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Status Replies posted by Yami

  1. *Thinks about beautiful people SAORPG site comes to mind.* So Rp times!

  2. A week ago, I was level 1... now im level 12. Huh, I've grown so fast... *cries*

  3. Alrighty almost time for me to head to Japanese class. I'll be back on later tonight :)

  4. *feels like trash for disappearing* *hopes to make up for it by cranking out replies*

  5. Who wants to role play with Solaris?

  6. Who wants to role play with Solaris?

  7. Who wants to role play with Solaris?

  8. Anyone wanna rp? I'm up for being more active here in the summer vacation!

  9. Wanna know whats on my mind? Turtles.... No seriously it is.

  10. I'm back! . . . . well sorta

  11. The dice roller hates me, really.

  12. Need a 17? That's fine... I just got a 20 :P

  13. Wait, so is it ok to have two accounts at the same time to role play different characters?

    1. Yami


      Mozilla as alternative, better it is. *nods sagely*

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. The dice roller hates me, really.

  15. What is love~ Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me... no more. What is love.........

  16. All two of my Rp's have been replied to. Hmm what to do

  17. All two of my Rp's have been replied to. Hmm what to do

  18. All two of my Rp's have been replied to. Hmm what to do

  19. So i might have i crush on a boy can any one give me advice so my face will stop transforming into a strawberry?

  20. How many times can you go MAT hunting in one day? Is it unlimited?

  21. F it I think my appearance is scaring everyone... I'm gonna go back to the old Golden, the flirt and mysterious lol

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