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Status Replies posted by Zero

  1. Another trivia with Zero:

    Who were two staff members that originally created the NPC's Nero and Unknown, and what made these two NPC's stand out?

  2. Some trivia for the players:

    What was the name of the NPC that rivaled NPC Vile?

    And what was the first event executed by SAO-RPG?

  3. Some trivia for the players:

    What was the name of the NPC that rivaled NPC Vile?

    And what was the first event executed by SAO-RPG?

  4. Multiple Sword Arts have been tweaked for balance, go check em.

    1. Zero


      I'd like to point out Katana requires a bit of dedication and time, not to mention extra SP, while Martial Arts just required you complete a quest. Katana is slightly better equipped to make the effort put into it worth the time.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  5. Multiple Sword Arts have been tweaked for balance, go check em.

    1. Zero


      Do understand that rapier is a somewhat stun focused weapon.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. I wonder how unique skills will be transferred from one player to another. Watashi kininarimasu!

    1. Zero


      Your assumption is correct Piera, it was a member who had left.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  7. I wonder how unique skills will be transferred from one player to another. Watashi kininarimasu!

    1. Zero


      Doesn't have to be a duel to the death. Losing any type of duel where you bet your unique means it goes to the olayer that beat you.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. The more I look at ALO, the more I wanna RP there. But my training starts in like 4 days!! -flails and screams- I NEED TO CLONE MYSELF!!!

  9. The more I look at ALO, the more I wanna RP there. But my training starts in like 4 days!! -flails and screams- I NEED TO CLONE MYSELF!!!

  10. The more I look at ALO, the more I wanna RP there. But my training starts in like 4 days!! -flails and screams- I NEED TO CLONE MYSELF!!!

  11. @Opal So, in our thread im imagining something like this. https://youtu.be/-5FTJxfV3pc

  12. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

    1. Zero


      Actually considering that Heathcliff is supposed to have all his skills maxed I'd say you should be terrified that it's now baded on SP. xD

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. So are the knights of blood oath no longer running? If thats the case anyone want to help me recreate them? I have a great set of ideas and would love to see them up and running.

    1. Zero


      Currently the guild is inactive due to the Admin who controls Heathcliff is waiting for it to hold more relevancy and that he acquire more time to get involved. I suggest selecting one of the other guilds in the mean time, such as my own the Knights of Christ.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)


    That's already time for the second installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! brought to you by your favorite sadistic GM, Zero.

    Today we will be talking about a subject mentioned in my previous installment. If you read the previous installment then you know we will be discussing Unique Skills, and for those of you who haven't read it I suggest you do even if this one will have more concrete information on than that one.

    Now let's start off with explaining what exactly a Unique Skill is, shall we? A Unique Skill in simple terms is the "God-tier" of battle skills in Aincrad which grant their users an edge in battle through some form of effect, each one unique from the others, and can turn the tide of battle in a moment. If you have read or watched Akame ga Kill they are like this worlds Imperial Arms, if you watched or read Bleach they are Bankais, if you read or watched Tokyo Ghoul they are Kakujas. These are the best skills you can acquire in the whole game, each with its own playing style. Some of you may be wondering what these skills do, to answer this I'll use mine as an example. My skill is Dakness Blade (canon skill), it is a skill focused on the destruction of tank builds via a Phase feature that partly or fully ignores mitigation and can be used with One Handed Curve/Straight Sword.

    Each Unique Skill either uses a specific item type or specific item in order to function, without it the skill cannot be activated. Another example would be Dual Blades, which can only use one handed blade type weapons so like my Darkness Blade it can only use One Handed Straight/Curve Sword. Now for what you have been most likely waiting for, the time in which you will be able to acquire these skills. If you take a look at the community calendar you will find that the week of the 25th of September to the 1st of October has been marked with an event, thisis to let players know that during this week Unique Skills will most likely be released to the public

    This concludes this installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! Join us next time and remember to watch over your shoulder, don't want to end up like the guy Kuradeel killed right?

    Questions? Commentary? Go on ahead and put them down below in the comments section boys and girls~! I will try and answer if I can~


    That's already time for the second installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! brought to you by your favorite sadistic GM, Zero.

    Today we will be talking about a subject mentioned in my previous installment. If you read the previous installment then you know we will be discussing Unique Skills, and for those of you who haven't read it I suggest you do even if this one will have more concrete information on than that one.

    Now let's start off with explaining what exactly a Unique Skill is, shall we? A Unique Skill in simple terms is the "God-tier" of battle skills in Aincrad which grant their users an edge in battle through some form of effect, each one unique from the others, and can turn the tide of battle in a moment. If you have read or watched Akame ga Kill they are like this worlds Imperial Arms, if you watched or read Bleach they are Bankais, if you read or watched Tokyo Ghoul they are Kakujas. These are the best skills you can acquire in the whole game, each with its own playing style. Some of you may be wondering what these skills do, to answer this I'll use mine as an example. My skill is Dakness Blade (canon skill), it is a skill focused on the destruction of tank builds via a Phase feature that partly or fully ignores mitigation and can be used with One Handed Curve/Straight Sword.

    Each Unique Skill either uses a specific item type or specific item in order to function, without it the skill cannot be activated. Another example would be Dual Blades, which can only use one handed blade type weapons so like my Darkness Blade it can only use One Handed Straight/Curve Sword. Now for what you have been most likely waiting for, the time in which you will be able to acquire these skills. If you take a look at the community calendar you will find that the week of the 25th of September to the 1st of October has been marked with an event, thisis to let players know that during this week Unique Skills will most likely be released to the public

    This concludes this installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! Join us next time and remember to watch over your shoulder, don't want to end up like the guy Kuradeel killed right?

