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Posts posted by Erroneous

  1. some people don't have Skype (not naming) and maybe some don't WANT to Skype or give the o' so personal info out. Did you ever think of that?

    That's where the Out of Context sections come to play.


    Do you have any idea how much processing memory and storage the local chat actually takes up when people are constantly (spamming) using it, compared to posting in the non-SAO/non-RP section? Not to mention nips the bud where everyone complains "oh I'll never get to the higher levels, it's so unfair", yeah you'll never get to a higher level because local chat isn't a post contributing towards your post count and that equates to your level here.

    Reason we recommended Skype was because it uses aboslutely none of our resources on the site, it's free, available on a multitude of platforms including Xbox360 and all mobile phones, does not require video or voice chat as you can use it as a text chatting platform, and if you have a personal account we can respect that but you can make more than one Skype account too. Even I have two accounts, one for friends and family, and another for online.

  2. It didn't feel like an Elder Scrolls game. You really can't achieve the hype and personal connect you did in the single player games on the scale of an MMO. Morrowind you discovered you were the Neveraine reborn, Oblivion you discovered you were the chosen champion of Tameriel, and in Oblivion you were the next Dovakin. Those games gave meaning to who you are and what you could do. What I played in the last beta was a watered down version of every MMO. I didn't feel immersed, I didn't feel unique or special to the plot, the monsters were VERY generic and uninteresting almost as cardboard cutouts.

  3. However, some of us can't hold back so maybe create an adult version of the floors for those of age? If not, then just have people use a censor like F*** and let people fill in there own blanks :P

    Yes +1

    Swearing we can filter ourselves and like Crim said let others fill in the blanks. Beyond that we should just block most things.

    No +1

    If I'm out ruled the a separate section should be created but all in all I think 1 should be fine as long as everyone shows some courtesy to other players.

    Yes +1, No +1

    So basically, we should make a separate section for PG-13, as many users could be underage.

    Yes +1

    I have to be honest when I say that many of my characters use profanity and lewd like behavior -points at Siren- so I would agree that a separate section should be made.

    Yes +1

    Yes = 4

    No = 2

    So far everyone's in favor of this, any objections?

  4. I'd gladly offer myself to play a position like that one, I've always found it fun and entertaining to be in roles like those.

    As it stands now, players can type in their "partner's" name. Whether it's engage, betrothed, married, domestic, w/e is up to the players.

  5. As of today, you're probably telling yourself "WHOA!! I just saw Kirito and Asuna online!" Well that may be, did you bother trying to click on their names to view their profile to see what happens? As you may have guess, you can't. Per our discussions in the Beta Development & Testing section we made it a rule that nobody can use SAO character names. They're not even real people or real accounts, least not entirely.

    Up until now, bots dropped by to update their respective search engines to the latest content posted on our community. Bots from Google, Yahoo, Bing, and etc... would drop by daily and update themselves. Their names felt really out of character to me so I renamed all 51 bots after random characters and monsters from the SAO series.

    So what cameo's did you run into today?

  6. Greetings, users!

    Previously we ran an event that allowed players up till November to be added to the free Beta Tester group. However this may have seem unfair for you new players. In recent times we've updated the groups to fit more of a Player, Player Killer, or Monster scheme that reflects green, orange, red respectively like how the gem cursors above players/creatures in SAO had.

    Now to receive the new "title", you must have posted at least 5 posts in the Support and Feedback (formerly Beta Development & Testing) forum. Once you complete that or have completed it already, post here to claim your reward.

    In the future more titles will become available and you can only use 1 title at a given time.


  7. I apologize for the inconvenience, but during one of our updates the avatars were removed from your profiles. The images are still accessible in the Avatar Gallery. I've spent a little time re-adding the top posters avatars, but obviously I haven't gotten to everyone. So now's the chance to update your avatars if you hadn't chosen one before!

  8. Greetings, users!

    With the recent change that made players names be identified if they are a player or player killer, your probably asking who here is a staff team member? What do they do, and how can I get in touch with them? And I'm here to answer those questions. Remember, these titles and positions only apply to this community the forum, not to their role in the story of a player trapped in Sword Art Online the game.

    Administrators -
    responsible for staffing, activity, maintaining site access, security, safety, mission, privacy, etc..


    Game Masters -
    responsible for events, awards, activity, rules, navigation, tutorials, support, enforcement, etc...


    Graphics Developer -
    responsible for avatars, graphics, icons, banners, advertisements, screenshots, etc..


    Player Support Team -
    responsible for answering player questions and helping out players who ask. First and only people to contact the GM's with questions.


    How can you be apart of these teams? Simply by looking at our staff wanted page for the team requirements and sending a PM to either myself or Shark. Note that not applications will be accepted due to your previous experience, positions filled, lack of samples/examples, previous misconduct here on the forums, activity, just to name a few notable examples.

    Only the administrator team is not a team you can apply to, a member on the non-administrator team can and will be promoted should an opening be available on the administration team. So that is your ONLY opportunity to be an admin.

