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Posts posted by Celesmeh

  1. Celes watched ebony rush forward with astonishment,  she seemed so brave...   Watching manta hit she thought it might b best to hold back on attacking.  Taking a defensive stance sho looked over to Tristan and nodded,  she was going to hold unless she was needed.  It seemed that healing was the primary objective now. 


    Tristan 157/157 E: 38 H: 4
    Celes 129/129 E: 31 H : 0
    Manta 92/92 E: 5 H : 1
    Ebony 80/80 EN: 20 H: 0

    Tagas The Corrupted:

    HP: 325 (-25)
    Damage per Attack: 75

    Mitigation: 25
    Special Effects: Will mend 30 HP on a CD of a 10+.

  2. Celes looked at his feast in awe,  "hungry much? Also what is that crystal? It's crazy!"  She said seeing his party stats rise.  She was about to continue when she heard something from the distance "ah,  that can wait,  it seems our first monster is right here...  In a second she prepared her glaive,  moving toward the sound.  


    Two alligators waited for them in a corner by water.  Celes let herself fall into an attack,  trusting that Dom would follow. As she approached she felt her familiar distract the creatures with its on attack,  allowing her to get a hit. 


    (id 39246, bd 4+3=7)  hit. Damage 5base+2weapon +1familiar+1athletics = dmg 10


    Celesmeh Hp 129/129

    Ssendom Hp?? 

    alligator jack Hp 16/25 paralyzed 

    Alligator Rufus Hp 30/30 

  3. Celes smiled and found a dry place to sit "so what now captains?  Is this it? I was hoping for more bite and less bark...."  She sighed,  it was hard now,  she realized,  to not get through bottles quickly.  "you know we've really gotten stronger...."  She said thinking about how they used to be when they first started. "manta,  Tristan,  what do you guys want to do?  Like,  rush the Frontline?  Battle bosses?  Do you ever think that its so arbitrary?  Like some guy is making us for all of this for what?  Freedom?" 

  4. Celes smiled,  manta was impressive to be sure.  She focused every to her glaive and let her dimension stampede.  She charged forward(39242 bd  10) letting her nose slice through the mage night with ease.  The creature burst into pieces as she landed.  "Well then,  what else?" 



    Tristan 157/157 E: 38 H: 4
    Celes 129/129 E: 31 H : 0
    Manta 92/92 E: 10 (-13) H : 1
    Ebony 80/80 EN: 20 H: 0

    Corrupted Mage-Knight 0/115 (-115) DEADED
    Corrupted Mage-Knight dead

  5. Celes walked up to the portal and teleported into Floor twelve. The humid air caused her curly hair to be twice its size. Her familiar Kiku purred and moved close. Celes bent down to reassure her. "its okay sweetie, we'll be okay here." She got up, her dark brown eyes surveying the horizon. She pulled down her menu and looked up her guild. Finding them she message @Ssendom.  "Want to colloect mats on Floor 12? Mats are for your order...." 


    She sent the message off and pulled out her Paralyzing glaive and readied herself. moving through the swampy lands she perked up her ears looking about for anything she might find to kill time while she waited for a response...

  6. Celes creeps in momentarlity. Her Familiar following her closely " Hello? Is anyone around?"  She takes a moment to look all round the room. Trinkets line the wall and the furniture brings waves of memories of visiting her in laws... before.. well before all this.  She sighs and pushes herself into the room. She sees a war cup of coffe served in the center, next to a steaming kettle. The whole room was warm and comfy.... "I need something made....."  she says, barely trusting her voice to say the words straight. 

  7. Celes smiled as the young woman approached.  She smiled and offered a hand,taking hers and kissing her fingers lightly. "Hello love, how did you fare the battle?" She looked her over "I do believe with a healer like you i feel better already!" she says with a wink.  "I would love to communicate privately with you. what would you like to know?"  she adds, genuinely curious as to the reason that this girl arrived. 

  8. Celes smiled and patted tristan on the back "You're so hard headed, you killed the beast!" she said with a laugh. She looked over at manta. "that there was amazing. Your moves are fantastic!" she exclaimed. She looked at teh beast, thinking to herself tristan has gotten so strong, I wonder how i ever missed it.. "I wonder if i'll ever be as strong a dps as you are a tank."  she turned to manta "How are you doing manta?" 

  9. Celes jumps up and rushes over to inspect it. within moments she tires it one "this is amazing!"  she says rushing to hug Ariel. "Thank you so much!!" She says pulling out a bag of col from her inventory she drops it on the table. "Here you go! 3600 col!" She says as she calls her familiar over so taht the large cat can sniff it. "You knwo if you ever need any alchemics, I have a shopt too. I would be happy to give youa  good price!! In fact i may come back for some crafting items later!!"  she says happily. "Would you like me to stay a while and hang out?  You mentioned it gets lonely..." 

  10. Crafts




    39148 10 12 13 8 celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-17 13:42:58
    39147 2 9 19 6 celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-17 13:42:44
    39145 3 9 17 7 Celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-17 13:42:30
    39144 6 9 1 1 celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-17 13:42:15
    39141 5 8 10 3 Celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-17 13:39:28


    for later, exp 26

  11. Celes smiled.  "I can contribute some mats,  if you like..  Not many,  but if I go out to collect I can bring you more,  should you need  it!  As for the item,  +1 evasion and +2 recovery are the stats I need,  I would like it to be a coat or jacket,  preferably  blue and black.  Other than that it can be whatever!  I trust your judgement,  love. " She says,  a smile crossing her lips.  She walks over and did nearby where she can watch the tailor.   Suddenly a large cat,  about the dice of a dog,  comes into the store.  It's fur black as night it sits at Celes' feet.  Her familiar gets comfortable as she did to watch you work. "you know in the real world I used to live to sew..."  She says quietly.  

