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Everything posted by Raidou

  1. Finding the city of Horunka to be just as lax and laid back as he'd remembered it, Raidou seeks the various stores to which he'd become accustomed. A spool of thread, a few bolts of cloth and a bag full of apples. This floor had a habit of producing some odd and end wares, and the orchard that lingered just beyond its walls an amicable source for the small village to partake. Even still this place was ripe to the brim with players of all sorts, leather armor and simple pokers with a little bit of an edge to them. Some had no issue charging headfirst into conflict, where as others lingered clos
  2. Yes, also I'm eating this extra one
  3. As the sky began to darken, it seems their little foray was about to be cut short. "You remember that? I hadn't really ever considered writing them down. It was a form of comfort. Usually people didn't understand me, and it allowed them to apply their own meanings to what I said. Hearing what they want to hear, and cuts tension and direct inspection." Raidou analyzed his prior speaking patterns. "Some times its the easiest way for me to get my thoughts out quickly. Think of it like a struggle to convey what I'm thinking clearly. I blame Mari for the change, it used to piss her off so much. Act
  4. As Raidou is tossed a towel, without a second thought he snatches it out of the air. Reflexes still primed and ready it seemed, like riding a bike it wasn't something he could forget. Beginning to rub it across his head, in a feverish scratching. It takes the moisture out of his brown hair, leaving it a little wacked but a lot less ropey. "Rasarei seems to be enjoying herself." he responds, looking off to the hound that seemed to be paying her little mind. Grabbing a corner of the cover and helping the girl spread it out upon the sand. His hands slow a bit, as he listens to Eruda. "A wait
  5. The waves still that heavy warmth, keeping them both nestled in a hearth like embrace that showed no signs of stopping. The sun had transitioned just a bit, and found itself peaking just a bit more outside the clouds above. It offered a shine on both the water that surrounded them and gleamed off a small sliver band that Raidou had slipped upon her finger. "I got them from a little girl named Agatha as a quest reward the second time I saved her from a load of bats. You'd think after the first time, her mother would have done a better job watching her." He comments in regard to the weirdest alb
  6. "Same." The simple response, where the longest could have been instilled and filled. A gentle smile rode his face for keeps, and although jarring in it's recent arrival it was as if it was always there beneath a mask. Eruda knew him well enough that his explanation didn't need to be deep. "It feels so, finished. Like a puzzle finally solved, or a final step in plan had worked. I don't know how else to describe it then that." Raidou admitted at the peculiar and yet prevalent feeling boiling in his stomach. As he sized the girl up, soaking his concentration in her azure eyes. "I'd like that
  7. The nomad couldn't help but reciprocate her smile, when before he could hardly bear the weight of one. Like a single straw, it would have broken the camel's back. Admiring the same scene, like two old people witnessing a pair of teenagers playing a fool: Lessa and Raidou watched, Alexander and his loving wife teach them how it was done. "It can always be worse, or could have been worse. Can't say that I've had your experience though." complimented with another short sip of tea. Adjusting the lenses on his nose, as if stirring the moment and keeping his own adamant composure. "4 years, 10
  8. Drifting idly as the waters churn, listening to Eruda as he peers into the bright blue that clung above. "Quite the tale to tell, I'm sorry to hear it." With the words he sinks a bit and is forced to swim again. "Its the rules of the grounds, only family or extended family of students are allowed to reside within the walls." Spoken as the nomad turns around, avoiding catching something saucy as to protect modesty. "I'm glad you did, who knows how much of life would have skirted on by if you hadn't." It was a strange notion, that despite how crap the scenario was Aincrad had also provided them
  9. As Alexander wandered his way away, moving toward the interior of his kitchen. At the rate that Lessa was headed, he was already burning through his stock in the back. Even still the man continued his business, and with a hefty sigh he turned on a boiler. "Is it, right now it seems almost like I was wasting my time." Raidou remarked, milling the green tea in his cup with a twist as he stared intensely at it. "Its not really that important, the rat race. Its the people you meet along the journeys that matter." A brutally honest answer, as he took a swig of his tea. An intense gaze from the
  10. Laughing at Eruda's disconnect of a race. "Actually that wasn't on purpose, I forgot I have martial arts. The system thought I was trying to attack something." He admits plain as day, still as clearly honest as ever. Rasarei was playing the part of fish, and the slight trail of steam conveyed her heat. Raidou wasn't fully convinced she should be in the ocean, but it didn't seem to be harming her any either. Finally getting within swimming distance, he kept himself aloft. Brown hair twisted into a knot, no glasses and the clothes he normally wore suction cupped to him. "Its hardly anything so g
  11. The brown haired guy just adjusts scratching the back of his head in hesitation, taking in the escapade that was unfurling itself all across the bar. Alexander seems to look down in a bit of surprise as Lessa once again had the mug, plopping it back down. As it would turn out, he wasn't as smooth as he thought. His eyes trained on that mug, why did he feel like he may have bit off more then he could chew. Pressures released as he lowered his arm, finding the solid mahogany wood of a platform as a brace. "I uh..." *cough* "Green Tea, if you have it. Unsweetened." Clearly, he
