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Everything posted by Eruda

  1. Low-Light Penalty in effect [-1 ACC] First to move in as the the dragon crashes to the ground. Juiblex had to be his familiar but it was unlike one that she had ever seen before. Eruda was learning something new about Raidou everyday and it was nice. The sound of the roar pierces her ears but she moves forward shaking it off. She would not let something as simple as that hold her back. Taking her blade and scraping it down word against her shield like she always did, this time was different though. An explosion of blue vivarant flames in every direction, much large than before. Glancing d
  2. Following suit readjusting her new armor, this was the beginning of something great. The next floor battle was coming sooner rather than later and from everything that has happened these last few days, she was ready, Firm Anima was ready. Just a few more things to grab before the big day and unfortunately it was on a floor that she had never set foot on before. She knew that with the team set, though, they would all come out alive. Taking something from Freya, as she passed something back to the others in the group. Raidou was the lead on this one, but she would give all the support that she c
  3. Using Cluster of Stars from Freyd (Guild Vault) On
  4. "Doubts, see, that's the thing. I have them no longer. My head was full of them on so many different levels and then in a swift instance they were just gone." A smile peers on her face as she raises her hand to look at it. "Freyd, is it so hard to believe that there is something out there bigger on a universe wide level. That fate itself has come to save us from this hell that shouldn't have ever existed in the first place." Just staring at her hand for a moment while they walked before turning her head to the her new friend. "All I am saying is while you are investigating this idol woman, kee
  5. The moment Freyd said he knew her by the name of Nisahime, Eruda just started ramping out a bunch of questions that he could not have possibly known. Clapping her hands to her mouth now as her face gets a bit flustered from embarrassment. "I'm sorry," saying with a muffled voice as she slowly takes her hands away. It was then that she realized something. She was talking to Freyd like a normal human being. It was usually family or Raidou or even people that she knew well enough to open that side of her. Freyd was neither nor... Was it that she had just grown enough to where it just didn't matte
  6. A slide down her back with a grumpy old gruff. Walking faster that he was before. "Seriously," she says, glaring at the old man as he was sped walked away in the direction of his loot. Turning toward Freyd again with a gesture to move forward as she knew that it wouldn't be hard to catch up to him given the tiny legs this dude had. "Freya, how is she connected to all this... her. Wait me?," referring to the mysterious female. "What do you mean others? Others of what Freyd. English, please." She wondered if this thing was going to be a problem. What even was this thing, and how was Freya connec
  7. Nisahime... A unique name for a unique person. "Well, you remember when I left that dungeon in a hurry. She found me in that dark spot when I was trying to get out of it and something in my brain made me want to follow her. She gave me a White Lily from a tree that should have never been able to produce such a beautiful thing. The moment I took it in my hands something happened. It's weird and I don't understand any of it, but after that I started getting this weird constant burning in my chest. It doesn't hurt, it's just there..." It was then that she realized that Freyd had stopped. Turning
  8. "Seems like you know what they wanted," she chuckles as he sent them of with their tails between their legs. They all scatter in the wind as the long journey continued. "Yea it does seem that way right," answering is previous statement. Trying to recall this white haired female, trying to think of what would define this specific woman beyond anyone else. Something clicked right then, "She speaks in riddles, but it was poetic at time, sorta like Raidou but more mysterious." The way she spoke, some things said she was unable to put the puzzle together. The woman had really made her think and som
  9. Thread Closure: 5759/30=191*5=955 5759/300=19 Seeds Gaius: 955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP Kasumi: 955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP Shiina: 955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP Eruda: 955*6=5730*1.3=7449 EXP Simmone (Guild Treasure): (1117 Laurel, 19230 Dropped)*1.3=26451 Col (Gaius) (1117 Laurel, 13911 Dropped)*1.3=19536 Col (Kasumi) (1117 Laurel)*1.3=1452 Col (Shiina) (1117 Laurel)*1.3=1452 Col (Eruda) 400*1.3=520 Col Total: 49411 Col (8 Dropped, 10 Tag)*1.5=27 Materials (Gaius) (16 Dropped, 10 Tag)*1.5=39 Materials (Kasumi) (10 Tag)*1.5=15 (Eruda) Tot
  10. +42 via Battle Healing Chest pounding, a clamp of her loves weapon by the very obstruction this world has to give, another shield that shares her flames. Eruda in that moment, it felt like time was slowed as she shifts her feet behind the large abomination. The contested damage from all the parties surrounding her was starting to make this look like end game. Beneath her feet, her flames burn hotter than ever as she carves her sword against she shield one last time. A out cry of battle provides and echo in her voice as she fury explodes in fire beyond the figures before her. With that dee
  11. That... That right there says it all. The fact that Freyd was not going to reveal things about Freya meant to stay between them, it was all she needed. As she said before, trust goes both ways. She knew now that Freyd wouldn't betray that trust that they had. A smile forms on her face, "I was already going to, by saying nothing you said it all." Turning to the old man, finding him falling behind. Quickly rushing to him, "Get on my back, it will be easier for all of us." She gets down on one knee it front of him. "Oh, alright, thank you." Climbing onto her back now, Eruda gets to her feet and c
  12. Freyd was there for her when she needed a friend. More than she could ever ask and it pains her that Freya didn't come to her, but she understood why. It was a rough patch between then and now. Taking a small puff of breath, a more specific question for an accurate answer. "Something that I haven't mentioned to Freya was when she was missing I felt it, it took a while and I regret that part but something just felt wrong. I think it was a twin thing, but when I mentioned this to Raidou she was back within the next day." He must have used tracking, or something to find her. As they continue to w