  12. Celes looked at the team.  She wasn't sure about manta,  who seemed tense,  but she decided to ignore it and focus on the good.  "I'm glad love,  I can only hope we all have do well with the time we have here..."  for a moment sadness flash through her face,  the memories of those lost before her.  "we should head off right?  Which way captain manta?"  She adds cheerfully,  her earlier emotional  lost once more. 

  13. By Celes smiled and prepared to charge at the best with dimensional stampede (-10 energy)  and speed across the beast as she did her familiar slashed at it with a class,  sounding the beast further... 


    35109 9(crit)



    tle: 9 Crit hit: (9+1 (charge)+1 (crit)=11x13=143)

    Tristan 157/157 E: 38 H: 4
    Manta 92/92 E: 10 H: 2  (Safeguard)
    Celes 129/129 E: 31 H: 0
    Sea Wyvern 27/300 (-130 DMG)

  14. Celes smiled at her friends and turned to Ebony as she introduced herself,  taking her hand she placed a light kiss,  her lips barely brushing her knuckles.  "it is an honour to meet you dear,  I am relieved we have a competent healer.  I may need you!"  She says warmly.  She turns to manta and chuckles.  "Oh I'm sure you guys don't need me much!  But I'm glad to help!  How have you been manta darling?" 

  15. She smirked at Tristan "courting? Please,  brother,  I'm meek as a kitten.  I wouldn't dream of corrupting such lovely person."  She straightened,  giving manta a wink.  "Now,  you said something about a monster?  I have a few rank 5 skills I've been wanting to try out,  so let's do this..."  She trailed off as she looked ahead,  her body filling with an electric excitement that was contagious.  "I'm ready to move,  shall we?" 

  16. Celes smiled and thanked her lucky stars.  She didn't realize when she had entered that this would be such an amazing shop and yet he she was! 

    She turned to the blond and have a flirtatious and charismatic smile "In relieved to have found such a reliable abd beautiful tailor.  In so sorry to bother,  but I am in need of a perfect item.  I have been wearing this coat for so long,  but my needs have changed.  I need something that will give me evasion (1) and recovery (2). I have the col  to order it,  if you'll have me" She says in earnest.  Her time away from people has made it difficult to hide her emotions as she once did. 

  17. Celes pulled out a crystal.  Her first test of her newfound strength would be here,  she thought as she activated the power inside. 

    In a flash she arrived at her destination and took a second to adjust.  Looking around she realized she wants lone at Al.  "T-ttistan!  Hi!  I'm,  what's up?"  She turned to many and bowed deeply "manta,  love,  how are you?"  She asks as she takes her hand and places a light kiss on it.  She may be alone,  but her love in the real world always loved to see her flirt.  That wasn't gonna change now. 



  18. A smile lights up her face as she sees Zel rush forward This is good. We can do this.... She readies her glaive and immediately jumps into the fray, Unleashing her weeping moon (energy -18) she hits four of the untouched angels. Slicing through each one as she spins. As she lands she quickly rolls to the side, bracing herself for another attack. She looks around and nods to her comrades. Their turn.

    ID 39055= 9 hit, crit

    9+3+1=14 *9 = 126 dmg-30

    Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
    Ssendom 162/162
    Celesmeh 129/129
    Manta (Fill in, I no know your level)
    Shizuka 64/64

    Darkened Soul 26/260
    Darkened Soul 26/260
    Darkened Soul 26/260
    Darkened Soul 26/260
    Darkened Soul 14/260
    Darkened Soul 14/260
    Darkened Soul 14/260
    Darkened Soul 14/260


    Edit:guys we need to get on the same page for hp

  19. Celes smiles and extends a hand to Shizuka, taking it and placing a light kiss on her fingers "I am Celes, a dps. Its lovely to meet you, and thank you in advance!"  she says with a grin.  "as for the quest, He-"  she says with a point to the large white angel in the sky "Needs our help fighting Him" she points to the dark one next to him. "It seems we are meant to defeat his minons while they duke it out!" She smiles as a grin appears on her face. "I cant wait to begin the show!" 




    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    39040 6 11 2 10 celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-16 18:44:20
    39039 2 11 18 8 Celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-16 18:44:12
    39038 8 4 3 8 Celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-16 18:44:02
    39037 3 3 17 6 Celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-16 18:43:40
    39036 8 12 3 3 Celesmeh Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-16 18:43:15


    for later. EXP 28

  21. "Nice to meet you Dom, Thats quite the names....I like just Dom"  she says, her voice serious as she watches the angels. She takes the item from zel and decides to eat it.  She usually relied on her evasion, but htis time... well this time she isnt alone. I guess this is what team is like... She eats it and look around. "Hey guys, should i keep my paralysis glaive, or go for straight damage?" she asks. Looking around at the group. They seem distracted by the battle, which isnt surprising. Nothing about this day is normal. 

  22. Celes turns to see Ssendom coming by. She pulls herself up with her glaive and gives him a simple wave "Hello there!  I'm Celes, and I believe I've never met you." She says with ehr most charming smile. She knows that even in this guild there are few that she is acquainted with. And even after everything that has happened, she must at least try to get along. She looks at the young man in front of her, surveying him. Hes seems strong enough... "So we have angels fighting it out, huh?"  


    With that a young woman appeared "hello to you too" 

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