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Status Replies posted by Tyger

  1. More or less testing the waters with it, but I have some mats available for sale at Lucky Luci's Lounge.

  2. At this point, Baldur is just upping his post count in that thread lol.

  3. At this point, Baldur is just upping his post count in that thread lol.

  4. At this point, Baldur is just upping his post count in that thread lol.

  5. Can someone draw me an amber yellow horned owl for my familiar? I'll pay for it.

  6. Lancer x Life = OTP

  7. As you've been waiting, the Valentine's Event Quest has officially been launched. You all have until Valentine's day itself to accept the quest. Once you do, a GM will contact you for a link and the Quest will begin then.

  8. Friendly reminder for those doing familiar quests. Due to dice issues, When feeding a familiar, you have one chance to tame a familiar every 15 posts. Dice MUST be linked to the POST to count. The POST, not the thread. Link them posts <3

  9. What do I name my familiar? He's a phoenix.

  10. Alright, who infected me with the bad rice roll disease!?!

  11. Alright, who infected me with the bad rice roll disease!?!

  12. I'm still stuck.

  13. Idk what to spend my 12 SP on first... decisions decisions

  14. All Hail the dice gods, 2 perfect items in 3 attempts and a lvl up in rank as a result

  15. So do we skip Mari?

  16. So do we skip Mari?

  17. Managing a shop is hard work :L

  18. What happens if I kiss Keith? LOLz

  19. All the single ladies, all the single ladies~ go to this thread! http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6228-a-sword-through-the-heart-oskes-match-making-game-show/

    1. Tyger


      I love the idea! Not single though, but if I was, it'd be totally fun! I'll be watching this like a hawk. Cute idea~

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  20. Looking for three uncommon items of any type, cheap. I have mats I can trade for them along with a little Col.

    1. Tyger


      Rolland, i'll go take a look. Oske is tied up atm

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Looking for three uncommon items of any type, cheap. I have mats I can trade for them along with a little Col.

    1. Tyger


      Rolland, come into my shop and put in an order or i'll totally forget xD

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  22. Looking for three uncommon items of any type, cheap. I have mats I can trade for them along with a little Col.

  23. Looking for three uncommon items of any type, cheap. I have mats I can trade for them along with a little Col.

    1. Tyger


      See anything in my shop you could use? Catfish Forge, tons of Uncommons.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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