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Posts posted by Kiru

  1. Who're your favorite characters? Zelda, Sheik, Ike, Marth, Peach. Also, from the new one and Wii versions, Palutena, Kirby, Ike, Marth, Lucina, and Shulk. 


    What's your favorite stage? Hyrule of course.


    Which game is best? Melee GameCube, because I grew up with it. (Also Super Smash for Wii and WiiU)


    Who do you want to see in smash? Midna from Loz and more pokemans. 

  2. My eyes widened with surprise when he said what level he was, I certainly wasn't expecting him to only be level one. What had he been doing this whole time we were stuck here? Still, level one this far into the game was really low. On the contrary, I was on Floor one, even so I was still surprised. That shock was instantly replaced with a swelling ego. I was way stronger than Marilyn and I knew it. My grin enlarged and I flipped the black half of my hair over my shoulder. I got this strong by fighting high level monsters and leading boss raid groups. You see, it comes naturally. I do a maximum attack of seven damage and a minimum of of five. I plan to level up my dagger rankings though so I'll probably be doing a lot more damage in time. My health right now is, I opened up my HUD to check for sure. eighty-eight. Seeing as you are a level one with a starter weapon I think you do a maximum damage of three and have five health. 

  3. The cut made into my shoulder I allowed to pass through purpose, I didn't even try to dodge his attack yet. If I were to just evade them right now I would be away from him. The possibility of him hitting Keith again would go up even more. Instead, I took the damage and continued to taunt him. Really?! You call that a hit? Jeez, I've been hit harder by a level seven before! Surely this isn't all you got. I smiled when Keith got the clue to not just watch me get beat up, but to attack Napalm with all his force. My plan went downhill from there, Napalm wasn't after me anymore. Hey!- I tried but he wasn't paying attention to me anymore, this was bad. Napalm swung backwards and did the unthinkable, cut Keith's ear off without hesitation. It came off cleanly in one swipe, breaking into pixels and well as burning his blue hair. Keith! I screamed, throwing away the plan I thought would work. I sprinted over to him immediately and began to shake Keith, yelling his name. He didn't respond. 


    ID: 7930; BD 1 (man...)

    Mob 6..

    Keith: 82/107 [burned for one turn]

    Kiru: 72/87


    Napalm: 46/150

  4. Before I had any time to react, Napalm was already piercing through the back of Keith. Stop! I screamed, feeling panicked by the sudden power boost this guy got. We had hit him countless times and now he was retaliating. I put my hands into fists and releases them several time before making my way towards Napalm. By the time I had moved ten feet, Napalm already made a move towards me with his sword pointed outwards. I dodged the attack at the very last second, causing him to only graze my cheek. I swung back with my dagger but it made no difference, I completely missed and was knocked off balance. Next, an idea came to mind. If I could distract him the slightest bit for Keith, get him to snap back at me, Keith could damage him. I smirked and shakily stood up. I think I'm more qualified to make demands than you! Your'e not even half way through with us yet and you still talk like your a big shot! 


    ID: 7922; BD 1 (Miss..)

    Mob Dice 7 :/

    Keith: 88/107 [burned for two turns]

    Kiru: 77/87


    Napalm: 55/150

  5. My smirk faded as I felt a sharp object plunge through my rib cage. The sword didn't got in more than the tip but it still hurt like any other attack made against me. Crap! I got so into telling that jerk off I forgot I was in the middle of a fight! I need to be more mindful of where I am! I thought and touched a hand to where the sword went in. No visible marks were made, good. I looked up from inspecting my wound to see an odd look on Keith's face. Another knot formed into my stomach as he tackled Napalm. Quickly I retrieved my dagger and ran to where Keith held him. His blade was inside of Napalm, unable to move it out. I took this opportunity and slashed right down on the defenseless player. It would be wise not to call me a little girl right now! 


    ID: 7918; BD 9 (+2 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= +6 Damage total)

    Mob 8 :\ (After Keith's Damage is dealt, or right after his in the same post?)

