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Everything posted by Mari

  1. Been asked to be a Catgirl model for a venue woot woot

    1. Mari


      Gosh I wish I had more shoots; I got a maid one coming up soon but ugh. Organizing them when just starting out is mad.

    2. Xanatos


      Oh I imagine so :/ At least you're getting more and more experience. It can only help right? :D

    3. Mari


      Yush! I have also been asked to be a mascot for a band; everything is comin' up milhouse!

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  2. Ugh Material gathering SPs, ugh.

    1. Rebekah


      Those always suck, or you can find people to duo with?

    2. Mari


      Mari isn't exactly the type to get along with others XD

    3. Rebekah


      Then find someone who also does not get along with others :D

  3. Just want these turned into Materials so new would be +2 Materials
  4. APPROVED DENIED-Gentlemans Jacket did not need to be re-approved DENIED-Gentlemans Suit Pants did not need to be re-approved DENIED-PLentiful Pain did not need to be re-approved APPROVED
  5. Please note only submit items that NEED to be re-evaluated. I am seeing a LOT of items on this thread that do NOT need to be-re-evaluated.
  6. I need to figure out a way to get mari to drink that stary eyed illusion potion sheh as; OH the plot possibilities! ahahaa

  7. ID: 12163 Craft: 11 Materials: 1 Mari felt like she as on a roll with these crystals; as soon as she finished the last one she started up another; almost just as quickly. Just as strong as the last. She wanted to make them better; she wasn't sure how hard the boss hit, or its stupid little drones. Mari made quick work of the crystal, as it came up successful. "Hah, not bad way to end the day." She said with a smirk.
  8. ID: 12162 Craft: 11 Materials: 2 Mari started work on another crystal; happy with her previous progress she wanted to up the ante - so to speak. She wanted to make a recovery crystal; but stronger so that is exactly what Mari did. The process was like a well practised exercise for her; crystal base, clear quartz, water, and all the healing elements she had placed into previous crystals; she managed to put more into this one. And successfully created a stronger version of her basic recovery crystal.
  9. ID: 12161 Craft: 7 Materials: 3 With Kosan buying the last vial; Mari decided to make more Calming Honey. She was surprised it was doing so well; even if one of the three containers she had used was a freebie for lil' ol' Locke. Mari's glossed lips curved up into a small smile as she thought of it; and the business it bought her. Hopefully; more people would purchase it. Mari deftly made another, and once completed she twirled the blood orange coloured vial in her hands. Enjoying the warmth that tingled her hand. "You'll make someone very happy." She mused to the inanimate object.
  10. ID:12160 Craft:1 Materials: 4 Mari gave a frustrated sigh as she failed the concoction she was working on, she wasn't sure where she was going with this one; it ended up being a foul smelling black sludge seething inside her small bench sized cauldron. Mari watched as its durability quickly ran out, before it shattered before her eyes. "Well, that was a failure..." she muttered.
  11. ID:12159 Craft: 9 Materials: 5 Mari cracked her fingers; she had plenty of recovery crystals in stock -however it never hurt to have more. She covered her mouth as she gave a slight yawn. She was used to this. The recovery Crystals just so happened to be one of her most crafted items. So when she successfully crafted one in record time, she was not surprised. Mari gave a nod and a small grin. "Heh, that's another for the pile." She said with an amused tone.
  12. Mari is buying Materials gaiz <3 Need to craft more devious things

    1. Calrex


      Will be embarking on my next gathering trip today XD

  13. Level 31! too bad I can't get to level 32 before the boss battle, any extra HP helps :P

  14. Mari sighed as Kosan entered her store again. "For someone who hates me so much; yer in my store an awful lot." Mari said with a small smirk. As she handed over the vial. "It isn't going to be very...pleasant...but tis the best I can do." She accepted his Col, deftly pocketing it. This business was doing quite well. Her eyes darkened as Kosan mentioned Alkor. "He died." She hissed under her breath, hands gripping the sides of the table tightly; her knuckles turning white. "He died right in front of me, because people were too f**king selfish to help their party members. They were all too
  15. Mari

    Dueler's Journal

    Denied. Each virtue and flaw must have a minimum of two lines describing how that attribute affects your character and how they interact with others

    1. Mari


      HAHAHAHHA hahahahahah


    2. Kiru


      *rolls all over the ground* MAri...You're killing me.

