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About Calrex

  • Birthday 11/28/1990

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    Jacob's Ladder

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    Many things, including video gaming, anime, martial arts, and the like. Currently I'm waiting for the fall season to get started for some shows I have been following: Owari no Seraph and a few others are on the list.
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    Floor Creation Team

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  1. You're on a deserted island after a crash landing. You wake up, what's the first thing you see?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Calrex


      Very well...also anyone else wathcing this please contribute XD.


      It's Ganta, the main character from Daedman Wonderland. As he exits you also see another inside the elevator. While it looks like Xanatos, he reveals six slots in his back that resemble the ones you would use for toasting bread and bagels. The thought of food makes you hungry, so you decide to take it with Xanatoaster to the cafeteria. As you exit what is the special of the day?

    3. Axios Deminence

      Axios Deminence

      Mari's ecstasy potions and a bit of bread that tastes like cheesecake that's been made from boar innards slaughtered by the man they call the Walrider.

    4. Calrex


      Alrighty no replies for a while so here's the next one!...

      It appears to be some kind of dessert. As you take a bite you immediate tell from the first second it touched your tongue it was bo...you feel a sense of overwhelming joy and pleasure as you take another bite, feeling the food pass into your stomach. As you finish the meal you touch your face, feeling the newfound sensitivity. Moving to the next dish you see it's?

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