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Posts posted by Erroneous

  1. ………………_„-,-~''~''':::'':::':::::''::::''...




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    Do you sell propane accessories?

    Anyways glad to meet you Keith!

  2. Welcome Mr Dusk, glad to meet you here!

    I found this board idly searching on the net and obviously it interested me enough to sign up.

    So what was your first impressions when you saw this place that made you decide to stick around with us?

  3. Who got very excited to find this project?! I hope not!

    How'd you find us?

    As for nicknames go, you can call me Atenea or Athena- but if you want to get personal it can either be Kat or Kata.

    May I call you Althena? The name of the blue haired goddess from Lunar rpg franchise.

    Anyways, welcome to our home and your new home!

  4. So, I made a reasonably long post for this, but I ended up losing it due to "technical" difficulties, aka, I'm really bad a 'things'.

    Introduction to SAO RPG community, Take Two.

    RP'ing essential's tip #1; always post in notepad first and copy paste over to your post. Never know if/when the browser will crash or if your cursor is outside the chat and you accidentally press the backspace button sending you back to the previous page and the post gets lost.

    Glad to meet you!

  5. Hello! My name is Elyth, and I look forward to playing with you all!

    Herro Elyth! =3

    I love MMORPG games, and I've played quite a few before

    Which MMO's have you played before?

    watched all the anime episodes, and same goes for Log Horizon

    Pretty sure Log Horizon is still airing new episodes weekly.

  6. Here's a copy of some of the discussions we held.

    [9] Erroneous: #1, do the winners get their own accounts renamed to the SAO character or be given access to a new account?

    [9] Aoife: Sweet!

    [9] Zero: Siren wants the name of the Titan's Hand guilds Leader.

    [9] Aoife: Their own.

    [9] Zero: I'd prefer a new one.

    [9] Shark: We could do titles

    [9] Erroneous: #2, how do we determine winners? participants reply to the topic with their interest in playing and I use a randomizer to pick the name at the end or each day everyone gets to make reply and the first to roll X on the loot dice wins?

    [9] Aoife: Err....

    [9] Zero: Uhh....

    [9] Zauis: Woot!!!

    [9] Erroneous: those aren't answers...

    [9] Zauis: I like it. :D

    [9] Zero: I'd go with each day.

    [9] Zero: Makes it more fun for everyone.

    [9] Aoife: XD

    [9] Erroneous: except the spammers who disregard the rules

    [9] Aoife: Yeah....

    [9] Erroneous: and finally

    [9] Erroneous: #3, which names go for sale? a set name is selected for people to try and win or the winners get to pick the available names from the pool?

    [9] Aoife: Winner's pick!

    [9] Aoife: I don't wanna be Kirito.

    [9] Aoife: XD

    [9] Zero: Hmm winners pick, always satisfy the customer.

  7. Mind you, this is just names only, you do not get to RP as the canon characters. Here are the details I need ironed out before we officially begin that started in the Skype chatroom.

    [9] Erroneous: #1, do the winners get their own accounts renamed to the SAO character or be given access to a new account?

    [9] Erroneous: #2, how do we determine winners? participants reply to the topic with their interest in playing and I use a randomizer to pick the name at the end or each day everyone gets to make reply and the first to roll X on the loot dice wins?

    [9] Erroneous: #3, which names go for sale? a set name is selected for people to try and win or the winners get to pick the available names from the pool?

    In addition, here are a few more.

    #4, what is the duration between each names being offered?

    #5, and what is the duration if inactivity from a winner should a name be taken away and added back to the pool?

  8. Almost a month later and there are no replies to my journal, lost interest already. I don't think ill be back on the website any time soon but just make sure you give other people a chance so they don't have to put up with the same thing i did. Other rp sites normally reply within a day, you did for this post however you seem to be neglecting character journals..

    Hello Asollan.

    Your journal was approved the same day you posted it. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=838 If you scroll down to the bottom of your post, you'll see a line that says.

    Last edited by Shark on Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

    Reason: Missing flaws and virtues.

    That's how fast our GM's work.

    If you read the Journal Rules topic viewtopic.php?f=21&t=43 it states

    A staff member will edit your post to notify you once your character is approved, or to ask you to make changes first.

    Like Nevina says, a staff member will edit your post, not reply to it. We chose this option to prevent journals from getting cluttered with other players posting to your journals and thus abuse from GM's unfairly leveling up.

  9. Hello players of SAO, I'm here to show you a nifty way to sort out just your RP's you've contributed to. This also works for anything outside the RP's but I'll show a way to even narrow your results further.

    First off, you want to click on View Your Adventures at the top of the site.


    This will list ALL topics you've posted to and only the ones you've been apart of, either that you started or have replied to. That way, you don't have to look at the new distractions that get posted daily and pushing your adventures down to the bottom of the stack.


    But you can take it further by typing in the box and entering the title you might have recalled, or perhaps to search for anytime you've written a particular word.


    And there you have it, finding adventures is easy and fast.

    Good luck!

  10. If by chance you joined SAO-RPG and were unaware that your username is your character's name, then you freely have the option to change your username at any given time. Do note however, Sword Art Online characters cast and crew names have all be blocked. If you attempt to enter any of their names, you will be prompted with an error message stating name is not allowed.

    To change your name, goto User Control Panel, then click the Profile tab, and select Edit Account Settings. Or click this link.


    Next change the username to whatever you like, leave the email and confirm email alone, also leave new password and confirm password empty as well. However, you must enter Current Password to confirm your name change. Press submit when done. If by chance your web browser filled in confirm email and new password, erase these.


    Here's an example of what you should be seeing. After you hit submit, you are finished and congrats on your new name!

  11. So some of you may have notice ads today. As I mentioned on the local chat, local chat is for in-character discussions and organization only. All other spam, chatting, non-RP, yelling, shouting, debates, drama, RWBY site, daily discussions that you all been providing everyday has caused me to add in advertisements. The local chat consumes resources, and resources cost money folks. The local consumes processing power because all the places it receives messages from everyone and refreshing the site every ten seconds to ensure everyone who uses it is up to date, but also conserves memory storing backlog messages.

    I had taken steps to reduce this if you had or hadn't noticed. First off there was no flood limit, meaning you could keep sending short spam messages indefinitely. I made a 20 second limit in between messages 2 weeks ago. Second I reduced how much memory the local chat keeps. Previously it had none but then I limited it to 500 messages. Meaning once the next message hits 501, the oldest message gets deleted. The reason I haven't shortened this is because those who do use local chat for in character only like they should can click the archives to look back and catch themselves up on things.

    I have expressed time and time again to use skype. Not only because it's free to everyone and available on almost everything, but it costs me nothing and you all can use and abuse it as much as you like. Some of you might not to use skype because of privacy reasons or think Skype is only voice chatting; when we aren't hosting a live voice chat call on Sundays the chat room is text only. And on those Sundays you can opt out of the voice chats or even go in mute so you can hear and type responses to the people talking. And if you don't want to use your own skype accounts, you can make a secondary account instead of your normal one and join our chat room by clicking the link at the top and bottom of the site.

    But for now, the ads stay. If you don't like them then you can grab an ad blocker for your we browser like AdBlock+ like I use.

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