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Posts posted by Celesmeh

  1. Celes had messaged him with no expectation of a reply...


    Floor 13 training, wanna come? 

    She patted kiku as he observed the cathedral and its surroundings. "Ok kiku, we're going to try some weird stuff today, but if it works i might be more useful" she said to the large black bobcat next to her.  The air chilled her to the bone, reminded her of the snowy mountains where she had done her studies. "That world is so far away from here isnt it Kiku?" she said witha snort "not that you know anything about that, you've never been out there, have you?" she said happily to her companion. 

  2. 39739 loot 4 

    Celes continued trudging along. The next cave was just as dark, humid and stinky as the first "Well Kiku, i'm afraid that Tartarus smells more like rotten tartar sause an eveything here is useless. " She sighed. this time at the end of the cave there was a separate tunnel "Ok, looks like this is where we're headed now Kiku" She said to her familiar as she crouched down into the cave at the end of the tunnel. Looking inside she continued to walk forward, the long dark stretch of rock bored forward, deeper into the depths of the ground. While stifling she continued onward watching the walls press down on her. "This is literally hell. Yay"

  3. Quote


    ID Battle Craft Loot MOB Character Post Link Time
    39737 2 6 10 3 Celes (crockigator) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-22 13:06:46

    Celes saw as lesa attacked the remaining Crockigators, even at a lower level he admired the woman for her strength and sharp attacks... and maybe her legs, but she would never admit it. The crockigators turned to attack them, but missed horribly, unable to catch any of them before they moved about. Celes let herself fall into a sword art once again, this time choosing to attack only one at a time rushing forward she trips ona branch and falls flat on her face.... "Well then" she says with her face in the mud. 

    Celes: 140/140
       Energy: 17/35
    Calrex: 205/205
       Energy: 38/50 
    Lessa: 73/73
       Energy: 9/17 (-8)

    Crockigator: -19/140 (10 DMG * 6 Art = 60 DMG)
    Crockigator: -19/140 (AOE Attack)
    Crockigator: -19/140 (AOE Attack)
    Crockigator: -19/140 (AOE Attack)

    Crockigator: 112/140 (-28)
    Crockigator: 112/140 (-28)
    Crockigator: 112/140 (-28)

  4. "Well, i'm lost." celes sighed. She was sure this was the third time shed taken a right here. "Kiku, stop being useless! help me here!" she said her familiar, a large b;ack bobcat who came to her and brushed against her leg, purring ferociously. " No, no this isnt- Its very cute bu- oh fine!" she laughed getting on the floor to play with the cat. She knew this wouldnt help her out of the dark, damp and dreary cave, but it was certainly relaxing.after a few minutes she got up again, feeling more refreshed than anything she looked around the room. To her right, more cave. To her left, more cave. Behind her, more cave. So far she had been avoiding all battles, not wanting to risk her energy and HP on creatures that might eventually wear her down....  


    Looking around for a clear spot she sat down and pulled out a sandwich. "Welp, time to eat i guess" She said to no one in particular.

  5. Celes gave Dom a grin "And here i was worried about startin on anything too rough for you! Well then, if that the way you like it, give me a second to finish up here..." She jumped up and used her sword skill to finish them both (ID 39700, bd  6+3=9= hit). She cut her glaive through them both (Hellish twice) and turning to cute them one more time. They burst into hundreds of shards, leaving no trace of the two. 

    alligator jack Hp ded
    Alligator Rufus Hp ded


    "Look, i've never gone out with you, How was i supposed to knwo what you wanted to fight?"  she asked, looking dom up and down "do you like one hit kills?  or do you like slowly chipping away at big things?"  she asked in a serious tone. "I want to make sure that we're on the same level. I know i can dodge pretty much anything that comes to me, and i know i can hit, and hard. So what do you need from me, since youre the one who can get mats to drop." 


