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Posts posted by Kiru

  1. As I fell backwards I admired the way Keith made it his priority to be the one to fall first. He switched our roles and by the time I could blink I had fallen onto Keith. I laid there for a minute before realizing that it was Keith an not the ice that I was on top of. I pushed myself upwards but stopped to lock eyes with Keith. Well...I-i guess. I mean..I trailed on as I leaned in closer with my eyes shut tight and pressed my lips against his cheek quickly. Still embarrassed from before and right now for making a scene I scurried to my feet and looked down at Keith, offering him my hand. 



    (I might edit this, it's kinda crappy..)


    CD: 4 

  2. Jeez, why is this floor so gosh darn hot all the time?! I complained and tied my hair into a high ponytail. The black half of my hair and the white half of my hair split into two even parts without me even trying, it was just a habit. I leaned my back against the crumbled and bent metal ledge and stared off of the roof. The metal didn't bother me as much as the sun did, the sun was just plain annoying right now. It blazing down onto my pale skin, causing it to become heated within seconds but not tanned. I sighed and folded my arms over my chest. 


    From behind me I heard a loud growling followed by a roar. Startled, I spun around with a dagger in my hand and raised it in the air. On the ground below stood a lion, it's owner chasing after it. While I was in my throwing stance I noticed a player standing behind the beast, waving. I smirked and spun the dagger in the air, catching it and placing it back behind my back. That's quite the bothersome animal there. I shouted downwards with a glare, hoping she'd catch on that I didn't like her company. 

  3. "...It's been maybe two days here but how long is that in the real world...we could still be only one week after the launch and notice...scary. Nonsense, this is your life now and it seems to be quite wonderful so far." I chuckled at myself for being silly enough to think like that, there was no way the time was different in Sword Art Online than it was in the real world. I sat there for a few minutes, shifting every now and then until I heard something approach. The thought of my job filled me mind, causing me to freeze in place. I sat absolutely still, trying not to make any noise. "They really don't rest do they? Those stupid Mavericks always tracking my locations. I hate them." I chewed the inside of my mouth and finally looked down to see another player. Right away I could tell that they weren't a Maverick. This person was not a PKer, a green cursor shone above their head. The man then said something very akward, if I came here often. "No, I don't come here often at all. It's dangerous and quite frankly it's annoying to weave through these leaves all day. The monsters don't give enough col, nothing is of use to me here, and it's always so noisy. So no, I hate it here." I said, swinging my legs over the side of the branch and leaning forward so I could interact with the strange male. My two toned hair covered my glare and my entire face as I sat farther off of the tree. 

  4. My cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment as he just stared at me. "Does it look weird? Is it too frilly? I knew I should have gotten it without the lace! I-" The negative thoughts in my head were silenced by Keith complimenting it in the best way possible. A small smile broke out onto my face as I intertwined my fingers together to keep them from shaking. I didn't like receiving compliments a lot so I just kind of stared at the ice while twiddling my thumbs. "Thank you. You look pretty too. I-i mean you...you look great as well Keith..." To cope with how anxious I felt I shifted onto my right foot. Then the back end of my skate suddenly fell out from under me and I lost my balance. 


    CD: 3 (aw :/)

  5. I stormed through the Town of Beginnings with an annoyed face. My black boots nearly stomping onto the uneven cobblestones, I stopped abruptly. Today there was many players just roaming around, which made it hard for me to navigate through the mass. These players didn't have any particular task, they were just there to be seen. There was only one thing I wanted to do right now and that was to simply farm the low leveled monsters. But of course, every time I came into town it was super busy. I crossed my arms with a scowl and stared about, trying to find the easiest way to the other side without killing anyone in the process.


    Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. The other hand of the person grabbed a small amount of hair from the left side of my head. Then someone began speaking with the hint of an accent, saying that something was beautiful. I spun around, slapping away the gloved hand and freeing my hair. The sudden shock was replaced with an intense glare. Excuse you. I would advise you not to touch me again. 

  6. I watched as he slowly made his stance better and skated more confidently. He was doing okay now. Oh so now you're an expert? I shot back jokingly. I was amused to know that he got the hang of it so quickly. Most people fell on their faces the first time they skated but Keith didn't, he mastered it in seconds. I want to change into my normal outfit. I explained, slowly down slowly. Well you see I had this custom made for myself about a day ago and I decided to see how it actually looked. I think it's pretty but I shouldn't be wearing this sort of thing right now.... I unequipped my cape and the blue scarf from Christmas time and stopped in front of Keith to show him the entire dress. It was slightly embarrassing but just as Keith said: no one was looking. 


