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Posts posted by Kiru

  1. As I walked down into the field to farm the lower leveled monsters I saw a very common thing. Boars and low leveled players. Only this player was running away from them like she didn't know how to use her weapon. I raised an eyebrow and walked towards her, not paying any mind to the boars making noises at me. Get down here and fight them you wimp! I called up to the young girl that scurried up the tree. When she didn't respond right away I pulled out my dagger and threw it at sideways at a boar without even looking at my target. These boars were so easy and loud that I could do this with my eyes closed even. I kept my eyes level with the blonde and stared. You'll never be able to get out of here if you can't handle a stupid boar that only has three health points. Imagine what it's like to kill another player who had 150 health! I laughed loudly and picked up my dagger from the ground. My fingers curled around it as I smirked at pointed it at the boar. You piece of crap boar terrorizing everyone! 


    ID 8251; BD 7 (+1 Base +1 ATH +3 dagger= 5 damage) 

    Mob 2 (miss)

    Boar 0/3

    Boar 3/3

    Boar 3/3 


    Kiru 88/88

  2. I nodded at Ariel, thankful that everything was done. I was even more happy to see that she wrapped them in boxes for me. Thank you. I'll be back soon. I promised to come back and clicked open my HUD. From there 350 col was subtracted and materialized into a small bag which I placed onto the table. I lifted up the two stacked boxes and carried them out of the shop with a smile. 



    10,191 col - 350 = 9841 col remaining.


    +2 items -350 col

  3. Before leaving the shop a few days ago I had placed an order for a dress, a special one that was. Now, sure it was done, I walked into the Lion's Den with my head held high. I walked straight to the back of the shop and peeked my head into the forge area, I didn't feel like waiting. I inhaled a deep breath and final mustered the courage to ask for my wedding dress. Hey Ariel, is my headpiece done yet? Also, I placed an order for a dress a couple days ago. I want to know if it's done yet. I said without pauses and a tiny blush on my cheeks. 

  4. I checked my col balance again before opening the shop door. Did he really need to give me that much? I mean 2,000 would have been okay but..I thought with a sigh and looked inside. this shop was the one that Keith suggested I buy from, good quality and good prices. I peered around the wall and called out into the shop. Hello? Anyone there? I wanna place a custom order, and I need it done within the next day. 

  5. After Keith and I drank the familiar red liquid we were each ridden of our wounds and given full health. No, don't be. I had a little fun with this. I slipped in before he leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes and returned it without hesitation. After the kiss he suggested the idea that we go do something fun. In my mind it sounded really good right now, especially for Keith. It would get his mind off of things and return to his usual state of happiness. Yeah, anywhere away from here. I said and gave a weary glance to the Gondola. It still awaited us to be carried up to the main floor accompanied by a creaky, unstable, and dangerous ride. I chuckled and pulled Keith's now regenerated hand over to the transport. 

  6. As he leaned in closer my glare intensified. This man was just asking for it. You can't damage another player at all in a safe zone but the pain is still there. It's like your'e immortal in a way. You keep getting hurt but you never die in a safezone, convenient? From personal experience I can tell you that the pain is certainly not lessened in a safezone when your chest is impale with a spear. I spoke rhetorically, just kind of blabbing now. He probably already knew that, mostly everyone did. No one dared to hurt one another in a safezone though, the guards would be there in a split second if anything happened. Then, his next sentence caught my attention. And that's the difference between the two of us. I do things all the time I know I'll regret, that's just what I do. I make my actions according to the people around me, but mostly for myself. I only care about a handful of people in this game so I don't regret anything major. I closed my eyes and leaned away from him, suddenly taken by the smell of alcohol everywhere. It was enough to make me pass out.

  7. I looked at Keith with a slight frown. Now you're just being unfair. If I said I was going to jump off the edge of Aincrad you wouldn't follow me would you? I don't want anything from that boy. I said, referring to Shade. He was so stuck up yet we were so much alike. It sickened me to the point of hating him without really knowing the reason behind it. I looked at Keith, unaware that I had been staring at the ground so angrily, and saw something in his eyes. It was unexplainable. I just knew I needed to drink it to make him content. Just do it. It's not going to kill you. This will be the first and last time using health potions. I exhaled deeply of annoyance and took the bottle from him. I closed my eyes and drank it. There.