    Keith: 94/107

    Kiru: 82/87


    Napalm: 65/150

  6. I gave back a weak smile to Keith, he had been taking the damage for me this whole time. Come to think of it, he had jumped in front of a blade, carried me through a mob, and even got impaled by a spear for me! Now he was taking all of the damage for me in this fight too, and I couldn't stand it. I bit the inside of my cheek and tightened my ponytail. I'm going to protect you too you know.. Keith and Napalm were talking at each other again but I paid them no mind until another player was brought in. By his entrance I concluded that he was arrogant and liked to show off in the most rude way possible. His "I don't care" attitude he had going on reminded me a little of my self even. I listened to the conversation, again without interjecting, until the very end. This player Shade was being begged by Napalm to help get rid of us, he even talked about Vile. Before leaving Shade said something that twisted my stomach into knots. Vile knows about Keith and I? Are we really that...this cannot be happening. I thought but stopped myself. I didn't even take a moment to think of how Keith might be reacting to this! Keith's enemy was Vile, Vile wanted him dead most likely. We were fighting someone associated with Vile and now another player has brought it to our attention that Vile knew about our huntings. About me. In truth I was scared out of my mind of Vile but of course that couldn't show. Not now at least.


     I smirked and stepped forward after the player Shade left. Mhm, I see. So Vile has sent someone else to exterminate us? So you have been conducting his dirty work to get out attention just for this moment? Maybe he's afraid of us huh Napalm. Isn't that why he sent one of his more disposable underlings? I may be just be jumping to conclusions here but either way, your no good. I wish I could say I pitied you but...I can't. You are weak. At first I thought by just looking at your picture you were scary. Even after pulling out that blade I thought you were fearsome but now, you are nothing. You've got some nerve trying to compete with Keith and I. If you weren't pathetic enough, you called for someone's help and even went below that- you begged them! You wouldn't stand a chance against us in a thousand years! Heh, I bet a level two player could fight with you and still come out unscratched. I don't know how you've been committing these murders without getting killed but I know one thing is for sure, by the end of this you'll be on your knees! I yelled the last part and wiped the sweat off of my head as I jumped forward. I lunged toward Napalm while he was still processing my speech and stabbed him in the chest, through the armor. 


    ID: 7910; BD 4+2=6 (+1 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage total)

    Mob 7 :\

    Keith: 94/107

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 80/150

  7. I chuckled when Keith said such a cheesy thing. once again ignoring my demand to be serious during this fight. He kept cracking jokes that related to the pain he received and the damage he took. In a way it was funny, but it was twisted humor. I couldn't help but laugh a little when Keith made his attack, I was quite certain he was aiming too. While Napalm was busy bickering I simply walked behind him and stabbed his right shoulder blade. I told you not to get near him. See what you are doing? Why don't you stop whining and accept the challenge that you've conducted! I said, retracting the blade from his back. It was his fault that he had lower health than us by now, he was screwing around and fool to think he could compete with Keith and I. At this point I couldn't think of anyone who could possibly pose a threat to us, besides Vile. Weak. I sneered and looked at Keith, checking to see he was alright from the burn affects.  


    ID: 7891; BD 9 (+2 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= +6 Damage total)

    Mob 7 :\


    Keith: 94/107

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 85/150

  8. I shrugged when he refused my potion. Personally I beg to differ. A lot can happen in a day here. I could defeat a field boss within a day, get married, or even die in one whole day, the possibilities are really endless in my opinion. I said as I shifted onto my right foot and laughed when he admitted his bow wasn't appropriate. No, it was most definitely uncalled for. Bowing to me again will result with a knee in the face, not joking. I warned in a dead serious tone. Rarely ever did I find myself being bowed to, of being spoken to in such a manner that glowed with politeness. Also, the hair color of this boy was really cool but it reminded me of a certain someone. Mari, the Player Killer. I didn't know what our relationship was at the moment but it in my book, it wasn't a friend. Ceasing the thoughts of other, I returned back to my talk with Marilyn. So, I'm curious. What level are you? I'm a level forty and I guess that's pretty high but...you? 