    CD: 6 

  7. Following Keith I chose a pair of stark white figure skates and put them on. I walked over to the rink and inspected it as I glared at him slightly. Keith, it's still the same. It's weird and uncomfortable! I said, feeling blood rush to my cheeks. I stepped with my left foot first onto the ice and glided slowly. I tilted forward and flailed my hands at my sides a little until I finally got the courage to stand up straight. The ice was slippery but it was like any other rink, smooth. I kicked my toe pic into the ice and turned around to look at Keith. At least I can stand up straight without falling...Keith? I asked with a chuckle He really couldn't skate. It was a little funny to watch him go from a confident and cheery guy to a blue haired boy struggling to stand up straight. I skated over to where Keith was and sighed with a smile.  Here, I held his left elbow tightly from behind and skated forwards slowly. just put one foot in front of the other and hold onto the boards. I stated, guiding him forward. 


    CD: 4 

  8. As I approached Keith I looked behind him, eyes focused on the commotion. It was a festival of some sort. Only, this one was all lovey dovey and Valentine filled. There were stands and tents scattered about all with the theme of love. I crunched through the snow until I finally was close enough to actually talk to Keith without shouting.  My eyes shut tight as I made an unnoticeable small when he gave me a quick kiss on my nose.  I would like to get changed but I can't. I mumbled, still in a slightly annoyed mood about my outfit. This dress was really going to be death of me. I tugged on the blue cape with my free hand and began to walk slightly behind Keith. Nothing looked very interesting. Kissing booths were a bad idea, the mysterious tents seemed weird, and sadly I was afraid of heights so the ferris wheel was a no go. I looked around until finally deciding upon skating. Skating. Definitely skating. I said and squeezed his hand slightly. When I was younger I liked to ice skate but I hadn't skated it quite awhile. Even so, I was confident it my abilities. 



    (CD: 4 next post)

  9. My eyes scanned the PM I has just received, as per usual, it was from Keith. Once again, he had called me to do something at the absolute worst time. I stood in the center of my room at the Inn on Floor 4 I was currently residing and stared at myself in the full length mirror. I had just stopped at Ariel's shop to pick up a custom dress I had ordered. The item was stunning but to be seen outside with it was out of the question. The dress itself was so embarrassing for me, also the fact that I was wearing it. It was a red dress with cute capped sleeves, had frilly lacing at the bottom and at the collar as well. To top it off there was a bow in the center of the all of the frill, mixing everything about the materials perfectly. I read the PM again and decided that I needed to leave now, it might be urgent files to show me or something. My cheeks flushed as I checked my reflection again. I took a deep breath and equipped my blue cape and scarf over it so the only thing showing was the bottom skirt and headed outside. I walked past everyone quick as I could and tracked Keith's location. He was right outside some big event going on. Great. Just great. I thought and approached Keith with the straightest face I could. 


    New Item: 


    Item: St. Valentine Dress - Lolita Edition.

    Item type : Vanity Item
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: None
    Shop: The Lion's Den
    Description :

  10. I walked into Ariel's shop after sending a quick PM to her and looked around the room. She seemed to be doing good with business here. I shifted onto my left foot and look to the left, there was a familiar box sitting on the surface. Knowing it was mine I made my way over and read the scribbled "Kiru" on it, I loved it when she wrapped my items for me. I materialized 200 col and placed it onto the table in exchange for the dress I had ordered. Just as I was about to open the box, a lion came out. My heart instantly melted at how cute it was. I crouched down while clutching the box and pet the familiar behind the ears. After a few minutes of petting I stood up and called out to Ariel as I walked out of the door. Thanks Ariel! 


    -200 col

    Item: St. Valentine Dress - Lolita Edition.

    Item type : Vanity Item

    Quality: Good

    Enhancement: None
    Shop: The Lion's Den

    Description :

  11. Kiru now is who you really gotta look out for. 

    I'll take that as a compliment. IC, Kiru is pretty tough to handle. Anyways, I was curious about Lancer because he reminds me of someone I used to know. Your writing is really good and the character outline is awesome!~

  12. I took a look around me, there were players with really low health by now and no one was helping them. I opened my HUD while in the midst of a battle and checked my items, I had no healing items on me at all. Why did I think that I didn't need healing potions. I could have helped some of these players...I thought then looked over at my group. One player caught my eye, Rue. Rue was down to an extremely dangerous amount of health. I could do nothing to help her at all. I watched in horror as the Hydra made one final blow at her, her health going to zero, and her life ended. Her body burst into millions of pixels, now gone with the system, then nothing. I stood there motionless with my shoulders slumped, not really believing what I was seeing. 


