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Posts posted by Erroneous

  1. And nobody loves erroneous, as usual. Granted I've been paying for this Webspace the last 10 years, purchased the domain, installed the software for the forum and avatar editor, brought my friends over, advertised here and there, added a ton of avatars to the gallery, renamed many language terms throughout the site, and modified the header for SEO optimization and links to useful things, been manually adding each person to the beta tester group, and spent hours black listing usernames relating to the series, setup a Facebook page, and a Skype chat.

    Yeah, that Erroneous, he's an asshole who does nothing!


  2. Is it possible to set titles under the users name like.... "Married to Effie"

    I can, yes. However everyone but me voted for multiple characters per account so which of your married characters is married?

  3. Is there some sort of mod that we can use a shop system and maybe have individuals have their own shops too for GP trading? If so we could use that as a means for the shops/item management.


    Also GP is called Col.

    But an inventoried system be useless on a site where accounts have multiple characters. As all characters each account has would all have the same items and Col.

  4. Not to be confused with "party", but groups aka guilds by some we need to figure.

    What requirements are needed to start a group/guild?

    How can people be added to said group/guild, and how will group/guild owners be able to remove people from said groups.

    Shall users be 100% in control over groups/guilds?

    Or should GM's manage the groups/guilds via the forum's groups feature like how we have Administrators, GM's, and Beta Tester groups here on the forum.

    Where will players manage guild activity? in the fields, or a separate section, town topics, etc...?

  5. With the whole multiple characters, how will we integrate marriages?

    Two characters of two different accounts.

    Allowed to use two of your own characters.

    Same sex marriage allowed?

    How to get married

    Where to get married

    Requirements for marriage

    Inventory sharing?

  6. So what purpose (if any) will signatures be used for here? I'm thinking of removing them because the tendacy's I see people abusing them for large over shadowing images and walls of text that make it annoying to read a persons actual post.

    Any ideas or shall it be removed?

  7. The character sheets, should they be confided to 1 topic per person or 1 topic for each character?


    A person who has 4 characters, posts them as separate posts in 1 topic.

    A person who has 4 characters, posts them in individual topics.

    Reason I bring this up is because I'm all for separate posts in 1 topic to help manage which players a person will be playing. But also I can re-purpose the PHPBB3's "Website" profile option to link to a persons character sheet topic showing off all their characters.

  8. Unless you can get it to appear under your username

    Some or all data can be shown under a persons avatar, but it be difficult to read when you have a novel under a persons avatar in some aspects i.e. background story, descriptions, appearances, history, etc... lengthy posts.

    But small bits like skills, specialization, levels, gender, guild, party, etc.. are doable.

  9. Obviously actual GM's on this forum, should be given permission to RP as a GM in the game. I'd rather not have users who might mini-mod or god-mod as a GM. Plus the game mostly showed players, we only saw 1 GM by the end of the life of SAO. Hence keeping it limited to just real GM's only makes sense.

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