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Posts posted by Celesmeh

  1. Celes walks into the store and drops a Sandwhich, two mats, and a bottle of rum. "Is this enough for two appraisals sweet cheeks?"  she says happily, waving over to Sinon. "i've got some new sexy items that need a good looking over from someone with the properly trained eye. ANd that can only mean you. 




    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Burgundy Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A Burgundy colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

    Name: Darcy's Elegance - Green Edition -
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 11 (10+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation +1 Evasion
    A Green colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.



  2. Celes walked into the arena and readied herself. "remember this is only for fun" she says preparing herself.... Takign centre stage in the arena she checks her equipment 




    Armour +2 recovery, +1 eva

    Trinket +2 eva and +1 acc 

    Weapon glaive +1 dmg +2 paralysis 

    Familiar +1 damage 


    EVA 4

    ACC 2

    Recovery 2

    Mitigation 25

    Damage 9

    Heal 12


    Roll 40188 BD 10, Loot 4,  5x2 - Stun - (13 Energy) 

  3. Celes smiled sadly to Zel. "Well, perhaps i too can help you feel safe. I know first hand that tristan can have that effect..."  She gestures to the small store "I've found about three on each floor. Some in cities, some in forests. its odd, but its become a passion for me to go find them. It reminds me of the world i left behind and well, its all i have left..."  holding back the rest of that sentence she pointed to a table. "Why dont we sit?" she asks quietly going to the table and pulling up a menu "the food is good, a treat in this place" 

  4. Celes looked at the girl blankly "C-charmin- um well no i guess mayeb... um Look" she said , reigning in her emotions as a blush crept across her face "So wait, you need help too?" She said letting her guard down. She didnt look like some weird evil moster, somaybe she wasnt... "Alright then, why dont we work together to get out of here? My name is celes" she said offering a hand. She gesutred to Kiku " and this is my familiar Kiku!" 


    (OOC: we escape on a   loot die of 20, so keep going until we find a way out. We can both roll)  

  5. Celes returned to Nero's side, "Ready for that dance? I'm sorry i had to leave" She says, worry marking her face. Collecting her courage she takes the tankard from his hand and takes a sip. "Are you ready now?"  she adds with a hopeful glance at the dance floor. She doesnt see Lessa approaching, though while on her way onto the dance floor she catches a glimpse.  "Oh lessa! i'll be there, after this dance!  she says hurriedly, knowing she has already been rude twice. 

  6. Celes smiled and told him "Meet me on floor 8, in the city" she said as she started to teleport away. Once on the floor she waited for him to arrive. Upon his arrival She smiled and told him to follow her. Soon she began a twisting and winding game, following the bare streets in a way only she knew. Looking over to the young man she said "You dont have to be so tense you know, I'm not going to try and kill you or anything, I'm just hungry."  she added finally and suddenly coming to a stop. 


    The cafe was small and quaint. The npc that ran it was an old woman who sold delicious french delights. The savoury food was inspired by french countryside cuisine, while the dessert menu was more like a french patisserie. Small stops like this riddled the world os SAO, and she was eager to find them all. She looked at zelrius, wondering what he thought of the strange small place. 

  7. Celes walked in and put three items and a mat on the table. " Here you go, I have this glove of +1 crafting for you, 1 mat, and these two armours. Is that enough payment to appraise them?"  she says with a smile. 



    ID: 1384

    Item: <Nullifying Shirt>

    Quality:  <rare>



    A special black cloth armor which is created from a special weaved textile which doesn't let any sharp object penetrate it(like a very resistant rubber) and also offers the user flexibility for combat maneuvers, thus the armor givving a +2 damage mitigation and a +1 accuracy




    Name: Darcy's Elegance
    Profession: Tailor
    (7) High Mentor
    Roll: 10 (9+1)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +1 Recovery +1 Evasion
    A dark colored elegant coat what comes with white scarf. It evokes the feeling of aristocracy once equipped. It can potentially go with any kind of pants as long as they are not cut or rugged. On the left breast pocket area there is a small, discreetly placed white crowned lion logo.

  8. Celes excused herself for a moment,  before the dance and speed outside.  Something had been bothering her,  and while she hated to admit it there was shivering she needed to do.  She pulled out  her menu and sent out a message :



    To: Lessa

    Subject: dancing? 


    Hey I'm at the wedding after-party,  are you coming?  If so would you have me with a dance maybe? 

    She sighed and sent it before she could regret it.  Turning around she stepped back inside for the first dance with Nero. 

  9. Celes was not used to being on the receiving end of a kiss and found herself flustered despite her general apprehension. His confident air seemed to draw her in and she found herself curious to know more.  "Celes,  lovely to meet you"  se said with a charming smile.  She had seen him talking to zero,  but now she struggled to clear her mind enough to ask questions.  Eventually she just said "the music is lovely,  isn't it?  Care to dance with me?"  She added,  gesturing to the dance floor. She knew he probably wouldn't want to,  but something about him kept her distracted,  and she wasn't sure what.  