  8. I scoffed at the obviously mistaken player as my eyes lit up with amusement. Strike you down? I probably could end you with one hit but I'm not like that. Ah, I see. Just because I'm a level forty, I have a bad attitude, and often I scare people, does not mean that I go around killing them. I'm a Maverick Hunter, I hunt the murderers then if they don't cooperate, kill them. At the last words I spoke, a memory came back to me. Just recently I had been in a battle along with Keith facing against a dangerous Maverick. The fight made us lose above half health each and had many wounds. Keith lost his hand and an ear even. We warned the other player but in the end our kindness resulted in nothing. The player stabbed me in the back which came to his death. I clenched my hands into fists and glared at the player with red hair. You shouldn't go around daring people to kill you, that just might be the end of you. Oh and if you forgotten, we're in a safezone. I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to. I said, flicking my eyes towards the player singing, this song was actually one I liked. 

  9. I turned my head slightly to address the red head.True, very true. Those two feelings aren't meant to be confused but at times like these, they can be felt at the same time. Oh and would you look at that, I'm directing those exact emotions towards. I suppose you're the kind of player who nags on everyone to do something, yet, does nothing? That would be just sad. I smirked and ran my fingers through my two-toned hair. This player seemed way too relaxed, maybe it was the result of drinking the foul smelling liquid. A slight yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched my hands upward towards the ceiling. Upon hearing my name, I looked over. I bit the inside of my cheek and glared to the player who's name I still couldn't remember. Well, I don't love you and I wish you would get some common sense. Your such an idiot...I said as he walked upon the stage with a guitar and began to sing a familiar tune. 

  10. Almost like it couldn't get any worse, it did. The same annoying voice that was now seared into my brain was speaking. I spun around to confirm my suspicion. It was Shade. That boy, I thought with clenched teeth. ...is an ungrateful, arrogant, stupid, and he will bite those words! How can he ever compare us to Vile or even himself? He doesn't even look strong enough to kill a boar. Yet... I sense murderous intent. Shade kept speaking of how we just did everything for him, killing his team. I glared coldly at Shade as he finished his little speech of how he claimed to be better than us. He spoke of Vile like he was nothing and talked to us like we weren't even there. He had no class at all. Shade even had the nerve to throw two health potions at Keith and I/


     Oh, I look forward to seeing you on your knees! I jeered, now angry that he dared to say such things. After a moment of recollecting myself I turned to Keith and shook my head. I don't need it, plus your health is way below mine. 


    (I'm such a hypocrite lol)

  11. Instantly I was calmed when Keith wrapped his arms around me. It felt like I had no wounds at all, but I did. I hugged Keith back this time, not even thinking while doing so. No, I'm not going to do that. I hate that town, the guards have no respect for anyone. I'd probably cause a scene again. I whispered, thinking of the events that had just happened. Keith lost so much only to gain more stress an regrets. Being a Player Killer, having a colored cursor even was probably killing him on the inside. Next time...I'll be the one to end the life so Keith won't have to do it. He doesn't need this..I vowed releasing my arms from around him and looking him in the eye with a smile.Besides, if I left then what would happen to you? Your ear..and your hand are gone....I can't leave you alone to fight mobs with one hand now can I? I said and chuckled softly to muffle the sob I was trying to hold back. L-let's just do something fun okay? Let's go run somewhere or something, just get away from here. I suggested. mostly just wanting to get Keith away from this scarring place. 

  12. After a bit of silence, he lit up like a firework, complimenting me. My cheeks flushed a little when he began to fawn over me. Yeah, I get that a lot. Thank you, I try my best to be just amazing everyday. I flipped the other half of my hair over my shoulder and smirked when he brought his sword out. When he stuck his weapon out for me to inspect I sighed slightly, remembering the time I used a sword instead of daggers. It was a long time ago actually. I looked into his eyes and addressed his question. Yeah, you can get skill points and spend them to upgrade your sword. Or of course you can purchase a new one with more usable stats in some of the shops downtown...Speaking of which I... I checked the time on my HUD and nearly fainted, I was super late! I gotta go! I shoved Marilyn's sword back at him and began to dash away. I turned around and said one more thing before disappearing. NEVER give your sword to anyone else, they might kill you! That's a lesson you've learned from Kiru by the way! I hope to see you again sometime! 

  13. I opened the door to the Tavern with a hard push. The door swung open and hit the wall surprisingly, I expected the door to be heavy. I quickly covered up my mistake and shut the door quietly. I made my way over to the bar but stopped dead in my tracks. Lessa? I said with an astonished look on my face. It had been weeks since I last saw her at my Holiday party. Then I recognized another face but was totally blanking on the name. If I was correct, he got down on his knees and pleaded to me one time. A smug look crept onto my face as I walked over to the nearest stool and took a seat. Just as I did so, the barkeeper asked if I wanted something to drink. He offered his finest ale but I shot it down immediately. May I just have a water please, I'm afraid that foul liquid will never enter my body. After receiving my water I looked over at Lessa and the other three males, there was definitely a negative vibe coming from them. Might I ask why I sense murderous intent? Did someone lose to a game of checkers again? I asked, grinning slightly. 

