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Status Updates posted by Shark

  1. We have ~34 mins til the podcast! Come join us!


  2. It's that time of the week...

    I want to hear your thoughts and ideas on what you would like to hear on the podcast this Saturday.

    Any topic and discussion point are welcome. 

    Waiting to hear your ideas.... GO!

    1. Shark


      @commander heathcliff Please refer to the site calendar event for this weekend.


    2. Baldur


      What would you do for a klondike bar?

    3. Vigilon


      Maybe you could try adding a new two-handed weapon skill: A Scythe.

      Why? Because I have seen, read about, and encountered quite a few Two-handed battle axe users, and what did they have equipped? A Scythe(I was actually guilty of having an NPC player my character encountered having one, too). In my opinion, most of the Two-handed axe Sword Arts make more sense for axes rather than scythes.

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  3. May the Fourth be with You!

    1. Baldur


      And also with you

  4. Looking to get some community gaming going on a weekly basis. If you are even remotely interested, please take a look here for more information.

  5. Thank you to all who came to watch the podcast. In case you missed it, here is the recorded version


    1. Macradon
    2. Baldur


      It was pretty good! Mac, you need more opinions! :P

    3. Macradon
  6. Podcast in 2 days! Comment below if you have questions you want asked or topics you want discussed! 

    Please see the calendar for more information.

    1. Baldur


      What would you do for a Klondike bar?

  7. Thanks to all who watched the podcast today! In case you missed it, here is the recorded version (Shortened)

    Sword Art Podcast Season 4 Episode 3

  8. ~48 Minutes til Episode 3 of the podcast!! Slightly different format so stay tuned!

  9. Podcast at 11am CST tomorrow (4/14)!! 

    Please see the site calendar for more information! 

  10. Hey peeps, 
    It's about that time. I am here asking if anyone has topics they would like to see discussed in this weeks podcast episode. Topics and/or questions would be appreciated. 

    Public registrations will open up after all staff has had the chance to guest star. 

    If you have any questions or want more information, please message me or reply to this status.

    Thanks all!

    1. Zelrius
    2. Shark


      @Macradon, @Zelrius Please elaborate on what you want discussed about your topic.

    3. Macradon


      What's gonna happen to Death_Adder, he's like the odd guy no one really likes, but I want to know more

    4. Show next comments  3 more

    1. Shark


      Podcast has been uploaded to the Youtube channel

  12. Podcast tomorrow!! Check the site calendar for more info!

    1. Baldur


      Good podcast. I actually kinda liked it being a little shorter/denser

  13. Hello all,

    With episode 2 of the podcast less than a week out, I would like to ask if there is anything that you all want us to discuss on this episode! If you would like a topic discussed, please reply to this status or feel free to message me.

    Thanks all!

    1. Lee


      The wording of the caps.
      From what I've personally been going through and after actually reading, it seems that a good portion of the skills and the caps on skills, mitigation for example or how different effects work on different items, paralyze on swords vs it on shields. How the majority of these things have gone unchanged due to it being an unspoken rule or uncommon common sense.

    2. Shark


      Thank you for your input! It has been added to the doc and will be discussed during Saturdays podcast. (3/24)

  14. Regular Minecraft server is open for the public while the SAO-RPG world is in progress.

    We are looking for more MC Server staff for those interested.

    Feel free to message me for more info!

  15. Thank you to all who watched the podcast today! Stay tuned for the slightly shortened version. Will be uploaded by the end of the day!

  16. If you wish to join the Minecraft Server Development team, please see this thread in the Minecraft section.
    If you do not fit any category but still wish to help, message me and we will see where you fit.

  17. Hey all, I'm trying to gather a team to develop a SAO style minecraft server. I will be using spigot so we can utilize plugins. If you are interested in helping out, please message me. Once a decent amount is made, we will open up for the community. 
    At this time, I do not want any current SAO-RPG staff members on the team. 

    With that being said, if you are interested, let me know.

  18. A starting date for Season 4 of the Sword Art Podcast has been announced!
    Check the calendar for more info!


  19. So... first season of King's Avatar... Pretty damn good after a second time. xD Who else has seen in beside @Able and @Seul?

    1. Calrex


      @Able Yep exactly, it's closer to something like a sports anime or some other genre where the protagonist is rising back to prominence. Figured I'd just make note, since I first found out about it from a Youtube video saying it was SAO, but done better XD. Dunno why it would be compared, since the only thing they really have in common is that the plot is centered/taking place within a particular MMO game

      @Shark That sounds awesome, although building the mechanics for it is gonna be interesting to interpret into RP form. :P

    2. Able


      While Shark has been doing an amazing job with the actual site development, I figured due to my forced hiatus, I should get to work on the systems development. During the meantime, Seul has been taking care of Lore development.

    3. Calrex


      Sounds like a party XD, looking forward to the result! That and Season 2 when it comes out

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Summer work schedule does not allow me time to do the podcast at the current times. I have selected the times, that I know of, that will work. This is scheduled to change so there is a chance I will have to take a biweekly poll to decide when the podcast will be held. 

    Please read the included text and select the best time for you. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  21. If you are going to watch the podcast live, then please use the #podcast chat channel in the discord chat. 
    That chat will appear in the live stream. 

    Stream starts in about 1 hour!

  22. 12 hours til the podcast!!

    1. Piera


      Maaaan, I'm never not going to work during a podcast :<
      Lookin forward to catching the recording.

    2. Shark


      It will be uploaded right after the cast is finished so the wait wont be long :)

    3. Shark
  23. If you play on Xbox one


  24. It's podcast day! If you want a question answered, ask it here or during the live stream!

    Streamed on my channel
    Uploaded to the SAO-RPG youtube channel directly afterwards.

    1. Macradon
    2. Lee


      Pocket sand.
      Will it ever become a thing?
      Legit question......of sorts.
      Will there be more passive skills being made in the near future?

    3. Shark


      Idk. Question was asked too late to be added to the podcast. try again next time ;)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  25. Is there anyone who is good with digital artwork or intro videos and would be willing to lend a hand for the podcast?

    1. Aoda


      Shoot a message on discord and i'll see what I can do

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