  10. Celes looked a the message and closed it. Then opened it again. Then closed it. Then opened ita and typed out a reply. And then stopped. And then wrote another. And erased it. 


    four messages later she finally sent:


    I always have time for you!  I'm on my way... 

    Was it good? No. but it sent the message as celes scrambled through her store. The cat familiar stared at her as she ran around " Kiku! shut up, I have to get ready!?!  OMG?!?! do i look okay? I need to look good- Kiku which armour should i wear, this one? Or this one? "   In the end she decided on the her Dark blue petticoat and breeches. A casual yet well cut look. It was also the easiest to put together in a short amount of time. 


    She teleported to the eight floor, Kiku in tow. Upon arriving she pulled down her map and found lessa. Taking a moment to compose herself before approaching she gave lessa a warm smile and greeted her. Unsure if a hug was the right thing to do she approached and then lightly backtracked. "H-hey!  I got your message!  A familiar huh? What kind are you looking for? "  she said, letting the words fall out of her mouth before heir brain could trip her up. 

  11. The floor expanded before them and yet within the vastness of the cave the air seemed almost stifling. Nothing moved, nothing lived.  A large river unfolds nearby, the stench of death permeating the air and a slow rolling rumble surrounds them.  Celes looked around the tenth floor and turned to friends "Alright, floor ten, lets start from the bottom up, shall we?"  she says with a wink to less. she immediately straightens up and realizes what she just did, blushing she focuses on Calrex "So uh, where to Cal? What do you want to fight?"

    She says, her familair cuddling up to her, uncomfortable with the general environment. "This place is as close to hell as we get..." 

  12. Celes watched them while the partied and served herself more from the flask. She stayed in a corner away from most, but chatted happily when people came near by. She would be here for an hour, as she had planned, and then slip off when the moment seemed right and no one was looking around. That seemed like the best option for her, and truly, this whole wedding thing was making her sick. Looking around she saw one person she didnt recognize. While temptation made her want to go say hello, she just sat and watched him from afar. 

  13. Celes smiled at the two "I guess this really was a good idea! Celes,  what do you want to fight next? I think there's some Croc men a bit further down the river to the east we can hit"  She turns to LA with a serious gave "but we'll make sure it's nothing we can't handle either,  I know that it must be weird getting used to the sword arts and everything,  but it really is useful...  For what its worth..."  She choked on her next words,  should she even say them.  She could feel herself getting more nervous and she as she quietly added  "Plus lessa,  we can keep you safe if the creatures here get too bad..."  She gulped. 


    Quickly wanting to switch topics she looked around the tropical swamp surrounding them.  " you know,  the place in from,  well before this,  it's humid and hot Like this! I also did some work in the Americas in swampland just like this..."  She says hoping it's enough of a distraction. 

  14. Celes smiled at the young man.  He seemed to be cynical Ina way that made her a little sad,  was she worth his time?  Was she worth his? She walked over and pulled down her map "I hear they have good mobs on this side,  just past the cathedral"  She said matter of factly,  " or we can do dinner first.  Are you hungry?  If so I know God factly in floor  four  and eight...  It's a hobby of mine,  you see,  funding good places to eat here..."  She added somewhat shyly.  She wasn't sure why she was even offering any personal information,  he was likely to just ridicule her for it,  but still,  she wanted to give him s chance... 


    She looked him over once more,  eyeing his tuxedo, and adjusted herself.  She wore a dark blue petticoat,  usually seen in male fashion styles.  Long black breeches and knee high boots.  Her fashion seemed more in line with  that of a nineteenth century gentleman than a twenty something  woman,  but still she wore it well.  Everything  was tailored to her,  and the feathers in her hair complimented the tone of the petticoat perfectly.  At least in style she knew she matched Zelrius... 


    Two perfect items: 

    <Cask of Eternal ale>

    This wooden casks contains a special potion that takes a lot like a good ale, in fact it might be a good ale....  All you know is the more you drink the more there seems to be... 



    <Silent sip Flask> 

    There's a good liquor in here,  and the more you serve the more there is...  Just be wary,  it's Very strong. 

    39040 6 11+1=12         2015-11-16 18:44:20
    39039 2


  16. "Salutations" Celes chuckled. she gave Zelrius a good look-over, his cocky grin, his demeanour well he hasnt changed... She sighed. "Alright, look. You're the leader of this guild, but I gotta admit: I dont know you at all"  She ran her hand through  her hair as the talked, brushing away feeling of insecurity. "I know i'm not the strongest in the guild, and honestly i dont even know if i ever liked you, but we're both stuck in this hell-hole, we gotta fight and..." She gulped "and well I want to train with you. I want to have dinner with you. I want to make sure that youre someone i can trust with my life, not just because youre strong, but because youre capable, ok?" she looks him in the eyes and continues "I want to prove that i'm worthwhile too. So what do you say, dinner and killing some monsters?" Looking at him she takes time to fully take in his posture. does he ever really relax? Or is he always ready to strike? 

