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Posts posted by Celesmeh

  1. Celes sighed and focused on the road ahead "Well we keep going until we find this or... well we go back and have a pint, on me. Promise" She said pushing forward. She could help but hum to herself as she walked along ever since i left the starting city youuu..... "I wish he had better music in this game" she sighed. As they continued ahead finally spotting a clearer path. Celes could hear creatures up ahead "you think thats them?" she asked turning to her companion and pointing to the source of the sound. 

  2. Celes sat down and looked over to Zelrius and gave him a now "We make a good team, I think, what about you commandant?"  she said as she lay down and looked up at the sky, letting her body relax on the cool floor while she recovered. Celes sighed and looked up "I wonder if its all zombies and angels here... i wonder if its nicer in those upper floors, you know?  I wonder what theyre like..." 


    energy 1/3 to recover

  3. Celes  wa amazed at their combined power . "Okay ready for the next set?" She said already rushing to hit the next group of zombies. She jumped up, already activating her AoE sword art (40598, bd 6+3=9) and slashing trough them. She left a sharp gash in each of the creatures as they bled out pixels.

    Celesmeh HP 148/148 (1 energy) (1 hate) 

    Zelrius HP 192/192 (24 energy) 

    Zombie Fai (Mit 51)150/225 

    Zombie Sees (Mit 51)150/225

    Zombie Seban (Mit 51)150/225

    Zombie Gate  (Mit 51)150/225

  4. The food was delicious, The wine flavour seeped into the meat, leaving a delicious and savory taste in their mouths. Once they had finished eating celes stood up and smiled "Alright, time to go kill things?" she said, offering a hand to the boy she pulled him up.  They slowly made their way up to the 13th floor and looked over the barren wasteland of the floor. "ok boss where to?"  she asked as zelrius picked out a spot. as they made their way over He gave her a crystal "use this for now" he said. 


    Celes used <<Bloodrage Crystal>> 


    As they approached the first of the four undead  and radied her Glaive. She felt her Sword art pull her into the attack concentrating on her attack she  slashed at four of them (40596 2+3+1=7 Hit 126 damage)  "Your turn boss!"  she said, yelling at her commandant. 

    Celesmeh HP 148/148 (19 energy) (1 hate) 

    Zelrius HP 192/192 (48 energy) 

    Zombie Guan (Mit 51)150/225 

    Zombie Tooh (Mit 51)150/225

    Zombie Thrii  (Mit 51)150/225

    Zombie Fore  (Mit 51)150/225

  5. Celes dropped 2k on the table and look around for Hikoru "Hiiiiiik, Hiiiik!?!?  you here?  I want to start a tab! I brought col!"  she adds happily. She waits for Hikoru to arrive and hands him six outfits "I need these appraised!, heres some mats too!"  she says handing him 6 mats. 


    Name: Darcy's Elegance
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A dark colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Burgundy Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A Burgundy colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Green Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Evasion
    A Green colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Blue Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Evasion
    A blue colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Black Jack Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A extremely Black colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Red Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Recovery
    A Green colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.




  6. Celes smiled "I have had cats all my life, so when i was looking for a familiar, I knew i had to get one..."  She smiled lovingly at Kiku "She was my companion while i was alone. I know its just technology.... but I feel as attached to her as i would a real cat. But i guess thats not really new, I mean im attached to you too, but one day we'll leave here right?"  she sighed "Okay, okay, getting to stupid about this, lets go hunting!" She said as she pulled down her map. 


    She pointed out a clearing and started to head over there "Ah look here we go, some basic wolf mobs. Lets kill them real quick, and get some meat... there ahould be enough here for 8 <wolf meat> drops Thats be enough for a try.... Celes said, pionting out the eight wolves who had already become ware of their presence. "After you, darling" She said with a playful bow to Lessa. 

