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Posts posted by Kiru

  1. (OOC- Sorrrryy!~ )


    My icy eyes flicked towards the blue haired midget when she introduced herself to Ariel with the last name Yudai. Yudai. I intensified my glare towards the player with thoughts storming through my head. "Yudai. The blue hair makes sense but she's nothing like Keith! I can;t tell about the facial features from here but I cannot accept this. He didn't mention a freaking sister to me! I wonder if she knows about Vile...oh dear god." My thoughts again were interuppted by Kosan, who seemed to be whining about my behavior. It wasn't like I didn't get crap from everyone else about my tempers but the fact was that Kosan didn't usua;;y speak that way to me and, I didn't care. I was even shocked at his tone of voice towards me. Instead I kicked a piece of loose gravel. "No one could have Sleep PKed me, I was armed and I'm a light sleeper."


    To make things all the more dramatic he began to do something I would do, insult others. "MY problem with everyone is how annoying they are! Everyone feels the need to converse with me and I cannot even comprehend why. It's pointless to carry out conversations you won't even remember, especially with me. I for one, don't think that there's any specific reason people are so entranced with me but still...that's my issue." My voice came out harsh and violent, he needed to know that it didn't bother me, no one would. I then smiled a little at Kosan's words. He was probably the first person to not care that I was with Keith. I shortened my tone a little and avoided eyes contact. "I'm glad you don't care whom I'm with, my abilities and power shouldn't be merged with who I am with anyways. That would be like saying Zelrius is inferior to all of us because he is a lower level." 


    I stepped forward and looked down with a raised eyebrow at Ariel. "I guess you could say I enjoy fighting. I also see it as a nuisance. I would like to talk about fighting but then I would have to share experiences, and that is something I would like to avoid." 


    I turned on my heel and walked out of sight to the other side of the building.


    -Kiru Out!~-

  2. I squinted hard at the area around me, Floor 10 was almost completely pitch black. The dark was a major hindrance to me but it was also annoying. I already knew that it would effect my accuracy but what I didn't know was that I couldn't see. "Jeez, if I knew it would be dark I would've come prepared.." I sighed, Floor 10 was already a drag. I slumped my shoulders and lazily carried myself just outside the safezone. I didn't want to enter the new town just yet. I didn't like the towns of Aincrad because of the dumb times I've had there. Just as I was thinking of leaving I saw something. In the distance I saw something strange. It was a light. Confused, I walked towards it and noticed that it was a tent, most likely a camp or something. I didn't care if anyone was living here, I just entered with my chin lifted. My cold and suspectant eyes darted left and right, realizing that this was in fact a shop. An alchemy shop to be exact. I pursed my lips and began to inspect the vials and concoctions, totally unaware of the lurking Mari. 

  3. Going off of what Baldur said, Map Fragments. Instead of jut searching for the Floor boss there could be monsters on the way that drop hints. Much like Legend of Zelda~


    Also, OSKE MAKE THIS A GM EVENT. (I miss the GM event...we haven't had one in awhile....merp.)

  4. (OOC- A certain GM informed me that the players before my have been skipped and that is now my turn to post. Thank you.)


    I glared back at cupid, practically burning a hold through the back of his head. This monthly boss was not only the first one I participated in but the weirdest one. Also, he was annoyingly hard to hit. The boy in my group missed as well but the younger girl, who looked quite familiar, seemed to be capable of stabbing him. My last attempt had failed miserably but this time I knew I was going to land an attack on Cupid no matter what. I threaded my fingers tighter around the dagger and rushed forward. The rest of the groups faded out as I ran quickly throughout the battlefield. Swords swung, players fell, but most importantly I dodged it all and came up behind Cupid with my dagger in hand. I thrusted my arm outwards and cut across his back in a clean swipe. A smirk formed on my lips as I stepped back. "It would be beneficial to everyone if you didn't attack my fiance. Oh and that hair is a fashion don't. If you're gonna dye it a color like white, at least add another one to it!" 


    ID: 11047 BD 7-2=5 +2= BD 7 (+1 ATH +3 Dagger +1 Base= 5 Damage)

    Ariel 22/22
    Kiru 88/88
    Draterion 45/47

    Rebekah 38/38


    Cupid: 29/175

  5. My feet shuffled quickly through the town of Floor 1, into the alley way I often used, then out into the shopping area. This shortcut was one I went through regularly. Upon entering the center of town I frowned at the hustle and bustle of the players. It seemed like more players came to this floor every day but I knew it was just my imagination. I looked around at the set up for the day. Stalls were set up around the buildings but I paid no mind to those, I need to visit an actual shop. Recently I had caught word of a bunch of new shops opening up so I thought it would be a smart idea to stop by and maybe get a discount or something. As I passed the flashier ones I noticed a smaller, quieter one. Instantly I knew that I was going there first. I wrapped my hand around the door handle and took a deep breath. Just as I was about to open the door, a familiar message screen blocked my vision. "I swear..." I said clicking rather forcefully into the PM on my HUD. Keith's constant messages were a part of my everyday life but I still could not get used to it. It was really annoying for messages to pop up almost every time I had something to do. Also, what's worse was that I knew who it was from. Keith of course. 