  6. Celes smiled to the both and looked at their path."Alright. Lets go..." She began down the path. WHat she was looking for was a group of alligators she had seem earlier during her scouting. "So, i was scouting the floor earlier and i saw a group or gators.... oh! there they are! Ready?" She said, already halfway through engaging her sword skill, weeping moon. She focused on four of the gators, knowing that she had a change of hitting them all... 

    ID: 3969, BD 5+3=8 hit

    Damage 5(THAS)+1(Familiar)+1(Athletics)+4 (Fallen Damage)=11 x9 (Weeping moon) 

    She jumped up hig, letting her sword skill and acrobatics take her throughte trees to land gracefully among the crocs. Holding her Glaive she swept through for in a single spin, Slashing deep into their sides. Her familiar, Kiku, rushed them with hear, a growl escaping her as sle clawed at all of them, inflicting additional damage.  

    HP List
    Celes: 140/140
       Energy: 17/35
    Calrex: 205/205
       Energy: 50/50
    Lessa: 65/65
       Energy: 15/15

    Crockigator: - 41/140
    Crockigator: - 41/140 
    Crockigator: - 41/140
    Crockigator: - 41/140
    Crockigator: 140/140
    Crockigator: 140/140
    Crockigator: 140/140



  7. Celes Looked closely at Calrex. "are you okay hon? You sure you're good to do this?" She asked, worry permeating her tone. She knew that he was strong, but every man has his limits, and she knew a tired face when she saw one. She gave Lessa a quick look "I know i'm not always here, but i still want to know youre good, and okay to go..." she said shyly. This being a friend and caring for others was a bit odd  right now, but she took it with as much grace as she could, Standing straight and looking at calrex directly. "You need sleep. We sleep. You need food, we eat. You need dancing, we dance. Got it you two?!" She said, turning to look at lessa and glare at them both. 

  8. Celes Smiled at Calrex, a big wide grin "I'm def. an assault type! I'm built to hit and hit hard, but i can barely take damage as I am! she exclaimed. Looking at him in the eye she said "This is why i have to train, because I cant allow myself to stay sitting idly by and let others get hurt..." She trailed off, thinking of those who had passed "Look, Cal, I know this was out of the blue, but I ran... and well... I'm glad to b back on the front lines... I just need to make sure im good enough." she added, her tone softening.  As she pulled out her map to figure out where to go she got a message. Lessa. Oh god, she thought, well ok, i got cal here, right? i can handle having lessa here too... right?


    Celes looked over to Cal and smiled "So uh, i guess Lessa is joining after all, Do you mind waiting for her to arrive?" She asked, already pacing. Its one thing to ask a  friend like cal for forgiveness but lessa, ugh shes both terrifying and lovely, I have no idea what to do there.... After what seemed like an eternity of waiting and pacing, Lessa arrived. 




    Celes looked at her and smiled, Holding back the urge to hug she merely replied "Hey! Uh- well- um... well, uh, yeah I was thinking maybe- um.... Hunting alligators? Hanging out? maybe..? is this- um... Okay with everyone?"  She wondered if shed ever be brave enough to actually talk to the woman before her directly....

  9. Celes blushed at his question "I- i um, well I invited Lessa but... well she seems to be busy..." She says, a hint of sadness in her voice. She looks Calrex over and smiles "Youve gotten so strong, higher level than me! Are you a tank now? thats heavy armour, right?" She asks happily, trying to forget about lessa. "I um, well i had to take a break after the boss battle for floor 10.. to many.. I- well.. I'm back now I guess. And ready to hunt. Are you? 

  10. Celes saw a response pop up- @CalrexOf course, she thought, @Lessa wouldnt come here. Sighing she took a  quick look around and shook her head. Smiling she though. Calrex.. i have a friend there, he... maybe I still have people I care about... She prepped her things. Her new glaive shined in the sun. A red tinge surrounded the blade, proof of its infernal heritage.

    Celes heard him arrive before she saw him, she turned and smiled "its been a while indeed, how are you dear?"