    Questions? Commentary? Go on ahead and put them down below in the comments section boys and girls~! I will try and answer if I can~


    That's already time for the second installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! brought to you by your favorite sadistic GM, Zero.

    Today we will be talking about a subject mentioned in my previous installment. If you read the previous installment then you know we will be discussing Unique Skills, and for those of you who haven't read it I suggest you do even if this one will have more concrete information on than that one.

    Now let's start off with explaining what exactly a Unique Skill is, shall we? A Unique Skill in simple terms is the "God-tier" of battle skills in Aincrad which grant their users an edge in battle through some form of effect, each one unique from the others, and can turn the tide of battle in a moment. If you have read or watched Akame ga Kill they are like this worlds Imperial Arms, if you watched or read Bleach they are Bankais, if you read or watched Tokyo Ghoul they are Kakujas. These are the best skills you can acquire in the whole game, each with its own playing style. Some of you may be wondering what these skills do, to answer this I'll use mine as an example. My skill is Dakness Blade (canon skill), it is a skill focused on the destruction of tank builds via a Phase feature that partly or fully ignores mitigation and can be used with One Handed Curve/Straight Sword.

    Each Unique Skill either uses a specific item type or specific item in order to function, without it the skill cannot be activated. Another example would be Dual Blades, which can only use one handed blade type weapons so like my Darkness Blade it can only use One Handed Straight/Curve Sword. Now for what you have been most likely waiting for, the time in which you will be able to acquire these skills. If you take a look at the community calendar you will find that the week of the 25th of September to the 1st of October has been marked with an event, thisis to let players know that during this week Unique Skills will most likely be released to the public

    This concludes this installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! Join us next time and remember to watch over your shoulder, don't want to end up like the guy Kuradeel killed right?

    Questions? Commentary? Go on ahead and put them down below in the comments section boys and girls~! I will try and answer if I can~


    That's already time for the second installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! brought to you by your favorite sadistic GM, Zero.

    Today we will be talking about a subject mentioned in my previous installment. If you read the previous installment then you know we will be discussing Unique Skills, and for those of you who haven't read it I suggest you do even if this one will have more concrete information on than that one.

    Now let's start off with explaining what exactly a Unique Skill is, shall we? A Unique Skill in simple terms is the "God-tier" of battle skills in Aincrad which grant their users an edge in battle through some form of effect, each one unique from the others, and can turn the tide of battle in a moment. If you have read or watched Akame ga Kill they are like this worlds Imperial Arms, if you watched or read Bleach they are Bankais, if you read or watched Tokyo Ghoul they are Kakujas. These are the best skills you can acquire in the whole game, each with its own playing style. Some of you may be wondering what these skills do, to answer this I'll use mine as an example. My skill is Dakness Blade (canon skill), it is a skill focused on the destruction of tank builds via a Phase feature that partly or fully ignores mitigation and can be used with One Handed Curve/Straight Sword.

    Each Unique Skill either uses a specific item type or specific item in order to function, without it the skill cannot be activated. Another example would be Dual Blades, which can only use one handed blade type weapons so like my Darkness Blade it can only use One Handed Straight/Curve Sword. Now for what you have been most likely waiting for, the time in which you will be able to acquire these skills. If you take a look at the community calendar you will find that the week of the 25th of September to the 1st of October has been marked with an event, thisis to let players know that during this week Unique Skills will most likely be released to the public

    This concludes this installment of GIVE US A TEASER ZERO-SAMA!!! Join us next time and remember to watch over your shoulder, don't want to end up like the guy Kuradeel killed right?

    Questions? Commentary? Go on ahead and put them down below in the comments section boys and girls~! I will try and answer if I can~

  18. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      There's something there for any two handed axe/straight sword/etc. user, just gotta keep your eyes peeled for it.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  19. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      Hirru gets it. XD Kind of why its player title is Crimson Rain and it was made into a heavy, I do not use this lightly, offense skill.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  20. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      In the coming weeks I may do another status regarding them. Just now that they will be somewhat tedious to so much as find.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  21. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      If by axe you mean two handed weapons, there already exists one for two handed weapons.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  22. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      It's quite similar to the original Oikawa. Just changed it a little, now I can use any weapon I want. It's ability is what was changed aside from its name, which might I add is the name of a canon Unique Skill that was mentioned but never shown nor described.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  23. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      *claps* Oikawa, you deserve praise for that my friend. Also, let's not forget my Unique Skill's ability. *laughs maniacally*

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  24. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      Uhhhh... Well you see this wouldn't be the first time they come out heh. I got mine about a half a year ago when they were originally released, so yeah, and I'm thinking of taking some of Kirito's humor and using it with my own account.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  25. I saw a few of the kids asking questions and got inspired by BlazBlue so I decided that I'll be making statuses like this one occasionally:


    As the title indicates these will be threads that will contain teasers regarding site content. Our first teaser will center on two very popular subjects in the world of SAO, SWORD ARTS (or SKILLS) and UNIQUE SKILLS. That's right, Dual Blades, Starburst Stream, Berserker and co. are all going to soon appear for player use and/or acquisition. Sword Arts will provide players with the means to increase their damage output AND add variety to their combat while Unique Skills will provide the players who hold them with a certain edge in combat, like me and my newly named Darkness Blade that grants me a special ability whilst in combat. Well that's all for now, if you have any questions about this statuses topic please comment below and I'll see if I can answer you. Until next time players and remember to always check for traps no need for more than one Sachi after all.

    1. Zero


      Lol Oikawa. "DO WHAT I TELL YOU, SACHI!" - Kirito flipping out at Lisbeth, SAO Abridged Episode 7

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

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