  17. Celes smiled and walked Dover to Tristan and his new wife.  "Congratulations,  brother" She said giving his a soft smile.  Turning to flints she said "there isn't much I can really give you,  but this..."  pulling at the cord at her neck she removes the Hoya of minor,  the one that matches what Tristan wears.  "he and I got this together,  you see"  She says,  handing it to flints.  "it is was made us family,  and with  this,  well,  well now you're part of my family too." She adds softly choking ask tears.  


    Before all this,  before this game,  before this land,  before Tristan and guilds and fighting g to live she had a life.  She had a love.  She had wedding plans and a cake...  With  that gone what did she have?  She had her stories,  she had hope,  and now...  Well now she had a new member to her family. 



    "may you be happy,  darlings" She says with a bow.  Walking g to a corner to compose herself. 

  18. Celes smiled at Calrex. “I’m just fine. I have a fancy recovery armour, every time I’m attacked I recover two energy. Considering that we were  attacked by three monsters twice, I think I’m ok!”  Her voice betrayed no concern for her energy. She truly did not mind the hassle, considering that she could recover in and out of battle, she was almost constantly at the ready for more Sword arts. “what about you lessa, darling. Are you- well, how was the fight?” She asked, a slight blush creeping over her face. 

  19. Celes had not been anticipating another human, let alone the beautiful young woman who stood before her. So when she was greeted by a meek ‘hello’ in the depths of the Caves she immediately dropped her sandwich and cried out as it burst into hundreds of pixelated shards. “Wh-what are you doing here?!?!  Are you some kind of spirit monster?!” She said readying her glaive for a possible attack. Beside her kiku perked up. The large black bobcat walked over to the young woman and, sniffing her kimono, began purring affectionately.

    Celes just looked at them dumbfounded. 

    “Ok  what is going on here. A beautiful young woman does not just appear in a kimono is a cave on one of the upper floors. My familiar wouldn’t betray me, so who are you?!?  I warn you, I am immune to your charm and good looks!” She says letting her glaive fall slightly, but still gripping it close. 

  20. Celes switched to a beautiful a line dress,  making sure her legs looked good.  She knew that there would be pretty ladies at the wedding and she needed to be ready. Now before leaving she grabs a small vial from her shelves of potions- a wedding gift. 


    Celes walked into the cathedral and left a bag at one of the seats.  A prime spot for watching the ceremony.  She walked to Tristan and gave him a a warm hug "brother,  I'm so happy for you... "  She says with  a smile,  sliding the vial into his hands she whispers "this is for later tonight,  last one I have".  With a wink she walks back and takes a seat,  waiting for other guests to arrive. 

  21. Spoiler

    39841 results:

     Battle: 9

     Craft: 2

     Loot: 2

     MOB: 4

    Celes rushed d back up to her feet in time to dodge the leftover crockigators. This time she was ready and swept at them with an AoE killing them all. She looked at calrex and lessa.  "are you guys okay?"  She says,  cleaning the mud off her coat and making sure her familiar is close by.  


    "Well then,  that was fun,  no? "She adds,  a grin wide on her face. " What did you think Lessa? Did you like us g your fancy sword arts? "


    Turning to calrex she asks"  and you, daaaamn son,  Thats some tough skills"


    Edit I recovered 12 energy during battle. 

  22. Celes listened intently and then sighed "Ok, so what I'm getting here is that the best way to approach this would be to have four groups. Three main  groups and then a backup group waiting outside. The main group should be High DPS and tanks, Led by Zel. The come in, generate hate, and then the DPS take as much off the top as possible. This gentleman" She says gesturing to Azide "Is correct in that we need a couple of dps side groups, each of these should consist of a tank, and some AoE dps to take in any minions that show up, Though in lieu of minions their job should be to attack the boss and provide support for the main group. Speaking of support the last group should be waiting outside, this should consist of two tanks and extra support, their job isn't to hit hard, but to come in and heal and get people out if things get hard. Does this sound good?" she said, stepping forward and looking at each of the players.


    "Judging by equipment most of you are dps, some support. For this battle support will probably play a large role, considering how we had to heal the Corrupted, this will mean we need to divide our attack groups into task forces. This also means we need to prepare by making sure everyone can teleport out, if things get to heavy, and heal if our support is stuck healing any corrupted beings that may result from this fight."  She takes another breath, looking to each one of the players individually God these people are strong, I hope I can keep up...  " Why don't we set up group leaders, One for each tactical force. The main attack, where our tanks and dps will be. Our secondary attack forces, with AoE dps and support, and then our backup support group. each group can coordinate among themselves who they need to have, and then we can coordinate positions afterwards. Also talk to all of the cooks and alchemists you know, we need to be sure that we're ready for battle."

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