  12. Caught completely by surprise by the sudden exchange between the presumed tavern owner and a blonde he'd met maybe twice before. A bit taken aback by the moment, weighing how he should proceed his eyes trace to Alexander who had already taken a reprieve, putting some distance between the countertop and the source of his small argument. The nomads eyes dart back and forth, guess he'd back for an order of caramel apple cider later. He manages to only make it about four steps toward the door before. "Raidou, right?" It rings out across the bar, and adjusting his glasses for a moment he
  13. Raising from the blanket after being doused by the wolf, Raidou looks to his clothes. He didn't exactly prepare a swimsuit, thought this was just going to be a trek down to the beach for the hound. "We can start wherever you want." weighing his options as he makes motions for the waves. He was already rather damp, and this attire was designed with all weather in mind. On top of that, the sheer amount of different substances he's stepped in or fallen into. Been submerged in, and even still the thing held up. Acid, fire, sub zero temperatures. What was water? Raidou starts to sprint, and somehow
  14. Entering the rather rustic White Rabbit Tavern amidst the bitter cold outside. It was the middle of the afternoon but even still that chill permeated the place. A kindling fire in a hearth offering travelers of all sorts a bit of respite from the rest of the floor. A number of other people scattered to various platforms. A slate gray haired girl in gown rushing back and forth with a pen tucked behind her ear, a small bit of parchment on plank held in her left. Precariously balancing a large silvered disk in the other, four mugs burn off some steam containing the ripest scent of caramel. A
  15. It was as if some animal had claimed Eruda's actions. Clearly she'd been keeping the beast at bay for a while. "Gladly, but don't you think we should give Rasarei the chance to enjoy the beach first." gesturing with his eyes shifting slightly toward the beach. "There is time to take this at a reasonable pace." A soft and yet toughened hand on Eruda's leg, nursing the girls gaze with his own. A gentle fixation of his eyes on hers, a bright pair of amber against blue in contrast. It was as if the world slowed to a crawl, and every breath seemed drawn out and he could feel each second. The static
  16. Accepting the bite from Eruda, finding it a simple comfort. It was well made, quite balanced and although it was a little heavy it was good. "They are getting pretty good at all this, just hope half of their training follows them home." Raidou remarks studying the blondes expression. It was good to hear her laugh, to see her smile. All those smiles attached to his eyelids, each and every moment. Raidou couldn't help but share it. "My mother is gone, but she left me something I lost. She gave me the world...So I could give it to you." He searched her eyes, catching the smallest glimmer on her i
  17. Taking the warp gate and passing through the city of coral, a vague reminder that he'd been inside for quite some time as of late. A few trips here or there for supply but this was the first real venture in quite some time. The bright light removes the senses for but a brief instant. What is traded is the hustle of a ripe settlement with the soft rush of an ocean upon a beach. Raidou overlooks the sea, a clear cyan blue wrap that rushes in a sway. Eruda begins to deploy various things to sit upon, and Raidou removes his robe and bundles it up. "Your carrying quite a bit with you. That's someth
  18. Washing his hands in a basin, scrubbing feverishly the odd scents of various plants off in a very medical polishing. Walking down the length and twisting dials sees the small bluish flames caught against the bottom of large alembics cease. The contents of purples and blues stop boiling, and Raidou removes a couple surgical tubing section and corks the ends to prevent vapor buildup in the lines. Then to the counter tops, applying a few toppers to small bottles and vials. One by one with a glass rattle they are added to an array of shelving, joining their brothers in a vibrant myriad of bottled
  19. "Actually." Raidou remarks folding the book shut, rolling his neck for a moment to correct the slight build of stress. "I can check on Kasumi anytime. She knows how to contact us if there is ever a problem. Last I heard she has her hands full..." lifting a hand to his mouth and offering a single sharp cough as to charade his meaning without saying more. "Also, if you feel like some better equipment would make it easier then let me know. I have no qualms making changes to suit your needs." A single flashback jumps behind his thoughts. A singular smile follows it. "I think we should go toge
  20. Adjusting one of the many books in front of him, sliding it open and beginning to write a few things on the pages. A number of different formula, that still lingered on his mind. The current one: Mouth safe teleports, useful when your hands were not free. "Raserei seems to be settling in nicely." the boy comments, putting down the pen and raking the hound. A slide into his pocket sees a familiar lightly orange colored disk offered. What followed were a few sizeable crunches that left bits and pieces on the floor briefly, before a warm tongue left tiny wet prints on the floor. "Yeah, I'm h
  21. The reflection of a pair of lenses on the bridge of his nose, catching a glance of sunlight causing two white spheres to rush across a hardwood floor. In typical black attire, something simple and comfortable. An early bit of intrigue without motive, just satiating his academic curiosities on a nigh endless supply of herbs and tinctures. "Good morning." Raidou remarks in a chipper tone, moving to the table and beginning to unload a couple books to its surface. A pair of socks on hardwood shuffle to a nearby cabinet, finding a set of ceramic drinkware on platter and helping it to the surface.
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