    After all the chaos began I kind of just stood there, just being a spectator. No one was in their groups anymore, they were only concerned about landing one final hit on the boss. They wanted to be known as the player that cleared Floor 9, to be recognized as a powerful player. I wasn't interested in any of that glory so I just watched as everyone tripped over themselves to try and kill the Hydra. So far the health was going down quickly but with the sword I had now...I couldn't do anything. I couldn't hit the boss or inflict any damage onto it. I was rendered useless at this final stage of the fight. To make matters worse, I had no healing crystals so no one could rely on me at all. In the end, the only person you can count on to save you is yourself. 


    Then, I turned my head to the right and saw Mari holding Alkor. My eyes widened slowly, mouth gaping open in shock. I had only known Alkor for a little while but he was one of the only people that were...real. He was silent and carefeul when I was with him but right now, none of that mattered. My hands shakily sheathed my sword at my hip as I stared at Mari. She wasn't handling this well. Then suddenly, Alkor's body disappeared into pixels, vanishing into thin air in a matter of seconds. I slight scream escaped my mouth but I covered it with my hand. I took a few deep breaths and stared at the ground, eyes blurring until I heard the "Congratulations!" sound. Zelrius had ended the boss. I blinked a few times and looked at the doorway to the Tenth Floor, it was almost unbelievable. I smiled with a sense of accomplishment until guilt kicked in. Two players had died in the battle. To make matters worse Zelrius gave a speech about it, he had the nerve to act high and mighty. I glared a him icily. This is unacceptable. It was not because they were worthless. Alkor was NOT worthless. Rue was not weak. All of the fault is ours as a group. There was a danger that we all came in to face, not just them alone. We as a group are responsible for the deaths but they shouldn't have to bear it....Someone else needs to take the blame for the two that passed. I thought, knowing that if I were to vent all of my feelings out right now I would probably start crying. With the image I had right now...crying would most certainly not do me any favors. I swallowed a lump in my throat and walked into front of everyone, facing the final survivors. Congratulations o-on clearing Floor nine. Thanks to your valiant efforts we have succeeded in getting one more floor closer to escaping this game. I would personally like to say a word of advice to everyone: think of others before yourself. Because of some greedy players here today we lost two players. I was in fact one of those players. I was higher level than some of you so initially I was supposed to lead my group- but I didn't. I came unprepared and now I am fully responsible for the deaths. Please keep in mind that they will always be with us though...I am sorry for the loss if you knew them but please stay safe on this next floor. Level up and become stronger so you can protect those you love, your friends and everyone. Congrats everyone....I ended quietly, spinning on my heal and bounding up the stairs to Floor 10 before anyone could respond to my sudden choice to make a speech. If anyone was going to take the blame then it would be me, I didn't have anything else to lose. Besides, it wasn't their burden to bear.

  13. I frowned and stepped beside Keith with a slight pout on my face. He was just volunteering us both to walk around with this idiot? I certainly didn't want to go anywhere, I just wanted to sleep. I let out a huff of annoyance and turned back to the kid. Well, I wouldn't go that far as to say I would love to go with you per say but...I guess it could be bearable. That is of course if you can actually navigate..I  looked down at Keith's hand as he interlocked it with mine, it felt nice. It was sort of a calming gesture, sort of telling me that it was going to be okay. I sighed and half glared at Keith. No, I have to come. If I were to turn around you'd probably drag me along again. Unlike last time, I would like to be in control of my own movements. Though I'm tired and prefer not to walk I will still walk by myself. I stated and listened to this guy's task, he was going after a place called the "Churches of The Dead." The rumors were an immortal object guarding something inside but I didn't believe that. I had actually tried to investigate this same cases once but I got distracted and ended up not even trying. If we did succeed in finding this monster then certainly I would like to challenge it. I looked at Keith and raised an eyebrow. 