  14. From within a tall tree I looked down at the floor around me. Everything about this floor was seriously whack. Everything was just too...jungley. Nothing made sense, it didn't even rain here that much. What possessed me to come to this floor anyways? It's hot, humid, and all these animal noise are just plain annoying! I thought as I looked down from the tree I resided in again. The ground was either covered in leaves, dirt, or really high grass so I tried to stay as far away as possible. Of course this limited where I could go but at least I was safe from getting my boots all dirty. Monsters roamed during the night and I didn't have Night Vision so that was another reason I didn't travel on the ground. I leaned my head back against the tree trunk and swallowed. How long has it been since I've been to a different floor? I sighed and closed my eyes. 

  15. I stood up, no longer kneeling beside Napalm and looked at Keith. He had a familiar crystal out, the one that almost sent us away and the one that transported the two Mavericks long ago. I started to nod at Keith, agreeing, but stopped when I heard Napalm yell out. As a last moment attempt to end this, scrambled over to Keith and cut off his hand from his arm. I stared at Keith with wide eyes and an open mouth for so long that I hardly noticed Napalm making his way over swiftly. He grabbed hold of my ponytail and stuck his sword into my back. I let out everything I had been holding in during the battle so far at that moment. I wailed in pain as the fire sword pierced deeper into my back. Everything hurt now, my side, my cheek, my leg, and now my back. I didn't dare move, it would just result in something worse. I stood there feeling helpless until Napalm suddenly removed his sword. I caught myself from falling forward and put a hand over my mouth, trying to conceal my screams. I heard a splashing sound and turned around to see Napalm sinking slowly into the hot pool of lava. His health hit zero and he died in the flames. I swallowed hard and looked over at Keith, who was on his knees. A feeling of worry washed over me when I stumbled over to him and placed a hand on his back. It's...It's okay....It's over..

  16. The last boar came racing towards me with determined eyes. It plowed through my left leg, leaving a small cut. I didn't even flinch when it attacked me, it didn't hurt one bit to me. It amused me to see the boar actually back up a little bit, as if it had the feelings to be scared of me for not being hurt. The boar was probably used to attacking the lower level players with no problem. With one motion I cut through the boar and killed it. 


    ID: 8082; BD 8 (+3 dagger +1 ATH +1 Base Damage)

    Boar: Mob 10 (+3 Damage)


    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD 

    Boar 0/3 DEAD 


    Kiru 84/88

  17. After the boar hit me in the back of the leg with it's tusk I turned around with a grim look on my face. Stupid thing, how dare you try to harm me. I said and drove my dagger into the head of the boar. It dissipated into tiny crystals and vanished from the world of Aincrad. In about ten minutes it would regenerate to terrorize players once more. Pathetic little boars can't even stay alive long enough to damage me. I sneered and turned to the remaining boar.



    8079; BD 9 (+2 base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger)

    Boar: Mob 1 (Miss)

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 0/3 DEAD

    Boar 3/3


    Kiru 87/88

  18. I trudged through the town, back where I entered from, and out to the field. No one was around, which was good because I needed to get all of the boar kill I could get. The boars around here were easy and only took one hit for me to kill. Around the tree on my right were three boars grazing. They didn't even look up when I pulled out my weapon. I smirked and threw my dagger at the nearest boar, instantly killing it without notice. The boars, suddenly aware of what was going on, charged at me. I dodged the first one but the second pierced the back of my leg with it's tusk. 


    ID: 8078; BD 6 (+3 Dagger +1 ATH +1 Base damage)

    Mob 8 (1 Damage)


    Boar 0/3

    Boar 3/3

    Boar 3/3


    Kiru 87/88

  19. I swallowed, Keith never spoke like that to me about anyone like that. Maybe Napalm was a lost cause...Even so, I tried once more to reason with the Maverick. He's still there, just a little freaked out is all. I walked forward, wincing when Keith was struck by Napalm. Though Keith made no noticeable reaction it still hurt to see him be attack constantly. I walked over to the struggling Napalm and drove my dagger into him slightly, not going in too far. C'mon...Napalm, you issued a challenge and now your at your end. Either admit that you are done for or...die. I warned once more, kneeling beside him. My eyes were now blankly staring, imagining, and mostly pondering about this player I was next to. Yes, he was a murderer but there was something unknown holding me back from ending him. 


    ID: 8077; BD 6 (+1 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage) 

    Mob 10 :C (Kiru)

    Keith: 76/107

    Kiru: 67/87


    Napalm: 9/150 (omg.)

