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Posts posted by Ethereal

  1. Eth smiled widely,


    "I have a shop too, I'm an alchemist. I didn't know you had your own guild - that's awesome."

    "My username is Ethereal but people have taken to calling me Ether or Eth instead."

    "I've heard of the Blue Bladess and I sort of put two and two together when I saw you - there aren't that many players with blue hair ya'know."


    Ether gestured to a nearby bench, a resting place carved out of a boulder. "Shall we sit?" he offered.

  2. It clicked with him, he should have made the connection straight away. At the mention of levels it was as though she had read his mind, but it was usually like that - they knew each other well enough to guess most of the time. When he heard "Level seven" Eth internally sighed, bullet of humiliation dodged. 


    "Yeah, um, I'm level 18 I think." he replied to her. "So, what have you been up to in the death game?" he asked, wanting to catch up with her.

  3. Ether appeared again from the doorway, rapping gently on the frame. "Hello? Hey Tristan have you got my grenades?~"  he half-shouted into the store. Stepping inside, he took the time to admire the instruments on display - some masterful pieces were available for sale and an acoustic guitar caught his eye.

  4. A small dust cloud appears on the eastern horizon - one could make out a dark figure running frantically towards the two players with much haste. He would get to them in a minute or so at his current pace. If one really scrutinised the cloud they would find that there was no way that the man alone could make one that size.

  5. Ether lit up a torch, his master at his side. "I hope we encounter something of sufficient difficulty for us." he said briefly, before calling Argent - his familiar - from the skies to his shoulder. "He's no use out here.." Ether said, motioning to the silver raven. Stepping quickly into the abyss, he struggled to make out even the most obvious details - this was by far the darkest dungeon he had ever been in.

  6. Ether sighed, not at Moartea's pronunciation but at the sad story his life so far was. "I don't really... talk about.. it. I, I had two friends when I entered this death game - Grim and Dirgun. Then I met Ragnar, and Ruri.." he paused.

    "They were my closest friends.. Dirgun and Ragnar took their own lives, while I failed to stop them." he had begun to steel himself to the memories. "Grim fell in a battle with me over his shoulder, unable to help. I was in a relationship with Ruri, but one day she never returned and I believe she has passed as well."


    He stood, looking away, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Will that be all?" he said quietly.

  7. Swinging his gaze around the square, he stopped dead in his tracks, seeing the unmistakable face of his sister. "SIS!" he yelled, running towards unable to believe what was happening, he stopped in front of her, looking down at Rue. "Oh my god.. It is you." he looked dumbfounded, before pulling her into a hug.

  8. Ether almost laughed but stopped himself, "You know - feel free to activate <<Night Vision>> whenever you want.." he said gently, feeling his way around the many tunnels that wound their way like coiled snakes inside the dungeon. He stopped dead in his tracks as up ahead he saw the unmistakable shape of a dragon.

    • Rolled a 2 on the d4 dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d6 dice.
    • Rolled a 8 on the d8 dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 9 on the d20 (loot) dice.
    Argumail 23/23
    Ethereal  37/37
    Argent 34/34
    Cedar 20/20
    Ethereal jumped forwards, smashing his greatsword solidly into the Valkyrie with a resounding THUD. The cracking of bones was heard and the winged lady retreated backwards through the air, preparing for another swoop.
    10 = CRITICAL
    3(Base) + 9(Skill) + 1(Equipment) + 1(Bleed(2turns)) = 14 DMG
    Erothian Valkyrie 31/64
    • Rolled a 1 on the d4 dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d6 dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d8 dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 11 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 3 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    Ethereal set to work, having examined the note left for him. Mixing the sting of a Windwasp with Sand Wyrm fluid. He boiled it for several minutes, adding berserker herbs as he did so. Distilling it into a vial, it came out as the colour of midnight, with crimson dashes visible in the liquid. The vial was the size of Ether's little finger, but it definitely had some big kick.

    -- CRAFTED --



    -- EFFECT --

    Damage Increase (Potion): Add +2 damage (caps aside, but multiple damage increase potions do not stack) for the duration of the next battle the user is in.

  9. "Sometimes the best thing to do is dance on the edge of the cliff - for one side there is a drop into oblivion and the other there is the facade of sanctuary, that holds nothing but prolonged suffering." Ether looked away. "But you can't fight a Hydra while dancing on the edge of oblivion."

  10. Ethereal waited patiently at a magnificent frozen-over fountain, perching on the cold stone in his full armour. His black helmet sat beside him, gazing at passers by. "What are you doing? You're creeping the kind people out. Of course, the empty piece of dragonhide did not respond, and continued its blank stare. Ether shifted in the cold and activated his <<Survival>> skill, a warmth creeping over him. "Where is that lad.." he waited.

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