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Status Replies posted by Kiru

  1. New inforrmation broker girl.....Must be involved in this new update Daeron's speaking of.....Im gonna figure out whats going on before it happens!

  2. I've been scared to try it, I want to put events on the calendar, but would they show up on everyone's calender or just the one who put it?

  3. Name that anime! "With all due respect, if you keep running your mouth I'm going to lose it."

  4. Name that anime! "With all due respect, if you keep running your mouth I'm going to lose it."

  5. Name that anime! "With all due respect, if you keep running your mouth I'm going to lose it."

  6. Can there be shops outside of towns? (Like Alkor's maybe?)

  7. Can there be shops outside of towns? (Like Alkor's maybe?)

  8. The GM Team has a huge surprise update coming soon that we feel you all may love! (Won't discuss what it is though.)

  9. Question: If you have an orange cursor can you still have a shop in a town?

  10. Im just sitting here singing in my head

  11. *waves fist at own writers block* well at least I got hydra post done.

  12. so for rping where do we type our turns at. for just starting. hasn't roleplayed here

  13. Left handed or right handed?

  14. Lessa vs. Zelrius. Who will make it out alive?

  15. damn I still feel lazy...where are my energy candy beans when I need them

  16. Drawing random characters from the site lololol, I'm bored.

  17. Drawing random characters from the site lololol, I'm bored.

  18. Drawing random characters from the site lololol, I'm bored.

  19. damn I still feel lazy...where are my energy candy beans when I need them

  20. Please if you attended my party...leave! I need to get this thread done!

  21. ATTENTION PLAYERS WHO ARE GOING TO BE AT THE PARTY: It will Start on the 5th of January!

  22. I am sorry for the delay of posting, I'm just having no ideas as of right now, I guess you could say I'm just talented butter. Or not, just call me whatever I guess.

  23. I am sorry for the delay of posting, I'm just having no ideas as of right now, I guess you could say I'm just talented butter. Or not, just call me whatever I guess.

  24. I wanna put my tender heart in a blender and watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion.

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