  20. I walked into a random shop, not even bothering for the name and looked around swiftly, I needed things for the monthly boss stat. Although I was pretty sure that I wouldn't be using any of it I still thought it was a good idea to keep them on my person. I sighed and scrolled through the items for sale and purchased two items before leaving quicker than I came.


    Antidote Potion - Cures the target of one Condition. Requires a post action.
    Customer Cost: 550 Col
    Healing Potion - Heals the user for 5 Hp. Requires a post action.
    Customer Cost: 400 Col 


    -950 col

  21. I opened the door to the Inn where the monthly boss raid was meeting, thankfully it wasn't in a safe zone. If it were in the town then all of the orange players wanting to participate would have a hard time getting to the meeting place. Maybe I even I would have gotten chased through the town, the guards knew my face after all. From previous events with Keith I concluded it would be best not to head into town for a little bit. Besides, I had enough of the guards pointing their weapons at players without really questioning them. Seeing an orange cursor above their head was enough to strike. 


    Once inside, my cold gaze scanned the room. Most of the players here I knew. Only a few of the people here didn't have a good bond with me, not that I cared. I looked around the room until finally I saw the one person I was looking for, Keith. One woman briefly said something then left but two players still stood beside him, exchanging pleasantries. Kosan, whom I meet shortly, was now surprisingly a Player Killer. I wondered what he could have possibly done as I walked forward. The other player there was Drat, my old guild mate. I decided to pay him no mind and instead just ignore him. Oi, I sighed, looking Keith straight in the eye now. I have never attended a monthly boss battle but it seems to be quite the event. Seems like the usual suspects are here...


    â–º Swordsmans Cape

    Sold by: Tyger

    Type: Light Armor Accessory

    Rarity: Uncommon

    Description: This blue half cape rests over one shoulder and loops down to the opposite hip. Also known as a fencer's cape.

    Effect: +1 Accuracy


    â–ºShadow Gloves
    Quality: Perfect
    Description: It's a steel pair of gloves, made from light shiny steel with other materials , +2 Acc , +1 Dmg M

    Weapons/ tools


    â–º Banshee Shiv (Rank 0, no extra damage from ranks)

    Quality: Perfect
    The Black Forge
    Description: A perfect dagger, the blade is extremely well tempered and the edge is very fine and sharp. +3 Damage [On a 9, +5 damage and on a 10, +6 damage.]

    â–ºAntidote Potion - Cures the target of one Condition. Requires a post action.


    â–ºHealing Potion - Heals the user for 5 Hp. Requires a post action.
  22. No...I mumbled and shifted slightly, trying to go back asleep. Talking as I slept was normal but a reply was made, someone was speaking to me. Upon being poked I woke up slowly. My eyes opened slightly just as the figure began to speak. When I was finally aware that there was another person beside me, and touching me for the matter, I sprang to me feet. I held the dagger out in front of me with a glare and inspected to player. He seemed to be unarmed but that was no reason at all to let my guard down. Why are you here? Also, I'm curious to know why exactly you thought it would be smart to simply poke a higher level player while they are sleeping! Any other sane person would have left me be. I fixed a strand of hair that fell over my eyes and brushed it away swiftly.

  23. Yeah, I'm fine. I said and waved him off, grabbing my dagger once more. What is with this guy? He's going to die in the next two hits...are we really going to kill him? I thought and stood for a moment, deeply in thought. I've always had doubts about dying the in the game, you couldn't in real life could you? That was constantly on my chest and now it was weighing me down. So, as per usual, I gritted my teeth and pushed the thought away for now. I nodded my head at Keith as a reassurance and dove forward, piercing the blade of my dagger into his forearm. I pulled it out quick and looked Napalm straight in the eye. Leave, I breathed in deeply. Or surrender yourself. You are going to die here if you continue to resist. 


    ID: 8067; BD 8 (+1 Base Damage +1 ATH +3 Dagger= 5 Damage) 

    Mob 7 :/

    Keith: 81/107

    Kiru: 67/87


    Napalm: 23/150

  24. [Non, my reply was pretty horrid as well. Sorry for not giving that much to go off of.]


    At this point I had gotten extremely worried, he hadn't been answering me. Keith! I yelled, still holding a firm grasp on both shoulders. ...Keith! I continued, hoping that he would reply. A slight tear rolled down my cheek as I was now scared. I wiped it away and was about to say his name another time. Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation cleave into my right side. The attack I knew was from Napalm made me lose my grip on Keith and fall to the ground. At the impact of the ground I gasped in pain loudly, clutching a hand to my side. The wound just above my hip was deeper than the other two but it still hurt all the same. I stood up shakily and glared at Napalm.


    ID: 8044; BD 2 (Miss)

    Mob 1 : D 

    Keith: 81/107

    Kiru: 67/87


    Napalm: 37/150

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