    3. Mari



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  17. OLD Name: Fae Brier Quality:: Perfect Item Type: Light Armour Description: . A light metal armor that looks pretty and sparkling but don't let its looks fool you, get too close and you may just get pricked! Enhancement The owner of it gains +2 Thorns , +1 Eva. NEW: Name: Crystal Blue Qaulity: Perfect Item Type: Artisan Pendant Description: A light blue pendant that emits a soft glow that helps with your vision, wearing it makes you feel lighter on your feet for some reason! Enhancement: +2 Accuracy +1 Evasion ------------------------------------------ OLD: Name: The Ros
  18. ID: 12086 CD: 2 Materials: 6 Mari grumbled, as she pushed the mess to the side; she would clean up later. Right now she wanted to focus on attempting another craft. She wanted to make more interesting potions that messed with the brain, the psyche. She wanted to push the limits of this game as far as possible. But. Luck was against her today, after a third failure Mari gave a frustrated cry. Shoving all the failed and broken materials off her desk in a frustrated fit. "F**k this sh*t." She seethed. She would have to clean up the mess later...
  19. ID:12084 CD: 3 Materials: 7 Mari never worked well when she was annoyed; and this was definitely one of those times. She chose to work on a new potion concoction; a potion that made people angry. That'd be entertaining. Sadly; Mari wasn't able to get it right, the mixture was a sloppy, thick mess - and as it burned it created a thick black smoke. Mari took it off the heat. Deciding that this was definitely another 'failure' two failures in a day? How unlucky. Mari needed to pull her head out her as* and work harder.
  20. ID:12083 CD: 2 Materials: 8 Mari continued straight onto the next one; she wanted to push out another recovery crystal. Doing everything as per usual she began to do her work - but got distracted by a message from Calrex - the man who Mari had commissioned to go on a material hunt for her, since she was running low. Mari had replied to him - almost forgetting about the volatile substances she was working with until she heard that loud 'crack' which meant that it was too late... She had broken the materials she was working with. "Ah...dammit.." She muttered. Clearly annoyed.
  21. ID: 12082 CD: 10 Materials: 9 Mari contacted Kosan; to let him know his order was ready to be picked up. Now that was done and out of the way she figured she would ork on a recovery crystal. She deftly went through the steps of placing the crystal container down, then the clear quartz - followed by all the restorative ingredients and then the small 'poof' of smoke to show that she had been successful. Mari gave a small nod. "Right. 2 down, 3 to go." Mari was becoming quite adept at crafting items.
  22. ID: 12079 CD: 8 Materials: 10 Mari turned to her crafting table, not caring if Kosan was still there or not. She decided to craft his odd request. She sighed, what was it with people wanting to change their appearances these days? Mari gave her head a slight shake as she placed a vial in a secure place above a low burning bunsen burner. she allowed the evaporated water to start dripping into it. Mari found some elderberries, and crushed them up, placing them in the mixture. It made it lumpy. This wouldn't be a pleasant drink. Mari didn't mean for it to be so...bad texture wise; she was j
  23. Mari shot Kosan a dangerous look when he entered her store again. He hadn't exactly left her store on the most friendliest of terms. He was also quite rude. This time however; it seemed as though he heeded her words. Speaking in an overly, forced, friendly tone. His requests were different this time; Mari' eyes flashed when he mentioned the words 'Calming Honey' It seems as though he reputation was preceding her. Mari flashed him a devious smile. "Of course." She shifted out from behind the counter and grabbed the Calming Honey, placing the warm vial in his hands. "I do hope you enjoy it." Sh
  24. Mari is buying Materials!

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