  11. Celes looked through her friends list once more. everyone she had messaged so far was busy and, honestly, to bring anyone else along was a terrifying prospect. She had disconnected from almost everyone she knew before. Even her guild mates were just acquaintances now. The solitude was almost stifling... as if in response to her thoughts her familiar, Kiku, came to purr against her leg. Celes bent down and pet the large feline "Its okay girl I just... well i have to meet some old friends." She got up again, determined to message people.  Something about cats purring made her feel at home, or maybe it was the humidity.  


    She pulled down her menu and clicked on a name... 


    'Hey... hows it going?  Long time... no see? i'm on floor twelve if you want to come hang otu and, um, kill things?' 


    She sighed. Nothing like an awkward message to get the point across. She sat next to her Familiar, letting  drops of condensation for on her skin she lost herself in thought. Shes never going to come, she took what happened even worse than i did...a nd what did i do? disappear? No.. i'm not worth it.....  She pulled down her menu again. Calrex... She let the name echo in her mind and then selected it... 


    'i'm fighting things on floor 12, wanna come?'


  12. The next cave seemed even worse than the first. She scrunched down to get through the entrance, but inside was damp and hot. Compared to the dry air outside the change was palpable. As she moved deeper into the cave the humidity pressed against her. A hot air quilt on a summer day.... Well that and stinky as hell.  (39444, loot 3) 


    This item she had no hopes of finding anything in there. after searching until she reached the end of the cave she slowly walked herself outside. "this is bull" she muttered as she moved on. 

  13. Summary: 

    Zelrius 80 col,  5sp

    Ssendom 80 col col,  5 sp

    Celes  80 col, 5sp

    Manta 80 col,5 sp

    Shizuka 80 col,  5sp


    And depending on inventory

    1. All Players who possess Banner of Support in their usable inventory have it become "Banner of Superior Support: 3 Charges, Heals 30 health to 4 members of your choice. To Refill one charge costs 5,000 col.
    2. All players who do not possess a Banner of Supporin their usable inventory receive "Darkened Blade", a Perfect weapon shaped to their weapon type with +4 Fallen Damage and +1 Accuracy.
  14. She continued her search,  the fumes penetrating even her perfume soaked bandana.  This time she began her decent deeper into the wild lands.  Letting herself search through caves to find the creature. She looks around first taking the time to look for any mats or chests first (Id 39391, loot 16 sucess)  she manages to find a small chest and disarm the trap on it.  Opening the chest she finds 600 col and two mats.  She continues to look for the creature itself in the cave... (39392, loot 11)but to no avail.  Giving up on this cave,  she moved on to the next cave. 

  15. Celes looks at zel leaving and checks her messages. She sees the call.  She continues to watch the angels. Avarious pierces through the heart of Leothiel crashes ground bleeding. But...  His body doesn't dissolve like a defeated monster...  Instead  a golden white light explodes con the angel and is absorbed by A various.  "Your Souls shall belong to me! If you dare to fight in MY DOMAIN!"  he rushes off and into the cathedral,  the cores crashing shut being him. 


    Celes watches in awe as this unfolds and then says  "Well fudge."  She quickly scans the group.  "Well come o  we have a meeting to attend to...."   



    Celes leaves the thread

  16. Celes leaned into the hug. She hadnt had many people be so nice to her. Not like this, not since... Well anyway. She hugged back and smiled at her "I'll help in the best way I can: My glaive!" She gave Manta a confident smile "Lets do this, together! With everyone around us, i'm sure we can win... even... even against that." She turned to look at the angels again. Their attacks seemed more hurried, almost sloppy. As if the fight were ravaging both of them...

  17. Celes looked at manta. She wanted to belive her but... after losing so many to a boss.... It just didnt seem like enough. She wasnt sure how to say it. How to say how futile it all is. To see them die right before you. To know that some stronger than her were capable of falling like dominoes. She though all of this but said none. "Youre right. As long as we work together...." her expression softened "We can win this. We'll make it out..." 