    I sighed and let my shoulders drop as I let go of the door. I turned away from the shop and began to walk to where Keith was. If it was an urgent assignment then I would attend to it, but if not I would come back here. Don't get me wrong, I liked Keith in every way. It was just that I knew something was up. Especially as I neared the location of him. I spotted the familiar blue haired boy on a red blanket that clashed with him. A half smiled crept on to my face, I couldn't help it. Then, I paused when I noticed that there was an extra person on the blanket. I furrowed my eyebrows and kept walking until I loomed over Keith. I cleared my throat and shot daggers through my eyes at him. "So...mind telling me whats up? Also why there is a small child here?" 

  6. After letting the man down I was startled but someone's presence. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked upwards. Kosan's upside down face loomed over me as he asked the obvious question: What were we doing? I overlooked that question right away when Kosan mentioned me as a "green," meaning that I wasn't a Player Killer. "Being green doesn't mean I'm an entirely safe person to be around. In fact, I think being around Keith would be a better option in your case. He may not be green but doesn't mean he goes around murdering people. Anyways, he was falling. I decided to be nice for once, jeez." I informed him, attempting to keep myself from glaring at anyone. It was a bad habit of mine. Keith said I looked better smiling anyways. I then turned my head to the man who was now on his feat.


    "I'm sorry but who are you?" I cocked my head sideways a little, allowing my ponytail to swing to one side of my head, hanging over my shoulder. After a minute of studying his face I remembered who he was, except for his name. I slowly frowned and addressed him again. "Wait...I gave you bread once. That's right, I gave you bread but...what's your name? If you weren't annoying enough for me to give you bread then I shouldn't have forgotten you but I did." After discouragiing myself for forgetting his name I remembered where I was when this happened. In the forest. With Alkor. My face paled slightly as I recalled the boss battle; Alkor being killed. His calm self picking up a flower....


    I broke my own attention, recognizing where I was, who I was with exactly. I grabbed Kosan's hand and stood up. Out the corner of my eye there was another figure approaching. 

  7. I arrived outside the meeting place that The Azure Brigade was having a meeting at and stared at the door with tired eyes. I had no stamina to even reply to the message I had been sent. I looked down at my feet, stalled for a few moments, then finally, pressed my hand against the door. 


    I gave the door a hard push, expecting it to be heavy. Usually doors inside buildings like these were pretty heavy. Except this one wasn't. I was unaware of the lightness of the door. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the door slammed against the wall. Apparently I hadn't paid any mind to the fact that I never actually went inside buildings, thus leading me to assume that the door was heavier than it really was. I didn't care about my mistake though. If anyone gave me a hard time they'd be talking to a wall because I wouldn't listen to them. Besides, anyone in this room was a guild mate of mine, we were supposed to be "friendly" to each other and not pick fights right? 


    After shutting the door quietly behind me I picked my head up to see two familiar faces out of the four present. Zelrius, who confused me a lot, and Kosan. Kosan made the mistake once of waking me up while I was armed. After awhile I got bored and just walked away from him; haven't really contacted him ever since. The worst part about not staying in contact with everyone was that I couldn't remember if I was a friend of theirs. No matter, I was still apart of The Azure Brigade. I narrowed my eyes at the older woman at the table and the man in a sweater near the window. These two I didn't know, nor have I seen my entire time here. It was a reoccurring event of me meeting people but this was different. I and never attended any of the guild meetings so I was unaware that there were more members besides Keith, Kosan, Zelrius, and I. It was stupid of me to assume that Azure was made up of only five people though so I dismissed the thought as soon as it came. 


    I took in a deep breath and walked forward to the table. I grabbed a chair from the end of the table and sat down. Upon sitting I let my head fall forward onto the table along with my arms to suffice as a pillow. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Someone, please tell me when the meeting begins." I spoke in a completely exhausted tone. Lately I hadn't been sleeping very well. The causes were the nightmares about a certain Maverick but also my constant worrying over Keith. I felt like if I left him alone everything in my world would change in some weird way. Of course I wouldn't express these feelings ever out loud but I was glad that I had finally been honest enough with myself to figure out why I hadn't gotten sleep for the past week. I knew of course that now was definitely not the time to lose consciousness but right now I literally felt as though I would pass out. So I did the most unusual thing, I didn't insult nor even glare at anyone. I just went to the table and began to sleep. 