  9. I stopped myself from laughing in the middle of a battle by denying the joke Keith had made. If I were to bust out laughing then I would most likely not be able to focus again. Stop joking like that, it's so not funny! I yelled, sounding serious. My voice quivered just a little but it wasn't that noticeable. As Keith ran past Napalm, distracting him, I ran behind. After Keith's dive, I took immediate action. Once I got up to an appropriate speed I grabbed Napalm by the shoulders and hoisted myself onto him. I leaned forward and ripped my dagger out of his chest. Unfortunately this caused him to fall forward due to his lack of balance. I released my grip the very last second and slashed Napalm on the back as I rolled backwards. I let him fall to the ground while I stood up, dagger now back in my hand. I flashed a smile to Keith, also giving a thumbs up. 


    ID: 7868; BD 10 (+3 Base Damage +3 Dagger +1 ATH= +7 Damage Total)

    Keith: 95/107 [burned for one turn]

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 101/150

  10. I kept my glare icy as ever and proceeded to stand with my hands on my hips. I half smirked when he didn't reply in sarcasm, a nice change. Usually the players I had spoken to all responded just as rudely as I had and then well, a fight broke out and insults were thrown. These brawls usually didn't end well in terms of status but they were fun. This however, wasn't the case. He stopped being annoying with the humming, he didn't answer weirdly, but he did do something just as stupid. He did a polite bow and introduced himself. I sighed, knowing that I would just have to humor him for now. Well, Marilyn, I don't see how anyone would mistake you for a girl. I mean pink is totally a manly color, so is the name. If you do want to change your hair color for a bit then I have a potion that changes it for a day. I said, first half of my speech obviously sarcastic. 

  11. As I walked down through my normal route, I stopped short at a surprise. There was a player with pink hair, an interesting choice of color. Pink was a rare color to hair, especially a male player. I walked closer to him and noticed he was humming. I would have complimented his hair if he wasn't so annoying though. His humming was seriously getting on my nerves, so finally I approached him. Oi, be quiet, your gonna give me a headache. I said with a glare and fixed my two toned hair. The left side was getting in the way again. 

  12. I turned around after rubbing my head and looked up with a glare. Napalm held his blade above me with murderous intent. I was utterly useless without my weapon and defenseless without it, I had no move. I closed my eyes tight and braced myself for the incoming attack. Just as he was about to stab me, Keith shielded me by taking the damage. I peeked one eyes open, wondering why I didn't feel anything. In front of me was Keith on his knees being attacked. A small scream escaped my mouth as I stood up in a flash. Keith, protect yourself first! I lurched forward and swung with my fist at Napalm. The dagger was still out of reach even as I tried to land a hit on him. 



    ID: 7860; BD 2+3= 5 (Miss)

    Keith: 96/107 [burned for two turns]

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 108/150

  13. I stared at the building in front of me for the longest time with a blank stare. What is this even about? I thought to myself, confused as to why I even came in the first place. I didn't like parties, yet I was hostess of one. I didn't like running around, but I still found myself running around aimlessly. I didn't like being called upon to attend this "Reunion of the Legends," yet here I was standing in front of the door. I sighed, opened the door to the Tavern, and walked through the entry way. I wearing entirely new clothes since I had last seen all of these people. I wore my two toned hair down as usual but since I was just previously on Floor 4 I was wearing warmer clothes. I had equipped the blue half cape with ruffles that Tyger made for me, the blue scarf that I had gotten from Keith on Christmas, and the rest just looked normal. The attire I wore now was a little bit dressy but I didn't mind it. Instead, I looked around the room. Daeron of course was here, the guy from the boss battle as well, and Clarence. It wasn't until I got to the other side of the room I saw Keith. I smiled and walked over to him, happy to see someone that I had been adventuring with. 

  14. I smiled at Keith's form of "distraction," he was actually really good at not only getting distracted but being distracting. Either way, the enemy's attention was now fully on Keith. I took a deep breath and waited for an opening. They clashed and moved at each other, mostly Napalm yelling until finally I saw something. Now! I silently screamed in my head and started forward towards the two. Coming at an angle, I ran faster towards Napalm, eyes on the dagger sticking out of his chest. I was only two feet away from reaching it when suddenly I lost my footing and fell to the hard, and frankly hot, ground. Disappointed with myself, I started to get up.


