write posts about your opinions of each novel or write up some reviews to let others know what they missed outside of the anime.

    Just a suggestion, glad to meet you Jenny!

  12. I'm an aspiring writer who has no idea how to begin. My favorite arc would be the SAO arc, though I like the LNs more than the anime version.

    I'd be happy to use your talents as a GM for the SAO or LH story arcs here if you believe in yourself ;)

    Anyways welcome to SAO!

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