  8. I tried not to yell at him when he kept talking to himself. He was struggling to stay on but there was no point, he was already at the edge. "Just fall before I change m mind!" I called up to him, extremely frustrated at this point. This was maybe my first "kind act" to a stranger in SAO yet it seemed like he didn't want my help. I brushed away the thought and widened my stance when I saw him begin to slip. Then, I realized something important, could I even catch him? It also didn't help that he looked older than me, which meant he weighed more than I could handle. Really regretting my decision, I braced myself for the impact. He came crashing down into my arms, but I kept going. I managed to hold on tight to him but my legs gave out in the process. I fell to my knees and grunted at the weight, man was I weak! I dropped him "gently" in the sand and took a deep breath. "Idiot..."

  9. I scoffed when the male began speaking, he obviously couldn't take a hint. I narrowed my eyes and stepped forward. "I don't think you would enjoy teaching me, how about I teach you something instead? Step one: Close your eyes. Step two: Count to one-hundred. It's that simple! Hey, maybe even you could handle it." I did an overly dramatic shrug and crossed my arms. If this guy acted like this all the time how could he still be alive? Wouldn't at least one person get fed up with his games by now? 


    My thoughts we interuppted by a sudden touch. I flinched when Piers' gloved finger tapped my nose. His hand wasn't cold but it sent shivers down my spine when it made contact. This was just his way of messing with other players though. So, I straightened up and cleared my throat. "People don't go around randomly grabbing people's hair last time I checked. And if you are hurt then leave, it's not like your'e the first annoying idiot I've met today."

  10. I wiped the sweat that formed on the back of my neck and opened my eyes, not realizing that I had closed them in the first place. Like usual my eyes were cold and full of spite as they moved. Still bored and annoyed at my current location I kept looking. Something caught my eye though, another player. Seeing that black hair I immediately cringed, thinking of Shade. Although this player didn't have red highlights he still looked pretty stupid. To top it off, he was waving at me. I frowned at furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to deduct why the stranger would be trying to get my attention. 


    Out of nowhere the boy slipped and held onto the edge of the structure by his fingers, about to fall. My face turned red and I began to laugh. This kid really was dumb! "That's...that's what you get for being an idiot!" I called upwards to the player after I finished my laughing fit. Seeing he didn't make much progress upwards, I jogged slightly over to where he held onto. "Just fall, it's not like it will hurt." An evil smirk formed on my lips as I stood directly underneath him. I looked at the ground at closed my eyes with my arms outstretched to catch the player. It didn't matter who he was, I needed to keep him from breaking something, I knew that the whole time. Besides, he'd be more of a bother if I had to carry him all the way to a town. "Come on..I won't kill you."

  11. Okay, okay. I thought I would jump in and offer some of my own tips.


    1. DON'T be afraid to ask for an rp- no matter the level! Deep, deep, deep, deepp...deep down inside we're all human here. (Unless your'e a dino.)


    2. Roleplay how YOU want to roleplay. What I mean by that is, don't just follow along with the other characters feelings, create some of your own. (Kiru does this quite often XD)


    3. Be respectful~ (Self-explanatory.)

  12. I shielded a hand over my eyes to prevent myself from looking directly at the sun. I had been in the settlement of Armadillo, through El Paso del Diablo, and out of the safe zone yet, I wasn't liking my time here. Everything about this floor was killing me. This was my first time travelling to this floor but I had decided to visit it and avoid it no more. My reason for dodging the floor? The sand. Sand was one of the things I hated most, anyone could agree with me on that. It got in your shoes, made unnecessary sparkles everywhere, and my least favorite, it heated up pretty easily. It also complicated walking for me. I removed the hand from my face to check where I was but I knew instantly that was a mistake. Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up the sand I treaded through and sent it straight into my face. Closing my eyes and forming a tight lipped face I let the sudden gust pass by. I let out an extremely annoyed sigh and swiped at the sand granules stuck to my face. After a minute of rubbing hard on my cheeks I finally got all of the particles of sand off of my face. I smoothed back my hair and continued onward.