    ID: 7805; BD 2+3= 5 (Miss) (Mob Dice 9, you calculated the damage and include it in your post please.)

    Keith: 107/107

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 117/150

  15. I got it...I caught my breath for a second then charged forward. The two were in a lock, Keith being unable to withstand Napalm's physical abilities made him on the losing side so far. I jumped into the air, using a solidified magma rock to push off, and hurled myself towards the two blades. While in the air, I pulled my dagger from behind me and threw it at Napalm forcefully. When my boots made contact with the two weapons they both repelled away from each other, thus breaking the clash. I made a graceful landing by rolling and standing up quickly. I inhaled a deep breath and made eye contact with Keith. Distract him. I practically said with my determined stare. In the chest of the enemy was my dagger, the only one I had at the moment. 


    ID: 7801; BD 5+2- BD 7 (+1 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage total)

    Keith: 107/107

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 126/150

  16. I positioned myself right behind Keith and sprang forward when he attacked. I threw my dagger straight and hard, allowing it to stick into his back. While Napalm was still crouched over I ran to him, stepped on his back, and retrieving the dagger in a civil movement. Already a step ahead of you! I said, jumping into the air and away from Napalm. I could see Keith's attack coming from a mile away, it was just a simple defensive movement so why didn't this higher player see it? Maybe he was just tricking us into thinking he was weak or something? Hey Napalm, defense comes in handy sometimes don't you think? Failed hunters wouldn't describe us either, that's two words that you've said that are false. Also, I'd like to see you try to even get near him. I hissed, glaring as I clenched my dagger tighter in my grip. 


    ID: 7795; BD 5+ 2 ACC= BD 7 (+1 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage total)

    Keith: 107/107

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 131/150

  17. Do you mean Player Killers hunters or Mavericks?


    If you mean Mavericks, Player Killers, and orange players then I think that would qualify with Zelrius, Daeron, Alkor? Shade, and of course Vile. These are some of the players that have been here with me since the dawn of the website (or at least when I started) and I think that some of them have changed but I can't be sure.


    Maverick Hunter: There's currently only one and that is Keith. 

  18. Here are my idears: 


    Quest Requirements: Must be 1-2 pages long containing no one liners. Must have a detailed descriptive of the familiar such as color and height. (*side note: we need a height restriction so people don't have dragons roamin' around with them.) You must comfort the animal and coax it into becoming your familiar.


    Additional Accounts: I say absolutely not! It would be confusing and too hard to maintain.  

  19. The hand disappeared as soon as I hit it with my dagger and released Keith. He staggered backwards but I was still on the defensive side. I stared at the pool of magma for a few moments, almost as if I was just waiting for him to come forward again. This was until I heard Keith's voice telling me it was him- It was Napalm, the one we were after. Yeah, I guessed that when a random hand was stupid enough to grab a Player Killer...I said, tearing my eyes from the unmoving lava and to Keith. I placed a hesitant hand on his shoulder. Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? I mean, I have no potions but...I trailed off, hearing movement behind me. Emerging from the heated substance was the mirror image of the aforementioned profile Keith sent me. Napalm was here, and he looked serious. 


    The daunting figure removed his sword from it's sheath and pointed it at Keith and I, clearly stating a challenge. Flames licked all edges of the yellow blade as it was directed our way. Just this once I decided to let Keith do all of the speaking. If I interjected then surely damage would have already been done by now. After a few back and fourth comebacks I had had enough. I stepped in front of Keith and glared at Napalm. Weak. How dare you use such a word to describe us. I may be called other names that will not be mentioned but, I am most definitely, not weak. Neither is he. But as always, I said as I wiped the sweat from my forehead and smirked. Actions speak louder than words. On my last word I lunged forward with my fingers laced around the handle of my dagger. I made a clean cut across his chest and did a defensive maneuver until I got back to a safe distance. 


