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Posts posted by Ethereal

  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------

    CD: 1 (+ 1) = 2

    ID: 1232


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Attempting to make a replica of the last craft, Eth repeated the process, but mixed it with the wrong liquid and it literally exploded in his face.


    --- RECOVERY --

    CD: 4 (+ 1) = 5

    ID: 1234

    Ethereal tried to recover the smashed glass and and liquid, but obviously it trickled through his fingers.

    FAILIURE -> Mat lost

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------

    CD: 12 (+ 1) = 12

    ID: 1231


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Recovering from his mistakes, Eth attempted to create a Mass HP Recovery Crystal. Taking a top-quality mat from the bag, he distilled it in ester before mixing in pieces of quartz.


    -- CRAFTED --

    Mass HP Recovery Crystal


    -- EFFECT --

    Mass HP Recovery (Crystal only): This effect mass heals the whole party, healing each player in the battle for +5 HP.

  3. "It really is a beautiful sword, it suits you." he commented, before half-drawing his own weapon from his back. The blade of the greatsword was visible over his shoulder - "This is mine, crafted in Heaven's Blades, it's made of dragon scales.." He quickly put it away again, he hated people thinking he was showing off or whatever.


    He laughed internally at Tristan, he reminded Eth of himself. Always in his own head.

  4. Eth looked up from where he was, lab coat and goggles on. Seeing Seld he looked back at what he was doing. "Be with you in a sec.." he said, before a puff of technicolor smoke came from behind the counter. "There, done. Now for your potion." he exclaimed, walking to a rack of vials and taking a very small glass tube out of the set. Walking back over, he set it down on the counter top. "Here ya go. That's 800 Col please."


    Description read:


    Damage Increase (Potion): Add +2 damage (caps aside, but multiple damage increase potions do not stack) for the duration of the next battle the user is in.

  5. Ether was close behind his liegelord, covered in his dragonhide armour, "I don't think we should expect too many newbies, Kazuya, this is a fairly high-level dungeon for where we're at after all." he inputted. He saw his superior take the gloves and shrugged, as the guy said - first come first serve. "Oh Kazuya, I might be trying a new stealth fighting style fyi. I haven't decided."

  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------

    CD: 2 (+ 1) = 3

    ID: 1221


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Refreshed and ready to get to work, Eth grabs another material and begins infusing it with his chakra in fire. Halfway through the process he remembers that magic wasn't in SAO and the material has just been burnt.

    --- RECOVERY --

    CD: 6 (+ 1) = 7

    ID: 1222


    SUCCESS -> Mat recovered

  7. "I'm alright Tristan, just got into a bit of trouble getting lunch.." said Ether, surprised by his sudden appearance. It appeared that he wasn't too drunk the night they met to forget him. At the sudden appearance of the blonde, he raised an eyebrow as she seemed to disregard him and greet Celes. He was fine with that, he realized the Inqusition was frowned upon by some people, that or he just looked weird with soup stains all over him. Probably the latter. 


    "Sure, I'm up for going somewhere. Is anyone hungry? It's a shame I never got any food before I was chased out of Floor 3." he inquired. Stretching, his black armour glinted in the midday sun as he viewed the equipment of the others. It was fairly rare to see a two-handed weapon user like himself, even rarer to see a claymore so like his greatsword. That and it was a woman wielding it, he grew curious. "Hey, Lessa - was that your name? Nice sword you have there."

  8. "I'm alright thanks." he said rather sheepishly, but thanked her for drying him off. "The story is basically I go to Floor 3 sometimes for lunch, but I may have accidentally broke a man's cart.. Then he chased me.. Through the streets until I escaped here." he explained and then laughed. "But where are my manners? Thank you for helping me, miss. My name's Ethereal but everyone calls me Ether or Eth."

  9. Out of the teleport gate stumbled a 6"3 boy, clad in black armour. He looked like he had just run a mile, and was covered in what looked like hot soup. Slipping, he fell flat on his face and groaned as he pushed himself up. 'Jeez, that was closer than I thought" he thought to himself as he brushed himself off and tried to regain composure.

  10. Ether entered the shop, having heard through the grapevine his coat was done. "Hello, Ranganok? I hear you have my labcoat ready?" he asked, before realizing he was interrupting a conversation. "Oh, sorry. I've just come to pick up my coat to help me make better potions." he apologized.

  11. -- CRAFTED --


    Damage Increase (Potion): Add +2 damage (caps aside, but multiple damage increase potions do not stack) for the duration of the next battle the user is in.


    -- CRAFTED --


    Damage Mitigation Increase (Potion): +2 Damage Mitigation (Ignoring Enhancement Caps). This potion works the same as the Damage increase potion, but increases Damage Mitigation instead.


    -- CRAFTED --


    Damage Increase (Potion): Will add +2 Damage (Ignoring Enhancement Caps)  for the duration of the next battle the user is in.



  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------


    CD : 11

    Roller ID : 1085


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Ether got the third material, dissolving it in a vial of something or another. It turned out to be some type of acid - oops.


    -- CRAFTED --



    -- EFFECT --

    Damage Increase (Potion): Will add +2 Damage (Ignoring Enhancement Caps)  for the duration of the next battle the user is in.



    CD : 5

    Roller ID : 1087


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Ether got the fourth material, having got the right mixture - or so he thought. It actually appeared too weak to be of any real value.



    CD : 4

    Roller ID : 1088


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Grabbing the last material of the day, he dropped it as he turned. It scattered all over the floor.

  13. CD : 11

    Roller ID : 1083


    1=Epic fail 

    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Ethereal set to work immediately, burning the first material into ash, then mixing it in water, adding several different herbs. It was left to simmer over the fire and he came back to find it had slightly overcooked and changed effect.


    -- CRAFTED --



    -- EFFECT --

    Damage Mitigation Increase (Potion): +2 Damage Mitigation (Ignoring Enhancement Caps). This potion works the same as the Damage increase potion, but increases Damage Mitigation instead.



    CD : 7

    Roller ID : 1084


    1=Epic fail 
    3-4=bad Item 
    5-8=Good Item
    9-10=Uncommon Item
    11=Rare Item
    12= Perfect Item


    Unfazed, Ethereal pulled out the next material, weighing it meticulously, then grinding it. Pouring it into a premade mould he created nought but a good item.

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