  18. Celes smiled to herself. Shizuka was adorable. Someone so generous and wiling to help others seemed good in her book. "YOu really are amazing, thats beautiful..." she began to say when she was interrupted by shizuka. The Dark One flashed his blade, rushing through his attack with unprocessed speed. The Light One moved just as fast, stopping his blade with a flash of his ow, their hits meeting as the pushed one against the other. They pushed off, the Darkness below, Light above. Once more they flashed. this time their hit met with explosive contact, causing a shockwave to rush through the battlefield. Celes count help but hold her breath "Gods above, they seem so evenly matched... How are we supposed to defeat a creature like that... We have to survive bu-" she was cut off. Another hit, another wave of force rolled over them.

  19. Celes rushed over to Ebony after the battle "that was AMAZING ebony! You competely healed it! Youre so cool!" She added with a giggle. She gave the girl a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek "Oh man, I hope youre my healer when you get to a higher level, yeah? I KNOW i wouldnt die with you around!"  She turned to face mants "And you!  Seriously awesome dps." She seemed hyper after the battle. She hadnt yet been able to calm down, she still took the time to turn to tritan and give hima  thumbs up. She knew his power, and this just seemed liek another one of his strengths. He was an amazing tank after all. She wondered for a moment where she could fit in this world. Could she take a hit? no.... but she could avoid being hit altogether, hopefully...  

  20. Celes froze for a moment "F-friends list? I... I guess" she blushed. While she enjoyed playing with people, few were on her firends list at all, so she wasnt sure how to respond. "So um, youre support right?  How do you like it?"  she asked, not sure how to move on "Ive never been able to be one, but i appreciate all teh help you guys do! " she added hastily

  21. Celes got the pm and smiled.  A boss raid was something she was looking forward to.  If she wanted to make up for past mistakes,  this was the best place to start.  Opening the large door to the cathedral she looked around for her hist. 


    "Aww Ariel,  and here I hoped we would be having a private party. " She said with a bow and a smile.


     Scanning the room she saw a handful of people.   Most she had fought with,  but when she saw Tristan she went to stand beside him.  Her gear was quite the opposite of her own built for defence rather than movement,  but she knew if she wanted to fight anything she wanted to make sure to have him on her side. 

  22. 39271, loot 8


    She began in the shape lands,  avoiding the danger pages.  Part of her knees that nothing would be up here.  To obvious,  to simple,  but she wanted to avoid as much harm as possible.  She she moved forward she heard it: a distant wail that put her hair on end. She looked down at Kiku "I guess that's where we are going little dude"  She said.  In her inventory she pulled out her paralysis glaive.  Using that would ensure that she would always have a chance to escape.  She also made sure to have a helaing and teleport at the ready.  "I won't be leaving us here Kiku.  We make it  out  alive,  got that?" 

  23. After breakfast she got her things.  Healing crystals,  glaives,  and,  of  course a cure bandana for the cat.  She Telford and rushed to Tarvaris.  Sulfur hung in the air,  the sweet smell of the lower floor replaced with the stench if fire and torture.  Taking a moment she pulled bandana out of her pack and placed it on her face.  Grabbing perfume from her inventory she placed it on the cloth to filter the smell.  


    She looked at her familiar and knelt down beside her "Alright Kiki,  we're looking for a banshee,  ok? Let's try this..."  



  24. Celes woke up on the soft bed in the back of her shop to find a large black cat sitting on top of her "Kiki,  stop,  you're not even hungry"  not that you need to eat...  She thought to herself. The cat had been her companion in these month of solitude,  and though she may hate to admit it,  she had grown to live get like a real pet...  Though most people didn't have bobcats as pets, of  course. 

    Her stomach growled.  Of course it made no sense to be hungry in a fictional works,  but here she was,  over a year in and preparing breakfast for her and her bobcat familiar.  

    She sat down and pulled out a small book from her pocket.  Kiku tilted her head curiously "I want to try and do a what today...  What do you think girl?  Are you up to it?"  She said happily,  readying through the list of quests available to her. 

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