    ID: 7793; BD 7 (+1 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage total)

    Keith: 107/107

    Kiru: 87/87


    Napalm: 145/150

  20. Just like last time I had been on this floor, I was just outside Delilah Village. In fact, I was in the exact same location where I had met Kosan. I sat in the large patch of daises under a large tree that provided a lot of shade. The thick branches and abundant leaves blocked out the persistent and blazing sun from touching my face. Though this floor wasn't as hot as Floor 9, it was still annoyingly humid. Even so, this was where I went to relax, and today I was taking the day off. Previous events and jobs had exhausted me to the point where I had fallen asleep under the tree. I wasn't exactly unarmed though, I had a dagger hidden up my sleeve in case of a random sleep PK. 

  21. When I took a closer look I realized that it was just part of the rock. This guy Napalm was nowhere around us. To the right I saw Keith move towards a shiny object poking out of the pool of lava. It looked like a gauntlet to me but I wasn't sure. To get a better look, I trailed behind Keith and stood to his right as he got onto his knees to inspect it. I shook my head at him, this thing was practically screaming 'suspicious' yet he was still looking at it. Keith, where are we? I said rhetorically. We are at the bottom of the wasteland of floor nine with a Maverick running around. It would be best not to get distracted by shiny armor...I said and turned around to scan the area again. Keith said something but I kept looking around, he had to be hiding. 


    Then suddenly I heard a splashing sound, like he had fallen in or something. I spun around and to my horror, a hand had taken a hold of Keith's neck. Keith! Don't fall in! I wasted no time gaping and ran forward with my dagger in my hand. I stood in front of the scene and sliced down onto the arm, hoping to free Keith. Then, something weird happened. 

  22. After the small gesture from him, I was starting to focus just a little bit more. I smiled at Keith as he exited the cart, replying to him as well. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I whispered, knowing he probably couldn't hear me. Instead of walking behind Keith, I now stood at his left side with a hand behind my back. From prior experience, I knew I had to be ready at all times to be struck with a weapon, especially when I was around Keith. 


    My icy eyes full of determination scanned the area, no one was in sight just yet. He was hiding himself. I peeled my eyes off of the boiling magma and stared at the ground as I walked. No, he's probably watching us both as we speak. We just need to be wary of our surroundings at all times. I stated, thinking like a PK would. It was crucial to always know where your enemy was. If I were a Maverick, where would I hide? Behind the cart? No, there's windows that would reveal me. I would hide behind a large rock or something and do a surprise attack, maybe make a grand entrance of some sort?. I thought and looked up from the ground. In front of both of us, when the two sides of ground connected, was a hardened magma formation. Sitting upon it was what seemed to be player dressed in black. My head immediately turned to Keith with a slight smirk. 

  23. The only thing I could do was nod along. I'm taking part in that boss battle too, I hope we're in the same group. It would go a lot smoother if none of the lower players tried to be part of it. I may sound selfish but I want to be the one to kill it, not them. Last time in a boss battle...someone died because no one was quick enough to heal her. She was in my group...I.. I said, trying to hide how disappointed in myself I was. It pained me to be the only one with someone in there group to die. It showed I couldn't really lead a group very well. Mainly I was chosen because of my level but I wasn't the most qualified for the job.


    Thank you. I said quietly, feeling a major weight lift from my shoulders, only to be replaced with another one. The new one created was Keith, he had a lot of things to bear. Some of them I couldn't share with him, some he held for me. Keith didn't want to disappoint anyone, which probably caused people to abused his kindness. I stood my ground this time when the cart ceased it's movement. Keith announced our arrival when it stopped. Yeah...right. I stated gloomily. I had a lot of things weighing on my mind right now but I couldn't seem to focus on the Maverick anymore. I sighed and opened the screeching doors. 


    OOC- Items equipped:

     â–ºShadow Gloves

    Quality: Perfect
    Description: It's a steel pair of gloves, made from light shiny steel with other materials , +2 Acc , +1 Dmg M
    â–º Banshee Shiv (Rank 0, no extra damage from ranks)
    Quality: Perfect
    The Black Forge
    Description: A perfect dagger, the blade is extremely well tempered and the edge is very fine and sharp. +3 Damage 
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