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Posts posted by Celesmeh

  1. Celes smiles and gives her food, along with her hat of LD. Pulling down her HUD she snes both and says "Alright, but i want one that is willing ot fight with me, if that is not the case, we will continue our search, even if it means the death of the creature. It sounds cruel but... I wont be partying with many people anymore, so I must be strong, and I want my familiar to sid me in that strength" (I'll send you the description)

  2. Celes smiles and looks around "I cant offer you guys a raid anytime soon, but i can tell you this, if you need any alchemical items, Come over to my shops, and i i'll help you out. Maybe i can help you all be safe, instead of hurting yeah?" Se says, the pain returning ot her voice.


    She needed to eb stronger, to make sure that she could keep others safe. That was her goal. she needed to focus on that.

  3. Celes walks up to the pather and slowly extend  hand (perma roller, 13451, loot 5) and watches it run offf. She sits down sadl for a moment "I am really bad at this, arent i?" she looks at oske, forlorn. 


    Pulling down her HUD she looks through her inventory for a het. She unequipps her blade and equips her hat( rare +2 LD) and looks up. "Okay, we have to go off and find another one.. down we..."  she sighs looking at oske. (Total LD bonus +4) 

  4. 13150, bd 10, CD 9

    Celes takes the opportunity to slip behind him and stab upward, just under on of his back plate of armour. The tip of the glaive finds its mark and she feels the knight freeze as her paralyze effect takes hold.(DMG 12, paralysis one turn). She smiles cooly and staightens up, preparing for her next hit.

    Celes HP 53

    Iron knight HP 13, paralyzed 1 turn.

  5. 13140, bd 4

    The knight moves to react, swinging the sword near her, but is too slow. Quickly celes jumps away, as the night rushes after her, trying to bull rush her with its heavy armour. But that is exactly what she needs she quickly rolls to the side, letting his momentum carry him past her and behind her, giving her the perfect position to strike again.

  6. Celes almost immediately sees one, and let's herself get closer. She creeps along, not wondering where oske might be.

    Within seconds it notices her outstretched hand and dashes away without warning.

    Celesmeh slumps onto the floor and sighs "Damn!" she looks around for oske and nods, going off to look for another winged panther.

  7. The first knight can be found here and she is ready for him. She prepares herself and rushes forward taking the time to look him over.

    Taller than her the knight stands at about 7 feet, clad in a dull gray armour. In his hand a deadly looking sword sits, its edges treminally filed to a keen razor edge.

    She remembers the information her broker gave her...

    <<Iron Knight>>

    HP - 35

    Damage - 4, Bleed on 9 or 10 for 2 turns dealing 1 damage.

    Thorns - Deals 1 Damage To Enemy on a 6-8 enemy battle dice.

    Its time to hit.

    Roll: 13078

    BD 5, craft 12

    She rushes forward, not her best hit ever, but enough that she cuts into his side. Her glaive bites into him, just under the edge of his armour, a good hit (Damage, 10). She gives him a wicked smile as they begin their dance.

  8. Celes nodded gravely as she looked around and searched for one (will roll loot dice to determine location >15- winger panther in sight) and looked at Oske.

    "I've observed them, the like to hang around up in trees, and wander down to look for 'food' i mean, its pixels, btu i'm sure it works." she smiles and tells oske "I'm goign to stealth now, so you may not see me as well..." she says as she disappears momentarily.

  9. She hates this floor. Its hot, and stuff, and I hate the lava and the stupid things i have to fight and going west, i hate west. Dammit why did i agree to do this...  She kenw why, for months now her broker had given her solid information every time. Half of the skills she got were because he was sly and fast and good at what he did. She knew she owed him at least this. 


    She was reaching a bottleneck in the cliffs, this was where it began, according to her map. She would find an Iron knight, and kill him, and then fight the field boss. 

  10. Celes had been waiting for an hour already at the shack. She was ready to go. She pulls down her HUD to look at the time again. He said he would be here, he wasnt usually late...


    "I'm sorry, i was attacked by a linnorm on my way here"  a cool voice says behind her. Celes visibly relaxes. She had always found her info broker to be  a particularly relaxing guy, even when he spoke, and she had feared the worst when he was late. 


    "Well i suppose you can buy me a drink for my time here, yes?" she asks with a coy smile.


    He smiles and sits down next to her, taking a glass "I have a field boss for you, but this time, I want the item he drops." Celes looks at him surprised "Why do you want it?  you dont usually take these things..." she wonders aloud a hint of suspicion tinging her voice.


    He look at her and says "I hear its an item that can heal up to four players in a battle, thats useful. I dont want col. Get me that Item and i'll pay you." He says cheerily. 


    He pulls down his HUD and sends map information over. "Theres one knight protecting the boss, defeat him and heal yourself, and then go on to the next one. This way youll be full up for the boss."  he says seriously. 


    "are you ready?"

  11. "I am sorry, I failed you but... I saw too many die. I needed to take a break, it was..." she thought of everything that has happened. Everyone that had gone. "Now i think i'll try to solo for a while, I cannot see that again."  she adds seriously.