    There are several ways to get ahold of us, best methods are Private Messaging one of us if it pertains to the team members responsibility. If it's a general question you feel other players may have, then you should post in the Out of Character or OOC section. Or an offsite approach is to contact us via Skype (an instant messenger device that lets you send text messages) and our Skype chatgroup.


  9. Green

    Players that have not directly committed an infraction receive a green cursor. Most players in Sword Art Online have green cursors. NPCs in Sword Art Online also have green cursors and also have an «NPC» tag under the HP bar.

    Dangerous characters can still have green cursors by getting around the system. Monster PKing (player killing) or Sleep PKing will not turn a player's cursor from green to orange. Attacking an enemy in a safe zone deals no damage and will not change cursor color.

    Defending against an attacking player or protecting a player who is being attacked by another player in a non-safe area will not change the player's color cursor. Total Loss Mode Duels will also not change a player's color cursor.


    In Sword Art Online, players that have committed an infraction receive an orange cursor. An infraction is initiated typically by the first act of attacking a green player outside the safe zone.

    An orange color cursor will gradually restore itself to a green color cursor within several hours for the first three infractions committed. For the fourth infraction, the orange color cannot be removed unless the player performs a quest. After the fifth infraction, a player's color cursor will remain permanently orange.

    Players with orange cursors are unable to enter villages or streets that have the AREA effect on. If they try to get in these areas, they will be attacked by NPC guards until they leave the affected area. In order for an orange player to move around floors, they must either walk from floor to floor or use teleportation crystals.

    Player Killers are granted permanent orange colors. While in the linguistic these players are referred to as "Red" players due to their interference with clearing the game, their cursors are not actually red.


    Inactive monsters, certain NPCs and pets have a yellow cursor.


    All active monsters have a red cursor of various shades. The shade of red can be used as a reference to the monster's power when compared to the player's level. The cursor of monsters that need to be killed for a quest appear with a narrow yellow border surrounding the cursor.

    Taken from the SAO wiki. Right now users with colors on their names denotes a staff member or beta player. However I can make it so that names are based on players/accounts based on the Color Cursor status seen in SAO. All prefer the staff/beta players or the status of the player for colors?

  10. Are we hoping for player deaths, or just embracing that a number of people are going to lose their characters/accounts?

    The GM's are free to make events where the rewards may be epic but the consequence for failing results in loss of character. So it can be both player selected or failure to complete an event selected.

    If new accounts will be mandatory for new characters, may I suggest Same-Email registrations? It'll be easier for staff and players to keep track of, in my honest opinion.

      [*:11lasgot]My favorite idea is that your "account" is both your "character" in-game and "player" in the real world. If your character dies you basically loose your account here on the forum. It will be locked (not deleted) and unable to post indefinitely unless suppose someone (a fellow player) wins the rare character resurrect and uses it within 10 seconds of your characters death. As it stands right now, I have enabled the use of multiple accounts per email on this forum. Meaning that I (Erroneous) can make multiple accounts on this forum with the same email used over and over again. Playing on as a new "character" in-game as a whole new "player" in the real world. Now you would have the option to build as many characters as you want whenever you like, not just be forced to do so when you died. So you could establish backstory and character development as much as you like. And when the unfortunate time came when you died you could use your next account and continue business as usual.

  11. It would seem some users like to post some mature thinking stories and subjects. For example gore, blood, intense, lewd, and otherwise shocking fictional writings to further expand on their character and universe. Obviously this type of content won't be viewable or accessible publicly but rather locked in a password protected section where those who've accepted the terms and policy of said locked section may use it for their purpose.

    Should a section exist?

  12. Just a heads up on Integral we play this game not sure how many of us still do but we did manage to form a guild called "Epitaph" so if you wanna head over to join us we'll see what we can make happen. A warning I wouldn't go through Steam for this game better just to make an account through Warp Portal and download it directly. Also I'd recommend using the Warp Portal version as other sites do host it too but not sure they connect to where we are.

    I stopped playing, and looking at the guild list looks like everyone else did. It was a lot of grinding for me, too repetitive and I just got bored. Never had troubles playing it on Steam though.

  13. I'm good with this, I can even add an additional profile section for professions where a user can pick one of their choosing. (or I can set this to only an admin can edit to prevent users abusing it by jumping around between professions)

  14. It has come to one attention that a player wants to marry in game but doesn't know what has to be done. Where do we stand on this topic?

    Two characters of two different accounts.

      [*:3m9ojjgr]Not manditory
      Allowed to use two of your own characters.
        [*:3m9ojjgr]Yes, players can use two of their own characters and have them marry each other.
        Same sex marriage allowed?
          [*:3m9ojjgr]Yes, men can marry men, women can marry women.
          How to get married
            [*:3m9ojjgr]Apply for marriage in the RP thread (to be created by a GM or have post approved by GM)

          Where to get married

            [*:3m9ojjgr]In small towns or cities at a church or inn

            Requirements for marriage

              [*:3m9ojjgr]Must be level 5 or higher

              Inventory sharing?


                Snow please read the ENTIRE topic.

                No need to berate, she stuck to the questions and contributed fairly.

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