  14. I gave one last longing glance at Keith before heading out of the room. The groups were heading out and sadly, Keith was in another. It was bad enough that I didn't know how monthly boss raids went but not having Keith in my group was just plain stressful and annoying. I sighed and looked ahead of me. The first to leave the Inn was of course Zelrius but the rest followed behind, each hitting with all their might before I could even step foot outside. As the players fought against Cupid I couldn't help but think of him lowly, he was so arrogant but he was powerful. He was a boss that hurt a lot of players in the game yet he had the name Cupid. As far as I could tell, he didn't want to spread love. 


    I ran outside of the small room we gathered in and took a look around to find Keith, he was attracting the boss towards himself without even trying! Then, Cupid laid eyes on Keith with a smug look. Cupid addressed Keith and mocked him without fail. This of course, made me angry, only I was supposed to make fun of him. That was my job after all. After speaking at Keith he pulled an arrow from him back. Suddenly an arrow flew from his bow so fast that my eyes couldn't even follow. The next thing I knew was that the pink arrow had impaled Keith, freezing him. Cupid explained that the paralysis could only be removed by a kiss. How fitting. Cupid using his arrow to create "love" even on the battlefield." I leveled a glare at Cupid and managed to keep myself from yelling at him. It's alright..all I have to do is kiss him. That shouldn't be so bad, I mean it's normal. Okay, I got this! I balled my hands into fists and began to run over to Keith. After a few steps I stopped short with a shocked look on my face. Right in front of me was Asen, kissing Keith. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, not finding the right words and turned on my heal to face Cupid. I'll deal with Asen later. Right now I need to get payback for that stupid arrow! 


    I pulled a dagger from behind my back and sprang forward with murderous intent, this pervert was going down. I weaved through the mass of players until finally I was within arm's distance to Cupid. I flicked my wrist forward and lunged at the winged boss. Sadly, he was too quick and I totally missed. What the...where'd he go? I could have sworn I was close enough to hit him! I thought, angry at myself for missing my first attempt at hitting Cupid. 


    ID; 9070: BD 4-2 eva = 2 + 3 acc = 5 (miss)


    Group 4:
    Lessa 46/46
    Ariel 22/22
    Kiru 88/88 (My health was and is 88)

  15. A laugh escaped my mouth slightly when Keith began to whisper about the boy in front of us. Yes, he was an idiot, but I knew right away that he was not a PKer. Usually Pkers were arrogant and would have already had their weapon drawn. Another reason was he was insanely polite and referred to me as miss. There was no way in Aincrad that this dude was a Maverick. I think we should teach him a lesson for waking up a sleeping Kiru, he could have died a moment ago. I whispered back, obviously joking about the matter. You can do whatever but I'm not interested in him, he's a little boring. There's no reason to pursue him but wherever you go, I will follow. 


    I turned my head back to the boy in front of Keith and I with a glare returning to my face. Care to join you? Now why would we want to do that? Were probably thirty or so levels above you and yet you ask us if we want to accompany you on your frivolous adventure? Hah, spare me. I said wit ha grim smile and stepped forward towards the lower leveled player. A word of advice kid, don't approach sleeping players. Next time you do that, you're gonna get killed. 

  16. My eyes widened with anger, I had to stop myself from whacking this idiot upside the head. An open area?! Wow! Would you look at that...I've stumbled upon an area of land that's open to all! I exclaimed with a highly sarcastic tone. Then I gasped to add an even more dramatic feel to my rant. You don't suppose that other people walk around here do you? I mean surely I would be aware of something like that but I guess not! I exhaled a large breath to relieve myself from fully yelling at this person. Then I looked up and caught him staring a me. With a perked eyebrow I put my dagger away and crossed my arms. 


    Then, almost out of nowhere, Keith was suddenly standing in front of me defensively, warning the player. Even Ruby was playing along. I sighed at all of the drama appearing before me. All I wanted to do was take a nap...and now I had a false accusation. Keith, he's not a Maverick, just someone who almost got killed. I said, pushing Keith to the side and leaning forward with a glare. Vile, is a terrible person whom's name I suggest you shouldn't repeat if you know what's good for your health. Also, I advise you not to mention knowing or seeing either of us. I pointed to Keith and I and continued. He isn't a PKer, believe me. The jewel above his head may be yellow but that shouldn't define whether or not he murders people for fun. A Maverick however, kills countless people for the fun of it. I explained whilst maintaining a glare towards the player. I still couldn't tell his intentions. 

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