    Today my hair was in a high ponytail, cleanly parted into two layers. One side being black, and the other white. It was perfectly layered in the back; there were no imperfections. My bangs still hung over my eyes but It was a rare sight to see. After all, I never wore my hair up. But right now was an exception, this whole floor was one literal desert. The only other time I had done this with my hair was one Floor 9. That day I was hunting a Maverick with Keith. Both of the floors were really hot to me though, and I absolutely hated it. 
    I paused my walking and scanned the area. "No wonder why anyone comes to this floor...it's so stupid!!" I yelled, if no one was here then it couldn't bother anyone. Even if someone was magically here I wouldn't care. Then, I sighed. Things could be a little worse. "At least it isn't like last time I went to a new floor. Annoying players everywhere..." 
  13. (Sorry if this is really bad, just not into it today. :/)


    Before I could even get myself into a good position, I was attacked. The first Maverick that I attempted to strike sent a clean gash up my chest. I began to fall backwards in shock from the hit but caught myself and stood straight. "Come on! Come on! Come ON!" I yelled internally as the player got to a safe distance. "Do not let your guard down so easily! Land a hit for once!" After Shade and Keith depleted the other two's health bars they came to my side, though only Keith was the one to ask if I was alright. I didn't even answer Keith's question, there was no time for talking. If I were to tell him I was alright then I would most likely be yelling at him and saying things I would regret later. I looked up with determined eyes at the three. These Player Killers weren't your average level ten's that ran away after one hit. No, they actually did damage and didn't miss their hits. I raced forward once more and stabbed the attacker in the gut. Following that, I moved backwards with a blank expression, no grin.




    ID: 10390; BD 8 

    Mob: 6 (Idk how much damage to deal to Kiru.)

    ID: 10318; BD 8 (+1 Base +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage)

    Mob 4

    Kiru: 85/90

    Keith: 105/105

    Shade: 105/105


    Maverick 1: 15/20

    Maverick 2: 11/20

    Maverick 3: 11/20

  14. I huffed out a breath of annoyance and stood up straight. I fixed a piece of hair that went astray and looked at the player with narrowed eyes. "Yes, hanging from a tree does not make me dead. And for your information, a lot of people hang from trees. I just happen to not be an idiot unlike most of them. I'll take the pinata reference as a compliment, I'm sure the inside of me is real sweet." The words that came from my mouth weren't true nor false. Keith said that I was caring or whatever somewhere but some begged to differ. Also, not a lot of people hung from trees, I knew that, but if there was one thing I was good at, it was arguing. So, I continued my argument with the strange male. "And yes, I'm fully aware that I am a piece of work, maybe it is because you are difficult to get along with? If you asked anyone about me I'm sure you'd get a straight answer about my personality. Otherwise, I don't think I'll be liking you any time soon." 



    With yet another sigh I waved my hands towards him and closed my eyes. "Well then, I guess you should start looking for that information instead of yelling at a higher leveled player that could kill you in one hit hm?" At that I turned away from him, flipping my hair in his ace while doing so, and began to walk away. Then, I stopped and looked over my shoulder. "Oh and if a Player Killer comes by asking where I was I would suggest saying that you don't know me." I said with a sly grin and walked further away from him. 

  15. I crossed my arms and returned the glare. "Neither did I but apparently I'm fun to mess with. I wasn't playing dead, that's just morbid. I was simply unmoving whilst hanging from a tree. You, my good sir, jumped to conclusions and assumed that I was playing dead. Thanks for trying though!" I shot back sarcastically as he stepped away from me. 


    What he said next reminded me of Ariel, only she called me a princess. This man obviously didn't know who I was so I shrugged. "I was being considerate by not telling you my name but I see that you probably don't care. Don't blame me if you get killed for knowin' my name!~" I warned in a sing-song voice. He probably wouldn't be able to comprehend the magnitude of an issue I could become but I didn't care. This man would just have to suffer the consequences. I stepped forward again and took a bow. "My kind sir. I am Kiru, level forty-one Maverick Hunter. Ready to end you if so much as point a finger at me. I enjoy long walks in the park, sleeping the park, and scaring people. Anything else you would like to know? How 'bout my past? It's quite the sob story!" I raised my head but didn't straighten up all the way. From under my bangs I grinned and stared at his eyes.

  16. "Something a little less gory and obvious..." I grumbled and crossed my arms. Shade had a point though. If you were the most dangerous Maverick in Aincrad with a big ego, would you flaunt your power or hide in the shadows cowering in fear of being caught? There was a line that was crossed with Vile's decor though. Using people to show you were powerful was messed up in every way I looked at it. With a disgusted sigh I nodded as Shade spoke. I would much rather pound on the doors and demand entry but that wasn't going to work in a place like this. We needed the "uniforms" to gain entry to such a place. 