  7. Celes girtted her teeth, preparing for the Zombie attack. She watched as they turned and rushed towards Calrex...



     Battle: 3+4=7

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 10

     MOB: 5-4=1



    They all missed! SHambling one after another they tried to hit him, but he moved too swiftly, dodging each blow. Celes Rushed forward, preparing a sword art. "This time we hit it!" she said rushing forward (energy 34-18=16) and hitting four of them with her AoE. 11x9= 99. She landed just behind them and smiled "finally!"  she said with a grin. She moved around to ready for the next attack. 

    Calrex 209/209 Hate:3

    Celes 148/148

    Lessa HP: 89/89

    Zombie juan 31/130

    Zombie Bob  31/130

    Zombie John 31/130

    Zombie lawrence 31/130

    Zombie Carlos  130/130

  8. Celes laughed and patted Zelrius on the back " See waht you did! now you've scared them!"  She looked at them and sighed "Look we have no reason to hurt you, my boss here is just being an arse..." She said shooting him a look. Hearing everyone knowing Zel's name she sighed "Of Course they know you-  Look kiddos dont worry about him, he's jsut grumpy he isnt killing something on the 13th floor."  she said teasing. She wasnt sure when shed come to like Zelrius as much as she did, but oh well. 


    "So what were you all doing out here?"  she asked, trying to diver the attention from them onto something, anything else. 

  9. Celes Sighed as her Commandant introduced himself. He was always so flashy... She pulled down her menu and equipped her Darkened Glaive. The long black glaive emanated a dark aura that seemed to bend light around it, making the glaive almost shimmer. She held it casually, as if the large weapon weighed nothing in her arms. "You know Zel, you could be nicer about things.... I was just scouting the lower floors for some talent.... and then i found these guys. They seem... interesting. That Seul, audacity and Valen" she said pointing to each of them. 

  10. Celes smiled at the other players. While her attire didnt scream 'high level' she knew her Glaive did, so she kep her weapon sheathed to make sure that no one reacted badly. Looking at Seul she smiled "Rising hero of Aincrad, huh? thats cool!  Getting to the front lines soon?"  she added, wondering if this was a player she hadnt seen yet, knowing she had only been at the front lines with her guild. Turning to val she smiled "its lovely to meet you Valen. How are you?" she asked happily, now sure she wasn't in much danger. 

  11. Celes teleported to floor one  Here were all the new players. She had left all of this behind a while ago and yet.... She needed to rememebr what it was like; Plus as an Officer of Azure Brigade,  she felt the need to come and find New talent for the guild, if possible. that said she had not been expecting to wander so far off the reservation.... eventually she spotted two lower level players. She approached them carefully, not wanting to scare them,. "hey guys!  I'm celes... hows it going? Need any help?"

  12. Celes didn't know how to react to compliments, especially not from lessa.  She did the best she could by standing there and blushing.  

    Relief spread across her face as lessa moved on.  Celes smiled and took lessas hand a moment "I can understand that,  I  have always had cats so,  when it came time to get a familiar I immediately went for one..."  She turned to hold up Kiku  to lessa "see,  isn't she cute?" She asked as Kiki protested. 

    Putting her down on the floor she turned her attention back to the blond.  "my guess is well need meat first,  and then we can try to tame one...." 

  13. Celes watched as the mobs responded to his howl.  She prepared herself to attack "Lessa,  focus on stunning as many as you can,  Cal and I can keep then busy,  and the more they stand still the better off we do!"  celes looked at the undead creatures approaching and completely missed. "damn!"  She cursed.  Readying herself to attack again. 

    Calrex ???? Hate:3

    Celes 148/148

    Lesa ???? 

    Zombie juan 130/130

    Zombie Bob  130/130

    Zombie John 130/130

    Zombie lawrence 130/130

    Zombie Carlos  130/130



    40293 results:

     Battle: 1

     Craft: 6

     Loot: 14

     MOB: 8





  14. Celes left nero and rushed  to lessa.  "lessa please,  I'm,  I'm so sorry. He was the one I needed saving from"  She said getting close and speaking in a lower voice "I accidentally flirted and I I don't know what to do with men most of the time and I thought I was clever but really I just needed an escape so I totally went to message you but then I was back and I didn't want to be rude but I was rude to everyone and,  and, and oh lessa this is a disaster! " She said catching  her breath.  She sighed" I just wanted a reason to dance with you... Maybe" She added a shy blush creeping  up her cheeks.