    She could have been nice, but no- 


    She needed to be honest, she wouldnt let anyone else dies because of her, and to do that she needed strength, not smooth words. 

  12. Celes Slipped a crystal into Mari's hand [teleport crystal] and whispered something into her ear "I am there when you wish to find me"  She says, calmly. Mari Knows where they first met, the house she took her to. The floor they were on.  She takes a step back and looks at the rest of the people here. She turns to daeron and smiles. 


    "Mari, I hope I see you, I hope we can... be safe together there. If only for a day..."  she adds sadly as she walks away. 

  13. Rank: 6

    ID: 103038,  5

    Crystal of rainy days


    this crystal looks like a stat buff crystal, in reality it makes a small cloud follow a person, raining on them for a day


    1 topic


    ID: 103039,  5

    Potion of Frog face


    Changes a person's skin to green


    1 topic

    Price:  200 col

  14. Celes puts her Glaive away, and sits down to craft with the Ring Kosan Gave her.


    13042 7+1=8 [uncommon item] 3 exp
    13041 2+1=3 [bad] 1 exp
    13040 1+1=2[ bad] 1 exp

    13039 4+1=5 [good item] 2 exp

    ID: 103039,  5

    Potion of Frog face


    Changes a person's skin to green


    1 topic

    Price:  200 col

    13038 4+1=5 [good item] 2 exp

    ID: 103038,  5

    crystal of rainy days


    this crystal looks like a stat buff crystal, in reality it makes a small cloud follow a person, raining on them for a day


    1 topic

    Price:  200 col 
    13037 9+1=10 [rare item] 5 exp
    13036 1+1=2[bad]  1 exp



    A few materials have been lost, but in reality this was far more worth it.  She had made some worthwhile and entertaining items. 


    EXP 392+15, 407 exp total






    Celestial Alchemics



    Hey guys!  I'm Celes and I'm an alchemist, heres my information!

    Rank: 6
    Exp: 461
    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP Good Item: 2 EXP Uncommon Item: 3 EXP Rare Item: 5 EXP Perfect Item: 8 EXP
    â–ºThe CD Result Chart (Rank 6)
    [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
    [2] = Fail (Lose materials)
    [3] = Bad item (Possible to salvage items on a 15+ loot die result)
    [4-7] = Good item  
    [8-9] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)
    [10-11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


    Current stock: 


    ID: 4328,  10  [Rare item]

    ID: 4327,  5

    Potion of Lovin'


    After drinking this potion you fall in love with the first person you see


    1 topic

    Price: 200 col

    ID: 4326,  12  [Perfect item] 

    ID: 4325,  11 [Rare item] 

    ID: 4324, 6 

    Potion of Lovin' 


    After drinking this potion you fall in love with the first person you see


    1 topic

    Price: 200 col


    ID: 4323,  7  

    Potion of System Swtich


    Changes a person's gender


    1 topic

    Price:  200 col





    Requesting something?  Fill this out! 


    -Request form-

    Crystal Or potion




    When do you need it by






  16. Celes heard it first, Bet she sated behind, hidden... that is until she saw Mari. 


    She ran, she ran towards her friend, towards the only other woman she had shared a bed with... 


    "Mari! Mari..."  What had happened to her? what is... what is mari no longer cared for celes? "Mari its... do you remember me?" she asks fear in her voice. 


    Months ago she left. too much death, she had stayed in a small house on the lower floors, hidden from everyone while she processed everything she had felt and seen...


    She stayed but inches away from mari, and opened her arms "Do you... i... um..." She was ready. Hug, attack, whatever came next. 

  17. ID: 1384

    Item: <Nullifying Shirt>

    Quality: <Perfect>




    A special black cloth armor which is created from a special weaved textile which doesn't let any sharp object penetrate it(like a very resistant rubber) and also offers the user flexibility for combat maneuvers, thus the armor givving a +2 damage mitigation and a +1 accuracy.




    Item: <Cloak of Duality>

    Quality: <Perfect>

    Shop: http://www.sao-rpg.c...weave/?p=346799


    This cloak is made from two tipes of textile which represent two sides that coexist. The blue one which is the outer side gives a +1 thorn(meaning that when the wearer of this is hit the attacker takes 1 damage) and the inside which is black gives +2 evasion.


    Name: Corvid Trinket

    ID:  1384

    Item Type: trinket: necklace

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy, +1 evasion

    Description:  A small black bird hangs from this pendant, amber gems it its eyes. It is said these gems allow the wearer to see the enemy better, gaining insight and knowledge of how to hit. 

    Name: Coat of Duality

    ID:  919

    Item Type: Light armour

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Savvy, +1 evasion


    This cloak is made from two tipes of textile which represent two sides that coexist. The blue one which is the outer side gives a +1 evasion and the inside which is black gives +2 savvy. 




  18. She blushes "I was hoping to tame one of the smaller winged panthers in the jungle. Theyre low level, so they arent a challenge to fight, and they are small enough to be a familiar too...."  she says embarrassed. 


    "Is that weird?" she asks in a low voice as they walk together out of the town.

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