  13. Folding up the piece of paper and setting it in a small pocket of her sundress. "Well Raserei, it looks like it's just you and me today then." Getting up from her chair and walking to the from door as it opens, but not from her own doing. It was Freya, and she could help but smile. "Are here for the fun day," saying as her wolf peaks around her legs at Freya. A simple nod comes from her sister before she claps her hands together with a chuckle. Eruda wanted to speak with Freya about multiple things, but right now all she wanted to do was have fun. She couldn't remember the last time that they
  14. "Of course," putting two fingers to her lips the turns to a whistle. Raserei comes running past Freyd with a slide in the sand as she turns to face the Eruda. "She is with me most of the time. As I am Raidou's support, she is mine. Nothing like those grappling tricks or mechanic's that the game provides. It's more of just knowing she is there somehow helps me focus. It's a bit weird, I know, but it's the truth," Raserei does a circle flip and runs forward to attack the sand around her. Now that she thought about it, she had yet to bring her wolf onto a floor like this one and she seemed to be
  15. Eyes glance up from her HUD when she hears the voice she had been waiting for. She gives him a smile, "He is a mandatory thing for the quest now I guess. Nothing about it was in Raidou's notes, so I am guessing it's a new thing like most others quests I've taken." She nudges her head to the right to notion the direction she was going. What she has heard about Freyd was purely hear say. She has seen him fight a bit so she was not worried about that factor, but everything else was out in the open. The true factor is, she wanted to know if she could trust him. Silence fell for a few minutes as th
  16. Waking up early, there was things that she needed to accomplish. The Raid for the next floor was moving in fast and she wasn't about to walk into the unknown without being completely prepared for every possible scenario. This was one of many quest's that she needed to do before that happened. Taking the quest from the floor 5 quest board, as she pats Raserei on the head. She knew from Raidou's notes that this was going to be a decent travel so she had stashed water and honey buns in her bag just in case. She also knew that there was one specific person that would be joining their group in the
  17. Howl CD: 2/2 Refreshed Hearing her name she glanced to Griswold who was staring at Shiina. The creature was being super erratic with a bunch of head whips in every direction. It was the only one remaining which made perfect sense why it was acting so crazy. Eruda runs as the thing shifts vision to her. Eruda drags her sword across her shield which caused a detonation of blue fire in every direction as she carves deep into this creature face. It pulls back slightly with a cry of pain, as it does this though its head front faces Eruda's with a spray of the greenish flames of ghostly content
  18. After doing some dishes she walks herself to the guild hall with Raserei at her feet. She was determined to have a long fun day, but not knowing of what was going to be a doozy if she didn't make any form of list. Walking through the misty forest, a breeze hits her bare skin, it was warm and felt nice. Moving her bangs out of her eyes as she opens the doors to the Firm Anima building. Her wolf hops inside between Eruda's feet makes her stumble a bit. With a small chuckle she sits in her chair pushed under the large redwood table. Grabbing a blank sheet of paper and a pen, she taps, it against
  19. Standing at the stove, attempting the eggs again. She would eventually get them right. Rounding about 7 am, today was the day. A day to relax and have fun. Eruda knew that the storm would hit soon and she just wanted a chance to have a day where she didn't have to worry about anything. A day full of new experiences, things that she doesn't know how to do or haven't gotten a chance to learn yet. Starting with these eggs, as the white turns from a liquid to a solid she flips them. Letting it sit just a little longer on the heat before placing them on a plate. She put a little bit of salt on the
  20. Eruda smiles... There was a but... "Kasumi, from the looks of it you do have some resemblance of feelings for this man. I say ask him out and make it clear it's a date. If he says no or makes an excuse why he can't then he probably just wants to be friends. If he says yes, then it will be clear that he feels something for you." Crossing her legs and leaning back in her chair as 2 more shakes arrive. "In honesty, I am just taking a guess here, but it's the most obvious answer. Figure out from there and take it slow. One step at a time..." God only knows she didn't have the easiest man in the wo
  21. The reaction given when the question was asked, there was only one obvious answer. "Oh come on please," softly, grabbing Kasumi's arm releasing her legs to the ground. Scooting her chair closer to the girl. "No names have to come up, I just want the details." On another note she might want the name just so if they did anything to hurt her friend there would be evil eyes set on him or her but that was besides the point right now. Releasing her arm, taking the shake in her hand and finishing the remainder. It tasted a bit warm but that was fine. "Can you at least say guy or girl... So that I can
  22. Seeing Kasumi's excitement was not surprising in the least. It was clear that this was a long time coming, pulling one knee up letting the heel rest on the tip of the chair. "At first it was agonizing, the date before last was a mess. He just left me at the table with no explanation. It felt like being left at the altar of your wedding day. It didn't seem at that point that he was interested in the slightest. I locked away what I felt and avoided him for months..." Those painful thoughts were no longer there. Since be erased from her memory. Everything was different... "I found him sitting the
  23. It was clear that Kasumi was a bit disturbed by this conversation. "I am sorry... I guess I keep forgetting that you were there through all the hard ache that took place." Eruda takes a deep breath with a slow exhale. Biting her bottom lip slightly, thinking about everything that Rai has done for her in this game. It was more than she could ever hope for in her lifetime. She just wanted to do the same for him. Sitting back down, taking a sip of her shake. "Raidou has shown major change and not only in his fighting or leadership. He has become slightly more open with me and I..." Thinking about
  24. "Raidou has told me that in different words, not that he was stripped of the title though. There has to be some way though. Some way to kick his father off the throne so to speak. Raidou is still his blood. That has to mean something, right?" She did not know much about the art itself, but there was always a loophole. There had to be. "Raidou told me that others were treated with complete shit, mainly left with broken bones and their soul dumped to nearly nothing. That is not the way for anyone to live. They would follow him if given that chance. I just know it..." Setting the roll down, she s
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