  15. Celes chuckled,  wiping tears away. "Alright,  I'll order some stuff to get us started!  And plus,  maybe if they see you here with me I'll get less men asking me out."  She added with a wink.  "alright I have an onion soup and bread coming to start us off,   then a beef bourguignon to follow.  Sound good?"  She asked taking the time to give his hand one last squeeze before letting go. 

    "So zel,  tell me  a story,  what's your favorite food? "

  16. Celes sat with him and took his hand "I fight to leave here, zel. I fight because I loved and have loved so fully that leaving here is the only way I can live again. I can't betray you,  I can only find reasons to love."  She sighed and added "of course I've hated in this place,  I even almost killed someone but...  In the end...  I couldn't. He was threatening a friend but...  I can't kill others. I'm weak,  in that way."  her dark brown eyes became glassy.  "you can't trust,  I understand that,  in the front lines you are the strongest and as such you...  Well are in a dangerous position. But understand I don't play the game to be the best.  I play the game because I have a fiancée who's waiting,  and a cat who needs petting.  We've been here for so long I've thought of going on dates,  or seeing others...  To maybe...  Maybe forget....  Numb the pain...  Or maybe it is a form of love.  But love in here stays here,  when we get out its a other life.  I get that...  I just still fight for that life.... "


    Celes didn't J kw if this was the right place to start,  but she decided to lay it all out now.  He would likely brush her off,  call her stupid,  she didn't know.  She had only really shared these things with Tristan but...  She couldn't help let out a single tear.  Staying quiet instead of risking more.  So,  it was time to order food. 

  17. celes puts down 4600 col ont he table "Hey lov,e this is for those rares, and this..." she says as she takes out 6900 col " is for three more of those sexy rare Darcy coats, if you are willing"  she says with a wink "Recovery and mitigation, recovery and evasion, evasion and mitigation." she says, adjusting her own Darcy coat "i have a deep blue, a red,, and a green. Cna i get a black, another green and another red?" 

  18. Celes continued to walk, watching the flora and fauna of this humid place. "You know, this is like my old home. I used to live ina  place just like this, humid, rained every day. Morning fog rollign in...." She sighed shaing her head to get the images of her home out of her head. "lets try and find something big to fight. I dont have the patience for amll mobs" she adds, trying to forget everything thats keepgn her stuck here. How upset she is, how shes stuck, forced to fight just ot be strong. No this wasnt fair, and she would destroy things until she gainedd her freedom.... and maybe she could trust Dom to help... 

  19. Celes moved closer to lessa, taking a moment to hold her hand and quickly let it okay. "its okay, lessa. Cal and i, we got you, alright?" she said reassuringly "We've got this, and you can learn about each fo  the floors. I chose to start here because, well, this is my scariest floor, after what happened... we lost too many to get here, you know?" SHe turned to cal. "You have the best vision here, can you lead the way? (OOC wanna do the monsters here?) " Celes made a point to stay close to Lessa, directing kiku to walk on the other side of the woman, so she would feel safer. 

  20. Celes pulls out three more tiems "ITs okay! I have more!" she says going over and giving sinon a back massage before she starts.



    Item: <Cloak of Duality>

    Quality: <rare>

    This cloak is made from two tipes of textile which represent two sides that coexist. The blue one which is the outer side gives a +1 thorn(meaning that when the wearer of this is hit the attacker takes 1 damage) and the inside which is black gives +1 evasion.

    Basic armour <+1 mitigation>  (my first armour omg )

    Boaring spear +2 damage <my first glaive omg> 


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