    I pulled out my dagger from behind my back and sprang forward, in front of Shade and leaving Keith behind. My dagger pointed at them, I brought it forwards and stabbed one of the three Mavericks. Something went wrong though, I completely missed the attack. Instead of hitting a player, I stabbed the air and stumbled forwards.


    ID: 10296; BD 1+2=3 (:/ Miss) 

    Mob 10 (:C)


    Kiru: 90/90

    Keith: 105/105

    Shade: 105/105


    Maverick 1: 20/20

    Maverick 2: 20/20

    Maverick 3: 20/20

  17. My piercing blue eyes snapped open when the player knew I wasn't really dead. "Boo. Your'e no fun." I said in a mocking tone, still hanging from the tree branch. I carefully looked the player up and down, completely suspicious. "He could be a Maverick.." I thought cautiously then smirked. If he actually was here to kill me then he would crack after I insulted him like the others. "Thank you Captain Obvious for pointing out that my health and crystal is visible, I was seriously starting to think that they had gone somewhere! Play dead? Me? Well, it seems that someone is mistaken. This is a serious death game so why in the world of Aincrad would I play dead?" I tilted my head sideways and rolled my eyes. With one swift movement I unlatched my legs from the tree and landed on my feet perfectly. I stepped forward and glared at the player. "You need to think about what you say before actually speaking. Also, it's a good idea to know who you are speaking to."

  18. I stretched my arms outwards and cracked my knuckles before climbing up the fair-sized tree outside the safezone. About two branches higher I stopped moving up and crawled onto the branch. Once I got to the end I stood up and took a deep breath. With one last glance at the branch underneath me I purposely slipped off and grabbed onto the branch at the last second. From there, I swung my legs forward and held on. I hung from the tree using my legs and stared out into the fields with a blank expression. My face changed from bored to annoyed in seconds. "So boorriinnngg!" I moaned as I moved my two toned hair from my face. Floor one was never exciting. Boars roamed, level ones fought, and players died. It just so happened that this was the floor I visited the most though. After about five minutes of staring I finally saw someone come from the empty fields. A male player who was coming this way. With a grin I got an idea, I make myself look dead. Leaving my arms still as I hung upside down and my eyes unmoving. "Let's see how this idiot reacts."

  19. I raised my chin upwards to the sky and sighed. Why did I come to this floor? I was just floor hopping and got tired, ending up here was just weird. I turned my attention back to the stranger and shrugged. "Can't say. I decided to do some exploring but realized it wasn't worth my time. Why are you here?" I asked, growing amused with the young man. He had the odd movement of running his fingers through his hair but I pushed that aside and stared blankly into his eyes. They were a nice color compared to others' I'd seen. In his eyes I could see that he wasn't softening his speech, just being himself. 

  20. I scoffed at Shade's sorry excuse for an answer, I wasn't about to accept that he was still a mystery to me. "Yeah well I'd still like to know what possessed you into helping us." I said just a he grabbed my arm. I attempted to yank it away but my vision suddenly went white. Confused, I blinked and found myself in a whole new place, in front of a sick display. My face paled at the sight of players being killed so gruesomely. Players hanged and stabbed repeatedly in front of entire Aincrad to see. My head slowly turned to Keith, surely he wouldn't like this. As expected, he wasn't dealing with this very well. I grabbed his hand gently and started walking to the right of Shade. "Keith, come on...Let's go." I managed to say in a leveled voice, almost exactly in the same tone of voice as Shade. I knew that if I were to show fear in front of Keith right now, nothing would end well. I walked with Keith beside me but I leaned over to Shade. "What the heck Shade! You could have warned him or something! Tell me right now, what exactly is going on." I whispered harshly to him but smiled back at Keith. 

  21. I watched Shade and Keith as they both yelled, ran into one another with the Mavericks, and both looked at me. I raised a warning eyebrow at Shade, basically telling him to get lost. Luckily, he got the clue to go handle the other player on the ground. The other male tried crawling towards his weapon but I probably hit him too hard, so he couldn't move. I cringed at the sound of a bone snapping and looked to Keith. I waved him off right away. "Of c-course I'm alright!" I rasped, clearly annoyed by the fuss and rolled onto my stomach. There was no way Shade was going to see me lie on the ground and wait for help. I brought my shaky arm under myself and pushed upwards, getting onto my knees then my feet. I glared and crossed my arms at Shade. "Well? Before you two were almost killed by a bunch of idiots we were going to head to Vile's "castle," am I correct? Why are you even helping us?" I asked with a following cough and ran my fingers through my hair. 

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